
Get Your “Brosurance” From Brother Barack

U.S. President Barack Obama’s new socialized medicine law has been a hard sell with the American public … which is why its proponents are turning to three beer guzzling “bros for life” to help them boost enrollment. Rob, Zach and Sam – three “bros” who enjoy doing keg stands, playing…

U.S. President Barack Obama’s new socialized medicine law has been a hard sell with the American public … which is why its proponents are turning to three beer guzzling “bros for life” to help them boost enrollment.

Rob, Zach and Sam – three “bros” who enjoy doing keg stands, playing golf and mooching off of their parents – are the focus of several new pro-Obamacare ads aimed at luring young enrollees into the program’s health insurance exchanges.

The ads – modeled after the thoroughly hackneyed “Got Milk?” campaign – asks viewers whether they “Got Insurance?”

“Keg stands are crazy,” one of the ads notes. “Not having health insurance is crazier. Don’t tap into your beer money to cover those medical bills. We got it covered.”

Another ad features Zach and Sam on the golf course.

“Yo Mom, do I got insurance?” Zach asks.

Apparently the answer was “yes.”

“My girlfriend broke my heart so me and the bros went golfing,” he continues. “Then my buddy broke my head. Good thing mom made sure I got insurance.”

All of the ads in the series feature a “Thanks, Obamacare!” tag line.

Take a look …

(Click to enlarge)


golf bros

Wow … is this really what’s become of this country? Is America really down to taxpayer-funded propaganda targeting a bunch of dim-witted slackers in the hopes of getting them to subsidize a massive new entitlement scheme?

Because that’s the reality: Obamacare’s massive entitlement expansion won’t work unless millions of young (a.k.a. healthy) people are duped into signing up for its exchanges.

We say “duped” because according to a recent study by the National Center for Public Policy Research 6.7 million Americans between the ages of 18-35 will be between $500-$1,000 better off if they simply pay Obamacare’s “individual mandate” fee.

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Anon. October 22, 2013 at 5:04 pm


Moochin' for a living October 22, 2013 at 5:15 pm

The propaganda effort to make twenty somethings feel better about being bums well into adulthood must continue as the policies of Uncle Sam have helped to eliminate opportunities for many of them.

Smirks October 22, 2013 at 5:26 pm

doyougotinsurance.com forwards you to gotinsurancecolorado.com

Looks like it is paid for by two Colorado groups of some kind, never heard of ’em. Seems dumb, but whatever, let these groups do whatever they feel like.

We say “duped” because according to a recent study by the National Center for Public Policy Research 6.7 million Americans between the ages of 18-35 will be between $500-$1,000 better off if they simply pay Obamacare’s “individual mandate” fee.

Saving $500-$1,000 is great, except for when an unexpected emergency room trip bankrupts you. Even though the audience cheered at the thought of letting uninsured people die, Ron Paul made it pretty clear during one of the debates last election that going without insurance is pretty damn stupid if you are actually lucky enough to have a choice in the matter. But hey, go ahead and print out your fictitious Obamacare card and burn it for a free koozie if you want.


Americans between the ages of 18-26 have the ability to be covered under their parents’ insurance, too, so there’s that as well. I take it you won’t cover your kids while they are going to college or doing whatever they decide to do after they turn 18, right? Got to teach them to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, eh?

The only thing sadder than the desperation to oppose health care reform no matter the cost, is the willful and deliberate coaxing of people to do something that could very well fuck them over at any given notice just to score a political point. Let’s forget that uninsured people quite often meet one of three fates when something goes wrong: getting coverage on Medicaid (we pay for it), going bankrupt from medical debt and the cost gets spread onto others (we pay for it), or the person is refused treatment in some cases and suffers and/or dies for it.

