
Bobby Jindal: Embrace Candidates Who Support Local Control Of Education

LOUISIANA GOVERNOR: “TRUST PARENTS, TRUST TEACHERS” By FITSNEWS || Louisiana governor (and prospective 2016 presidential candidate) Bobby Jindal is in South Carolina this week, and while we don’t support the incumbent “Republican” governor he’s campaigning for – we do support his consistent advocacy on behalf of free market academic reforms. A…


By FITSNEWS || Louisiana governor (and prospective 2016 presidential candidate) Bobby Jindal is in South Carolina this week, and while we don’t support the incumbent “Republican” governor he’s campaigning for – we do support his consistent advocacy on behalf of free market academic reforms.

A lot of elected officials like to pay lip service to these reforms, but Jindal has been a real fighter on behalf of parents in his state (something we’ve taken note of in the past).

Anyway, Jindal appears in a new web message this week urging voters to keep local control of education in mind when they go to the polls on November 4.

“Those politicians in D.C. they love Common Core,” Jindal says in the spot.  “That’s because they love a one-size-fits-all, top-down approach to education.  But you and I know better.”

“We trust teachers, we trust parents – we know that no two children learn exactly alike,” Jindal continues. “Instead of trusting the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. we want these decisions to be made at the local level.”

Take a look …

(Click to play)

(Vid: Via)

Nice …

A lot of politicians are fond of tossing out that sort of rhetoric, but Jindal is one of the few who has demonstrated a genuine commitment to backing it up with action.  And at the end of the day (November 4 or any other day), he’s right: Expanded parental control over education is essential to raising academic achievement in this country.


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Soft Sigh from Hell October 30, 2014 at 8:09 pm

“Local Control Of Education”

Like Jasper County.

Bible Thumper October 31, 2014 at 1:28 am

Jasper County is government control. How many privately run enterprises are run so miserably and yet stay in business?

Deo Vindice SC October 30, 2014 at 8:13 pm

You beat me to it. SC education is a cesspool of idiots.

Tom October 30, 2014 at 9:09 pm

There is zero evidence that having the taxpayers pay for the private school tuition of children already in private school improves anything. Its just more money out of the pockets of parents with children in public school and those who do not have children in school. In short a taxpayer rip off.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 30, 2014 at 10:05 pm

Its just more money out of the pockets of parents with children in public school and those who do not have children in school.


No accounting for me ty October 31, 2014 at 6:54 am

He’s just spouting talking point, the details are irrelevant.

Tom October 31, 2014 at 8:54 am

Yes, if we pay for the tuition of kids currently in private school, the money has to come from somewhere. That means it will come from the people who have kids in public school and people with no children in school. This is not rocket science, its third grade math.

The people with children in private school are receiving money from the state, so where is it coming from??

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 31, 2014 at 5:32 pm

This is not rocket science, its third grade math.

Congrats. You got *something* correct!

The money would come from taxes. If taxes aren’t raised it won’t cost anyone “more”.

You might want to do a comparison between the cost per student in public schools vis-a-vis private school tuitions.

Beartrkkr October 31, 2014 at 11:30 pm

And when the private schools have to provide services to all students that show up at the door instead of hand picking them, provide them transportation to and from school, as well as feeding some breakfast and lunch for no additional out of pocket cost, we might be closer to a comparison.

Bible Thumper October 31, 2014 at 1:19 am

“There is zero evidence that having the taxpayers pay for the private school tuition of children already in private school improves anything.”
Very cleaver wording.
There is plenty of evidence that taxpayers save about 40% by paying private school vouchers that pay the entire cost of private school over paying for those same students attendance at public schools. The results for students improve in both the public and private schools.

Beartrkkr October 31, 2014 at 1:24 am

All those Jasper County private schools have bus service to get these kids to school? That would save a bundle if we didn’t have to pay to transport kids all over these rural counties…

Bible Thumper October 31, 2014 at 1:32 am

Many will continue to go to public school. It’s the competition that drives the improvements.

