Local SC Superintendent Canned, NAACP Flips Out

IT’S RACIAL, MAN … Leila Williams – the superintendent at one of South Carolina’s worst government-run school districts – was fired this week, prompting a flood of racially tinged rhetoric and vows from the state’s NAACP to raise holy hell against the elected officials who dismissed her. Williams – who…


Leila Williams – the superintendent at one of South Carolina’s worst government-run school districts – was fired this week, prompting a flood of racially tinged rhetoric and vows from the state’s NAACP to raise holy hell against the elected officials who dismissed her.

Williams – who is black – has run the Colleton County school system since 2009. During that time she’s been caught misusing public funds for personal purposes and hiring felons. Oh, there’s also an ongoing grade tampering scandal … which calls into question the academic gains she frequently touts.

Williams was removed from her post by a 4-3 vote of the Colleton County school board.

That did not sit well with local black leaders …

“We’re not going to sit still and have the superintendent railroaded,” local NAACP leader Jack Lewis – a black pastor – told reporter Drew Tripp of Colleton Today.

Lewis added that the state NAACP would be getting involved and the four board members who voted to terminate Williams’ contract (she’ll get a one-year severance deal worth $130,000) will be “out of office next election.”

“This is more or less a racial issue, and there are some people on the board who feel she is not doing a good job because of personal feelings,” Lewis continued. “Everybody wants to say it’s not racial, but I guarantee you it is racial.”

Sheesh … somebody get Charlie Rangel on the phone.


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Elfego March 21, 2014 at 9:12 am

It is racial simply because every time something doesn’t go the way the NAACP wants it to they scream race. So much of this B/S has divided and destroyed America.

Smirks March 21, 2014 at 9:32 am

The NAACP needs to die off. They care more about drumming up dollars with “scandals” than they do fighting actual racism or promoting actual progress for minorities.

I swear, actual civil rights heroes must be rolling in their graves from crap like this.

Elfego March 21, 2014 at 9:51 am

Black leaders bleed their race to death. But so do white leaders.

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:43 pm

White leaders
what the hell are you talking about? There are no white leaders!

Judith March 21, 2014 at 6:55 pm

Not in Richland County, SC.

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 7:04 pm

If there was one leader – somewhere – people would follow. As it is, people are like zombies… staggering towards loud noises, and the smell of fresh meat.

Jay Ellington March 25, 2014 at 12:17 pm

Those zombies seem to have eaten our mayor’s brains.

euwe max March 25, 2014 at 3:29 pm

no shit. I’ve got it bad out here in Texas, man, but nothing like you all!

Jay Ellington March 25, 2014 at 3:51 pm

Well, to their credit, Greenville has a Republican mayor that has transformed the downtown into a true urban hub. Sure they have their own issues, but at least they are not being run into the ground by a democrat that thinks he’s King of Columbia.

euwe max March 25, 2014 at 3:59 pm

North of here is McKinney, Texas – that town has a cool retro looking center of town called “the square” – they’ve got fancy restaurants next to holes in the wall, antique shops, pigeons, lots of benches.. and they hold Oktoberfest there.. cheap beer and entertainment… nice.

A couple of towns here are kind of laid back and enjoyable, but Austin is the only really cool place left in the state, it seems like.

Gillon March 21, 2014 at 9:52 am

Nikki Haley has stated that one bastion of the Democratic Party, unions, “are not welcome in SC”. Who knows, maybe she will now decide that another one of those bastions, the NAACP, is not welcome either.

Elfego March 21, 2014 at 4:42 pm

I despise Unions and do not trust them but there needs to be some form of mediation or course other than quitting for folks who work in the public sector. I find out more and more everyday where owners and other up the ladder folks screw folks down the ladder and those folks have no recourse other than to quit and after they age or hit a certain age they can not do that!

