
Paul Ryan Wants A Deal

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan wants to make a deal … on the so-called “shutdown” of the federal government and the debate over the federal government’s debt limit. To that end, the former GOP vice presidential nominee penned a column in The Wall Street Journal entitled “Here’s How We Can End This…

U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan wants to make a deal … on the so-called “shutdown” of the federal government and the debate over the federal government’s debt limit.

To that end, the former GOP vice presidential nominee penned a column in The Wall Street Journal entitled “Here’s How We Can End This Stalemate.”

His big idea? “Common-sense reforms of the country’s entitlement programs and tax code.”

Okay … we’ve heard that before.

To achieve these elusive reforms, he’s even willing to do away with the modest cuts adopted in the 2011 debt deal – which authorized $2.4 trillion in new debt over a seventeen month period in exchange for the promise of $2.1 trillion in cuts over the coming decade.

“Most of us agree that gradual, structural reforms are better than sudden, arbitrary cuts,” Ryan writes. “For my Democratic colleagues, the discretionary spending levels in the (2011 debt deal) are a major concern. And the truth is, there’s a better way to cut spending. We could provide relief from the discretionary spending levels in the (debt deal)in exchange for structural reforms to entitlement programs.”

Ah … “structural reforms to entitlement programs.”

Does Ryan actually propose any such structural reforms? Sort of … he generically advocates for raising revenues (ahem, tax hikes), reducing spending, amending Medicaid premiums and require federal workers to contribute more to their pension.

All stuff that’s been attempted previously … with no success.

Real solutions? More like recycled half-measures.

Finally, Ryan’s compromise would “table” the discussion of Obamacare – the massive entitlement expansion whose implementation precipitated this whole debate.


We know Barack Obama doesn’t want to negotiate with Congressional “Republicans” on either the debt debate or the “shutdown” – but Ryan’s proposal isn’t a negotiation, it’s a surrender.

“We need to open the federal government,” Ryan says. “We need to pay our bills today—and make sure we can pay our bills tomorrow. So let’s negotiate an agreement to make modest reforms to entitlement programs and the tax code.”

Right … because a $17 trillion debt that’s about to explode even further can surely be fixed by “modest” reforms. And recycled ones at that.

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venomachine October 9, 2013 at 1:14 pm

What they need to do is pass the raising the debt limit and stick to their guns on the continuing resolution. That achieves two things:

1) Robs Obama of his ‘US won’t pay bills’ talking point
2) Shows that there is willingness to get something done, but they aren’t willing to cave.

? October 9, 2013 at 1:28 pm

I think Obama and Ryan should ear wrestle over the matter. Winner take all.

If that’s too physical they maybe they can just have a gliding contest, see who can go further after jumping off a 20 foot pole.

Frank Pytel October 9, 2013 at 1:55 pm

I’ll take a piece of that action.

blackman October 9, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Whoever wrote this article is a racist.

Avenger October 9, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Will Folks writes the articles

BLACKMAN October 9, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Whoever wrote this article is a racist. Fitsnews is a racist site.

I'm not a racist,I hate every1 October 9, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Shaddup Negro, the black commenting section is out back. If you remain uppity you’re not getting any catfish or watermelon while you’re back there either.

BLACKMAN October 9, 2013 at 2:13 pm

If you hate everyone you deserve what you get for being against humanity. I’m going after Will Folks, NOT YOU. I am sure he writes the articles.

Smirks October 9, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Yes, let’s keep debating Obamacare even after the exchanges have been open for a week. For fucks sake, you lost. It will not be repealed, defunded, delayed, or dismantled. The GOP can sit on its shutdown for the next two months and that won’t change.

venomachine October 9, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Times change, laws change, funding to a program is reduced or stopped altogether. Happens all the time.

Heck, I can even name an appealed amendment.

The ‘you lost’ thought process doesn’t really cut it.

venomachine October 9, 2013 at 2:40 pm


The Colonel October 9, 2013 at 2:35 pm

They’ve been open for a week and all of how many people have signed up? Nobody knows because the most expensive health care insurance program on the face of the earth isn’t even close to being ready to roll out yet. http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/mon-october-7-2013-kathleen-sebelius
Already, HHS is having to warn of fraud, lost data and poorly trained “navigators”. When pressed, neither Sebelius nor Lew can provide a number of “customers” who have actually signed up. “Train wreck” doesn’t do it justice.

? October 9, 2013 at 4:10 pm

“They’ve been open for a week and all of how many people have signed up? ”

Sorry friend, that’s on a “need to know” only basis, and your clearance isn’t high enough.

Now hush up and do your job.


BLACKMAN October 9, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Fitsnews writes racist articles and wont sign their name to it or acknowledge it. This is a protest.

Avenger October 9, 2013 at 2:24 pm

His name is Will Folks. He is on Linkedin.

The Colonel October 9, 2013 at 2:25 pm

“…Paul Ryan Wants A Deal…” and people in Hell want ice water, and the damned are more likely to get it, well maybe not. Out of one side of his mouth, Mr. 37% says “…no negotiation…” and out of the other side he says “…I’ll absolutely negotiate…”. With leaders like this one, who needs chaos.

? October 9, 2013 at 2:38 pm

“and people in Hell want ice water”-lol!

“”Mr. 37% says “…no negotiation…” and out of the other side he says “…I’ll absolutely negotiate…”. With leaders like this one, who needs chaos.”

And people lay claim to the need for “central planning”…lol…we are living in bizarro world.(HT to Superman)


tomstickler October 9, 2013 at 2:52 pm

His big idea? ”Common-sense reforms of the country’s entitlement programs and tax code.”

Translation: more tax cuts for the rich, more benefit cuts for the rest.

Sarah Palin Forever! October 9, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Ditto! Mega even!

It Happens October 9, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Ryan is last year’s used toilet paper.


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