
More Obamacare Problems

Less than a week before it is scheduled to take effect, yet another key provision of U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine law is being delayed. The so-called “SHOP exchanges” for small businesses – scheduled to open on October 1 – have been delayed until November according to The Politico….

Less than a week before it is scheduled to take effect, yet another key provision of U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine law is being delayed.

The so-called “SHOP exchanges” for small businesses – scheduled to open on October 1 – have been delayed until November according to The Politico.

“The one-month delay is not a major blow to the health care law … but it’s yet another PR headache for the White House as it ramps up a major Obamacare sales pitch just five days before open enrollment is scheduled to begin,” the website reports.

Other key provisions of Obamacare – most notably its employer mandate – have already been delayed with absolutely no regard as to the legality of such decisions.

Bottom line? More than three years after it was rammed through the U.S. Congress, Obamacare is still being written. In fact top White House advisors have admitted as much – with one senior aide recently saying the administration would “continue to make changes as needed.”

No, no, no, no … NO.

That is NOT how it works, people.

““The Obama Administration does not have the authority to cherry pick which provisions of the law to enforce or ignore, and which ones to implement or delay,” U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan said. ” If the law is unworkable, as the President’s actions have repeatedly shown, then he must work with Congress to delay or amend it.  This is just further proof that ObamaCare is unworkable and must be fully repealed and replaced.”

He’s absolutely right …

The latest Obamacare delay comes as the GOP-controlled U.S. House and the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate are at an impasse over funding for the increasingly unpopular legislation. If no deal is reached by midnight on September 30, there would be partial shutdown of the federal government.

Which frankly is something we welcome …

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jimlewisowb September 26, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Hey Duncan

Just in case you missed it, Old Buck Farack has been telling you and your Congressional buddies for years to kiss his chocolate ass and y’all have been doing a great job of it

Central Planning Advocate September 26, 2013 at 4:01 pm

So micromanaging the world isn’t working out well?

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:49 am

Never has, Never will.

? September 26, 2013 at 4:04 pm

“This is just further proof that ObamaCare is unworkable and must be fully repealed and replaced.”

Gotta love the “limited gov’t” Republicans crowing about their ability to be better central planners….why isn’t repeal sufficient without the “replace”?

Oh yea, cause it’s politically untenable even though it happens to be the only viable economic solution.

What a bunch of dicks.

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:49 am

Yep Yep. No Defund, No Delay. Repeal,

Or be Recalled.

LD September 26, 2013 at 4:19 pm

If Obamacare is that bad, why not let it crash on its own. That way the Republicans (Tea Partiers) can really screw the economy in 2015.
I believe the Republicans are scared that Obamacare might actually work. If it does, the funeral for the GOP will be in November 2014.
How many people with actually purchase insurance throught the exchanges? I’m guessing less than 50% that would be required.

William September 26, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Way less than 50%. More like 25%. The Republicans know that most of what they have told everyone about the Affordable Care Act is a lie. They know that when its goes into full effect and none of the horrors they predict come to pass, everyone will know they were lying.
I have an individual policies on my wife and me. I am self employed, so I do not have a group policy. Based on the estimated premiums provided thus far, it looks like I will be able to buy a family policy through the exchanges comparable to the one I have now for about $300 to $350 a month less than I am paying now. Not a lot, but I’m not going to turn it down. I do not qualify for a subsidy, so that is without a subsidy. I will know for sure October 1.
Also, since I have two employees, I may be able to get an even better deal if I buy a small business group policy through the exchanges, but it looks like I will need to wait until November 1, to know that amount.

Walter-White September 26, 2013 at 7:38 pm

Same here.

tomstickler September 26, 2013 at 5:01 pm

Hey! You forgot to use the phrase “major train wreck.”

No bonus for you!

BTW, any government shutdown would result from failing to raise the debt ceiling: nothing to do with funding Obamacare, right?

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:45 am

Funding OshitforbrainsCare is one of the reasons the debt ceiling increase is needed. Therefore, no. All things are connected. Sure Planned (Murdering) Parenthoods only uses the money for advertising and admin. Yeah right. :P

ralph September 26, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Shut it down!

lars September 26, 2013 at 7:42 pm

ralph..if we don’t fund the government, who will pay for NPR? I mean, what will happen to those 37 stations in the Columbia area which carry NPR? Who will pay for all those abortions? Who will pay for all those pro-Islam propaganda films? What about those studies on genital washing in Africa? How will they get funded? Get with the program, man!

BrokenWindows September 27, 2013 at 12:06 pm

NPR gets less than 5% of it’s funding from government. They’ll be ok.

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:45 am


Smirks September 26, 2013 at 5:16 pm

“We should tell all the red states to refuse to make their own exchanges so that it burdens the federal government time and money wise in implementing these things!”


Apparently you can ask the feds to run your shit for you to save yourself some cash and still complain about it. Even more funny is that we’re a moocher state as it is.

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:43 am

Ain’t no conservatives asking the feds to run shite.

bogart September 26, 2013 at 7:39 pm

This same crap had to be mucked through with Medicare…….you think any of those Tea Party Cruzites would give up their gov’t Medicare??????……HELL NO.

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:48 am

Medicare is theft. Instead of complaining that TP is a bunch of shite (Really no love for the liberal TP’s), try looking at the real problem. Medicare is THEFT. Plain and simple. Those that don’t get it either don’t or shouldn’t be allowed to procreate.

Centrist View September 26, 2013 at 7:57 pm

“Other key provisions of Obamacare – most notably its employer mandate – have
already been delayed with absolutely no regard as to the legality of such decisions.”

If the President’s actions are indeed illegal, then why are the Republicans taking no action by filing suit in court or legislatively?

idcydm September 26, 2013 at 9:16 pm

What is next, really what is next, what will the Government force We the People to buy next, a gun maybe?

Frank Pytel September 27, 2013 at 6:45 am



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