Ron Motley Dead

Ron Motley – one of South Carolina’s wealthiest and most powerful trial lawyers – is dead. The founding partner of the Motley Rice law firm – based in Mount Pleasant, S.C. – passed away Wednesday evening, according to an email from the S.C. Association for Justice (SCAJ), a group of…

Ron Motley – one of South Carolina’s wealthiest and most powerful trial lawyers – is dead.

The founding partner of the Motley Rice law firm – based in Mount Pleasant, S.C. – passed away Wednesday evening, according to an email from the S.C. Association for Justice (SCAJ), a group of trial lawyers.

“It is with heavy heart that I tell you, SCAJ Member and Past President, Ron Motley passed away last night,” SCAJ president Rod Jernigan wrote in an email obtained by FITS. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the Motley Rice family at this time.”

Details regarding the circumstances of his death were not immediately available, although sources tell FITS Motley had been experiencing “numerous health issues” for several years.

Motley, 68, built his legal empire going after asbestos and tobacco companies – and made news in recent years by suing the financiers of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He was portrayed in Michael Mann’s 1999 thriller The Insider by actor Bruce McGill.

“He was a brilliant and visionary lawyer, and I was proud to be his partner,” said John Herrick, a partner at Motley Rice.

Earlier this month SCAJ honored Motley with its highest honor, hailing him as “an integral and influential part of the national and South Carolina legal profession for more than forty years.”

Developing …

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Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 9:26 am

Damn. If he was the best I guess they’ll just have to pump out a few more ambulance chasers. God forbid you can’t do a little tuna fish to catch a pay day anymore.

lawzoo August 22, 2013 at 9:28 am

Ron Motley was in a very unique small class of lawyers. The cases he was involved in had wide ranging ramifications . Whether you liked the litigation results or not you had to respect him.

R.I.P. Ron Motley

Mike at the Beach August 22, 2013 at 11:59 pm

See, “Guest,” you can acknowledge the “opposition” and still leave a eulogistic comment with some class (see Lawzoo, above). I get the value of the freedom of expression provided by the anonymity on boards like this, but the level of discourse sure suffers. When your day comes, I hope for the sake of your surviving family and friends that your political enemies will at least wait until your sorry ass is lowered into the ground before they start trashing you in public forums. It’s just common decency, although (like common sense) it’s not that common anymore.

Guest August 22, 2013 at 9:36 am

Looks like the cocaine and scotch diet along with the other women finally caught up with him. Plenty of people in Barnwell are breathing a sigh of relief too.

Grim August 22, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Your horrible a person to say that at a time like this. Very Trashy!! Mr. Mötley was a good man that fought for all Americans!!

JCM August 23, 2013 at 8:12 am

Guest… You dont even deserve a response. He was a father to me and a truly great man. The impact that he and the entire Motley family has had on me is unmeasuarable. Love is too small a word to express my feelings.
“Don’t worry about what people say behind your back, they are the people who are finding faults in their life instead of fixing the faults in their own life”

Philip Branton August 22, 2013 at 10:25 am

Ron Motley was an Information War Fare “Gladiator” and knew how to use information and his GOSH darn ….phone..!! He also knew how to use this very website and periodicals to send smoke signals that would “water board” any adversary before he even walked into the room. I’ll never forget his “hat tip” when I coined the term “Promenade Landfill” in the Post and Courier comment section. The shock waves of his follow ups sent tingles up the leg of Mayor Riley and every “bet” in the Neck Area of Charleston. His efforts with the “Georgetown Ringers” has had very lasting mediating effects and lobby financial retrospectives. His “dual view” pep talks could get an adversary to think twice. A real Master that will be missed….in and out of the court room.

Whoa August 22, 2013 at 10:43 am


whoa August 22, 2013 at 10:45 am


EJB August 22, 2013 at 12:32 pm

I do believe that is the first post by you that I have understood.

