Charleston County Rejects Additional Bowl Game Funding

$25,000 REQUEST SHOT DOWN … By FITSNEWS || Charleston (S.C.) County has refused a request from organizers of the “Medal of Honor Bowl” to spend another $25,000 on the struggling football game.  The decision came shortly after this website ripped the proposal – and questioned the $160,000 state and local taxpayers…


By FITSNEWS || Charleston (S.C.) County has refused a request from organizers of the “Medal of Honor Bowl” to spend another $25,000 on the struggling football game.  The decision came shortly after this website ripped the proposal – and questioned the $160,000 state and local taxpayers have already poured down the drain on this boondoggle.

According to WCSC TV 5 (CBS – Charleston, S.C.), the decision not to give the game any more money had nothing to do with common sense, though …

Instead it was said to have been “racially-charged,” revolving around controversial symbols on the campus of The Citadel – the military college whose 21,000-seat stadium is scheduled to host the game.

“References were made to the college’s Confederate symbols,” sources told the station, adding that “the national tensions regarding Ferguson and New York City also came up.”

Wow … really?  Ferguson?

We’ve mocked the increasingly ridiculous displays of political correctness associated with America’s latest “teaching moment,” but if the outrage is going to keep tax dollars from subsidizing non-core functions of government like poorly attended football games … rage on, people.  Rage on.

Only 5,135 people attended the first “Medal of Honor” game – which was not televised. Efforts have been made to lure NBCSN into televising this year’s game, although it’s not clear whether the event’s organizers have sold enough advertising to make that happen.



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The Colonel December 10, 2014 at 1:53 pm

Yeah those “racial charged controversial symbols” are likely to show up on a campus that is credited with firing some of the first shots of the American (un)Civil War. All of that symbology is real important in a football game where none of the symbols are present.

GrandTango December 10, 2014 at 2:16 pm

Dwell in ancient history much?

The Colonel December 10, 2014 at 6:51 pm

Oddly enough Emily, I do, of course, I teach history.

GrandTango December 10, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Then it might be a good idea to look at the calendar…the Civil War was over about 150 years ago…Quit living like you’re still fighting it…

Slartibartfast December 11, 2014 at 5:29 pm

I KNEW it! I KNEW IT! I said to myself, “Precious,” I said, “That man knows more words than anybody, except TBG and Shifty Harry.” From one Professor to another, “Gaudeamus Igitur!

Jackie Chiles December 10, 2014 at 2:04 pm

You have to pay tv to air your games? Seems kind of backwards.

The Colonel December 10, 2014 at 2:04 pm

Not when you can’t even sell all the tickets…

E Norma Scok December 10, 2014 at 2:30 pm

Its not even good football for USC fans :)

here he goes again December 10, 2014 at 3:19 pm

What the fuck does that have to do with anything you troll?

Nice! December 10, 2014 at 3:11 pm

How ironic that an institution that was founded to prepare for and control a slave rebellion, is getting rebuked because of African Americans and there supporters protesting police brutality. It’s a great day in SC!

Slartibartfast December 11, 2014 at 5:24 pm

The European Collegiate model is generally used in most American Universities. It was created in central Europe, first at Prague in 1348, then Kraków in 1364, Vienna in 1365, Pécs in 1367, the one we use in SC – Heidelberg was established in 1386, and Cologne in 1388 (1388 is also the number of lateral pixels in a Toshiba widescreen laptop). Not a lot of African Americans there or then.

ELCID December 11, 2014 at 6:51 pm

Bull Shit! You Racist Rat!

The Citadel was founded in 1842 not 1860.
It was founded in Columbia to guard the Armory, not Charleston SC.
It only moved there to provide education for the young men guarding the State’s Armories.

“So shut up and sit down, Jane you Sleazy Slut!'”

Smirks December 10, 2014 at 6:33 pm

Government does have a role to play….just not in football. Especially not bowl games.

Except for, you know, all of the gubmint-run schools’ football teams that play in them.


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