
Obamacare “Enrollment” Explained

U.S. President Barack Obama has been downright giddy in touting the “improved” performance of his socialized medicine law, but a peek under the hood at Obamacare “enrollment” reveals serious problems. First, despite Obama’s contention to the contrary – choosing a plan does not mean enrolling. According to The Hill, “in…

U.S. President Barack Obama has been downright giddy in touting the “improved” performance of his socialized medicine law, but a peek under the hood at Obamacare “enrollment” reveals serious problems.

First, despite Obama’s contention to the contrary – choosing a plan does not mean enrolling. According to The Hill, “in Washington and Nevada, only about 50 percent of enrollees have made their first premium payments.”  Those are the only states which have provided estimates, the website notes.

In other words of the 2 million people who have allegedly signed up for Obamacare, as many as half of them aren’t actually enrolled.

“The biggest risk now is people thinking that by picking a plan, that they’re insured, when in fact (the) final step is paying the premium,” Larry Levitt, a senior vice president with the Kaiser Family Foundation, told The Hill. “I haven’t seen good numbers on how many people are paying premiums, so that to me is the uncertainty.”

Ya think?

Meanwhile toward the tail end of a Reuters’ piece a pair of doctors discuss the problems associated with distinguishing between who signed up for coverage under the new law – and who actually paid for it.

“It will be difficult for us to actually verify coverage – that’s my concern,” one said.

Meanwhile another noted that a “significant minority” of the new signees would see their elective treatments delayed due to a lack of insurance verification.

“For the protection of patients and us, we’ll have to say, ‘Sorry, you don’t have insurance,'” the doctor said.

Of course this isn’t the real problem associated with the new law.

Despite its best efforts to lure young, healthy people by appealing to their drunken and promiscuous ways, Obamcare has failed to land the very people it needs to maintain the long-term viability of the program without additional tax hikes.

Less than a quarter of all the newly insured Americans fall within Obamacare’s coveted 24-38 year old age range, a number that will doom the law if it becomes a lasting trend.

The administration’s response?

“We think that more and more young people are going to sign up as time goes by,” a spokesman for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) told reporters on a recent conference call.

Wow … talk about putting the “hope” in “hope and change.”

Anyway, we’d love to ask the Obama administration’s self-proclaimed “Mr. Health Care” about these troubling data points … but unfortunately it looks like that’s no longer an option.

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Smirks January 14, 2014 at 9:42 am

Oh, but plenty of people are getting their coverage through the exchanges, and plenty of people (despite Republican governors’ best efforts) have also signed on to the Medicaid expansion.

Have fun running on throwing those people back to the wolves, GOP. Welcome to 2014. The tides have changed, and you couldn’t swim in 2012 when they were with you. Grab a life vest!

crap sandwich January 14, 2014 at 11:18 am

And when Obama bails out the insurance companies as predicted, (see Investors Business Daily, multiple articles) with taxpayer dollars, whose fault will that be?

venomachine January 14, 2014 at 1:43 pm

George W, Bush.

SCBlueWoman January 14, 2014 at 10:17 am

The actual numbers benefiting from the ACA is closer to 10Mil. Bless your heart.

Liar January 14, 2014 at 11:04 am

That is an outright untrue statement. Go on and provide a link if you think otherwise.

Frank Pytel January 14, 2014 at 12:10 pm

It doesn’t matter to the yank if the numbers are right. She just wants to practice her cussing. My guess is she’s trying to play for the Red Hats

Lotus 1-2-3 January 14, 2014 at 1:01 pm

She can’t even read the number she linked too. She’s unable to process a spreadsheet.

I wouldn’t trust her to balance a household budget on the back of an envelope.

SCBlueWoman January 14, 2014 at 12:12 pm Reply
Frank Pytel January 14, 2014 at 12:27 pm

shit that’s pretty good. Obama doesn’t even have these numbers available from HHS. Maybe you should call him? Hmmmm????? Sweet thing! :-*

SCBlueWoman January 14, 2014 at 12:35 pm

You are a disrespectful ass. just saying.

Frank Pytel January 14, 2014 at 1:10 pm

I knew you’s a yankee. Cain’t even spell sayin’

The Colonel January 14, 2014 at 1:20 pm

You didn’t really come here expecting to be involved in a “respectful” debate did you?

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 14, 2014 at 3:58 pm

When proven wrong, a simple Rick Perry “Oops” will suffice. If you want to be all urban an sheet, a “My bad” (attributed originally to Manute Bol) is good. To appear sophisticated and educated use “Mea Culpa”.

Bonus PRO TIP:
On internet forums, sometimes it is best to not post a link and be thought of as perhaps an idiot; than to post said link and remove any lingering doubt.

Liar or Stupid January 14, 2014 at 12:59 pm

Did you even read what you linked?

“CMS 3/31/14 Enrollment Projection”- 7 milliion


You go one column over, and you see where it says “Projection Reached”? The % is 33.65%, or 2.35 million


Even further though, the 6 million claimed by some outlets comprises those that simply learned they had access to CHIP and/or Medicaid, so there’s double counting going on which brings the number back in line with the 2.35 million.


The Colonel January 14, 2014 at 1:15 pm

It’s a shame 4 million of those folks (according to your spreadsheet) were just shifted from an existing state program to a new ACA based program and that more than 4.7 million would have lost coverage if President Obama hadn’t punted (a million or so did anyway)
Had we just expanded Medicare or Medicaid we could have covered those needing insurance and left the rest of us alone cheaper and far more efficiently that the disastrous policy known as the ACA

idcydm January 14, 2014 at 12:56 pm

If you like the numbers you can keep the numbers.

Gusty Wind January 14, 2014 at 6:53 pm

Here’s another surprise awaiting for those who need to await insurance confirmation before planning elective services, they need to spend 4-6k prior to the insurance even paying a dime. That’s the deductible which will be added to the monthly premium that many are not even paying. I checked on a couple of the plans in Charleston county and there are two participating hospitals (East Cooper and Trident Health system). Interestingly, there are almost no participating physicians (< 10 per plan). Given that MUSC has touted this Obamacare as a way forward, why are they not participating? Well, they are used to getting 246% of CMS Medicaid reimbursement and they are now being offered 85% of the CMS reimbursement. Guess we shall see how this all shakes out!

Jessica 981 January 15, 2014 at 2:24 am

What difference at this point does it make?


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