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:53 pm

despise Unions and do not trust them
ME TOO! I went to college while working in a distribution warehouse.. El Presidente was the oldest working fork lift operator there when I started… he was still making minimum wage. After the filthy Teamsters union came in, and the truckers supported us… I was making 18 bucks an hour… which was good because my mom was living in the Hub Homes with cockroaches, and needed her son’s extra money for surgeries and better living accommodations.
You might say, I earned a living wage.
Fucking Unions.
My brother was a union steward there.
I remember one union meeting.. they were talking about some compromise or other with management, and I stood up and asked an embarrassing question… I remember to this day that the union representative looked me right in the eye from the stage and said – “shut up and sit down!”
so I did.

got damned pinche Pendejo!

shifty henry March 22, 2014 at 8:42 am

Max, my caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet—
1) are you saying a union is good or bad for workers
2) what is “pinche Pendejo”

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:22 am

Max, my caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet—
1) are you saying a union is good or bad for workers
2) what is “pinche Pendejo”


1) unions have been veddy, veddy good to me.and my family. I also believe strongly that unions have increased workplace safety, and gained some respect for the working man and his quality of life.. not only for those in unions, but within corporations who see it as a threat and compete to keep it out.

2) “pinche” is one of those cool words like fucking in English that you can use to spice up your insults. It gives the texture of hated worthlessness. Sometimes translated into “petty” or “little”. A Pendejo is a dumbass.

Jay Ellington March 25, 2014 at 12:16 pm

I’m not sure that the current incarnation of the NAACP has a place ANYWHERE in the United States. Hate spewing organization that they are.

shifty henry March 21, 2014 at 12:20 pm

The NAACP strives to keep their flocks in their pens where they can be watched and monitored.

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:42 pm

At least they don’t have to pick cotton, in reenactments and stand next to McConnell that way.

shifty henry March 21, 2014 at 6:25 pm

My Granddad had enough help on his farm with my Mom, her brothers and sisters, and all of my cousins. No outside help was needed or gotten. You folks who have experienced any of it know what I’m talking about.
If you grow corn – pick it! If it’s cotton – pick it! Need milk and eggs – down at the barn. Hungry for bacon or pork chops – got a few fat pigs down behind the barn. Need butter – churn it!
Picking cotton, even for a little kid, is a BITCH! I didn’t pick any cotton after my 9th birthday because (yes, I shed tears) I told Granddad that I just didn’t want to do it anymore. But there was plenty else to do.
That farm (with everyone working) fed nine kids, some in-laws, and a mess of cousins. With few exceptions, those who have passed lived into their 80s and 90s. The rest of us are hoping to make it ……

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 6:36 pm

I was a privileged kid in a Mexican town, but my dad took me out to pick cotton for a friend who couldn’t afford to pay. A bunch of people showed up.. .it was only a day, but we all got a shit load of cotton!

But I didn’t have to do it in no got damn re-enactment!

shifty henry March 22, 2014 at 10:43 am

My cousin is telling me that while in high school the first groups of Negroes showed up during picking season. He worked with them to earn extra money, and he says that nobody could pick more in a day than some of them could.

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:55 am

practice makes perfect.

I can strip the insulation off of 16 gauge solid copper wire and wrap it on a terminal block with an ordinary pair of needle nosed pliars without nicking the wire faster than any man alive!

Smirks March 21, 2014 at 9:24 am

Williams – who is black

Well gee whiz, man, I never would’ve guessed.

As of 2012, Colleton County has a black population of 38.9%, versus the state’s population of 28.0%. If the school board hates black people, they’ve got a serious problem, brah.

Racisses! March 21, 2014 at 4:16 pm

Wait, are you suggesting that the NAACP might not defend me if I’m white?

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm

Don’t worry, call me… I’ll defend you against those bad old white people… I’ve got a garage full of guns and bullets and some silhouettes of white men that I shoot at sometimes… just leave it to me little lady!

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:47 pm

Williams – who is black

Well gee whiz, man, I never would’ve guessed

I know when I see a picture of a black man, I look for the caption to see if he’s really black. I’m always failing those black and white sight tests.

idiotwind March 21, 2014 at 9:24 am

i sympathize with you and all your white friends Fits. but its human nature to use any political tool at hand to your own advantage. it is at least a step forward from using farm tools to beat the shit out of black people to settle political disagreements. rich people use money to their political advantage. morons use the republican fox news. why shouldn’t black people use the political tools they have? yeah, even that corrupt turd Rangel?

Smirks March 21, 2014 at 9:29 am

Maybe if the NAACP showed evidence of racism, their ire would be understandable. Unfortunately, the facts seem to point to a broken school district barely functioning, and the superintendent has had quite some time to impact that and clearly hasn’t.

