
The GOP Has A Three-Way Problem …

NOT THAT KIND … DUH “Republican” U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts is facing a tougher-than-expected reelection battle in Kansas – a state heretofore reliable in its election of GOP nominees. Roberts recently won the “Republican” nomination in the Sunflower State by a 48-41 margin over Tea Party-backed candidate Milton Wolf (with…


“Republican” U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts is facing a tougher-than-expected reelection battle in Kansas – a state heretofore reliable in its election of GOP nominees.

Roberts recently won the “Republican” nomination in the Sunflower State by a 48-41 margin over Tea Party-backed candidate Milton Wolf (with 11 percent of voters supporting other candidates).

Game over, right?  Wrong …

According to the results of a recent Survey USA poll, Roberts is only leading his Democratic opponent Chad Taylor by a 37-32 percent margin.  Where’s the rest of the support going?  Well, 20 percent of those polled say they’re backing independent candidate Greg Orman – three times the level of support he was receiving just two months ago.

“Roberts’ numbers have been steady,” noted political analyst Jeff Jarman of KSN.com.  “Taylor’s numbers have been steady. It’s Orman who is gaining ground.”

And if Orman continues to gain momentum, there’s speculation that national Democrats might ask Taylor to drop out of the race.

Orman isn’t the only potentially credible candidate threatening to throw a monkey wrench into the traditional “red” versus “blue” calculus.

In South Carolina, “Republican” Lindsey Graham is – like Roberts – deeply unpopular with voters.  He’s facing a credible Democrat (S.C. Sen. Brad Hutto) as well as an independent challenger – former State Treasurer Thomas Ravenel.  According to several internal polls provided to FITS, Ravenel is currently drawing between 13-15 percent support – and he has yet to spend a dime of his considerable fortune on media messaging.

Meanwhile in North Carolina vulnerable incumbent Kay Hagan is in a dogfight against establishment “Republican” Thom Tillis (both are drawing a little over 40 percent support) – although the real story is the emergence of Libertarian nominee Sean Haugh, who is currently drawing the support of eight percent of voters.

“This is a real problem for the establishment,” one national consultant told FITS. “Kansas, North Carolina and possibly South Carolina – all are potential GOP losses because the party has pissed on the base. Atlas is shrugging and flipping the GOP the bird in the process.”

Yup … and good for them.

You can predict the establishment handwringing, though … which attempts to guilt non-liberals into doing as they are told by asking “what are you going to do, elect a Democrat?”

That’s just the thing, though … increasingly, people are realizing there’s not a damn bit of difference between the two establishment parties.

“Republicans” may win the U.S. Senate in 2014 … but these three races are worth watching.  Assuming you still buy the whole “red versus blue” distinction.

We clearly don’t … 

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euwe max August 26, 2014 at 11:13 pm

Conservative gun control:
“You can’t give a 9-year-old an Uzi and expect her to control it,” Scott said.

Bible Thumper August 26, 2014 at 11:52 pm

They should make an Uzi for a nine year old. In east Africa, a nine year old would be a veteran soldier.

euwe max August 27, 2014 at 12:25 am

They should have UZI class in elementary school, so everyone can make fun of them if they accidentally shoot someone. It’ll increase their respect for it.

RogueElephant August 27, 2014 at 8:21 am

I feel sorry for the kid that has to live with this memory for the rest of her life. As to the instructor , you CAN fix stupid.

euwe max August 27, 2014 at 11:39 am

guns do have that one redeeming feature.

euwe max August 26, 2014 at 11:15 pm

there’s not a damn bit of difference between the two establishment parties.

Well, hell! Let’s vote DEMOCRAT then!

The Republicans have been destroying the South since the Civil War!

Smirks August 27, 2014 at 8:25 am

“Well these Republicans in South Carolina are really Democrats, you know.”

“If there’s no difference, vote for the Democrat then.”

“No way! I could never vote for a Democrat.”

“Then who are you voting for?”

“The Republican, of course.”

“You mean the Democrat?”

“No… Well, it’s different, you see…”

west_rhino August 27, 2014 at 9:49 am

Hutto does look more conservative than Senator “light in the loafers” and could easily free security details needed for an incumbent’s photo-ops, um deployments so we can see the battle hardened JAG ossifer sans combat badges, but I digress (with apologies to a USC professor of Napoleonic history).

Sandi Morals August 26, 2014 at 11:32 pm

LMAO!!!! Fits supports ISIS. Why would anybody be surprised Will supports Obama,, Reid and Pelosi?

Smirks August 27, 2014 at 8:28 am

Next you’ll be calling Willie a socialist.

Ehh, whatever gets Haley to drop a few quarters in the tip jar I guess.

Sandi Morals August 27, 2014 at 9:26 am

No. Will called YOU a socialist when like the good socialist you are , you tried to dictate how he should run his business.

Mike at the Beach August 27, 2014 at 12:21 am

The SC race is *nothing* like the one in KS- there’s a credible third party candidate in the KS race. SC? Notsamuch. As for TR’s vast wealth, we;ll see just how much his ego is tied to his wallet when it comes times to drop the real cash (when TV ad time rolls around). I don’t think he’ll spend that much- the little bit of exposure he’s getting as a nuisance candidate seems to be feeding his narcissism at an adequate level for now. We won’t be seeing those TR “internal polls” made public any time soon either, because I would be willing to wager that the 13-15% support has been spun from “other candidate” support or other such polling chicanery that produces unicorns and rainbows for the folks paying for the poll, but has little bearing on reality. The poll I can’t wait to see opens at 0700 on 4 NOV 2014. TR won’t pull 13-15% in that one, and of that you can be sure.

