Another Candidate Files For SC House Seat

ELIJAH JONES TO RUN AGAINST JAY JORDAN IN GOP SPECIAL ELECTION By FITSNEWS  ||  A second “Republican” candidate has filed to run in the special election for S.C. House District 63, the seat vacated earlier this month via the resignation of former Rep. Kris Crawford. Elijah Jones – owner of a…


By FITSNEWS  ||  A second “Republican” candidate has filed to run in the special election for S.C. House District 63, the seat vacated earlier this month via the resignation of former Rep. Kris Crawford.

Elijah Jones – owner of a Florence, S.C. property management firm – announced his candidacy for the seat this week.  According to Jones, his top three campaign issues will be restoring pubic trust in government, opposing tax hikes and “repairing roads and infrastructure” in the Pee Dee region of the state.

Jones announcement did not articulate support or opposition to specific policies pursuant to those objectives, however it was full of populist rhetoric.

“Columbia is broken” Jones said in a statement accompanying his announcement. “When lawmakers focus more on their own interests than the issues that impact their constituents every day, there is a problem with that approach. Some in  Columbia are more concerned about who is contributing to their election and protecting their contributors’ interests than they are in making good business decisions to keep government lean and making it more efficient and transparent to the average citizen.”

That’s true …

We also agree with Jones when he says the “Republican” party label is not synonymous with fiscal conservatism.


“I am proud to call myself a conservative Republican, but today many Republicans in Columbia do not vote conservatively,” he said.  “They vote to expand the size of government every time they can.  I will oppose growing government, and I will demand that our elected officials be held to a higher standard.  This is why we must push for tough ethic reform.  I will be a leader on this issue.”

Obviously we’ll reserve judgment on Jones’ leadership until we see what sort of proposals he offers or embraces.

Jones is running against former U.S. Congressional candidate Jay Jordan – a social conservative who has the support of the GOP establishment.


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Clarendonian December 29, 2014 at 3:03 pm

“restoring pubic trust in government, opposing tax hikes and “repairing roads and infrastructure”

This is totally incongruous in two ways. First, of course, is opposing tax hikes and repairing roads and brides. Second, that one could restore public trust while lying out of both sides of his mouth about the former tax and repairs.

Short take……a damn liar or an ignorant fool.

shifty henry December 29, 2014 at 5:20 pm

” repairing roads and brides”
— can’t wait to hear what the bride has to say about that..!!

Buz Martin December 29, 2014 at 9:10 pm

If you were the copy editor of a newspaper, how would you present the nuptials of someone from the Buster family to someone of the Hyman family?

“Buster-Hyman” or “Hyman-Buster”?

shifty henry December 29, 2014 at 9:46 pm

Buz, thanks for reminding me that I have one of those Jay Leno books of newspaper articles with funny headings. I’ll look for it to see if there are any of those engagement/wedding announcements. Some of them were totally hilarious!

Buz Martin December 29, 2014 at 9:05 pm

Meanwhile, SCPC is dogging Rep. Alan Clemmons just about as hard as they did Bobby Harrell. A fact that should make the dude more than a little nervous.

/// Clemmons Spends Campaign Funds on Clothing, Out-of-State Trips, Other S.C. Rep ///

ConnieCunnilingoid December 30, 2014 at 10:34 am

with a name like that he should be black

Knowstoomuch December 31, 2014 at 12:26 am

Do a little digging and you’ll find a lot of skeletons in his closet…


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