But hey, they saved $500, so who cares? #YOLO #SWAG

Jan October 22, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Thank you Smirks!!! How, many parents can stand by and watch a child suffer or potentially die, because they do not have the money to pay for doctors and hospitals. Regardless of how irresponsible their children are, Parents will bankrupt themselves to make sure that does not happen.
Advising young adults to forgo insurance to save a few hundred dollars is beyond negligent, it is a disgusting tactic. Tactics like this is why decent people are turning away from Republicans and those who pay their bills.
Unfortunately young adults are frequently not engaged enough to understand that the people who advise them to forgo insurance are the same people who would turn their backs and walk away when they are dying in a hospital bed and are also the same people who will foreclose on their parent’s house when they can’t afford the second or third mortgage they took out to pay their child’s medical bills.

idcydm October 22, 2013 at 5:47 pm

LOL, just trying to reach low information voters.

johnq October 22, 2013 at 6:19 pm

Fits is SHOCKED at propaganda? Most people call it- a commercial. What Fits puts out is propaganda.

GOD I love it!! The more shrill the teapublicans become now that they see there isn’t a god damn thing they can do to stop Obamacare the more I LOVE IT!!

FUCK YOU! Ha HA HA… Obama stomped your pussy asses and you can’t take it!!

The gnashing of teeth as the full realization of their defeat at the hands of a socialist Kenyan BLACK man is SWEEEET!!

Keep it up Fits, love watching as your posts become more and more frantic!!


SCDEW October 23, 2013 at 10:07 am

You and Big T should hook up.

You could start a website together and present the opposite ends of the spectrum.

If successful it could result in two less people on the dole.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 23, 2013 at 11:51 am

You can say that again!!

idcydm October 23, 2013 at 12:51 pm

I was going to post the same thing but it’s much more apropos coming from you.

Still laughing, I am.

SCDEW October 23, 2013 at 10:09 am

You and Big T should hook up. You guys could start a website and present opposite ends of the spectrum in a tit for tat, or in this cases tit for tit. If successful there’d be two less people on the dole too.

Z-TAC October 23, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Is there an echo in here?

Z-TAC October 22, 2013 at 6:21 pm

Alternate version of Willie quote:

“Wow … is this really what’s become of this country? Is America really down to Howard Rich-funded propaganda targeting a bunch of dim-witted fools.”

Will Folks aka Sic October 22, 2013 at 7:40 pm

At least his propaganda is aimed at making them more free and putting more money in their pockets.

Z-TAC October 22, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Oh, yeah, I’m sure that old Howie cares a whole lot about your readers.
When that sugar tit finally comes up dry where are you going to wind up?

Jerkin the Gherkin October 23, 2013 at 10:13 am

Probably the same place that you are currently. Is that you in the center of the lead in photo in your younger days?

Z-TAC October 23, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Please, would someone show a little grace to this distinctly unoriginal fool and give him a mercy thumbs up. Judging by his moniker I think he mistook Fitsnews for a porn site and was bashing the candle as he composed his nana-nana boo-boo retort.

Jerkin the Gherkin October 23, 2013 at 2:14 pm

So it’s not you?

Z-TAC October 23, 2013 at 2:35 pm

No, but I just gave you a thumbs up so you won’t feel so lonely and all alone.

Z-TAC October 23, 2013 at 2:30 pm

*Alternates to “bashing the candle”:
Crowning the king, burping the worm, cuffing the carrot, doing the devil’s handshake, draining the vein, doing a flute solo, fondling the fig, galloping the antelope, punishing Percy, playing five against one, doing a dishonorable discharge, doodle whacking, rolling the fleshy blunt, shining the pole.

Jan October 23, 2013 at 10:04 am

I believe this statement to be a lie, and I think you know it.

Comrade1917 October 22, 2013 at 7:10 pm

This shit is real?

shifty henry October 22, 2013 at 9:14 pm

This ad is the kind of silliness and mentality youngsters are being brainwashed into.

Sandy Burglar October 22, 2013 at 10:23 pm

This ad perfectly illustrates the kind of silliness and mentality of the people this country was stupid enough to elect as their “leaders.”

The Colonel October 23, 2013 at 2:55 am

Someone has gone a step further with this one, check out the “gansta” version: http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/666/497/original.jpg


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