
Lazenby: Defending Obama’s Speech In Ireland

Last week our founding editor wrote a piece about comments U.S. President Barack Obama made regarding religious education in Northern Ireland. “If towns remain divided – if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to…

Last week our founding editor wrote a piece about comments U.S. President Barack Obama made regarding religious education in Northern Ireland.

“If towns remain divided – if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation,” Obama said in Belfast.

Obama was indeed referring to the longstanding battle between Catholic nationalists and Protestant unionists in Northern Ireland – a conflict “which has been raging for decades, killing thousands of people,” as our editor said. But this was not an attempt to “lump all faith-based education into some sort of malevolent monster.” To interpret the president’s comments as such is to take them out of context.

To understand the true meaning of the president’s statement, we must evaluate it in its entirety. Just prior to the sentence quoted above, Obama said, “issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of jobs and opportunity — symbols of history that are a source of pride for some and pain for others — these are not tangential to peace; they’re essential to it.”

Thus, Obama was attempting to show that the continued self-segregation of these communities was not conducive to resolving conflict.

The decades of violence between elements of Northern Ireland’s nationalist community (which is Irish and/or Roman Catholic) and its unionist community (which is British and/or Protestant), commonly referred to as “The Troubles,” includes but is more complicated than where children go to school, and the president’s comments were intended to reflect that, not to disparage parochial education.

Because the conflict is the result of discrimination against the Nationalist/Catholic minority by the Unionist/Protestant majority, some Catholics were concerned about Obama’s comments. In fact, the group American Catholics for Religious Freedom (ACRF) issued a statement condemning what they called “President Obama’s anti-faith, secular agenda,” and insisting that he “can’t bear the thought that Catholic and parochial schools not only teach important values but consistently produce better educational results at lower cost than America’s failing public schools.” The group went even further, stating that “All Americans of faith should be outraged by these comments which clearly telegraph the President’s belief system and are in fact at their core even anti-American.”

This is not only a misinterpretation of the president’s statements, it is a misguided reduction of the complexities of the region.

In Northern Ireland, Catholics primarily attend Catholic schools, while Protestants primarily attend government-run schools. The intricacies of this issue for the people most affected by it cannot be understated. Sectarian divisions in the region do not being at school, they begin at home. Parents are free to choose where to send their children to school, but they may be perpetuating and reinforcing “The Troubles” in the next generation when they do not allow their children exposure to other other belief systems. Isolation breeds misunderstanding, contempt and conflict.

Obama made the speech in question just prior to a visit to the area’s only integrated primary school with British Prime Minister David Cameron. In fact, integrated schools represent only 6 percent of the primary and secondary school sector in Northern Ireland. With that speech and his visit to that particular school, President Obama wanted to emphasize that it is possible for young Catholics and Protestants to attend school together without conflict. In so doing, perhaps the next generation in Northern Ireland will have a better understanding of their counterparts across the religious divide, and understanding breeds cooperation, something that is desperately needed between Catholics and Protestants in the region.

In fact, Catholics United, a faith group that is more liberal than ACRF, has since defended Obama’s comments in Northern Ireland and pointed out the fact that the president has honored Catholic education leaders at the White House in the past.

James Salt, director of Catholics United, has accused more conservative Catholics of ginning up the controversy over Obama’s remarks:

“President Obama’s comments are directly on point and in no way disparage Catholic education. Obama has been a consistent supporter of Catholic schools and has held multiple events honoring them at the White House,” Salt said. “The real story here is how far the Catholic far-right will go to disparage this President. Simply put, Obama’s detractors have taken an innocuous yet important comment out of context as a way to score cheap political points with an electorate that doesn’t fully understand the context of religious and public education in Northern Ireland.”

Obama’s comments were not about American Catholicism or American parochial education – they were about one aspect of a region in the midst of religious turmoil. They were a plea to the people of that area to begin to integrate their lives in an attempt to better understand their brethren across the religious aisle. Taken in their full context, the president’s comments were that of a world leader attempting to encourage the peaceful resolution of a longstanding conflict. That’s it.

amy lazenby

Amy Lazenby is the associate opinion editor at FITSNews. She is a wife, mother of three and small business owner with her husband who splits her time between South Carolina and Georgia. Follow her on Twitter @Mrs_Laz or email her at amy@fitsnews.com.



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Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 3:06 pm

(potus) – memo to me: Try not to piss off the Pope.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 3:06 pm

(potus) – memo to me: Try not to piss off the Pope.

