
Class of 2014: Sucks To Be You!

 GOOD LUCK WITH THE “NEW NORMAL,” KIDS … As overpriced colleges and universities across America cough another crop of graduates out into the economy, Zak Cheney-Rice of Policy Mic has a post up regurgitating some recent data published about the Class of 2014 in The Wall Street Journal. First, the Journal…


As overpriced colleges and universities across America cough another crop of graduates out into the economy, Zak Cheney-Rice of Policy Mic has a post up regurgitating some recent data published about the Class of 2014 in The Wall Street Journal.

First, the Journal data …

According to the paper, the average loan-holding graduate in this year’s class will have to pay back $33,000 – up from $31,000 last year (and up from roughly $15,000 two decades ago, adjusted for inflation). That’s right – the average amount of student loan debt has more than doubled over the last two decades in real dollars.

Not only that, the percentage of students heading into the work world with college debt has also soared – from 46 percent in 1994 to 70 percent today.

We’ll boil that down for those of you educated in government-run schools: More students are carrying debt … and there’s more debt per student.

Anyway, we’ve written about this debt bubble previously, but Cheney-Rice’s post doesn’t just regurgitate this data – it makes an important leap not a lot of people are making.

Higher student debt creates a major drain on the U.S. economy – especially the still-sagging American housing industry.

Citing a report published last week by Neil Erwin of The New York Times, Cheney-Rice links the depressing debt data to a major decline in mortgages being taken out by 27-to-30-year-olds.

“It makes sense: The more money you owe, the less you have to spend on a down payment,” Cheney-Rice notes. “But considered on a grander scale, the pattern of fewer mortgages — whatever the cause may be — also spells bad news for future economic growth. The housing industry has always been instrumental helping the United States recover from past recessions, but since 2008, it’s made less than half its normal economic contribution — a fact partially attributable to the decreased investments from young people.”

Indeed …

Government decided twenty years ago that attending college and owning a home ought to be universal American rights – no matter what a person’s intellectual or income-generating limits may be. That’s a noble sentiment, but efforts to force those outcomes on the economy have failed miserably.

The dream of “affordable housing for all” was the root of our current economic crisis … will the dream of “college for all” be the root of the next downturn?

Who knows … but good luck to all you Class of 2014 graduates. We hear the job market is a real bitch these days.

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GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 9:51 am

Hope and Change—- has turned to Dope and Strange.

So NEVER Trust a Stupid F*#king voter under age 30 …Is THAT the New NORMAL under Obama…???…LMAO…

ThatGuy May 20, 2014 at 10:14 am

‘Sok. I don’t trust anyone over the age of 40, voter or not. You’re the pricks in charge who got us into this over the last 20+ years, and are the ones bumping up price tags and draining OUR social security dollars into keeping your elderly asses around another few years.

Uh huh May 20, 2014 at 10:20 am

I think you gotta add another 10 years to get closer to reality…even the 40 somethings are just now getting some marginal offices/power…the baby boomers are the real culprits in this whole mess.

They were spoiled by the standard of living produced by their WW2 parents and economic supremacy enjoyed by the US after wiping everyone else out and having a relative monopoly on industrial production while all of Europe was rebuilding…so the attitude of hubris and this notion of American exceptionalism fostered a culture of hedonism in a variety of ways…fiscal and moral…lead by the boomers.(not all of them obviously, but the demographic had enough to effect policy change in our great democracy)

Many of them have no feelings of guilt over the continued deficit spending on the backs of their children and grand children. The sooner they are gone the better.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:36 am

Get a job you Ignorant, Lazy, no-account Drunk and video game addict…oops…Obama’s in charge, there are no jobs…

You Know it ALL…but The first big-boy decision in your Miserable life…and you F*#ked that up and voted Obama…

It really does SUCK to be you…Fat Drunk and Stupid….and jobless, thanks to your lord god…

Dr. Sam Grumme May 20, 2014 at 10:02 am

This is why we need to listen to Elizabeth Warren.

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 20, 2014 at 11:34 am

Oy vey!!

Elizabeth Warren showed up at a Pow-wow several years ago, claiming to be TBG’s cousin.

