Another Day, Another Deposition

If there’s one redeeming quality about our founding editor’s total lack of a filter for his mouth – it’s that this “deformattribute” extends to formal legal proceedings as well as the wild and wooly world of the world wide web. Say those last nine words nine times real fast ……

If there’s one redeeming quality about our founding editor’s total lack of a filter for his mouth – it’s that this “deformattribute” extends to formal legal proceedings as well as the wild and wooly world of the world wide web.

Say those last nine words nine times real fast … “wild and wooly world of the world wide web.” We dare you …

Anyway, Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) calls it like he sees it. Earnestly. With the objective of moving his native inbred insane asylum (a.k.a. South Carolina) into the 21st century … or at least the late 20th century.

But as much as we try to get people interested in eating their vegetables (i.e. writing on things like government restructuring), it turns out people don’t like to eat their vegetables … they want red meat. Flesh for fantasy, if you will.

“Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies, we got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie,” Don Henley once sang. “We love to cut you down to size. We love dirty laundry.”

So true …

“Blow jobs is better than no jobs.”

That’s a popular expression used to describe the prosperity of America under former president Bill Clinton – and it goes double for the news business. In fact “blow jobs is better than ‘mo jobs” too … at least as far as ratings and page views are concerned.

What does that say about the media? Probably the same thing it says about all of us …

Speaking of blow jobs, our founding editor received one from then-S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley in a parking lot adjacent to the S.C. Policy Council on a rainy spring afternoon in 2007. An excellent one. In fact this specific act of fellatio has been described in exceedingly graphic detail in an excerpt from his unpublished memoir – which may one day see the light of day. Or maybe not.

Who knows …  and honestly, who cares?

“Every day we write the book …”

What we do know is Sic Willie is getting deposed again … and once again he will tell the truth about his prior physical relationship with Haley (and whatever else his interrogators want to ask him).

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Soft Sigh from Hell October 8, 2013 at 8:12 pm

“Getting deposed”
So that’s what they’re calling it now?

nitrat October 9, 2013 at 9:45 am

“…his native inbred insane asylum (a.k.a. South Carolina) into the 21st century … or at least the late 20th century.”

That is hilarious because the Libertarian/Tea Party mentality so obviously can’t get out of the 19th century.

Carpe Jugulum October 9, 2013 at 9:20 pm

Everybody knows how this is going to “go down.” SLED CSI was struck by lightening and all the crime scene evidence was hacked, er, I mean lost. Sic Willie knows nothing about hacking or computers or such. Since there is nothing but Sic Willie’s memory of the event, all the rest of us can do is wonder whether or not there was a heavy scent of tandori chicken in the air………

Carpe Jugulum October 9, 2013 at 9:20 pm

Everybody knows how this is going to “go down.” SLED CSI was struck by lightening and all the crime scene evidence was hacked, er, I mean lost. Sic Willie knows nothing about hacking or computers or such. Since there is nothing but Sic Willie’s memory of the event, all the rest of us can do is wonder whether or not there was a heavy scent of tandori chicken in the air………


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