More Richland County Voting “Problems”

For those of you who have already forgotten last year’s drama, the Richland County (S.C.) ElecYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

For those of you who have already forgotten last year’s drama, the Richland County (S.C.) Elec
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A Warning November 4, 2013 at 8:24 am

Nathan: Just remember, “Death to those that oppose the Pharaoh.”

Better watch your back, you probably just made the black ops list. Just sayin’.

jimlewisowb November 4, 2013 at 8:40 am

Ballentine wrote and send emails

Damn, had a suspicion that there were a lot of things up the Gypsy Governor’s Ass but never thought of a laptop being up there

Fucking Cockroach

Nate the Cave Explorer November 4, 2013 at 9:02 am

You got the wrong hole, it’s up her cooch.

The Colonel November 4, 2013 at 9:07 am

Tuesday should be lots of fun – we’ll be $59,000,0000 further in debt and have our own “president for life”(or indictment).

On the up side, we’ll likely get a new bufoon highly qualified police chief out of the deal. Maybe we can get rid of the “Mod Squad” or “Hit Squad” or whatever they call themselves

venomachine November 4, 2013 at 9:22 am

Yet another reason to choose to reside in Lexco…

Smirks November 4, 2013 at 9:48 am

If approved, the property-tax increase would cost the
owner of a $100,000 home an extra $12 to $14 a year for 20 years

I think it is only fair that you point out the actual cost of a tax increase to the individual. Using the numbers above, someone living in a $100k house only has to pay a bit more than a dollar per month. $14/yr. equates to less than $300 over the course of the 20 years if the property value remains flat (albeit property values will change over time).

That being said, the proposal doesn’t significantly improve the library system for the public at large. A lot of it is unnecessary expansions or renovations that has little overall use. Government must justify tax increases with a suitable amount results for the money, which it clearly has not done in this case.

While I believe Benjamin is assured a victory, I don’t think this tax will pass. I guess we’ll know late Tuesday.

southmauldin November 4, 2013 at 11:35 am

I agree entirely. The expansions to the branches and main library will just allow more homeless to take sponge baths in the bathrooms. I have no problem with a small increase in taxes for a worthwhile cause (gas taxes for road infrastructure), but blatant money grabs like this and the bullshit road tax that was passed last year in Richland County make me happy I moved back to the Upstate.

Squishy123 November 4, 2013 at 12:43 pm

The machines will be located where Benji tells them to put them.

wowza November 6, 2013 at 8:39 am

Woah…this website makes me feel like I have entered some kind of weird time portal. Also, is “cockroach” some kind of racial slur that ya’ll made up or what? Because, wow.

wowza November 6, 2013 at 8:43 am

So, I went and did a quick Google search on “cockroach” and “racial slur,” and the first result was an Aryan Nation website. I do not know if that is what you guys are going for, but that is the company you find yourselves in when you use that kind of terminology. At the banner on the top of the site was the word “Heil!” **Shudder***


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