InfiLaw Touts SC Attorney General’s Opinion

ALAN WILSON’S OFFICE WEIGHS IN ON CONTROVERSIAL DEAL …  InfiLaw – the glorified “diploma mill” looking to further dumb down the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) – scored a victory this week when S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson’s office weighed in on its attempt to purchase the private institution. Wait…


InfiLaw – the glorified “diploma mill” looking to further dumb down the Charleston School of Law (CSOL) – scored a victory this week when S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson’s office weighed in on its attempt to purchase the private institution.

Wait … attempt to purchase?

Why in the hell is a private company “attempting to purchase” a private institution? If it has the money, why isn’t it just purchasing it?

Oh right … this is South Carolina, where government’s tentacles could plumb the depths of the Marianas Trench (with distance to spare).

Don’t get us wrong, we think the purchase of CSOL by InfiLaw – news of which broke exclusively on this site last year – would be a disaster. It’s a terrible idea, in fact. But that’s for the private sector to decide as a result of market forces, not government to decide as a result of political considerations.

Accordingly, we reject any effort by the S.C. Commission on Higher Education (CHE) or any other agency of the state to interfere with a private sector business transaction.

Wilson’s office agreed with us … sort of.

According to an advisory opinion issued by deputy attorney general Brendan McDonald and solicitor general Robert D. Cook, the CHE is limited by its statutory mandate and must rule in favor of any application for a higher education license that meets

“The CHE is a creature of statute and may exercise only those powers provided by law,” McDonald and Cook write.

According to InfiLaw supporters, this opinion “nullifies” a recent recommendation by a CHE subcommittee to deny InfiLaw’s license.

Officially, the company would only say through its attorney that “this opinion is important to the licensure process because the AG provides representation for the state in all legal proceedings.”

Translation? Good luck getting the AG to defend the CHE in the event InfiLaw files suit – which it clearly intends to do if its licensure application is denied.

The full Commission on Higher Education is expected to rule on the InfiLaw-CSOL deal next week …

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CoolerHeadsPrevailing May 31, 2014 at 2:22 pm

Wow. A savage rebuke to the Billy Want theory of law, which states that there is no rule of law except what resides inside his head. A perfect example of the old adage that those that cannot do (or think, in this case), teach.

Perhaps he should return to law school and relearn his trade….

Infilaw Losers May 31, 2014 at 4:43 pm

You’re an idiot and your incompetence stinks. Keep your mouth shut because you’re too dumb to realize that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

SCModerate June 1, 2014 at 4:29 am

Billy Want has a Yale law degree. Aside from being a law professor, he is a nationally renowned attorney and author – I hardly consider him to be someone who lacks the ability to think.

TheirGooseIsCooked May 31, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Never mind that the AG’s office is involved in a bitter feud with Harrell, who was a signatory to the letter this AG advisory opinion “smacks down.” I’m sure there’s no political angle there at all…

The good news for everyone opposed to InfiLaw (which IS everyone, except a few paid-for alums and the others who will financially benefit from this transaction) is that InfiLaw has more than shown its true colors this year, most recently by threatening to call up their loan to CSOL, and has numerous violations of the regs that have nothing to do with the “best interest” language cited in the AG opinion. They won’t be able to use their paltry and paid-for political connections to squirm out of those violations. Good riddance.

Evan May 31, 2014 at 7:20 pm

InfiLaw schools perform better than CSOL now. Allowing the sale will help the students there.

Jackie Chiles June 2, 2014 at 11:07 am

They perform better at scamming poor morons out of their student loan dollars.

Inciteful June 3, 2014 at 3:30 pm

Betcha InfiLaw performs better at running a college than Glen McConnell. At least they’ve got experience! Hey,…That’s it!,…Lets sell the C of C to infiLaw! But they HAVE to take Glenn in the bargan.

WasteOf$$ May 31, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Gotta love the “media crisis” team InfiLaw/K&C have hired. Their primary strategy seems to be trolling the Internet for news articles and providing positive InfiLaw comments. Whatever they are getting paid, it’s too much!

Ralph Hightower June 1, 2014 at 6:23 am

Heck, after the founders took boatloads of cash from the school, let InfiLaw have the school.

Jackie Chiles June 2, 2014 at 11:07 am

Yeah, because Infinilaw doesn’t want a boatload of money too.

SCModerate June 1, 2014 at 6:37 am

The notion that Infilaw would have a valid Due Process claim is a complete joke. And according to the AG’s interpretation regarding lawsuits against a proposed owner as it relates to the reputation criteria… Even if the pending lawsuits had already been litigated and decided against Infilaw-owned Florida Coastal and Arizona Summit, the rulings would not be applicable to Infilaw?

E.J. June 1, 2014 at 9:18 am

I agree: Let the private sector decide as a result of market forces, not the government.

Jackie Chiles June 2, 2014 at 11:08 am

Then eliminate student loan dollars backed by the federal government. Until that day comes, the government should be heavily involved with this sale because the purchaser will be using government student loan money to profit.

JackieChilesWestbrook June 2, 2014 at 4:31 pm

CHE is a state agency, Ed. Student loan dollars come from the federal government, and the Department of Education regulates all schools that receive student loan money. That is not the issue here.

Why is there so much softness between your ears?

Jackie Chiles June 2, 2014 at 5:14 pm

I’m more than happy if a state agency takes it upon itself to save thousands of brain dead morons from making the mistake of wasting federal student loan dollars on attending an Infinilaw diploma mill.

I’m not sure why you seem to think a state agency doing something good for federal taxpayers is a bad thing. I guess you don’t really care one way or the other as long as those sweet, sweet student loan promissory notes are signed by the barely literate mouth breathers that make up Infinilaw student bodies.


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