None of the elders had any idea who the f**k she was.

Tom May 20, 2014 at 11:58 am

Zzzzzzzz Scott Brown and his Republican campaign managers already used up all the Indian jokes. Didn’t work out so well for them. Get some new material.

junior justice May 20, 2014 at 2:19 pm

Calling Shifty Henry – he stirs the pot for TBG to cook up some great jokes. That’s what has been lacking on this site lately. GT isn’t funny anymore.

Dice Man May 21, 2014 at 8:23 am

So a Rabbi, an Indian, and a Redneck walk into a bar….

Dice Man May 21, 2014 at 8:23 am

So a Rabbi, an Indian, and a Redneck walk into a bar….

Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 20, 2014 at 7:56 pm

Absolutely. But that makes too much sense. Many Americans aren’t interested in what makes sense.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:05 am

I wish my dick worked.

Burger King® May 20, 2014 at 10:07 am

We wish Tango worked! Lol…

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:09 am

It really P*$$#$ you off when your Failure is so obvious that you can no longer lie, or hide it…

When FITS begins to show signs of cracking, because he looks stupid to keep shilling for you…it’s over…You have been exposed for the Dumb@##$# and lairs, you are…

Burger King® May 20, 2014 at 10:11 am

Smile and the whole world smiles with you!

You want fries with that?

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:20 am

I DO work you F#@KING DUMBA$$. I man serval glory holes all over the midlands!

jimlewisowb May 20, 2014 at 10:16 am

Interesting comment, I thought you used it to type responses on this blog

ThatGuy May 20, 2014 at 10:12 am

The debt is an issue, yes, but moreso is the unwavering “tax that’s we won’t call a tax” rape of college students by the gubment loan system to the tune of 6.75% (some are over 7%), when banks other, higher risk, debts are costed between zilch and about 4.5%. Why do the feds see newly minted college students as another source of funds?

Jackie Chiles May 20, 2014 at 10:20 am

Exactly. Also, every other kind of debt is dischargable in bankruptcy except for student loans. We’re basically creating a slave class of people unable to ever get out of debt-something unheard of in the United States.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:15 am

I DO work you F#@KING DUMBA$$! I man several glory holes in the midlands!

frank May 20, 2014 at 10:27 am

I guess it does literally “Suck to be You”.

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 10:17 am

Interesting article – except that mortgage loans for new purchases have actually been increasing and are expected to increase by another 10% in 2014, so it’s hard to suggest, yet alone validate with quantifiable data and correlations, that increased student loan debt is dampening the housing market. It also flies in the face of common sense. So a college graduate with $30K in consolidated school debt paid over 30 years would have a monthly payment of roughly $165. About one-half a car payment. Now assuming that graduate decides to relocate from Columbia to Charlotte or Atlanta, he/hers income would be initially somewhere around $35K, take home after taxes and insurance around $2,300. But the gross would be around $2,900 – and they could qualify for about a $135,000 mortgage (based on say a 4.5% rate over 30 years). Whichi in Atlanta or Charlotte will get that graduate a decent townhome with two bedrooms and two baths and plenty of hot chicks at the community pool. And the idea that having more college educated workers is somehow a negative, think again. High wage, high value jobs will require a better educated workforce, who will earn more money. During the depths of the Great Recession college educated workers averaged an unemployment rate below 5%. It’s currenlty around 3.5%. Truth is, you want to buy a house in your future, get a college degree. And BTW, that monthly school loan payment, is equal to the graduates first raise after one year. So……

CNSYD May 20, 2014 at 10:21 am

Rocky, how many times do you have to be told that facts are not welcome on this site? They mess up Sic Willie’s little stories

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 10:20 am

Oh, and those girls should wearing bathing suits. Ah, the Horse Shoe

junior justice May 20, 2014 at 10:35 am

Max the Clown woke up when he saw this photo. He will probably put it on his desk top – he says ‘that’s the age that trips my trigger’ and he will probably sponsor a party just for them.