The South Carolina Annual School Summary indicated that the entire
school system’s rating for elementary, middle, and high schools acquired
a lower grade for the 2012-2013 year than it had in the 2011-12 year.

There’s an important distinction here. If the firing -was- racist, then the NAACP absolutely would be justified in using every political tool at its disposal to counter the board’s decision.

As it stands, though, there seems to be adequate evidence she wasn’t having a positive effect. Without significant evidence to prove racism, all it is seen as is retaliating against people who dared to fire someone who happened to be black.

The NAACP can do whatever the hell it wants, but we have a right to judge them for what they do.

Would you rather have a school board that would keep someone like that in power for decades, solely under the fear of being labeled as “racist?”

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:45 pm

Don’t be too hard on us, our grandparents were hung by Southern Conservatives in the name of God and Country. We’re still a little gun shy after seeing pictures of their backs.

Not that children of racists aren’t color blind or anything. I’m willing to let bygones be bygones.

Jay Ellington March 24, 2014 at 1:01 pm

They weren’t hung by Southern Conservatives, they were hung by white segregationist Democrats. You should get a lesson in history before you start spouting off nonsense. Of maybe you’re just another revisionist who wants to associate racism with conservatives.

euwe max March 24, 2014 at 2:05 pm

um.. the white segregationist Democrats *were* Southern Conservatives. Now, they’re the animals running the extreme right wing of the Republican party. If you haven’t been paying attention to current events, they’re attacking the moderate Republicans for even more power.

But, hey! I’m an enlightened sort of guy, above all that tiny minded stuff… I’m just enjoying the show!

Dickie March 25, 2014 at 3:41 pm

The True American Indian’s were the most mistreated people in America.You never hear them alway’s pissing & Whinneing,And what happen 2 hunderd yr’s has’nt a damn thing to what’s going on today.Since the 60’s the black people have been handed and gave everything in the world by white people,And yes there is raceism in America,And there will alway’s be as long as the raceist black people who spunge money off poor black’s to live the good life,How damn long are you black people going to beat that DAMN DEAD HORSE,MY GOD,YOU! ARE THE RACEIST,YOU KEEP IT GOING.And the demnocrap’s use you like a farm tool,But in a different way,And your to stupid to see it.The DAMN REPULB’S ARE THE ONLY ONE’S THAT HELP YOU CLOWN’S,THE DEMONCRAPT’S JUST LIE TO YOU.WAKE THE HELL UP YOU MORNO’S.

GrandTango March 21, 2014 at 9:26 am

Public schools are becoming un-usable in some places because the people paying for them have been racially bullied by liberal democrats.

Race-hate is as wrong for Obama bigots as it was for the democrat slave-holders of old. We fought to free them, now we must fight to free ourselves from these ignorant and hideous monsters.

RogueElephant March 21, 2014 at 12:53 pm

GT. When I read ignorant and hideous monsters, a picture of Nancy Pelosi popped into my mind. Don’t do that. But on a more serious note: w/liberty comes responsibility. For too long the ruling class , both Dims and Reps, have run the govt. like a twelve year old at the mall with daddy’s credit card. Now to add insult to injury if you disagree with our “leader” you don’t do it because of honest disagreement but only because you are a racist. The left, the media, and the politicians sing the same old song to get US to shut up so they can continue to destroy our once great country. The Tea Party has stood up and said “ENOUGH” and we are hit from all sides. The ones screeching the loudest are identifying themselves as the problem.

GrandTango March 21, 2014 at 1:03 pm


euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:41 pm

GT. When I read ignorant and hideous monsters, a picture of Nancy Pelosi popped into my mind.
TMI, taking your tenting fantasies to Mature Foxes

Elfego March 21, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Name on thing that works really well that politicians control! Think about it.

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 6:39 pm



Judith March 21, 2014 at 6:50 pm

Good one.

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:50 am

I’ve got at least three more.

Okay March 21, 2014 at 11:17 am

How insulting it must be to black people to hear the NAACP call an instance where a corrupt superintendent who got booted, a racial issue…

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 5:40 pm

Can I say “negro” in this topic?

Or should I stick to “coloreds?”