Beartrkkr October 31, 2014 at 1:46 am

In Jasper County? Are you kidding me. The competition will be from the “leaders” trying to find a way to get all this new money available to the private sector education system. Ignorant (not necessarily stupid) parents and guardians will just believe what they are told as many are grossly uneducated and not as likely to question their educated “leaders”.

It ain’t like there’s gonna be Hammond’s Jasper campus spring up anytime soon.

If you consider the state of some of SC’s rural schools, and the less than enthusiastic encouragement that many parents and peers have towards academic achievement, you’d understand that some of these areas are nearly doomed to poor education systems until there is systemic change throughout those communities. Money grubbing politicians and “leaders” are not helping anything either…competition won’t fix that. Face it, some parents treat school like day care. It’s just a bonus if they learn anything.

Bible Thumper October 31, 2014 at 2:18 am

Just like the free market doesn’t guarantee the end of poverty, it doesn’t guarantee the end of poor education. It only provides the best for the most. It will surpass the present socialist system.

Smirks October 31, 2014 at 10:06 am

Just like the free market doesn’t guarantee the end of poverty, it doesn’t guarantee the end of poor education.

The Free Market™ doesn’t fix a lot of things, because by its very nature, the Free Market™ only fixes what it can derive profit from. For instance, providing cheap access to health care for the old, there is no profitable way of doing this so that is why Medicare was created.

It would surpass the present socialist system.

Yes, the Ferengi schools totally surpass Starfleet Academy, amirite?

It would potentially surpass the present system for those who could afford access. Those who couldn’t would be fucked, which means their potential is fucked, which means their child’s potential is fucked, and their grandchild’s, and their great grandchild’s. Perpetual serfdom is great, isn’t it?

But hey, we’re in the middle class. It isn’t like our middle class status could be threatened at any time by something horrific, right? I mean, nobody ever goes to the poorhouse due to a sudden illness, injury, or other tragic event, right? I mean, as long as we don’t decide to be poor, we won’t get sucked into the black hole of perpetual serfdom, so we should be OK.
See, these are the kinds of things that make society choose government intervention.

Look at the systematic change the has occurred in this nation. It more
often came from the Fords, Edisons, Gates and Steve Jobs of the world
than from the politicians.

Ford: His company eventually had to fight unionization, and it used brute force to do it.

Edison: The guy who had an elephant electrocuted to death to show the “dangers of alternating current.”

Gates and Jobs did their own fair share of things that aren’t exactly commendable either, but ehh, you get the picture.

DAE remember robber barons, Radium Girls, A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers, the Ford Pinto, the coal industry’s treatment of people who get black lung, monopolies like AT&T and Standard Oil? I don’t mean to do a gish gallop here but holy shit, systemic change has consistently come from government, in response to Free Market™ failures. So many government agencies, so many government regulations, so many government programs exist because the Invisible Hand consistently fucked things up and something had to be done, and as you said yourself, the free market doesn’t guarantee bad shit isn’t going to happen.

If you’re looking for a solution to do the most good, we fucking have it. Public education made available to everyone, even those rich enough to afford something better, even those poor enough to have no other alternative, and the right for someone who has better options to use those better options if they so choose.

The public should focus on fixing the public service and let the Free Market™ run its own shit.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 31, 2014 at 5:37 pm


The gist is :

The free market cannot accomplish the same public good that men with guns, working for the likes of Stalin and Mao, can.


Beartrkkr October 31, 2014 at 1:46 am

In Jasper County? Are you kidding me. The competition will be from the “leaders” trying to find a way to get all this new money available to the private sector education system. Ignorant (not necessarily stupid) parents and guardians will just believe what they are told as many are grossly uneducated and not as likely to question their educated “leaders”.

It ain’t like there’s gonna be Hammond’s Jasper campus spring up anytime soon.