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 10:52 am

Notice how the blondes are sort of stick-like and the brunette has nice curves. Just saying – why are the blonde chicks so curve-less.

junior justice May 20, 2014 at 11:21 am

Probably a few too many parties with Max the Clown – but those two heifers on the ends are nice.

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 12:29 pm

I’d take them all, either one at a time over the whole day, or all five for the entire afternoon.

Norma Scok May 20, 2014 at 1:05 pm

Look at their faces. Their. Faces.

These chicks better get married…and soon.

CorruptionInColumbia May 20, 2014 at 10:21 pm

Notice how the three blondes look almost like triplets. I swear, they all came from the same vag.

Turn Off, Tune Out May 20, 2014 at 10:32 am

In the end, the demographic pandering related to the homeowner initiative – pushed by both parties but clearly which favored Democrats at the polls – which led to the “Great Recession” should have led to massive jail time, executions, etc. Essentially, it was this demographically and social engineering-based theft, plus a healthy dose of Wall Street off shoring and increased profitability at all costs, that sent the economy into the crapper for college grads that continues to this day with little to no job growth. The second punch of course is the theft by Higher Ed administrations across the US who’ve not learned to “Just say no”.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 10:43 am

Good job. You’re essentially blaming Barney Frank and Frank Raines (Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae) ..the 2 Franks…They are most GUILTY..

Bush warned Congress more than a dozen times that forcing loans based on Race, w/ no ability to repay, would drive prices through the roof, only to eventfully collapse the market…

So thank you for absolving Bush..and pointing the finger at the 2 Franks…
Even w/ that: A LEADER, not a clown like Obama, would have cleaned up that mess…long ago. It has just gotten worse under Obama…He’s a total Failure…

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 10:51 am

So do you start putting whiskey in your coffee at 5 am or 7 am – because by 10:30 you truly are in an other universe. Bizzaro land for sure. Bush said “dont’ do it” – what a laugh. His OTS let the thrifts do it and gave them cover from state regulators through “Federal Pre-emption” – except of course in Texas.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 11:02 am

Liar Much??

Barney Frank: 2003: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are “fundamentally sound”

[The Bush administration’s 2005 Banking bill] would have subjected Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to the kinds of federal regulation that banks, credit unions, and savings loans have to comply with. No Democrat supported it.

The leading reform opponents were Rep. Barney Frank (D, MA) and Sen. Chris Dodd (D, CT). Frank first dismissed the fiscal warnings, suggesting administration officials would “exaggerate a threat of safety and goodness [to] conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see” and called Fannie and Freddie “fundamentally sound financially.” Later, Frank went so far as to argue that this “is an artificial issue created by the administration. I don’t think we are in any remote danger here.” Even as Fannie and Freddie collapsed and helped drive the financial crisis of 2008, Frank labeled Bush’s call for reform “inane.”

The Democrats were so D*#n Wrong about it…and we are paying dearly for their ignorance and corruption.


You liberals are ABSOLUTELY pathetic…

Rocky May 20, 2014 at 11:09 am

Between 2004 and 2007 – nearly 70% of all loans were non-FNMA and non-FHLMC loans, but rather private loans securitized by Wall Street lending machines and thrifts (mainly IndyMac and Washington Mutual) – so your fixation on FNMA I think has mainly to do with their knickname Fannie rather than reality.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 11:17 am

So more than 30% of all loans for 3 years were FNMA and-FHLMC..Do you know how much F*#king money that is…you F*#king idiot???…and what about 2000 to 2004, when Bush was telling you, you were headed for collapse???..how convenient to leave that out…

But I’m glad to see have changed your claims from denying the Ds did it…to it ain;t so bad if we did…

F*#king up is the MAIN reason you need to be Run out of power, and kept the F*#k out…but lying about who you are, and what you do, is as bad as the F*#king up…

If the media outed you for the Corrupt pieces of PURE S#*! you are…no one would ever elect another D…but as it is, there are enough stupid people and Freeloaders to feed your Greed and Power…

Rocky and Bull May 20, 2014 at 12:25 pm

I didn’t say the Dems did it. For once, everyone can get themselves a helping of blame. Dems, GOPPERS – you see the GOPPERS getting rid of FNMA and FHLMC now? No! Why – because they’ze profitable and dumping money into the treasury. RINO, DEMO, LIBERTARIAN, MORON – all four party affiliations – ain’t none of them ever got rid of a revenue stream that gave money into the treasury, and contributions into their campaign funds.

