
US Congressmen Rebuke Radical EPA Agenda

SOUTH CAROLINA’S JEFF DUNCAN PRAISED BY LEADING PRO-FREE MARKET GROUP FOR STANDING AGAINST OBAMA’S “ROGUE BUREAUCRACY” U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan was praised by a leading limited government group for his aggressive stance against the eco-radicals running U.S. President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Americans for Limited Government (ALG) –…


U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan was praised by a leading limited government group for his aggressive stance against the eco-radicals running U.S. President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Americans for Limited Government (ALG) – a Fairfax, Virginia-based advocacy group that’s been battling this rogue bureaucracy for years – issued a statement from its president Nathan Mehrens this week praising Duncan for his work.

“Jeff Duncan and his allies in Congress are taking a stand for the bottom line of millions of American families – and standing firm against the increasingly radical agenda of a rogue, unaccountable and extra-legal bureaucracy,” Mehrens said. “This debate is simple: Is government going to protect the broad economic interests of all of its people? Or is it going to subject them to additional economic hardship by kowtowing to the overreaching, out-of-control enviro-radical agenda that’s taken over the EPA bureaucracy under the administration of Barack Obama?”

ALG, Duncan and other pro-free market advocates in Washington, D.C. have been battling the latest radical, unconstitutional regulation issued by Obama’s EPA – one seeking to impose the “cap and trade” energy tax recently rejected by the U.S. Congress.

Remember that legislation? U.S. Sen. Linsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) was the only Republican in the entire legislative branch of government to support it.

Earlier this month Duncan wrote a letter to EPA administrator Gina McCarthy demanding that her agency immediately rescind its “unwise and unconstitutional regulation.”

Duncan’s letter – posted to the ALG website – was co-signed by eighty-four members of Congress.

Independent groups have estimated that the EPA’s latest regulation would increase energy costs on the average American family by more than $1,300 a year over the next decade.

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John Boy June 19, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Them frackers can clean up their own messes! Give me some of that Libertarian freedom, because Ayn Rand said fuck everybody else.

False Gods June 19, 2014 at 5:12 pm

Basically Ayn was just a mediocre writer who liked to fuck younger men.(see Nathaniel Braden).

She would probably be amazed to know that there were people still running around worshipping her stuff.

willblogformoney June 19, 2014 at 7:19 pm

And you write on this blog under a bazillion screen names. Who’s the better author?

False Gods June 20, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Thanks Fits.I learned it all from you!

jake897 June 19, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Seriously, when it comes to environmental issues, Duncan and the rest of you libertarians are the radicals.

Smirks June 19, 2014 at 4:56 pm

What Willie calls “radical” a majority of the rest of the developed world calls “an OK start.”

Why can’t the government just butt out and let the free market release pollutants into the ground, water, and air as much as they desire?

Damn, this site is practically owned by ALG. Sorry if I’m breaking the illusion for anyone.

Farmer/Businessman/Well Read June 19, 2014 at 6:21 pm

As a young man I worked on the Hill in Washington in the early 70’s. The Anacostia River was polluted with raw human sewage waste, tires, other refuse, and God only knows what else including dead bodies from the high crime of SE Washington. Today, while not pristine, it certainly is a useful recreational resource.

The Potomac was a bit better, but still not suitable for recreation or fishing in most places above Mt. Vernon. One can again eat the fish from the river. The Tidal Basin, adjacent to the National Mall was a stagnant cesspool. It too, is to be used again.

In my teenage years I could shoot natural quail population on our farm and those of adjacent neighbors. The wanton use of DDT and other harsh chemicals removed all of that opportunity to the consternation of sportsmen, but with the largely unknowing farmers and the intentionally in denial producers of chemicals approving. Furadan, TDE, and Parathion are just some of many other ag chemicals including Arsenic based compounds that are, thankfully, no longer part of our farm production schemes.

Textile finishing facilities in the Upstate dumped raw, untreated effluent in every river and stream in the Piedmont. Nobody dared to object for fear of being the object of derision and payback from textile powers.

Paper mills released enough sulfur in emissions that agricultural fertilizers did not even include it in their formulations except as a byproduct of their chemical production process.

