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2014: Consumers Not Confident

VIVA LA RECOVERRRRR … HMMMM …  The American economy is off to a sluggish start in 2014 – and the consumers counted on to turn it around aren’t feeling it. According to the latest reading from the Thomson Reuters/ University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment, Americans’ confidence in the economy…


The American economy is off to a sluggish start in 2014 – and the consumers counted on to turn it around aren’t feeling it.

According to the latest reading from the Thomson Reuters/ University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment, Americans’ confidence in the economy fell from 81.6 in February to 79.9 this month.

Analysts had expected the measure to climb to 82.2  – making this the biggest expectations miss since December 2012 and the lowest reading since last November.

Bummer, right?

For those of you keeping score at home, this index averaged 89 during the five-year period leading up to the official start of the “Great Recession” in December 2007.

During the eighteen-month “contraction” that followed?  It averaged 64.2.

Economists watch consumer confidence closely because it often provides a glimpse of what consumer spending might do in the future.  And of course consumer spending provides a glimpse of what employment might do in the future.

It’s a cycle, people … one that continue to limp along.

America’s gross domestic product – or total economic output – grew by only 1.9 percent in 2013, well below 2012?s 2.8 percent growth rate (and it’s exceedingly likely these numbers will be revised downward in the coming months).

So far 2014 isn’t blowing anybody’s skirt up, either …

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Robert March 14, 2014 at 2:50 pm

Easy to pick only the bad sounding info. Are we 100% back? no, but we aren’t moving backward either.

Fits Aint No Republican March 14, 2014 at 3:32 pm

Irrelevant to Fits.Hes got to keep the narrative about how bad things are to justify supporting Republicans who can “fix” the economy(like George W did in 2008!),not that he is a Republican mind you!

GrandTango March 15, 2014 at 7:51 pm

Are you a F#*king idiot or what?….. FITS goes easy on Obama..There is ain’t no good news, other than what the media has manufactured, to prop up your piece of $#!* in Chief.

You are one Delusional MotherF*#ker if you are accusing Bush of a bad economy. I’d love to have the Bush economy…Your Dumb@$$ Obama has been miserable…

euwe max March 15, 2014 at 1:55 am

The perfect is the enemy of the good. Bad is better than perfect. Republicans in 2014!

GrandTango March 15, 2014 at 7:53 pm

If you are surprised by bad economic news under Obama now…you are one ignorant son of a b!*ch…It’s all bad…and been that way since that anti-American @$$-hole took office…


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