GrandTango May 20, 2014 at 12:58 pm

Just STFU…You lied, got caught and made a D@*n fool of yourself in the process. Enough already…….

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 4:02 am

Your claim about Bush wasn’t a lie, exactly – you’re too ignorant and uninformed to even lie properly. It’s not even your fault… it’s a genetic deformity.

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 4:01 am

The main reason you are politically impotent, is because you’re insane. It’s a good thing you don’t have the money the Koch’s do.

Karl May 21, 2014 at 6:18 am

I have a question… do you really think that you not spelling out fuck but replacing two letters with random characters makes it better? Just say fuck. It’s the same thing.

GrandTango May 21, 2014 at 8:32 am

Better question: Why the F*#k are you worrying about what I do???…

Are you a Big Brother Liberal who wants to Control everything we do???…including the speech we use…..

Or are you a FITS Liberal-Tarian, who claims you are against any restraints, whatsoever, but you S#!* in your pants, and run to tattle-tale, every time a South Carolinian steps out of the little box your perverted and Gestapo @$$-hole mind has conceived?

Prophet Phil May 22, 2014 at 8:21 pm

God doesn’t agree with what you’re doing.

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 20, 2014 at 11:42 am

“Take a load off, Fanny
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Fanny
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)”

-The Band

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 3:54 am

Bush warned Congress more than a dozen times that forcing loans based on Race, w/ no ability to repay, would drive prices through the roof, only to eventfully collapse the market…




Bush ran on providing minorities no downpayment loans.

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush asked Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the “most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade.” It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush’s change extended the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.

The FHA isn’t a direct lender, but guarantees loan payments for mortgages on moderately priced owner-occupied property. The FHA guarantee now permits private lenders to finance as much as 97% of the purchase price of a home for millions of low- and middle-income borrowers.

In the proposal delivered to Congress, Bush allowed the FHA to guarantee loans for the full purchase price of the home, plus down-payment costs. As a practical matter, the FHA would guarantee mortgages as high as 103% of the value of the underlying property.

Squishy123 May 20, 2014 at 11:19 am

They bitch about $33k in student loans, but as soon as they get a job the first they do is run out to the BMW dealership.

Slick May 20, 2014 at 11:48 am

Just don’t take out a loan to go to college. Get a job and pay as you go if you haven’t saved up enough money. Pretty simple right? Or maybe I’m missing something because I was educated in government run schools. Yea, I probably have this wrong.

Needs No Introduction. May 20, 2014 at 3:35 pm

Worked my way through college. No loans. Debt free on graduation day. Took 6 1/2 years. If I did it again, I’d do some loans instead. It was a bitch. I turned 25 years old the month after I graduated.

Yelsewh May 20, 2014 at 12:22 pm

God forbid we invest state money in higher education.

anonymous May 20, 2014 at 2:26 pm

I think it is important to remember that while student debt may create a drain on the economy, it is a bit more subversive than even that. Based on what I have read, colleges have positioned themselves so that they are receiving more money than ever from students, on average. The student debt cycle is a story of redistribution so that, in order to claim that student debt truly hurts the economy, we would have to assume that this type of redistribution threatens economic growth. Colleges are in the business of selling access (i.e. course credits) to professors who provide services (i.e. education or training).

Jim Gandy May 20, 2014 at 10:30 pm

That is so on target. I just got back from DC and I still can’t say for sure whose dick tastes better. Obama’s or Al Gore’s.

euwe max May 20, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Nice disguise.

SomalianRoadCorp May 21, 2014 at 5:01 pm

I didn’t know the rag Mother Jones was still around

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 5:16 pm

Fact-based reporting is safe, legal, and rare.

SomalianRoadCorp May 21, 2014 at 5:23 pm


Slartibartfast May 20, 2014 at 7:22 pm

In the Golden Age of Greek Theatre, the Theatron had two entrances called Paradoi, one on each side. They were equally important, but opposing in position. We get our word, “paradox”, from the Ancient Greek.

