Letter: SCDSS “Cost Saving” Plan Isn’t Saving $$$

Dear Editor: A couple years ago the S.C. Department of Social Services (SCDSS) implemented a measure of contracting out foster home licensing to the South Carolina Youth Advocacy Program (SCYAP).  Not all counties in South Carolina contracted out the licensing of foster parents but several did as a cost saving…

Dear Editor:

A couple years ago the S.C. Department of Social Services (SCDSS) implemented a measure of contracting out foster home licensing to the South Carolina Youth Advocacy Program (SCYAP).  Not all counties in South Carolina contracted out the licensing of foster parents but several did as a cost saving measure.

Mr. Larry Cannon retired as the local DSS director in Newberry County and landed a top job overseeing the project. One of the regional directors’ daughters has a management position in the program.

When licensing was handled by the county, foster children were placed in local foster homes. Now, foster children are placed two or three counties away and workers often have to travel over an hour one-way to bring a child to their local county for a one-hour visit with the biological parent – and then transport them back.

With an overwhelming caseload and limited employees, how can this be a “cost saving measure?” Many of the people who pushed for this change have nice jobs and no one will admit this is a disaster because they are supervised by people who have family who were given jobs with this program.

It’s a lot of CRAP and waste of tax payers money.


sic speaking

Thanks for your letter. I will make sure this gets to the South Carolina lawmakers who are currently in the process of investigating SCDSS on a host of other matters.

Wanna sound off? Submit your letter to the editor via our tip line or email it here.

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jimlewisowb December 11, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Let me see if I have this straight

A bunch of Cockroach Bureaucrats cooked up a “program” whereby they could retire from their taxpayer job, pull down a pension paid in large part by taxpayers then go to work for the “program” which is being funded totally by the taxpayers. To add insult to injury they also use the ‘program” to provide jobs for their little retarded cockroach offspring

Well hells bells, what you have here is a perfecta trifecta butt fucking of the taxpayers followed up with a spit or swallow blow job

? December 11, 2013 at 3:05 pm

lol….it happens all the time in DC too. It’s called the “revolving door”. The TBTF’s love it most, Goldman Sachs being the most prominent member of the revolving door club.

Their employees go back and forth between “gov’t service” and supposed impartial “management” of monetary policy and their “private sector” job at GS.

It’s one big pig party where it’s virtually indistinguishable to tell which pig is which at the trough.

Of course, you see this shit all the time in the military too. They come out of service and get a high paying “consulting” gig or something is the supposed “private sector” where they use all their connections while in “service” to get a cushy, well paid “private” gig afterwards.

nitrat December 11, 2013 at 5:29 pm

I really doubt it was a bunch of ‘cockroach bureaucrats’ who came up with this idea.
Much more likely this came about from a Haley directive to privatize as much as possible… because that fits right in with the ideological crony capitalism of the right wingers and ALEC.
Remember, Nikki Haley came into office hot to privatize school buses, even though in SC that has led to unionization.
Privatization is how they create new political donors.
What people need to be looking at is the campaign contributions from SCYAP and its employees. This is but one part of the privatization that has taken place in DSS, to the detriment of children and families.

BTW, Larry Cannon is the scum of the earth. But, he’s a Cannon from Charleston, so what can you expect?

I wonder how many other children of the retired rehired county directors Lillian has around and about are working for DSS or the contractors?

Mac December 11, 2013 at 9:19 pm

You ought to see his office with his big leather chair and fine furniture while he strolls about fat and sassy with his monogrammed shirts and expensive suits. He is an original member of the bubbas, a group of rouge county directors who figured out a way to enrich themselves at the expense of poor people.

Jesus H. Christ! December 11, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Another privatization failure.


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