If you consider the state of some of SC’s rural schools, and the less than enthusiastic encouragement that many parents and peers have towards academic achievement, you’d understand that some of these areas are nearly doomed to poor education systems until there is systemic change throughout those communities. Money grubbing politicians and “leaders” are not helping anything either…competition won’t fix that. Face it, some parents treat school like day care. It’s just a bonus if they learn anything.

Tom October 31, 2014 at 8:57 am

There is zero evidence of what you say. Zero. You are talking about the taxpayers paying for something they are not paying for now. The taxpayers will save zero.

Do they not teach math in private school?.

Smirks October 31, 2014 at 9:21 am

1) It’s more money being taken out of the public school system that still has to teach kids.

2) It does not guarantee private schooling options for everyone, it just refunds people who already can afford it, or at best, enables those who can almost afford it to be able to (probably the only real noble concept within this god forsaken “reform”). If your family is poor as dirt and this voucher scheme won’t do jack for you? Oh gee, that’s a real shame.

3) It doesn’t change the piss poor use of funding by the public schools, nor does it actually put into place better curriculum, better testing, better options for providing additional educational support, etc. for those public schools. In short, it does absolutely nothing to fix public schools whatsoever. Of course, this doesn’t matter if you have a golden ticket out of the system, but those who don’t, well, sucks to be them, right?

Public education exists because we as a society deem it as important to ensure that every child receives an education. It’s one of those hallmarks of advanced civilization that the selfish assholes among us only care to ensure for them and theirs and not for everyone else. Let’s face it, if vouchers did what some of their supporters said it did and allowed the most at-risk, impoverished kids some quality private education, most of the “School Choice” crowd would be flipping their collective shit upon finding out that those at-risk, impoverished kids were sitting next to their kid in the classroom.

It isn’t about fixing education for all, it’s about not having to pay the same taxes everyone else has to. You know, because being a responsible adult and not a deadbeat is hard.

Rockmaster October 31, 2014 at 9:45 am

Now you forgot, it allows middle-class whites in southern states to get Jenny and Johnny back into “seperate but equal”.

Deo Vindice SC October 31, 2014 at 5:47 am

Didn’t the Queen dick local education recently ? What’s this other Indian fucker got to do with it ?

Larry Bishop October 31, 2014 at 7:46 am

This guy is creepy with his claw hand. Just Nikki’s kind of man,

Smirks October 31, 2014 at 9:00 am

Jindal just hates Common Core because it’s the hip, trendy Republican thing to do. In actuality he supports it more than he’d like to admit.


(It is TPM but Jindal’s previous support of Common Core is pretty well documented.)

Rocky October 31, 2014 at 9:44 am

No, he hates Common Core because based on those standards his public school system goes from Dumber to Dumbest. Notice most states against Common Core have underpeforming schools. I have lived through getting my kids current to Common Core – it’s tough. It’s supposed to be. Geesh. Stupid is as stupid does – I guess,

John October 31, 2014 at 10:26 am

Go back to the Kwik-E-Mart, Apu. Take Manjula Haley with you.

Manray October 31, 2014 at 10:53 am

Jindal is just another GOP hypocrite. He was an avid supporter of Common Core until TP-types made it an issue within the Republican Party and then he ran from it like a scalded dog. He needs to decide what he really stands for — other than his own political advancement.

vicupstate October 31, 2014 at 12:24 pm

Exactly. He was a major proponent of it originally. The height of hypocrisy and pandering.

idiotwind October 31, 2014 at 10:54 am

fuckin A right! all math is local! national standards are for CHINESE COMMUNISTS! we are the GOP and we trust TEACHERS!! so long as they are guided by the most obnoxious PARENTS and MINISTERS in the community.

Goobersmacker October 31, 2014 at 10:55 am

What Woggy Jindal means is “Support candidates who will keep children stupid by teaching them creationism. This is Louisiana, after all. We don’t want anybody gettin’ ‘smart’ around here.”


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