Love Your Man August 27, 2014 at 7:28 am

I hope FITS is at least getting a “reach around” from TRav. It would make this manlove somewhat more understandable.

Jason Biggs Does Vegas! August 27, 2014 at 6:44 pm

Seaking of a Three-Way Problem…

Jason Biggs Does Vegas! August 27, 2014 at 6:47 pm

“Speakng”…damn killed this joke.

euwe max August 27, 2014 at 12:46 am

Well, maybe he didn’t get life, but maybe he’ll get 20 years for making hash oil brownies.

We’re real smart out here in Texas.


euwe max August 27, 2014 at 12:47 am

That’s a stunning pic – what does it signify? That the GOP is in a bunker in the middle of a field of red weeds?

euwe max August 27, 2014 at 1:28 am

ISIS breaking through our security? How about a 62 year old woman?


Matt August 27, 2014 at 6:26 am

I find it very hard to believe TRav is anywhere close to even double digits let alone 13-15%. If he does, its a very sad reflection of the intelligence of the South Carolina voter.

RogueElephant August 27, 2014 at 8:18 am

Lindsey Graham is a sad reflection of the intelligence of the South Carolina voter. I thought someone once said : “there is no education in the second kick of the mule.” How many times dose he have to lie to the people before they wise up ?

Mike at the Beach August 27, 2014 at 10:20 am

By your logic, sir, voting for TR would represent about the 15th kick of that mule, and that’s only the ones we know about now.

SC Political Digest August 27, 2014 at 8:49 am

Are you insinuating FITS is spreading lies, Matt…How dare you..Hahahahaha….

Sandi Morals August 27, 2014 at 9:22 am

This is bizarre even for Fits.
Also be aware of the new tactic the sewer dwelling radical socialists are employing in “debate” on Fits.
While putting an intellectual beat down on euwe “anal “Max on a topic last night ,point by point, he would then go back and edit/change his original post which changed the whole context of the conversation.
Just another example of deceit and intellectual dishonesty by a lib/soc.

SC Political Digest August 27, 2014 at 9:36 am

When your record destroys you – as is the case with the democrats – you have to find all kinds of gimmicks. It’s why they are focusing on race. Check out the SCPD blog. Got some good articles on it, you’d like.

Sandi Morals August 27, 2014 at 9:44 am

You do indeed.Great job.

Rocky August 27, 2014 at 10:30 am

Sandi – what happened to that poll about to be released that had Haley up by 25 points? I haven’t seen it yet.

Sandi Morals August 27, 2014 at 11:01 am

Fits has seen it. It is contained in the same internet poll that has Ravenel at 13%-15%. :-)
Real Clear Politics gives Haley a 16.66 % of being defeated. Do the math.

Rocky August 27, 2014 at 12:07 pm

?????? Will has it? I thought you said it would be released. As someone posted above – if it was true they’d be posting it as handbills all over the state. Vinny is breathin’ down her neck – and she likes it.
Go Tom!!! Go Tom!!!!

Mike at the Beach August 27, 2014 at 10:26 am

Worry not, friend. If he was, they’d be posting that poll as handbills all over the state (and handing them out to the 9 people who show up at his events. They can huff and puff all they like, but the 4 NOV poll doesn’t lie (except in places like Ukraine and Chicago).

Beartrkkr August 27, 2014 at 7:08 pm

The only double digits TRav will see are the two he’s giving to some trailer park queen half his age…

SC Political Digest August 27, 2014 at 7:31 am

On our site we’ve been warning that the Liberal-Tarians are pushing 3rd party stooges (see Va. Gov. race)…it’s your only hope to keep failed and hated Democrats in office….
Just becaue FITS is Stupid, don’t assume er’body is…

E Norma Scok August 27, 2014 at 9:38 am

“Our” site?? What other nitwits are writing (or even reading) your drivel? And if you do have other readers or writers, why do you spend so much time HERE?

idcydm August 27, 2014 at 8:07 am

Thomas Ravenel
Thomas Ravenel
Thomas Ravenel
Thomas Ravenel
Thomas Ravenel

Ravenel Thomas
Ravenel Thomas
Ravenel Thomas
Ravenel Thomas
Ravenel Thomas

Gotta switch hands once in awhile don’t ya FITS.

SC Political Digest August 27, 2014 at 8:47 am


Native Ink August 27, 2014 at 9:02 am

A GOP three-way is one where the dude and the girls are all ugly and stupid as hell.

Graham Is Insane August 27, 2014 at 9:46 am

Graham is becoming more and more unpopular. And that is evident everywhere. Hugging illegal aliens like he does, and all the other bullshit of his … and he has done absolutely NOTHING for voters in South Carolina – drives a hard stake into his evil self.

ThreePalms August 27, 2014 at 10:07 am

The premise that Graham is “deeply unpopular with voters” is hard for me to accept based on the results of the Republican primary that was just held in June.

The voices against Graham may be loud, but that does not make them the majority.

Cecil August 27, 2014 at 10:28 pm

The Tea Party needs to form their own party. They have nothing in common with the GOP now. People are very bitter about some of their nominees. In Mississippi Tea Partiers are threatening to vote for the Democrat instead of the GOP Nominee. I doubt if the party will ever get together again. This would not be a problem if they had their own party. No matter how conservative the democrat claims to be, in the senate democrats stick together. They are not divided like the GOP. They will promote the Obama agenda.


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