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CorruptionInColumbia July 13, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Enjoy yourself at the beach Sic. Also, be careful and don’t catch any crabs while on the beach. A friend of mine caught a bad case of horseshoe crabs once. He said they were downright painful, compared to the regular crabs, which just itch like hell.

We’ll be waiting for more stories about CPD being investigated by SLED.

Will Folks aka Sic July 13, 2013 at 9:18 pm

No doubt. We published an update to that story naming the officer who was put on leave. Look forward to continuing our investigating when we get back from vacay.

CorruptionInColumbia July 13, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Enjoy yourself at the beach Sic. Also, be careful and don’t catch any crabs while on the beach. A friend of mine caught a bad case of horseshoe crabs once. He said they were downright painful, compared to the regular crabs, which just itch like hell.

We’ll be waiting for more stories about CPD being investigated by SLED.

Will Folks aka Sic July 13, 2013 at 9:18 pm

No doubt. We published an update to that story naming the officer who was put on leave. Look forward to continuing our investigating when we get back from vacay.

GrandTango July 14, 2013 at 7:44 am

Enjoy, but it is a “convenient” time to VaCay..
FITS has been Obviously non-committal to the George Zimmerman Kangaroo Court in Fla. …(Is that where Sanford’s people first exploited?)…would explain a lot…

Strange, since it is a cause ALL Liberal-Tarians should be SCREAMING about on Zimmerman’s behalf. A man exercising his Rights was railroaded to a joke a trail w/ a Leftwing Zealot judge, as hate mobs, yelled “Kill Him.”..And then the PEOPLE, through a fair just jury, spoke back…

Then Brave and Just Americans who decided this case risked their own safety to follow the law…and do the right thing..

Truly a MONUMENTAL moment in modern American history…but Liberals lost, so the media is either lashing out ridiculously, or trying to ignore it (see FITS)…

At any rate: Another BIG loss for Obama…and another very telling and high-profile fumble by FITS…


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