SC Political Blood Feud

IT’S ABOUT TO GET MESSY … South Carolina has serious problems, people. Our incomes are low (and stagnant). Our government-run schools are the worst in America. And while our unemployment rate is in decline – a closer look at the numbers reveals it’s dropping for all the wrong reasons. Even though…


South Carolina has serious problems, people. Our incomes are low (and stagnant). Our government-run schools are the worst in America. And while our unemployment rate is in decline – a closer look at the numbers reveals it’s dropping for all the wrong reasons.

Even though government growth has demonstrably failed to fix any of these chronic problems (and even though state leaders have proven themselves to be beyond incompetent when it comes to addressing core functions of government) … state spending is set to soar once again in the coming fiscal year.

Oh … and on top of all that the Palmetto State is home to one of the nation’s most secretive and corrupt state governments?

Despite S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s repeated assertions to the contrary, it is NOT a “great day in South Carolina.”

Well … unless of course you’re a politician enriching yourself by habitually violating state law (the way Haley and S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell have done).

Which brings us to the latest act in the tragicomedy that is Palmetto politics – the decision by a circuit court judge to terminate a legitimate criminal public corruption investigation of Harrell and send the case to a “cover-up” committee comprised of South Carolina state lawmakers.

Sound familiar? This is exactly the same process used to absolve Haley of any wrongdoing in her 2012 corruption case – even though clear evidence emerged indicating she broke the law.

S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson – who is attempting to hold Harrell accountable for his crimes – put it best when he told us the latest attempted whitewash went directly to “the public’s trust in government,” which according to him “just isn’t there anymore.”

That’s for damn sure …

In an ideal world, Harrell AND Haley would be tried and convicted for their flagrant self-serving betrayals of the public trust. Meanwhile a new crop of principled leaders at the S.C. State House would (for once) exercise some common sense and recognize  lower taxes, less government and more free market reforms are what’s needed to lift South Carolina up  off of the proverbial mat.

But we don’t live in an ideal world … we live in South Carolina. Which means corrupt politicians and their failed policies will continue receiving free reign to hold us back as a state.

It’s actually worse than that, though …

Because these politicians aren’t being forced to answer for their misdeeds, they have plenty of time on their hands to plot intrigues against their rivals.

And those hands are about to get very, very bloody …

According to sources familiar with Harrell’s political organization, a massive retaliatory campaign is about to be launched against the Speaker’s enemies – one which will reportedly include personal and political attacks involving a wide range of targets.

At the top of the list? Wilson – who has already been the subject of a web-based smear campaign originating from Harrell’s camp.

Other targets? S.C. Policy Council president Ashley Landess, S.C. Sen. Tom Davis, former House majority leader Kenny Bingham, S.C. Rep. Rick Quinn … just to name a few. Other legislative targets are reportedly being presented with the choice either to rally behind Harrell – or face annihilation.

“People’s lives – their lives, the lives of their families – all of them are about to be ruined,” our source said. “Ruined.”

Even this website and its founding editor are on the chopping block …

“They are about to go after you,” our source said. “They are trying to run you out of the state.”

Ah, South Carolina … what would we do without you?

Or perhaps the better question: What would you do without us?

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The Colonel May 13, 2014 at 1:13 pm

Wow, trying to run you out of the state – and being that you’re basically entirely web based, that would accomplish exactly what? (Other than giving credence to your claim)

Rooster May 13, 2014 at 3:07 pm

FITS – I don’t always agree with your blowing with the wind but you seem to really believe in the fight against corruption. When you tout T-Rav I sometimes suspect that you are only motivated by $$. Be that as it may my friend, The Colonel has a point. If they want to stop you it may get more serious than state lines. They will either rig up some scandal / crime or something more sinister. Watch your step Cuz and keep exposing these asses for what they really are. It is way past due in SC.

Totally Fedn up! May 13, 2014 at 3:42 pm

“They will either rig up some scandal/crime or something sinister.”
You must have run afoul of the Peelers, Haley, Leatherman, Harrell, White, Martin in the past also!

