
Obamacare Fail

“The early numbers are in for Obamacare … and they are not good.” That’s the assessment from our friends over at Zero Hedge. And based on a frightening inverted pyramid graph taken from Millward Brown Digital (above), it’s hard to argue with that premise. “In the end, just 36,000 consumers,…

obamacare funnel

“The early numbers are in for Obamacare … and they are not good.”

That’s the assessment from our friends over at Zero Hedge. And based on a frightening inverted pyramid graph taken from Millward Brown Digital (above), it’s hard to argue with that premise.

“In the end, just 36,000 consumers, or 1 percent of all those who attempted to register for the federal exchange, successfully enrolled in Obamacare,” the internet analytics site Compete.com notes. “Healthcare.gov was clearly unprepared to handle the huge spike in traffic witnessed on October 1st when it was visited by 0.9 percent (or 1 in 114) of everyone online in the U.S.”

Wait … didn’t the administration of Barack Obama spend billions of tax dollars on driving people to this website? You’d think somebody would have prepared for it to … you know … get visitors.

Oh well … we’re sure somehow it’s all the fault of those damn bloggers.

UPDATE: According to Kantar Insights, traffic to Healthcare.gov plunged 88 percent between October 1 and October 13.

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The Colonel October 18, 2013 at 8:02 am

For those who managed to actually enroll, they’ll need to go back and check to make sure they were billed correctly – from the story: “…Emerging errors include duplicate enrollments, spouses reported as children, missing data fields and suspect eligibility determinations, say executives at more than a dozen health plans…. Medical Mutual of Ohio said one customer had successfully signed up for three of its plans.”…

Can you say “Train Wreck”!


shifty henry October 19, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Twain Weck?

shifty henry October 20, 2013 at 8:41 am

just for fun——

In a train compartment, there are 3 men and a young woman. The four passengers join in conversation, which very soon turns to the erotic. Then, the young woman proposes, “If each of you will give me $1.00, I will show you my legs.”

The men, charmed by this young college girl, all pull a buck out of their wallet. And then the girl pulls up her dress a bit to show her legs. Then she says, “If each of you gentlemen will give me $10.00, I’ll show you my thighs,”.

And men being what they are, they all pull out a ten dollar bill. The girl pulls up her dress all the way to her legs in full. Conversation continues, and the men, a bit excited, have all taken off their coats. Then the young girl says, “If you will give me $100, I will show you where I was operated on for appendicitis.”

All three fork over the money. The girl then turned to the window and points outside at a building they’re passing. “See there in the distance. That’s the hospital where I had it done!”

Frank Pytel October 18, 2013 at 8:18 am

Yeah Sic. It’s all your dam fault. PUTZ. #OBAMAFAILSAGAIN

No Way! October 18, 2013 at 8:32 am

There was also commentary from professional web site designers and software design and deployment engineers that many of the problems were “rookie” mistakes that would never make it into a beta version of low grade software. Well, guess what, we have a Rookie in Chief in Obama. Sometimes you get what you expect!

Robert October 18, 2013 at 9:34 am

I have yet to get the site to work properly.

TyroneButterballs October 18, 2013 at 9:53 am

Is that loud thud I hear the sound of IQs dropping in the GOP?? There is no end to this for you people, is there? Give it a rest ! You got your ass whipped this week. ACA does not take effect until January 201. You cannot say something has failed until it is rolled out. Bitch all you want after January when millions of people with pre-exisiting conditions like cancer get coverage, and then do your analysis.The ACA will make the GOP a permanent minority party. Bye bye, kisses kisses………..

The Colonel October 18, 2013 at 10:22 am

It only insures 30,000,000 if the facts are right. he rest of us just get screwed with government intrusion and higher insurance rates.

Based on the current status, it might take until January of 2104 to get 0.0003% of them signed up.

Squishy123 October 18, 2013 at 10:44 am

They need a minimum of 7 million people (mostly young healthy people who don’t need medical services) to get this to work. As of last week they had something like 115,000. At that rate they would have just over 2 million at the deadline. The system can’t afford to run with 30% of the subscribers needed.

? October 18, 2013 at 11:32 am

“The system can’t afford to run”

Not only has that never stopped our glorious government before, it will surely not stop it from creating more money out of thin air to support this program like it does all others.

CL October 18, 2013 at 1:35 pm

January 201, you say? Is this the new numbering system after civilization collapses or are you planning on Obama tackling the calendar next. I imagine Anno Obamius would suit his ego nicely. Must say a new numbering system is much bolder than just renaming a month after yourself like Augustus.