We have expensive non-technical collegiate schooling which does not prepare our children for any productive work. At the same time, we have good-paying minimal-training skill jobs and high-paying technical jobs which go wanting. SC has excellent colleges with amazing high-tech training facilities and marvelous Tech Schools with even more amazing low and high tech training facilities.

The answer is not Greek to me. But it is a frustrating, true, paradox.

Thomas May 20, 2014 at 8:12 pm

Gee, the Class of 2013 is still looking for a job. At least they will be on Mom and Pop’s healthcare plan until they are 26. When will you under 30 types wake up and exercise your right to change the government every two years by voting OUT the scum that gave you this debt and an economy with not job prospects?

Tomocchio May 21, 2014 at 9:29 pm

It is just money you have to pay later. Education more important than any loan.

CorruptionInColumbia May 22, 2014 at 1:14 am

That is the myth that they like to propagate in order to keep the higher education scam running at full tilt. They have people believing that they will be totally unable to make a decent living without a college degree. True, for some areas of endeavor such as medical, chemical engineering, and the like, you need it. If people use good judgment in finding a trade and get proper training and develop skill at it, they can live quite well without college and the debt that it usually incurs, these days.

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 2:26 am

During The Last Republican Administration, 2 enormous and preventable disasters

Our borders were penetrated by terrorists that Bush turned into two 10 year long wars.

Our economy was devastated by deregulation and encouraging minorities to get into housing with no money down.

The Republican Party’s 2012 platform highlighted the fact that the rest of the Mexico/US double fencing was never built and stated that “The double-layered fencing on the border that was enacted by Congress in 2006, but never completed, must finally be built.” The Washington Office on Latin America alleges on its Border Fact Check site that the extremely high cost of complying with the Secure Fence Act’s mandate-estimated at US$4.1 billion, or more than the Border Patrol’s entire annual budget of US$3.55 billion– was the main reason that it was not fulfilled. In reality Congress failed to fund the project sufficiently in order to finish building the fence.

The idea of using switchgrass to produce biofuels was brought up by former US president George W. Bush in his 2006 State of the Union address

Former President George W. Bush called for a transition to a combination of a government-funded program and personal accounts (“individual accounts” or “private accounts”) through partial privatization of the system.

In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush asked Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

In announcing the plan at a home builders show in Las Vegas, Federal Housing Commissioner John Weicher called the proposal the “most significant FHA initiative in more than a decade.” It would lead to 150,000 first-time owners annually, he said.

Nothing-down options are available on the private mortgage market, but, in general, they require the borrower to have pristine credit. Bush’s proposed change would extend the nothing-down option to borrowers with blemished credit.

The FHA isn’t a direct lender, but guarantees loan payments for mortgages on moderately priced owner-occupied property. The FHA guarantee now permits private lenders to finance as much as 97% of the purchase price of a home for millions of low- and middle-income borrowers.

In the proposal delivered to Congress, Bush allowed the FHA to guarantee loans for the full purchase price of the home, plus down-payment costs. As a practical matter, the FHA would guarantee mortgages as high as 103% of the value of the underlying property.

SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush’s advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans — including 49 percent of Republicans — say President George W. Bush is responsible for the state of today’s economy, a new Gallup poll finds.

1. Deregulated Wall Street: It was a great time to be a Wall Street executive during the Bush administration. Sweeping financial deregulation helped build the housing bubble and allowed financial institutions to pursue risky trades unchecked. In fact, Bush eliminated the rules that allowed Wall Street to cause the financial crash that plunged the nation into the Great Recession.

2. Cut Taxes For The Wealthy: The Bush tax cuts — over 50 percent of which benefited the richest 5 percent of American taxpayers — cost about $2.5 trillion over the decade after they were enacted. Ten years later, Bush’s tax cuts are stillthe main driving factor of the national debt:

3. Ran Up A Tab On Two Wars: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the country trillions of dollars. Combined with Bush’s tax cuts, war spending was amain factor in blowing up the deficit and spending the surplus accumulated under Clinton. Lawmakers now use the deficit as an excuse for inaction.

