Osborne: SC Democrats Need To Buy A Clue

MINORITY PARTY MUST STOP PUSHING D.C. TALKING POINTS  By John Osborne || From day one this legislative session, Democrats have been pushing legislation that makes you question their grasp on reality. We all know Washington D.C. is completely out of touch with reality – but Columbia isn’t that far away…


By John Osborne || From day one this legislative session, Democrats have been pushing legislation that makes you question their grasp on reality. We all know Washington D.C. is completely out of touch with reality – but Columbia isn’t that far away from the normal folks, right?

And Democrats in South Carolina surely aren’t as radical as their counterparts in our nation’s capital, right?

Evidently not. Representatives at the S.C. State House like Todd Rutherford (D- Richland) and Gilda Cobb-Hunter (D- Orangeburg) have filed legislation this year trying to make it harder to sell weapons – and more recently trying to give illegal immigrants instate tuition in South Carolina.

Seriously, what gives? Do Democrats even want to win a statewide election? Or is this all just an elaborate joke perpetrated on the people of South Carolina in an effort to earn them praise from their national masters.

One thing is certain, Democrats in South Carolina have determined that subservience to the national agenda is their top priority – not success at the ballot box.

Democrats in South Carolina are shouting, screaming – shrieking into obscurity.  They are pushing legislation destined to be as loved in South Carolina as the chicken pox.

So Todd Rutherford is worried about the problems facing all those poor illegal immigrants in South Carolina? He should have made waiving the one-year waiting period for veterans his chief issue.  Instead he’s decided to try and create ‘education without borders’ in the Palmetto State.

Thankfully, this bill has just about as much of a chance to become law as Vincent Sheheen has of beating Nikki Haley in November.

As Ronald Reagan said – ‘A nation without borders is not a nation.’ Obviously, Todd Rutherford didn’t get that memo. Three years in a South Carolina high school and filing for citizenship – none of that makes this proposed legislation any easier to swallow.

We are a nation of laws; we should not openly allow people to break them. All laws like this do is reward bad behavior.

If Democrats learned anything recently, they should have learned that Washington D.C talking points do not work in South Carolina. After their shocking ten-point loss to the exceedingly vulnerable Mark Sanford in the S.C. first congressional district last year, bills like this should be one the last things on their minds.

South Carolina deserves real leadership. If Democrats really want to do something for the children of this state, they should endorse school choice and allow parents to offer their children a true path to success.

Offering instate tuition to illegal immigrants isn’t about our economy, or our future. All Democrats are doing is pandering for votes – fighting to be relevant in a state that doesn’t appreciate what they are doing. If Democrats wish to have any power in this state, they have to sing a different tune, or go ahead and tell us this is all an elaborate joke, so we can move on to real issues that move us in the right direction.

John Osborne is a military veteran and a recent graduate of the University of South Carolina.

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Gervais Skreet February 26, 2014 at 8:50 am

…and John Osborne (who?) needs to get fucked.

John Osborne February 26, 2014 at 8:56 am


GrandTango February 26, 2014 at 9:01 am

We have the pockets of poverty in our state, to show was what TOTAL disaster democrat policies foster. It’s why Sheheen, or any other democrat, has little to NO chance…

The democrat party may as well put Alvin Greene back on the ballot…their “leaders” are about a attractive a candidate as he is…at least he was interesting…

There are a lot of Racist, and stupid voters in some liberal, Rust Belt and failed states, nationally…but SC is a lot smarter that the elites want to give us credit for.

We’ve seen liberalism close up…and we smartly want NO PART of it….

SCBlueWoman February 26, 2014 at 9:24 am

Who is “we,” white man?

GrandTango February 26, 2014 at 9:31 am

It’s MY state…too..Just because Obama told you that your rights are the only rights that count, as long as you vote for him…he LIED…(imagine that)….

You see voting for REVENGE against your benefactors is STUPID…especially when you are lazy, stupid and hatful….

SCBlueWoman February 26, 2014 at 9:32 am

Just like the dems…. you do not own this state, you hateful bastard.

M326 February 26, 2014 at 9:32 am

You are so right. We want more of what we’ve got NOW. Don’t we?

SCBlueWoman February 26, 2014 at 9:12 am

Democrats trying to do the right thing for the people are out of touch? Out of touch with the Tea party, maybe. It’s commendable that they stick to what they know is right, knowing they may lose the next election. Admirable indeed.