GrandTango June 25, 2013 at 3:15 pm

Just like Obama was not trying to FORCE Abortion on Catholic Hospitals…or persecuting Conservatives with the IRS…

One of the most constant, and disgusting, traits of Liberals…you immediately RUN from what you are, and what you do, the minute you are caught…

PS: I wonder when this LIE fails to work, will Lizenby’s Next opinion (propaganda) piece Claim that Bush attacked Church schools too. In keeping w/ yall’s pattern in an attempt to cover your corrupt god…….

JC June 25, 2013 at 3:24 pm

“If we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation.” Why in God’s name would the Northern Irish take anything he says seriously? I mean, his administration can’t even live up to its own musings. We still have Gitmo, we are still at war in Afghanistan and his administration has continually conducted drone wars in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan, killing untold numbers of civilians. Does that not cause the same type of resentment and division? His administration has ramped up the use of drones, and has argued that the President can unilaterally kill an American citizen without a trial. Does that not cause resentment and division? His administration targets journalists and their sources in an attempt to diminish free speech, political dissent and transparency. Does that not cause resentment and division? His administration acts in secret and views its own people as an enemy that must be watched and kept in the dark on serious issues relating to privacy and the surveillance state. Does that not cause resentment and division? The fact is, there is nothing left to defend about Obama. He is a morally bankrupt son of a bitch who has not only continued Bush-era policies regarding security and terrorism, he has made them worse. For this SOB to lecture the Northern Irish and unity and peace is the rankest form of arrogance and hypocrisy, and it is precisely why many throughout the world cannot stand Americans.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Excellent post.

JC June 25, 2013 at 3:24 pm

“If we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation.” Why in God’s name would the Northern Irish take anything he says seriously? I mean, his administration can’t even live up to its own musings. We still have Gitmo, we are still at war in Afghanistan and his administration has continually conducted drone wars in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan, killing untold numbers of civilians. Does that not cause the same type of resentment and division? His administration has ramped up the use of drones, and has argued that the President can unilaterally kill an American citizen without a trial. Does that not cause resentment and division? His administration targets journalists and their sources in an attempt to diminish free speech, political dissent and transparency. Does that not cause resentment and division? His administration acts in secret and views its own people as an enemy that must be watched and kept in the dark on serious issues relating to privacy and the surveillance state. Does that not cause resentment and division? The fact is, there is nothing left to defend about Obama. He is a morally bankrupt son of a bitch who has not only continued Bush-era policies regarding security and terrorism, he has made them worse. For this SOB to lecture the Northern Irish and unity and peace is the rankest form of arrogance and hypocrisy, and it is precisely why many throughout the world cannot stand Americans.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Excellent post.

Obama sucking English Arse June 25, 2013 at 3:38 pm

From afar it appears to be a faith-based divide. In reality, the Brits took and then handed over land to protestants as far back as the 1600’s. Obama goes to Northern Ireland to lecture the Irish people on why they should give way to the Brits land grab. The church was the best way to divide the people. The Troubles are more complex and yet not unlike the conflicts of the middle east. While they fight a religious war the U.S. seizes the day to exploit the oil and wealth amidst the destruction.

Even today, you get off a plane, sit down in a pub anywhere in Ireland and when you speak your first word you will be labeled a “Yank” and must begin your work from there. The Irish in the North and the Republic have a deep-seated mistrust of all Americans because they see Americans as puppets of the Mother Country.

In other words, they believe the defeat of Britain was a sham at best and more likely a back-room deal. History appears to be proving them correct. As for the Troubles, they simmer just below the surface as they always have because the Irish will keep what they have left or will die fighting for it.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Great post.

Obama sucking English Arse June 25, 2013 at 3:38 pm

From afar it appears to be a faith-based divide. In reality, the Brits took and then handed over land to protestants as far back as the 1600’s. Obama goes to Northern Ireland to lecture the Irish people on why they should give way to the Brits land grab. The church was the best way to divide the people. The Troubles are more complex and yet not unlike the conflicts of the middle east. While they fight a religious war the U.S. seizes the day to exploit the oil and wealth amidst the destruction.

Even today, you get off a plane, sit down in a pub anywhere in Ireland and when you speak your first word you will be labeled a “Yank” and must begin your work from there. The Irish in the North and the Republic have a deep-seated mistrust of all Americans because they see Americans as puppets of the Mother Country.

In other words, they believe the defeat of Britain was a sham at best and more likely a back-room deal. History appears to be proving them correct. As for the Troubles, they simmer just below the surface as they always have because the Irish will keep what they have left or will die fighting for it.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Great post.

? June 25, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Clare Daly seemed to have a good viewpoint on Obama’s trip and speech there:


? June 25, 2013 at 3:47 pm

Clare Daly seemed to have a good viewpoint on Obama’s trip and speech there:


Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Amy, another very good article. Even though I don’t agree with everything you give us, I follow your articles. This is another 100+ comment article for you.

