
Wesley Lowery, Everybody

REPORTER SOUNDS OFF ON MEDIA, RACE … Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post  – one of the two reporters arrested during the race riots in Ferguson, Missouri – is feeling his oats. Yesterday Lowery appeared on CNN to bash MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who suggested Lowery and reporter Ryan Reilly…


Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post  – one of the two reporters arrested during the race riots in Ferguson, Missouri – is feeling his oats.

Yesterday Lowery appeared on CNN to bash MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who suggested Lowery and reporter Ryan Reilly of The Huffington Post  should have listened to the police officers who told them to “move along” during their coverage of the ongoing drama.

“I am sure I am just the worst person in the world for saying this,” Scarborough said, before adding “I can only judge how I would treat my son who is a reporter who, if he were in this position, OK, well, you know what? Next time a police officer tells you that you’ve got to move along because you’ve got riots outside, well, you probably should move along.”

Lowery unloaded on Scarborough …

“I would invite Joe Scarborough to come down to Ferguson and get out of 30 Rock where he’s sitting sipping his Starbucks smugly,” he said. “I invite him to come down here and talk to residents of Ferguson where I have been Monday afternoon having tear gas shot at me, rubber bullets shot at me, having mothers, daughter, a 19-year-old boy, crying, running to pull his 21-year-old sister out from a cloud of tear gas thinking she would die. I would invite Joe Scarborough down here to do some reporting on the ground, and then maybe we can have an educated conversation about what’s happening down here.”

Damn …

We gotta go +1 to Lowery on that exchange.  Memo to white talking heads in comfy office buildings: Don’t diss reporters in the field.

Lowery’s not done, either.  Today he sounded off on his Twitter page when it was suggested he might leave The Washington Post  for The Politico .

Take a look …

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Too funny …

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Chai Tea is da shit August 15, 2014 at 3:13 pm

Why did he have to bring Starbucks into the conversation? Fucker.

GrandTango August 15, 2014 at 3:25 pm

I’m sure FITS, and his lily-white cul-d-sac @$$ identifies with this ignorant reporter, even though Scarborough and FITS have much more in common….

Didn’t Boeing threaten to beat $#!* out of FITS’ Dumb-@$$ for creeping around their plant w/ a camera…??…Wonder why MISS-NBC did not beg FITS to come share his harrowing accont of intimidation of the ignorant???…Maybe you don’t “FITS” the profile, that you’re shilling for…LMAO…

PS FITS…check out SCPD…the reporters fell for a bunch of lies (imagine that)…And I think we have a story about tour gossip site too..but I can’t remember what it’s about…

Smirks August 15, 2014 at 4:34 pm

I’m sure FITS, and his lily-white cul-d-sac @$$


The Colonel August 15, 2014 at 5:04 pm

I makes me wonder what color the holler at the end of the dirt road he lives on is…

shifty henry August 15, 2014 at 5:43 pm

When you get onto Bub Schumpert Road coming from Pelion the road goes a long way and then………falls off at the end of the world.

GrandTango August 15, 2014 at 5:47 pm

Don’t worry Smirks…that racism is OK..even encouraged..But thank you for caring…

jimlewisowb August 15, 2014 at 3:34 pm

If Wesley feels like he has the balls of Hercules, then let him put on a set blues, a shiny badge targeted right over has damn heart and cruise into areas of South Detroit at 3:22 AM on any day of the week

Hell, he ain’t even got to go that far, just come on down to Five Points

Sure these boys and girls make mistakes, sometimes big ones. However until more information comes in the jury will stay out

Not to short change the firefighters – how about it Lowery – how many burning buildings have you run into lately

Goddamn Pussy

shifty henry August 15, 2014 at 5:32 pm

” the balls of Hercules” — funny!


Dissatisfied with the results he got from his family doctor, the balding man sought out alternative treatment for his hair loss. A friend referred him to a scientist who had been testing a chemical that showed great promise. Within a week after taking the recommended dosage, hair began to grow uncontrollably all over his body. The suddenly hirsute fellow returned to see the scientist.

“What the hell did you give me?” he demanded.

“It was DNA from a woolly mammoth.”

“Aha,” the hairy man exclaimed. “That would explain the size of my balls!”

The Colonel August 15, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Reporter or not, if you’re told move along there’s a riot coming this way, be smart and move along. Then come back with a video crew, multiple cameras and a couple of Go Pro Hero cams on your body – then we can at least enjoy the footage of your beat down.

shifty henry August 15, 2014 at 4:30 pm

When that officer has an emergency choice to make between protecting a news reporter or a child or mother from that neighborhood — my money isn’t on the reporter, Mr. Lowery…

nitrat August 16, 2014 at 9:07 am

Well, he did get up to go when the cops told him to, walking and filming/recording with his phone and got it all, just the way it went down.
Now, if only the cops in Ferguson and St. Louis County actually installed the dash cams and/or body cams that they have – I heard they have one and/or the other, just had not bothered to install them – we might not be a week into this crud because we would have long since known the truth.
I’ve seen his video numerous times on CNN and MSNBC. What’s the problem, is Fox censoring what they show to drive Murdoch’s agenda?

The Colonel August 16, 2014 at 12:32 pm

I don’t generally watch Fox (or any other TV news) so I haven’t seen the video. My point is that in general, even the press should follow the orders of a duly sworn law enforcement officer – right up to and even past the point that they infringe on a civil right and/or it’s readily apparent to the popo that you’re broadcasting their actions to the world. Once you chose cross the line and “disobey a lawful order” you accept responsibility for the results. If that means you get “…tase[d] me bro…” or rolled up in a riot then so be it. Like Shifty pointed out – I’d protect the mother trying to get away before I’d worry about the “journalist” who chose to be there.

CorruptionInColumbia August 15, 2014 at 4:39 pm

“I invite him to come down here and talk to residents of Ferguson where I have been Monday afternoon having tear gas shot at me, rubber bullets shot at me, having mothers, daughter, a 19-year-old boy, crying, running to pull his 21-year-old sister out from a cloud of tear gas thinking she would die.”

Damn shame that a 19 and a 21 year old haven’t got enough sense to stay out of the tear gas to begin with. Stay in your homes and chances are good that you’ll not be dealing with the tear gas. Heck, just avoid the troubled areas (unless you are compelled to be part of the trouble, which is likely the real deal, here) and things should go more smoothly.

I understand this guy is a reporter but there are ways to cover these things and not put yourself in the middle of the mass stupidity in progress and get in the way of the cops trying to do their jobs and clear the streets.

nitrat August 16, 2014 at 8:54 am

Lowery was sitting in the McDonald’s charging his phone when the cops came in to run him and another reporter out.
Did you not see the video?

CorruptionInColumbia August 16, 2014 at 5:26 pm

Hi Nitrat. No, I haven’t. I was going off of the article.

Henry MixMaster August 16, 2014 at 9:17 pm

Lowery is actually a reporter and a damn good writer to boot. And he’s doing the job that folks like FITS only wish they could do. Lowery’s out there actually seeing what’s going and and reporting the facts as they happen. Not as some political hack tells them they should be. He and every other America has the right to be there on the ground in the public spaces to keep our government and its law enforcement honest and on the level. That is what keeps our democracy a democracy and not a third world dictatorship. If you don’t like it, get the hell out and find a banana republic somewhere else.


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