Edgar May 13, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Sen Tom Davis sold out to the dark side when he actively campaigned for and voted for Jean Toal. He helped the leader of this corrupt mess where SC presently finds itself. He knew exactly what he was doing. He needs to go down also. Sorry, Sic. It’s true.

a face in the crowd May 13, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Wilson is the Attorney General. If he allows himself to be pushed around by a politician, then he has no business being in the position he is in.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 1:38 pm

How did Wilson get the AG job? he ran for it in a political election. So by definition he is a politician.

a face in the crowd May 13, 2014 at 1:42 pm

Yes, the people elected him to represent their interests and enforce the law. Do you have any idea what his obligations are?

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 1:59 pm

If his skirts were clean, he would have no fear of being “pushed around”.

a face in the crowd May 13, 2014 at 2:07 pm

Then, as I say, he has no business being in the position he is in.

junior justice May 13, 2014 at 3:48 pm

Is that bent over and touching his toes?

Tired of you May 13, 2014 at 3:56 pm

You write to yourself, and your comments are inane. Why don’t you go for a walk, take in a movie, read a book, call a friend?

A Prayer Just For You May 14, 2014 at 7:23 am

Chak jou hergun se gunyon, lot k?c?m? opebilir opotinite opebilir pou, rankontre anlat?lmas? gereken, ak yon gereken birini, moun gereken birini ki bezwen pou pou, te gereken
birini icin, di ke ou kapab selman bo mbourik baska bir f?rsatt?r.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:49 pm

Wilson had his day in Court, he lost, he obviously doesn’t understand the law or he has some really dumb legal advisors or some legal advisors that are paid a lot of money to be really dumb.

Mike at the Beach May 13, 2014 at 5:29 pm

You don’t really believe that “losing” after your day in court equates to being “wrong,” do you? That kind of naivete is kinda cute (but only if you’re around 16 or 17 years old).

atty w/o 100% record May 13, 2014 at 11:43 pm

Stop your sanity Mike ATB it does-not-compute.

Mike at the Beach May 14, 2014 at 12:47 am

Sorry. My bad.

Whaa? May 13, 2014 at 1:17 pm

Tell me how these lives are going to be “ruined” ?

Native Ink May 14, 2014 at 2:49 pm

I’m thinking the family members have crony jobs or contracts with the state. Harrell is probably threatening to push them off the tit.

Jack sense of self worth May 13, 2014 at 1:18 pm

former House majority leader Kenny Bingham – Also Chair of the Ethics Committee.

I would say that the Speaker might want to be careful there. The guy could just kick this back to Wilson…

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:46 pm

No way, there’s a lot wishful thinking going on. Wilson has crashed and burned, you really think other people are going to come rushing in to do the same thing, crash and burn? I don’t think so Scooter.

Nuff Said May 13, 2014 at 3:25 pm

I have heard you use that term in public my friend and if you use that Scooter shit one more time I am going to out you! Understand?

Jack's misplaced diaphragm May 13, 2014 at 3:41 pm

The way he frantically comments in an obsessive manner leaves little to ponder who it is: Harrell the Little or Chris Slick.

blue light May 13, 2014 at 5:40 pm

Nah, I know him, scared of his shadow!

Just another guy May 13, 2014 at 1:23 pm

Leaving the state may not be a bad idea. If you move to North Carolina, your taxes would be cheaper than here. Hell move to Florida and have no income taxes. Laugh all the way to the bank.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Once again you fool yourself. Check out “fees”, sales taxes, etc. in FL. There is no free lunch.

Just another guy May 13, 2014 at 2:22 pm

You are incorrect about the sales tax. In Florida, the average sales tax is 6.65% and here in South Carolina, it is drum roll please, 7.14%. As for the fees, that is hard to track but depending on what you do, Florida does have higher fees, but I don’t think those fee equal the income tax in South Carolina. Try Again.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 2:49 pm

property taxes? tolls? etc.

The Florida (FL) state sales tax rate is currently 6%. Depending on local municipalities, the total tax rate can be as high as 7.5%.
Florida did not end up on Kiplinger’s list of 10 Tax-Friendly States
for Retirees for 2011. In the state of Florida, you may register to
collect and pay sales and use tax.