Smirks February 26, 2014 at 9:14 am


Wow look at these dumbest of the dumb Democrats supporting weird shit, because only Democrats do that.

Democrats should support school choice.

Sounds like John Osborne needed a clue, so Howard Rich bought him (one).

But seriously, what the fuck. This is as dumb as Willie saying Sheheen should come out against Obamacare to win the election. I wasn’t sure if Willie was telling Sheheen to just flat out lie and pretend he’s against it and then go back on his word later, or if he honestly felt like Sheheen could just change his entire political ideology on a dime, as if it were something as simple as flicking a switch. And not because anyone convinced him that his original ideology was wrong, no, but because someone thinks it might benefit him politically.

Maybe the reason Democrats don’t favor this voucher clown nonsense is because they (and their supporters and voters) don’t believe in it? Maybe the reason they support Obamacare, namely the Medicaid expansion, namely just a trial of it during its free, 100% paid for by the feds period, is because it would help a ton of their constituents and is generally something they agree with? Jesus, it’s as if you can actually have a different opinion of things and actually stick to those opinions, even if they aren’t particularly popular! I think I’ll call this newfangled discovery “principles.”

Here’s a free clue: If someone supports something you don’t like, vote against them. Stop fucking asking for them to just change everything they support to what you want them to support. People who change what they support at the drop of the hat are the very kind of career politicians who sell out their votes to the highest bidders, the very kind of politicians Howie, Kochs, etc., love to fund and keep in office.

As far as I’m concerned, the only clue I would ever like to hear from this guy is that it wasn’t Colonel Mustard.

M326 February 26, 2014 at 9:30 am

I agree. The beauty of America is that you can have radically different opinions. In fact, that is the strength of America. Do you really want a place where we are all forced to think alike? There’s an old adage: If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Mr. Osborne’s unAmerican rant sounds like he has fallen.

The ghost of HL February 26, 2014 at 10:02 am

“Do you really want a place where we are all forced to think alike? ”

Here’s a newsflash for you bro, that’s what Democracy is all about.

You get 50%+1 vote for a proposed law and it’s forced on the other 50%-1 vote whether they agree or not.

Ain’t Democracy grand?

M326 February 26, 2014 at 10:13 am

And your better alternative is…..? The workings of Democracy do not force us to THINK alike. It just requires us or our representatives to vote on issues.

The ghost of HL February 26, 2014 at 11:06 am

“The workings of Democracy do not force us to THINK alike.”

Ok, you have a point-you can think whatever you want-but you do what the 50%+1 says you’ll do when it’s codified.

“What alternative do you have for making governmental decisions?”

I’m for getting rid of “governmental decisions” and replacing it with “nothing”.

M326 February 26, 2014 at 12:34 pm

That may be what you are for. However, it does not seem very practical. Government may be overextended in many cases but the need for some way to make societal decisions and to achieve things together that we cannot achieve as individuals and to maintain a certain degree of order and protection require some sort of governance structure. Every human society has had it since the beginning of human society. Good or bad, it is one of those institutions that are a part of what it means to be human and live with others like us.

The ghost of HL February 26, 2014 at 2:26 pm

“Every human society has had it since the beginning of human society”


“the need for some way to make societal decisions and to achieve things together that we cannot achieve as individuals and to maintain a certain degree of order and protection require some sort of governance structure”

I agree. The only difference between us is that I think such organization should be voluntary.

M326 February 26, 2014 at 4:11 pm

What an interesting dialog. Regarding the persistence of government as a human trait: Anthropologists have studied past societies back to the early stone age, primitive societies and modern societies. They have found 5 institutions that are common to all: Government, religion, family, economy and education. Every known human society has had some form of each of these institutions even though they may have been wildly different otherwise. They are apparently a part of what it means to live in the human condition.

idcydm February 26, 2014 at 10:29 am

It’s a Representative Republic, if it were a true democracy there would be no ACA and your 50% + or – would hold true.

The ghost of HL February 26, 2014 at 11:04 am

You really think it’s a Representative Republic? LMAO!

Tell what what, I agree at a few times it might resemble that, but we definitely have a mix of something going on…not one or the other..all of it more closely resembling fascism.