4. Left Homeowners In A Lurch: While Bush was happy to help out the banks in the wake of the housing crisis, he did little to assist struggling homeowners.Hope For Homeowners, Bush’s proposal to assist those struggling with their mortgages, was a colossal failure; in its first six months, it helped just one homeowner renegotiate his mortgage. Many mortgage holders — 15.7 million or, one in three — are still underwater today.

5. Weakened Workers: Bush weakened worker safety regulations and collective bargaining rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Labor throughout his time in office. Today, corporations are back to making record profits, while workers’ incomes are falling.

euwe max May 21, 2014 at 3:50 am

Glenn Beck’s natives are getting very restless, and many of them are now taking their frustrations out on him.

The organizers of last Friday’s “Operation American Spring” (OAS) had claimed their massive Washington D.C. protest, “calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” was likely to draw 10 million to 30 million fed-up American patriots to the nation’s capital.

To the weekend-long bemusement of Democrats and progressives, the number of attendees at the rally was closer to 10 than 30 million. As even the rightwing Washington Times reported, attendance fell “woefully below expectations,” with turnout claims varying from a few hundred to a few thousand. “Hundreds is more like it,” said one of the attendees quoted by the Times.

Progressives were predictably entertained by the dismal failure of the umpteenth rally to save our nation from the “outlaws” or “commies” or “Muslims” or “Constitution haters” who have now taken it over the government — through peaceful elections. But once the King of the American Patriots himself, Glenn Beck, and his online “news” outlet The Blaze, appeared to join in to mock the event, the real patriots could no longer hold their tongues.

Long-time supporters of Beck’s turned their sights on the radio host-turned-CNN-host- turned-Fox-“News”-host-turned-multi-millionaire-Internet-entrepeneur after The Blaze’s Oliver Darcy covered the event, describing it as “only millions short of projected turnout,” featuring “only a few dozen protesters” and as having “failed incredibly.”

Many of Beck’s fans were decidedly not happy about that, some going so far as to declare Beck himself “the enemy”…

“Operation American Spring was BECKSTABBED and then TheBlaze has the nerve to mock them for low turnout,” said one furious commenter at The Blaze. “Of course glenn [sic] did not endorse it, it wasn’t his PARTY,” said another in response.

And on and on it went. While many Blaze readers predictably blamed the usual “commie” or “Muslim” or “liberal” or “government” operatives for undermining the event, the most vitriol in The Blaze’s hundreds of comments on the one article seemed to be reserved for Beck himself.

Reading through them, one finds many calls for an armed or otherwise violent overthrow of the government. Some commenters complained they hadn’t heard about the event until it had already failed, while many blamed Beck for that as well.

Others came to Beck’s defense, blaming the organizers for a bad idea in the first place. One commenter named “Eastinfection” said the entire affiar, echoing the name and tactics of the so-called “Arab Spring” uprisings, just sounded too Muslim-y. “Looking at it’s [sic] name, alone, would have been enough to make me avoid it. sounds like an event for Muslims demanding Sharia Law in the USA.”

Commenter “Uechi” echoed the sentiment: “When you here [sic] the word ‘spring’ used in this contest [sic] one can’t help but remember Egypt. How’d that work out moron?”

Another commenter, “mustang-2537”, felt that Operation American Spring’s acronym was just too similar to the one applied to the Occupy Wall Street movement for those on the right. “Its title of OAS is just too close to the hated OWS.”

As expected, there were scattered shots taken throughout the comments against both Beck and his supporters from posters who were obviously never fans of his in the first place. And some commenters, such as “Nof”, were quick to come to Beck’s defense: “Glenn has done much more than anyone else to open our eyes to The Progressive Agenda, and some are abandoning him and standing with those who will aid Progressives in their destruction of America…….”

Shitfore Brains May 21, 2014 at 9:25 pm


Limbaughsaphatkhunt May 21, 2014 at 10:40 pm

I guess Mick Zais is right…we should just designate 70% of high school students to work in the salt mines Hunger Games style to make way for incoming college grads.


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