Just another guy May 13, 2014 at 3:15 pm

Once again, counties can do that here in South Carolina. That is why I put the average sales tax, which includes the LOST. In this state, it can be as high as 8%. As for Tolls, I am fine with tolls. If you use the roads, pay for it. Seems to make a lot of sense to me and saves people who do not use them.

BTW, Florida did make it for 2013. Glad to see you can pull numbers that are very dated to try to prove a point. Did you know that South Carolina was the 2nd highest Cotton Producer in 1860?

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 3:49 pm

I presume you are living in FL. If not, why? It is nirvana, right?

Just another guy May 13, 2014 at 3:56 pm

Hell no. I love South Carolina except for the politics. I was just pointing out Taxes were better down there. You argued it was not. I disproved your argument. Now you are looking for a tactful way out so I will now give it to you.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 4:06 pm

The point you are missing is that “taxes” take many forms. Sometimes they are called “fees”. Also, what is the sales tax on autos in FL? In SC it tops at $300. In FL it is 6% and most FL counties have a local discretionary sales surtax. Compute that on a new car.

Just another guy May 13, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Look, I gave you a way out and you decided to continue this debate. i have a feeling this is going to be a mistake for you.

You are correct, you found maybe the one tax that South Carolina is better on than any other state out there. Congrats. Let me ask you something, do you make money? Do you have an income? If so, 7% is gone to state taxes where Florida has no State income tax. You brought up sales tax. Yes both states have them, but on average, Florida is lower than South Carolina by almost 1%. Florida has more toll roads, but you can avoid them or not use them if you want. South Carolina has toll roads as well, just look here in Greenville with the bankrupt Connector. Many people chose not to use it.

Fees, Florida has fees, but it is normally if you use a product or do something, other than make money. So if you refi your house, you have an untangible tax, but you don’t have to close with attorney. South Carolina does not have that tax but you do have to close with an attorney (thanks Queen Jean).

I know Taxes come in many different shapes and forms but what you are missing is in Florida, you only pay the tax if you do something voluntary where I view income taxes as non voluntary. I would rather have the option to buy a new car or a used car and worry about the taxes when I am making that decision. BTW, I would be willing to bet you pay more for a car in South Carolina sticker price than in Florida because of the tax. ECON 101, Businesses do eat part of the tax that people are not willing to pay to do business.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 4:34 pm

To practice certain professions requires, in all states, a license. That is not an option (unless you just decide not to practice or decide to violate the law). So it is non voluntary. In Fl for the profession of which I am most familiar, the renewal fee is 30% higher than SC. I could sit here all day and find such examples.

aikencounty May 13, 2014 at 5:27 pm

Also, the price of gas in N.C. and Fla.

This just in. . . May 13, 2014 at 1:26 pm

Time for National Conversation About Post-Gala Violence, Experts Say

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) — Experts are calling for a national conversation about post-gala violence, which many say is a growing epidemic among America’s wealthiest gala attendees.

Dr. Davis Logsdon, who, for the past decade, has been studying post-gala violence at the University of Minnesota, says that a national conversation about post-gala skirmishes is “long overdue.”

“For years, post-gala violence has been America’s dirty little secret,” he says. “The media haven’t covered it, and government has offered no solutions. That’s why this moment is such a valuable wake-up call.”

Dr. Logsdon says that the key to preventing post-gala violence is “first understanding its root causes.”

“Galas are very stressful situations,” he says. “Attendees have spent thousands on gowns and spa treatments, and tens of thousands more on silent-auction items. All of that pressure has to go somewhere. More often than not, it erupts into violence.”

He credits the national media, especially TMZ, for finally shining a light on one of the nation’s biggest problems.

“As regrettable as this incident was, if it results in people talking seriously about post-gala violence, it will all have been worth it,” he says.

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 1:43 pm

I guess CEOs are all out to lunch.

South Carolina ranks as the fifth-best state in which to do business, according to Chief Executive magazine’s annual Best & Worst States for Business survey.

The Palmetto State, which moved up from No. 8 in 2013, drew four stars, the
magazine’s top rating, for taxations and regulations, workforce quality
and living environment, the annual survey of CEOs showed.