Defender of the Crown March 21, 2014 at 7:11 pm

It’s a shifting line, but the NAACP will let you know when you’ve crossed its current location.

euwe max March 21, 2014 at 7:13 pm

Tijuana Bible, made to order.

shifty henry March 22, 2014 at 9:30 am

Hmmm, didn’t know that terminology for those little books. You made me look it up on Wiki — interesting article. This link shows book covers, which have some clever titles and characters.

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:44 am

The world is an interesting place, what with Damned Tango and his dick sucking metaphors, Squishy123 and his sociopathic interpretation of politics, and the low-wattage goobers pontificating without a trace of self-consciousness in using the ethnic stereotypes found in popular culture.

Thomas March 21, 2014 at 8:52 pm

The CCSD Board is made up of three white guys, three black guys, and one black gal. The NAACP is racist to impugn these people as racist for doing their job.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 21, 2014 at 9:12 pm

The CCSD Board is made up of three white guys, three black guys, and one black gal. The NAACP is racist to impugn these people as racist for doing their job.

The CCSD Board is made up of three racist whites, three blacks, and one Uncle (Auntie?) Tom. ….

Fixed it for ya!!

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 4:59 pm

what the hell is there a woman in there for? Aren’t they afraid she’ll get raped???

Katy Smith March 21, 2014 at 11:56 pm

NAACP is a black supremacist hate organization. 38,000 white are women raped by the savage negro beast each year in America.

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:48 am

How does one get in on that? Damned black supremacists getting all the good cooze. But, I’ll have to admit, it’s a clever plan – since all of the women they rape will be encouraged to have their little supremacist hate offspring and teach them the white man’s ways.. and then *bang* the little bastard joins the movement and rapes him some white women too!

NAACP Is Satan March 22, 2014 at 1:58 am

The NAACP condones criminal conduct; imagine that? Meanwhile, I would suggest to the NAACP to sit the hell down and STFU!

lame blame game March 22, 2014 at 8:56 am

right is right and wrong is wrong. children are being cheated out of an education and the only thing the naacp can do is yell race. shame on them, why aren’t they speaking out for ALL the children, ALL the taxpayers, who’s money is being wasted!!!! this is an example of public manipulation for THEIR own purpose, not for being on the right side!

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:50 am

the only thing the naacp can do is yell race. shame on them

they should yell “is our children learning?”

Ass Blow March 22, 2014 at 10:11 am

If these black bastards had their way they would open all the prison doors and watch the real life planet of the apes unfold.

euwe max March 22, 2014 at 10:49 am

I know, right? Keep those prison doors closed!

tye March 24, 2014 at 11:19 am

How ignorant of you!

Jay Ellington March 24, 2014 at 12:56 pm

The NAACP wouldn’t know actual racism if it walked up and spit in their face. The word has been used so frequently over the last 6 years, it’s lost any real meaning or power that it once possessed.

Arlen Cooper March 25, 2014 at 9:35 am

Oh its racial all right. White folks wouldn’t support another white just because they are white. Blacks support blacks regardless of right or wrong. Another reason for voter ID. Better yet, don’t let people vote who don’t know right from wrong.

Jay Ellington March 25, 2014 at 12:10 pm

I’m in favor of a 10 question quiz preceding the “right” to vote. If you’re not informed you should NOT have a voice.

Dickie March 25, 2014 at 3:28 pm

So what these raceist trash are saying is.Let this stupid black worthless thief that has Failed her job,Makeing Student’s in her county more Stupid than they already are.Hireing prison trash to teach children,Just because their BLACK!!,But their not raceist,roflmao,And they take $130,000.00 TAX DOLLAR’S And just give this stupid POS to go away.How damn STUPID can people be to raise hell by fireing a stupid lieing thieving POS who is only dumbing their own children down to their worthless level.I have seen people Fired from their job’s for being sorry,But I have never ever seen anyone REWARD’ED for being worthless.Who ever approved her damn money need’s to be FIRED ALSO.

Kadie March 26, 2014 at 3:41 pm

I think they were trying to draw a crowd to their annual fund raiser that occurred the weekend following the firing. Seriously. And for more on the subject: go here—

The Colletonian
SLED steps into district and opens multiple investigations
Latest investigations bring tally to four investigations under former Supt. Williams’ reign.


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