I normally don’t spell check comments, but it is hard to resist when posters start insulting the intelligence of others without bothering to even proof what they write.

“The ACA will make the GOP a permanent minority party.”

Keep telling yourself that. Just stick your fingers in your ears and repeat “Obama is right. Everyone who disagrees with me is stupid. And racist. LALALALA.” I am sure that will make all the bad stories go away.

SCBlues October 19, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Uh-uh. And speaking of “sticking fingers” places – you might want to keep yours out of your cavernous asshole (or at least wash up afterwards)where you reach in and sling some shit on this site and then expect everyone to bow down to you. If there was ever anyone who epitomizes that little gem of “thinks their shit doesn’t stink” that would be you, CL.
Hmmmm . . . those “bad stories” – let me see now. You mean the blabbering from Hannity and Limbaugh and Coulter and WorldNetDaily that you suck up?? Pitiful, CL. Just pitiful.

CL October 19, 2013 at 6:00 pm

How old are you? Do your parents know you are online?

idcydm October 18, 2013 at 11:27 am

Could it be this is just the first step to single payer. It is the law of the land and in it’s present form it’s not working. Will we have to tweak and tweak and tweak until it finally ends up as single payer?

CL October 18, 2013 at 1:30 pm

I put this in another thread already, but I thought this was a fair examination of the problems with the Obamacare exchanges (and what that means for the economics of the program). I am sure many on here will reject it out of hand because the author is a conservative (gasp), but he details his biases and works through what he is hearing from his sources at both HHS and with the insurance companies. The take away is that the tech problems are bad, and there are probably even bigger problems that will have to be resolved on the back end once the front end is working. However, he believes his sources may be letting the uncertainty color their perception on just how bad it is right now. The technical problems can (presumably) be fixed. The real test will be economic flaw that conservatives have always pointed out. Will young, healthy Americans will act against their self interest to buy policies to subsidize care for older, sicker Americans? A several month delay where only motivated (and thus likely sick) shoppers are going to stick through the glitches to sign up is not a good start.


SCBlues October 19, 2013 at 2:22 pm

You can post it on every thread, CL – but it won’t make it any more credible
I think most folks familiar with your posts would know what you would consider a “fair examination” of anything having to do with President Obama.

CL October 19, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Yet you can’t refute a single line in it. But keep hurling insults. It totally makes you seem smart and informed.

euwe max October 18, 2013 at 1:56 pm

So… what’s your point?

Vanguard16 October 18, 2013 at 2:40 pm

The numbers don’t mean anything. I have registered/enrolled but not yet have decided on a plan. Many could be doing the same thing.

UptheCreek October 18, 2013 at 11:31 pm

Not much better or worse than many government run websites I’ve had to use, but definitely not up to the standards of most commercial sites whose livelihood depends on ease of use. Frustratingly slow, and very little feedback to keep you on track. So far I have been able to create an account, login, enroll, and verify my identity and eligibility.
Now I’ve got some sort of link coming up that tells me I have a message, but it just gives me a 404 error when I click to download the message. I’ll keep trying just because I need to know my options, but I sure hope they do something to fix this mess.

SCBlues October 19, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Healthcare is a privilege and for the privileged. Please don’t let President Obama convince you otherwise. Yes – please defund and repeal ObamaCare now. Poor folks and disabled folks and seniors do not deserve healthcare – let them eat cake. Or better yet, just f*ck ’em!!

I'llBeYourHuckleberry October 19, 2013 at 5:04 pm

What a dumb ass response. Pure ignorance!

Mike at the Beach October 19, 2013 at 11:45 pm

Holy shit dude, really? So, your inference is that if one happens to disagree with the manner in which BHO and his ilk want to mangle our healthcare system (vicariously, via market manipulation), that person, therefore, wants poor people and the elderly to have no healthcare. You obviously took a different Rhetoric and Logic course than I…in a Chicago public school, maybe?

? October 20, 2013 at 12:33 pm

It was an off the books Alinsky course back in the day, titled “Demagoguery 101”. No logic requirement needed.

shifty henry October 19, 2013 at 8:32 pm

(From Milton Berle)

It’s a good thing I’m covered by Red, White, and Blue Cross. I was operated on at a great hospital – Our Lady of Malpractice. Five years ago they spent three million dollars on a recovery room. It hasn’t been used yet. I had general anesthesia. That’s so weird. You go to sleep in one room and then your wake up four hours later in a totally different room. Just like college! After the operation, the doctor told me, “Soon, your sex life’s gonna be terrific – especially the one in the winter!”

Anon. October 20, 2013 at 12:37 am

More People Sign Up for Mars Trip than for Obamacare


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