John Osborne February 26, 2014 at 9:51 am

Just a little idea for you.. How do you change things if you can’t get elected?

LD February 26, 2014 at 11:21 am

Easy, you vote for the homphobe that believes storks bring babies. Oh, wait–nevermind, we already have a legislature full of those.

Libtard February 26, 2014 at 11:25 am

Easy, go make alot of money and start pumping it into the campaigns of people who can.

William February 26, 2014 at 1:58 pm

You stick to your guns, tell the truth and hope that at some point the people will realize that the Republican Party no longer and perhaps never did represent the interests of the average person, that the school choice movement is not about better schools, it is all about gutting public education and getting money into the hands of of people who pay money to politicians to do so, that Howard Rich, the Koches, Karl Rove, etc, are playing on their prejudices and fears to manipulate them into voting against their best interest; and that after two decades of Republican Rule, SC is as about as close to a third world country as you can get in the US.

Maybe, then the public will change their minds and start voting for people who support things that will help rebuild the middle class in SC, like excellent infrastructure, excellent public education, excellent affordable colleges and technical schools, affordable comprehensive health care, high wage stable jobs, and reasonable retirement security.

If not, that will be their choice, they will suffer the consequences, and it will not be because the people who do understand did not give them the information.

Tom February 26, 2014 at 3:01 pm

Mr. Osborne thinks like a Republican. Say whatever to get elected so you can get your payoff, and then screw the people who elected you.

EJB February 26, 2014 at 10:34 am

There are an awful lot of people that agree with much of what the Republicans say they stand for and a good many that agree with some, if not much, of what the Democrats say they stand for but don’t really believe or align with either of those parties completely. Most of those people would feel right at home with a party that took those ideals from both parties and used them for a platform in a third party, the “Mastercard Party”. I used Mastercard because of it’s logo. Sounds to me like Mr. Osborne is trying to head in that direction. I believe that school choice is a bad idea for a number of reasons some of which I have not seen addressed but I agree with Mr. Osborne that issue is really tailor made for the Democrats and with Republicans in this state basically letting it die on the vine it might be something for Democrats to look at.

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 26, 2014 at 12:34 pm

” Most of those people would feel right at home with a party that took those ideals from both parties and used them for a platform in a third party, the “Mastercard Party”. I used Mastercard because of it’s logo.”

Venn diagrams FTW!

SCBlueWoman February 26, 2014 at 1:10 pm

Kudos for the reverence.

EJB February 26, 2014 at 1:26 pm

First, thank you for the help on the diagram.

Second, pardon my ignorance of acronyms, what is FTW?

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 26, 2014 at 1:35 pm

For The Win.

EJB February 26, 2014 at 3:39 pm

I was really hoping it wasn’t the other one backwards.

Libtard February 26, 2014 at 11:23 am

What difference does it make? Neither pieces of legislation you reference will pass, and both of the politicians referenced are permanent fixtures thanks to gerrymandered districts.

To answer your question: No democrats don’t want to win a statewide election, it costs to much and they would rather waste their time in obscurity being pariahs for special interests whilst pandering to the feeble minded voters of their districts. Both are permanent fixtures that comprise the septic backwater that is the state of affairs of the government in Columbia.

ThreePalms February 26, 2014 at 12:28 pm

Many oppose school choice legislation as proposed by Republicans because it is about dismantling the funding for public schools and a tax giveaway to upper middle class parents who are currently using private and parochial schools. Democrats, contrarily, support the funding of public schools. If you truly want education to be better in South Carolina, so should you.

Republicans are also proposing legislation to legitimize discrimination against homosexuals, undermine worker’s rights to organize, allow anyone to carry firearms anywhere, restrict the availability of food stamps for poor children, deny healthcare to low income citizens, just to name a few.

So, Mr. Osborne, I will continue to support the Democratic Party in South Carolina and the nation and I do not want the party to think like you.

Fits Aint No Republican February 26, 2014 at 4:14 pm

We already have a party for your priorities Osborne.Its called the REPUBLICAN party?Indeed,

What was the point of this article?

ELCID February 26, 2014 at 4:50 pm

One thing that has become abundantly clear in politics: especially South Carolina Politics.
“Republicans are Nazis Crooks,
Democrats are complete Bobble-headed Idiots!”


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