Letter: Government-Run Charter School Problems

Dear Editor: The local public charter school called Royal Live Oaks Academy in Hardeeville, S.C. is having problems with their administrator not putting retirement money into the accounts of employees. Teachers found out two weeks ago that what was listed on their W-2’s was not what was in their account…

Dear Editor:

The local public charter school called Royal Live Oaks Academy in Hardeeville, S.C. is having problems with their administrator not putting retirement money into the accounts of employees. Teachers found out two weeks ago that what was listed on their W-2’s was not what was in their account once they contacted the S.C. Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA).

Many teachers were upset and spent a week asking questions about where there money was. The administrator would not address the staff as a whole about this. PEBA said the school was two quarters delinquent in contributing – yet they were still taking money out of our checks. It was not just teachers, it was paraprofessionals, other administrators, and staff members.

I personally have contacted Governor Haley, the superintendent of the Charter School District, two news stations, and the board members.

Magically, our money got put into our accounts but they are still delinquent for this quarter which was due January 31. Some teachers that quit during the school year did not receive any money for any part of the school year.

Jasper County is a very poor performing school district and this charter school is no different. Someone needs to do something about what is going on here.

I am not trying to destroy anyone’s reputation but what is being done here is not right. Someone has to listen to us.

Ridgeland, S.C.


sic speaking

Thanks for this heads up. We called PEBA ourselves but have yet to receive a response. Jasper County’s government-run school system is clearly a disaster zone – thank you for bringing another component of its ineptitude to light.

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Ripley February 6, 2014 at 2:50 pm

“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.”

Deo Vindice SC February 6, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Only way to be sure! UHH-RAA!

nitrat February 6, 2014 at 5:57 pm

Charter schools nationwide are pretty much scams…all about the crony capitalism of sending public money to private, unaccountable “education” businesses.

Slartibartfast February 6, 2014 at 8:31 pm

You have to have educated people educating people, not uneducated people who have been advanced because of the color of their skin. One out of two teachers in S.C. has a degree which is basically meaningless, because it has no demanding real-life experience behind it. And colleges are full of “Doctors” who do not know how to teach.

kyle February 7, 2014 at 9:20 am

You probably will get an answer from PEBA soon enough unlike before when Danny Va-RAT was the undeserving Public Information Director there after getting about a 7k increase from the SC Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee. He is in the same position at SC Retirement Investment Commission making 95k, about 11k or so more under his former boss in the Senate Greg Ryberg. Va-RAT is a pompous, bow tie -wearing, self-absorbed, and generally vapid fraternity-like person in desperate need of a haircut sitting in his offices overlooking the SC Statehouse at Assembly and Gervais. Fits, are you ever going to follow up on what’s going on with Va-RAT, Ryberg, the SCIRC and everything else screwed up over there??? I guess what public information director also makes 95k when the average is thousands and thousands less. Also, the bonuses, outrageous salaries for others who are “credentialed” and “deserving” of more pay….really?

Curmudgeon February 7, 2014 at 10:50 am

Boy, do you have any idea what you are talking about? You must be Curtis Loftis trying to get FITS to print some more of your lies, lies. Did you hear old Curt say the reason he signed a 10 year contract with a big Wall Street Bank that he sued for breach of contract was they all do it. Such a doofus.

M326 February 7, 2014 at 12:54 pm

Wow, “Kyle.” What in the world does this have to do with Jasper schools?? Sounds to me like you have a fixation and a bit of paranoia. There is treatment for that. They really are not all out to get you and there is not always a conspiracy. Most of the time, they don’t think about you at all.

idiotwind February 7, 2014 at 10:15 am

are PEBA contributions always made on schedule? if a school has bills to pay do they not have the freedom to shift payments around – pay for the construction this month and make the PEBA contribution next month? the letter doesn’t say why or even if its a problem that the payments were not made on a particular date. live oaks is offering an alternative for the people in jasper – no not a great one, why would there be a great school in jasper? but without it they have no choice at all.

Disgusted with it all February 8, 2014 at 9:25 am

Are you saying it is appropriate for an employer to take an individuals retirement money and use it for other purposes? In the real world people go to jail for doing things like that. OMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disgusted with it all February 12, 2014 at 11:50 am

So what did PEBA say?

Thoughtful February 13, 2014 at 8:07 am

“Many teachers were upset and spent a week asking questions about where there money was.”

Dear Anonymous,

You dilute your message with simple spelling errors.

I’ll bet you’re a College of Charleston graduate.




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