South Carolina’s development trend indicator registered a “neutral” rating.
The magazine recognized that the state has managed “to boost highway
infrastructure spending without penalizing business.” Last year the
General Assembly approved $100 million in additional transportation
spending, some of which will be leveraged in borrowing for road

“South Carolina and Texas seem to be very
pro-business, a good environment to start or bring a business to,” one
unidentified CEO commented in the report.

Another CEO noted South Carolina’s ability to attract “very heavy foreign investment,” such as BMW and Michelin, and its “rapidly growing aerospace sector”
that has drawn Boeing Co. and more than 200 other aerospace companies.

Other states in the top five are Texas, Florida, Tennessee and North
Carolina. The states rated worst for business are California, New York,
Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

The survey gauges the sentiment of CEOs on a variety of measures that the CEOs themselves have viewed as critical. These include the tax and regulatory regime, the
quality of the workforce and the quality of the living environment. Five
hundred CEOs participated in the 2014 survey.

Popcorn Sutton May 13, 2014 at 3:13 pm

For Christ’s sakes man listen to yourself. CEO’S LOVE CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS!! Have you never heard the phrase it’s a business doing pleasure. A compromised government official is a slave forever to your cause. These things require contrarian thinking. For example, has not anyone thought that this has been a ploy to put Toal in a corner? If she helps Harrell now she reveals her role in the corruption. If she shys away Harrell falls. This war will generate at least one head on a pole. The question is “whose will it be”?

CNSYD May 13, 2014 at 3:51 pm

So based on your “logic”, NY, NJ and especially IL are as pure as the driven snow.

Good Ole Boy May 13, 2014 at 1:51 pm

Oh goody. I’m gonna cheer for both sides and watch them destroy each other. Grab some popcorn, the show’s about to start!

junior justice May 13, 2014 at 1:59 pm

The ZOO will open soon – FREE admission for visitors!

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:41 pm

You mean the AG’s office?

Sandi Morals May 13, 2014 at 3:40 pm

Anytime dem/soc and RINO’s lose power or don’t get to use the courts to implement their perverted policies it becomes a ZOO

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Guess what, Wilson can’t do anything. Wilson tried to destroy Harrell, it didn’t work, he failed, he lost, it’s over.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Harrell tries to expose Wilson for his own campaign finance abuses, BTW, who prosecutes the prosecutor?

William Wallace May 13, 2014 at 3:38 pm

I’m not so sure it is over. You and your corrupt friends, just may have awakened a sleeping GIANT! The voters I talk with are getting more and more fed up with the self serving elected officials, who continue to serve themselves at our expense:
turn a blind eye to their corruption and self policing,
ignore the plight of our failing schools,
our crumblin infrastructure,
RAISE THEIR OWN RETIREMENTS, whild ignoring all others
Lie about job creation,
Sit idely by while innocent children are murdered, and try to cover up
Sit on their hands while they and their friends break the law,
View themselves, their activities as priviledged and above the taxpayer
Lie about almost anything and everything
Wake up people! NO incumbent left behind!!!!!!

Stop Nancy Pelosi May 13, 2014 at 4:31 pm


You think the mindless Republican horde in his District are going to replace Bobby Harrell with a Democrat?Two words for you WW,”Nancy Pelosi.”

Thats the issue! A little corruption?Eh!

Lights, camera ... action! May 13, 2014 at 1:51 pm

I hope Harrell knocks out Quinn and Davis — hypocrites who voted for Toal and sold out their souls. They all have dirty hands. Campsen, Limehouse – every one. I look forward to this mud match. I support Wilson, though, but don’t know what Wilson can do after the SCSC rules against Wilson.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:35 pm

There is NOTHING Wilson can do now. NOTHING. Read the Judge’s Order, Wilson can’t do ANYTHING. NADA, NOTHING!

