Letter: Steve Benjamin’s Illegal Signs

Dear Editor, You may have noticed mayor Steve Benjamin’s signs around town. It’s hard not to as most of them are illegally placed on public property. City law – as set by council – states that all political signs must be on private, not public property. As a former candidate…

Dear Editor,

You may have noticed mayor Steve Benjamin’s signs around town. It’s hard not to as most of them are illegally placed on public property. City law – as set by council – states that all political signs must be on private, not public property. As a former candidate in the last mayoral race, I was informed by the city of that. However, Benjamin keeps putting his signs on city property, as seen all around town and in the pictures included below.

He may say that he did not know, but that would be impossible as the pictures from the Tomato Fest at City Roots show them at roads leading in and out. All roads in/out were covered with his signs, and he was at the fest, so when he left, he drove past them. Of course, he also had to drive in past them.

He makes the law, he breaks the law, he snubs the law.

He is above the law.

Joseph Azar
Columbia, S.C.

(Click to enlarge)

benjamin sign 002 benjamin sign 001


sic speaking

Joe thanks for your email. You’re a little kooky, but you do the people of Columbia an invaluable service by staying in the face of these hoodlums. Keep it up. As to your point about the signs you have to figure if he’s going to break big laws habitually why not break the little ones too?

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Ed November 5, 2013 at 8:51 am

There is no law Benjamin doesn’t like to break. At least his breaking this law hasn’t killed a woman….yet. He will probably just feel guilty over all those signs, take his video poker money, get drunk, buy him a Sheraton rooftop prostitute, and have his driver take him to where ever it is he and the former police chief bang these chicks.

jimlewisowb November 5, 2013 at 9:16 am

“…he(T Bone) also had to drive in past them…”

Joseph you need to come to town more often. T Bone doesn’t drive anywhere. He has a bona fide certified Barney Fife chauffeur

As soon as the election and coronation are completed Ms. T Bone will also get a SUV and a full time Barney Fife to tool her around

Welcome to Columbia – South of Detroit

Jay Ellington November 5, 2013 at 9:37 am

Go Joe! As stomach churning as it was, I just cast my vote for Moe. Anybody but Benjamin.

Smirks November 5, 2013 at 9:39 am

I’m a bit ignorant on the laws for this, but wouldn’t placing signs on public property mean that anyone could just go up to them and fuck them up, remove them, etc.?

CorruptionInColumbia November 5, 2013 at 10:50 am

My teenage grandson likes to use them as targets for popping zits.

scotty November 5, 2013 at 10:53 am

Joe you may want to be careful. T bone could send Interim Chief cue ball over and declare your store a gang related meeting center which contributes to the crime center fountain. No neck makes and breaks the law just ask the former CPD Chiefs.

Azar for Mayor of Pscych Ward November 5, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Joe you are pretty much a moron man. Hell Moe has at least twice as many illegal signs as Steve.


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