John Day August 22, 2013 at 10:34 am

Frank Pytel and gutless “guest”: Each of you is an insensitive, heartless ass.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 11:23 am

I have no love for lawyers. All they end up doing is mucking things up. That is a blanket statement. There are no good lawyers. I didn’t say I wished he were dead or his family should hurt. This article is about a dead lawyer, not a dead human being (in my eyes). I retract nothing and emphatically reinforce my opinion. It’s mine to have.

But then again, every person flying by you on the freeway must be an A-hole. It couldn’t have anything to do with them having needs, right?

GreenvilleLwyr August 22, 2013 at 1:05 pm

All the reasons Frank hates lawyers:

1998 – Married to Jeanette

– 2000 – Charged with CDV (just like Will!) – result unclear

– 2000 – Defendant and counterclaimant in breach of contract lawsuit – settled on the courthouse steps in 2001 (bet that lawyer was expensive)

– 2004 – Charged with trespass after notice – found guilty (listed as “homeless” on Public Index; ex-wife was affiant)

– 2004 Sued by Ford Motor Credit (and its lawyer!) – case dismissed because lawyer could not find Frank to serve him (probably because he was homeless!)

– 2005 – wife (and her lawyer!) filed for separation – case disposed of in December 2006

– 2010 – Evicition filed against him

– 2010 – filed his own lawsuit in Lexington County Magistrate Court against his apartment complex. The other party hired a lawyer, and Frank lost. He clearly had a fool for a client.

– 2010 – Wife filed for divorce again (?) against Frank and two other people (Seriously, what are you into, Frank???). Case disposed of 8/14/13.

My work here is done.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Doesn’t even scratch the surface. Interesting find. I wonder if you are in fact a lawyer? Got the screen grab. This should be most interesting. Nice finds. But doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

EDIT: Maybe we’ll find out just how true to your anonymous liberal leanings you are.

CNSYD August 22, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Perhaps we now know the real reasons he can’t get a contractor’s license.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Are you really a lawyer JD?

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:39 pm

I think you might be?

JD @greenvillelwyr:disqus

Breaking hearts, busting balls, and wooing juries across the Upstate. Love Jesus, Obama, Gamecocks, and beer, but not necessarily in that order.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Are those your pics of Trikki Nikki?

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Fascinating stuff


God is good “@espn: This is not an upset alert folks, it’s a final score. No. 3 #Duke falls to unranked #Temple 78-73:
1 year ago Traffic on Church St. backed up to Federal Courthouse. Augh!!!
1 year ago @ToddKincannon God knows I will be 10x more obnoxious if it happens again.
1 year ago RT @Pluvlaw: If there’s a God he should prove his existence by hurling a meteor at Tuscaloosa tonight around 8:15 pm. #IWannaBelieve #sctweets #gamecocks
1 year ago @fitsnews God I hope.
1 year ago It’s Sunday. Time for some Jesus. You too, @ToddKincannon.
1 year ago

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:47 pm Reply
Sarah Palin Forever! August 22, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Yeh, but he is a “principled conservative!”

John Day August 22, 2013 at 5:16 pm

I take back what I said. You aren’t an ass. You have a severe disorder. Please get the help you need.

Frank Pytel August 23, 2013 at 4:01 am

Eat Shite A-wipe

Mike Hugo August 22, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Ron was an amazing lawyer who destroyed the asbestos manufacturers for all their intentional and negligent actions, whereby they killed and destroyed many thousands of families. He was fearless in his dogged pursuit of al Queda by going after what they really loved most, their money. He was the architect of bringing justice to people who were hopelessly and – up until we all saw the evidence that HE brought to the public eye, for ourselves – unexplainably addicted to cigarettes. For Guest and Pytel to make such ridiculous statements makes me wonder which corporate giant they are in bed with…
He was a tireless and dedicated lawyer. He was, unfortunately, dealt a hand of tragic loss in his family situation, and Mr. Pytel, we all wonder how you would cope with the loss of a child who you loved as deeply as Ron loved his son! I am sure you wouldn’t know, as you obviously only love your blow-hard opinions, and I bet your kids don’t even come home for Christmas!

