
Macy’s Did So Great It’s Firing People

Macy’s closed out 2013 with a bang … and a round of layoffs. “The 2013 holiday season was successful for Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s as we offered fresh and distinctive merchandise, delivered great value to the customer and provided a robust omnichannel shopping experience,” the company boasted in a press release…

Macy’s closed out 2013 with a bang … and a round of layoffs.

“The 2013 holiday season was successful for Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s as we offered fresh and distinctive merchandise, delivered great value to the customer and provided a robust omnichannel shopping experience,” the company boasted in a press release this week.

All this despite “a questionable macroeconomic environment with challenging weather in multiple states.”

According to the company, its holiday shopping performance was “yet another vote of confidence that our well-established strategies continue to work for us.”

“Well-established strategies,” you say?

Hmmmm …

In a separate press release, Macy’s detailed one of those “well-established strategies” – firing hundreds of workers as part of the company’s “cost reduction initiatives to support continued profitable sales growth.”

Wow … guess all those holiday discounts have taken a toll …

“As the success of these strategies has unfolded, we have identified some specific areas where we can improve our efficiency without compromising our effectiveness in serving the evolving needs of our customers,” the company’s chairman, president and CEO Terry J. Lundgren noted.

Good Lord who writes this stuff …


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Eat the rich; then starve January 8, 2014 at 5:12 pm

Just wait till the minimum wage, Obamacare, etc. drives Macy’s to self scanning Kiosks. Then there won’t even be a seasonal layoff.

I’m sure people will be happier collecting unemployment checks for eternity though.

Big Corp Scum January 8, 2014 at 6:08 pm

As they say: Minimum wage is what I have to pay you, not what you’re worth and not what you can live on. Fuck Macy’s, Wal-Mart…

But really, why worry because the government will help these folks out with food stamps with our tax dollars.

Norma Scok January 8, 2014 at 5:49 pm

I used to love the website “Fuckedcompany.com”. Pud used to post all the dot com busts (and other non dot com busts) that were firing or sending out stupid emails stating people were getting fired. It generally made fun of poorly run companies with grandiose dreams and no payroll. It was corporate hilarity.
Its that kind of hard hitting infotainment news that Fits was sorely missing.

Smirks January 9, 2014 at 9:05 am

Reminds me of the Tiger Oil Company memos. Talk about a crazy dude…

Charlie Cat January 8, 2014 at 9:03 pm

Some of the people who helped macys achieve their financial goals are now un-employed. Corporate America strikes again. The bottom line supports the rich and throws the worker out on the streets. Fat boys get fatter and the working class is getting thinner. When are the people of this country going to wake up and realize that corporate America is only out for themselves. It’s sad how the few control the needs of the many.

Squishy123 January 9, 2014 at 2:20 pm

How many of those jobs were seasonal jobs?

Guest January 11, 2014 at 7:27 am

Folks, it’s twenty first century retailing. Push the goods on the floor, lure the suckers (er, customers) in with promotions, e-coupons, relentless marketing, and price manipulation to push the stuff out the door. Hire a few clerks at minimum , answer questions, handle customer service and generally take crap from sometimes overly demanding customers. Folks, it’s twenty first century retailing. Push the goods on the floor, lure the suckers (er, customers) in with promotions, e-coupons, relentless marketing, and price manipulation to push the stuff out the door. Hire a few clerks at minimum , answer questions, handle customer service and generally take crap from sometimes overly demanding customers.

Anonymous March 15, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Macy’s real scumbag company, Marrie Scott is head of HR and real human garbage, she enjoys screwing people, another one is Gloria Boneta, nasty HR director, she fired people for personal reasons, scumbag company with real scumbag HR directors


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