Squishy123 May 13, 2014 at 2:43 pm

Doesn’t sound like that’s going to stop him… kind of a big “fuck you and the drunken lesbian who’s family likely owned your grandfather” to the circuit court judge.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 3:01 pm

The only thing he can do is appeal, what a freakin’ waste of everyone’s monies, with the exception of the people around Wilson that are being paid. On the other hand, what about Harrell, look at the amount of money he is going to have to spend to defend the appeal, and for what? for what? Wilson knows he is going to lose the appeal, so why appeal? Is he going to appeal so that his cronies can make more money? Or, is Wilson going to appeal just to be a jerk? The law is obviously on Harrell’s side, READ THE JUDGE’S ORDER, it’s so freakin’ obvious.

The Granite Halls May 13, 2014 at 3:43 pm


Bible Thumper May 13, 2014 at 1:53 pm

“They are trying to run you out of the state.”
Well, at least they won’t be able to use SHAME to run you out of the state. If it hasn’t worked so far, it will never work.

Sir Bors May 13, 2014 at 2:17 pm


junior justice May 13, 2014 at 3:50 pm

— !!

euwe max May 13, 2014 at 4:56 pm

Throw the charts from the bridge! Ramming speed!

Highway To Hell May 13, 2014 at 2:01 pm

Alan, better call daddy and have him channel his inner Frank Underwood!

Rocky May 13, 2014 at 2:09 pm

So thinking of the other movement that at times arises, SC leaving the union. Maybe the Union should just kick out South Carolina. I know, maybe Harrell can help hold a referendum about joining Russia? Cause increasingly I don’t see much difference between SC and Putin’s Russia.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:32 pm

You may come back in from left field now.

sconset987 May 13, 2014 at 2:21 pm

Sorry Sic. I am just not buying it. Harrell has been in politics a long time and he didn’t get to be Speaker by being stupid.. Surely, he hasn’t forgotten a fundamental principal of legislating: this week’s enemy is next week’s ally.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 2:31 pm

What is so comical about this whole matter is that it was the same dumb legal advisors advising Wilson to push for a Grand Jury investigation against Harrell are the same dumb legal advisors that set the legal precedent that saved Haley. I’d say that’s what you call your own actions coming back to bite you in the buttocks. Can’t have it both ways Scooter.

Norma Scok May 13, 2014 at 2:32 pm

Blood feud? Someone finally go after T-Rav for knocking up the Dennis girl and not marrying her?

euwe max May 13, 2014 at 10:38 pm

Go after?

It’s of no more consequence than a bunch of alley cats or wild dogs with a bitch in heat.

Norma Scok May 13, 2014 at 11:12 pm

I was thinking someone in the Dennis family may have had problems with it, but then again, this is Moncks Corner we are talking about.

GrandTango May 13, 2014 at 2:40 pm

FITS’ lead (or lede as he hippshly-wannabe calls it) shows what a complete, mindless cliche he is….

You are are what you believe about yourself…so FITS is obviously an uneducated, poor and incompetent pervert…

If you follow people like FITS, Racist democrats would still lead an @$$-Backward, non-growing small-minded SC, that supported failed leftwing presidents (like Carter)…and South Carolina would not own and routinely beat the Dog-$#!* out of Clemson in football, and baseball, every year…And our education would not be progressing through the growth of charter schools.

Dumb@$$#$ stay mired in what their mind tells them they are…and FITS and the Liberals in SC are 50 years in the past….

Gimme Back My Bullets May 13, 2014 at 2:48 pm

This needs to be run to ground completely. That said, the only way to ruin a family is to use the knowledge of something immoral that a family member has committed. In order to ruin someone’s business you must have the power to pull a big contract or customer. My experience in business has always been that if there is a deal going that keeps a business afloat and someone has the distinct power to pull that deal then it was most likely not awarded on the up and up in the beginning.

I speak from personal experience when I say that a family member ran me out of our business partnership out of greed, out-maneuvered me, and cost me millions and gambled that he would destroy my marriage. What ultimately happened was he lost the trust of those that mattered, our biggest customer “got wind” of his behavior and drilled his ass to the floor by pulling the contract. Now he chokes on the millions that he is in debt not so unlike a certain state senator. When he called 7 years later and asked if I would like to come back and help him pull it from the ashes for the sake of the family I told the motherfucker that he wanted to be The Man and now he is going to have to be the man. My bus doesn’t have a rear view mirror. This Christmas I mailed him a garden hose and I hope he uses it.