FPsucks August 22, 2013 at 12:41 pm

Mike, if you take the time to read Pytel’s comments on most any subject, you too will see him for what he is.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 12:47 pm

As stated above.
I have no love for lawyers. All they end up doing is mucking things up. That is a blanket statement. There are no good lawyers. I didn’t say I wished he were dead or his family should hurt. This article is about a dead lawyer, not a dead human being (in my eyes). I retract nothing and emphatically reinforce my opinion. It’s mine to have.

But then again, every person flying by you on the freeway must be an A-hole. It couldn’t have anything to do with them having needs, right?

nitrat August 22, 2013 at 1:10 pm

If you never heard of the guy before, he was not a true public/political figure, you know absolutely nothing about him, what possesses someone to slam a person on the occasion of his death?
Hmmm…the term “common” comes to mind.
And, why is this here in “SC Politics” for ill bred scum to comment on? A lazy day where we’re just getting whatever lands in your inbox regurgitated to the blog?

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Common. So you live in a cast system?

nitrat August 22, 2013 at 1:35 pm

How ’bout: your mama didn’t raise you right.

Frank Pytel August 22, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Well, not for that reason, but my mother was no parent to me. How about yours? You’re the only MF in the world with an opinion. With desires? Hmm?
A-wipe passes you on the freeway he must be an A-wipe, right smart ass?

John Day August 22, 2013 at 5:17 pm

“but my mother was no parent to me”
Explains a lot. Sorry

Barron Rivers August 22, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Thanks Mr. Motley and your staff for all the support that you have given to Stop the Violence South Inc.
Your heart is made of gold and your contributions for fighting for the underdogs will truly be missed. Praying for the entire Motley family during this time of grief. R.I.P.

Edgar August 22, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Perhaps if Jean Toal had not given him special privilege status and required Ron to get legitimate help for his addiction issues, he would have had a better past and last few years. Toal saw fit to permit him to handle his issues privately and on his own terms because it was in HER best interests to do so. Ron did many good things for many good people. Many did not return the favor.

Mt. Pleasant Friend August 23, 2013 at 10:57 am

I heard Ron had hoodwinked the attorney discipline folks years ago when their lawyers helping lawyers people tried to see him. He paid some friend of Toal’s a small fortune to talk with her and Ron got to determine and set his own “treatment” plan. He needed help. Addicts rarely do a good job at making their own treatment plans. It’s good to be a rich, Democratic party lawyer in Toal’s world.

Lawyers Suck August 22, 2013 at 8:55 pm

South Carolina would be a better place when the devil calls J. Moore and Richard Briebart home too.

All these sympathy remarks from fellow leeches. How nauseating.

Finius Nullis August 23, 2013 at 9:31 am

—– and I thought that people were crucified BEFORE they were dead

Charles Fitzhenry August 23, 2013 at 10:32 am Reply
Slim August 23, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Ron and Joe were adamant on buying a third jet when the original company broke up in 2002. That, plus the company’s “Taj Mahal” office building (Ron & Joe’s idea) on the Cooper River caused the less-flamboyant partners to split up and go their own ways. The Post and Courier gives no recognition to Charles Patrick, the brains behind the litigation, who fed the ammo to Ron, who did the stand-up work. What is unsaid in the newspaper report is the fact that Ron’s son died in a county hospital in Florida due to negligence of the nursing staff and that, ironically, he could sue that hospital for only $250,000. The loss of his son was an everlasting scar on Ron’s heart and contributed to his drinking and drug use. It’d do the same thing to me if I had lost my son when he was 21.

Guest August 25, 2013 at 8:43 pm

That was 13 years His scotch and cocaine die started long before his son tragically died. So did the Cheating on his wives, the womanizing and sexual harassment of employees and much more that liberals would all condemn if but not for Motley’s leagal career, which was prolific to be sure.

don August 23, 2013 at 9:37 pm

Jealousy is alive and well.


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