I laugh in your general direction and that of other dimwits like you who have no clue as to the conditions that existed prior to the EPA, the Clean Water, and the Clean Air Acts all of which were signed by Republican President Richard Nixon and extolled as virtuous by politicians on both sides of the aisle. Environmental processes demand labor, supplies, and trained personnel just as the industries they clean do. An environmental regulation is not by defintion a simple job killer.

Before you start dismissing me let me state for the record that I hold degrees in Agriculture and in Economics from Clemson. I am engaged in business and have been involved in both startups and rebuilds for the past 40 years.

The silliness that you and other numbnuts like you espouse speaks more to ignorance and less to intelligence I hope. Then again, maybe I’m just guilty of giving you and your ilk the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe you’re just dumb as bricks.

Beartrkkr June 19, 2014 at 7:40 pm

Yes, but won’t the free market forces, if we removed the oppressive government boogieman, in the “let business do as they please” marketplace cause the issues to fix itself?………………………Oh yea, we already tried that and it worked so well as you just described.

EPA Is Not Tough Enough Now June 19, 2014 at 8:33 pm

Raw sewage–visible feces and floating condoms–in the Congaree River at Columbia and downstream around 1970. Thanks Nixon, recognition of China and start of the EPA and sewage treatment plants are two good things you can be remembered for.
A farmer near Elloree recounted to me about 10 years ago that it was nice to see the birds again, as in his youth. The interim, with parathion, had been lifeless on his vast fields.

Farmer/Business/Well Read June 19, 2014 at 8:37 pm

I’m sure I would know your friend and we agree: I, too, see wildlife flourishing once again.

RogueElephant June 19, 2014 at 10:20 pm

What you say is, for the most part, true. However as usual the devil is in the details. The EPA has cleaned up a lot of things in our lives but to get from the 95% fixed to the 100% fixed is where the problem comes in. The cost to completely clean up every item on the agenda is so prohibitive as to make the end result not worth it. Look no further than the coal fired generators. They are like 95% less polluting today than they were a few years ago. But to completely clean them up is too costly therefore the companies shut them down and use a more costly form of energy. It goes back to the law of diminishing returns.. To people like you I guess I am a numbnuts But I would gladly see the EPA cut about 50% for starters. It has been radicalized.

Marry Ellen Pleasent June 19, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Why don’t Smirks and John Boy just renounce their US citizenship.MF’ers hate this country.Typical progressives.

Torch June 19, 2014 at 10:31 pm

Hey biatch, you must be a Kochsucker.

Marry Ellen Pissant June 20, 2014 at 10:37 am

You’re an ignorant piece of shit. Why don’t you just die & go to hell?

Tomocchio June 19, 2014 at 9:10 pm

I had been constipated all damn week.drank some seltzer with olive oil and boy did that loosen me up!! I feel good now!!!

Native Ink June 19, 2014 at 9:54 pm

“Independent groups have estimated that the EPA’s latest regulation would increase energy costs on the average American family by more than $1,300 a year over the next decade.”

LOL, these are probably the same experts who said ObamaCare would increase every family’s insurance premiums by $1,300 a year. These jokers love to throw out high numbers that no one with common sense can take seriously.

Armyvet81 June 23, 2014 at 9:28 pm

The average cost of insurance premiums has risen more than $2500 per year. As a doctor I get to hear about it all the time. So, your $1300 is way off.

Fat Greg Dulli June 20, 2014 at 11:31 am Reply
Tom June 20, 2014 at 1:43 pm

Even more priceless!! This is hilarious.


Danny June 23, 2014 at 1:55 pm

and I see the libber fibbers are alive and well. No matter what happens you cant be anybody but your dear destructive selves. I can agree that we cant just go willy nilly on our way and forget about all environment. I realize the overreaching hand of the US government and our dictator will bring about double the cost of such an issue. I personally after the years of prog libs stealing our liberties and freedom of religion would never trust them. Just keep on with your anything goes mentality until you destroy what our forefathers built, all you libs do is tear down.

Armyvet81 June 23, 2014 at 9:30 pm

We should always try to protect our environment but there needs to be a reasonable approach that doesn’t screw people over.


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