Fight the fight Joe – the logic is on your side!!!

junior justice May 13, 2014 at 3:46 pm

“My bus doesn’t have a rear view mirror.”
Ha-ha-ha—– I like that!

Gregory Geddings May 13, 2014 at 3:12 pm

“They are about to go after you,” our source said. “They are trying to run you out of the state.”

Break out the tar and feathers…or should I say the tar and vouchers? Maybe we can press for a two-fer featuring Will and Grand Tango. Or, is that a one-fer?

The Colonel May 13, 2014 at 4:21 pm

An intellectual 3/4 fer.

_ May 13, 2014 at 11:48 pm

Bravo colonel +.45

Gregory Geddings May 14, 2014 at 9:16 am

Sounds like someone has been in the ree-fer…

Say What? May 13, 2014 at 3:55 pm

Yes, Wilson cannot have the state grand jury investigate Harrell for ethics violations per Manning. OK, but Manning cannot stop any state or federal grand jury from investigating Harrell on criminal charges.
If the original compliant is correct in that Harrell converted campaign funds into personal funds it becomes not only federal tax evasion but also state tax evasion. I do not know if he did or didn’t, but $300,000 reimbursement for the airplane does not pass the smell test.
If he did reimburse himself that $300,000 for the plane, he has some explaining to do. BTW, keeping sloppy records without detail may be OK for SC Ethics Law, it doesn’t count for tax laws.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 4:57 pm

There aren’t any criminal charges. The Judge has already shut down Wilson via Court Order, anything Wilson does now would be in Contempt of Court.

Say What? May 13, 2014 at 7:56 pm

You are wrong as hell. The grand jury can hear the evidence on any potential criminal wrong doing. They can return a true bill on tax evasion and Manning or Toal cannot do a damn thing. Manning only ruled on potential ethics violations. Once again, I am sure that the IRS is watching this especially since the claimed personal use of funds could be north of $400,000. I really do not think Manning or Toal want to get caught up in a conspiracy to obstruct justice by the fed’s. If you want the number or email of the agents at the Columbia office of the IRS CID, let me know and I can get them to you.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 9:49 pm

Scooter, there aren’t any criminal allegations. You are just trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat, the Judge saw right through the BS.

Constantine May 13, 2014 at 4:35 pm

When you play a game of palmetto thrones you either win….or you die.

Harrell Is Fucked Up May 13, 2014 at 7:06 pm

The majority of the citizens of South Carolina stand behind Attorney General Wilson. As to these corrupt, lawless and rogue tyrants like Harrell, are they asking for patriotic vigilantes to march into their political offices, etc? What in the hell do they think they are anyway? Certainly not untouchable. The citizens outnumbers these low lifes like Harrell, 20,000 to one. Don’t fuck with the people or Willson, or tens of thousands could turn into your worst nightmare.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 9:45 pm

Sore loser.

Soft Sigh from Hell May 13, 2014 at 7:49 pm

I wonder why posts occasionally disappear?

Philip Branton May 14, 2014 at 10:32 am

Because they can be used in a court of LAW…………(even when they disappear………they can still be “seen”)

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 10:30 pm

Judge Casey Manning wrote in his decision that Attorney General Alan Wilson had not made the case that the allegations were worse than ethics violations. “Despite multiple requests, the Attorney General has failed to offer or present to the court any evidence or allegations which are criminal in nature,” Manning wrote.

anonymous May 13, 2014 at 10:46 pm

Judge Manning’s order, which said that neither the grand jury “nor any other investigative agency shall take any further action” on the ethics-related allegations until the House Ethics Committee either decides on the case or refers the matter to the Attorney General.

“There is no investigation, there is no grand jury,” Harrell said. “Judge Manning asked him (Alan Wilson) repeatedly, ‘Tell me something that you’ve got.’ He (Wilson) failed to come up with anything.

MJ May 14, 2014 at 8:26 am

Folks this is what you get when you play the game of scratch my back I’ll scratch yours instead of representing what is best for your constituency. I am beholding to no man. I owe no man a dime or anything else.


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