Curious June 25, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Like I said when FITS announced her, I don’t always agree with her, but more often than not, I do. Even when I don’t, I like her style. Well-researched and straightforward. I happen to agree with her here.

GrandTango June 25, 2013 at 5:36 pm

Yeah, good point Cu…:

You can’t get this very same propaganda…errr..opinion anywhere else, other than: NYT, CNN, Bob Sheiffer, The State newspaper, Al Jezera, Rachael Mad-Cow, Das Kapital, FOX’s Shep Smith, MSNBC, The Hamas Chronicle, Bill Moyers, LAT, Chris Matthews, NPR, CBS, The Hezbollah Daily Journal, Dan Rather, Mein Kampf, FOX’s Juan Williams, Moscow Today, Time, FOX’s Myra Liason, The Al Quieda Gazzette, The Mao Morning News, Huff-Po, Newsweek, Entertainment Tonight, The Nation, Geraldo, Cosmo, Tehran Times and The Communist Manifesto.

Lizenby is such an original thinker…Refreshing….

Curious June 25, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Please, T, share with us an original thought you’ve had in, say, the last decade.

Finius Nullis June 25, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Amy, another very good article. Even though I don’t agree with everything you give us, I follow your articles. This is another 100+ comment article for you.

Curious June 25, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Like I said when FITS announced her, I don’t always agree with her, but more often than not, I do. Even when I don’t, I like her style. Well-researched and straightforward. I happen to agree with her here.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 5:58 pm

Who cares? Sorry, but I’m so fed up with people of faith. For me (a recovering pentecostal brainwashed kid), religion is nothing but a form of mind control that eats reason and logic. Look around and see how many religious nuts are ready to die for god…any god.

Virgins handling my Snake June 25, 2013 at 6:22 pm

I have to say, I like the idea of getting 72 virgins when I die rather then being around a bunch “good” people.

If someone’s forcing me to pick, I’m going with 72 virgins and the implication surrounding why I’m getting them.

If no one’s forcing me, well then I’m trying to land the 72 virgins while I’m still alive and taking the dirtnap happy without worrying about an “afterlife”.

Please June 25, 2013 at 6:44 pm

I’m thinking the Irish people and anyone who’s ever suffered from religious persecution or lived in the middle of a religious turf war cares. Just because you don’t care about a topic and don’t happen to be religious, that doesn’t meant that it’s a non-issue. Religion exists, whether you ascribe to a religious belief system or not, and it is a huge part of some people’s lives. I agree that Obama was trying to help solve a conflict here – albeit clumsily – not disparaging Catholic education.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 7:09 pm

All I’m saying is religion is the cause of conflict. The shit goes on and on…

Please June 25, 2013 at 7:36 pm

No, you said it was a non-issue. Actually, you said “Who cares?” Conflicts need to be resolved. The pres. was making a speech to that effect. A bunch of conservatives took his speech out of context and got riled up. That’s not resolving conflict, that’s fueling the flames of it. You’re right, religion causes conflict. Let’s try to work on that conflict instead of bashing religion. It obviously does some good in the world, too.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 7:59 pm

I stand corrected, I should have said “Why shoud we care about religion?” Two religious sects who are Christian have killed one another for centuries. Same with other religions…Middle east ect…Anyway, I see your point, I just can’t agree with religion in general and never will. Maybe people will show up enlightened with science and we can put the boogyman away while embracing something humane than fighting others.

Curious June 25, 2013 at 8:24 pm

We’re cool. And I wish that fighting others was based solely on religion – at least that would narrow down the causes. Unfortunately, we’ll always have things like oil to fight over.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 5:58 pm

Who cares? Sorry, but I’m so fed up with people of faith. For me (a recovering pentecostal brainwashed kid), religion is nothing but a form of mind control that eats reason and logic. Look around and see how many religious nuts are ready to die for god…any god.

Virgins handling my Snake June 25, 2013 at 6:22 pm

I have to say, I like the idea of getting 72 virgins when I die rather then being around a bunch “good” people.

If someone’s forcing me to pick, I’m going with 72 virgins and the implication surrounding why I’m getting them.

If no one’s forcing me, well then I’m trying to land the 72 virgins while I’m still alive and taking the dirtnap happy without worrying about an “afterlife”.

Please June 25, 2013 at 6:44 pm

I’m thinking the Irish people and anyone who’s ever suffered from religious persecution or lived in the middle of a religious turf war cares. Just because you don’t care about a topic and don’t happen to be religious, that doesn’t meant that it’s a non-issue. Religion exists, whether you ascribe to a religious belief system or not, and it is a huge part of some people’s lives. I agree that Obama was trying to help solve a conflict here – albeit clumsily – not disparaging Catholic education.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 7:09 pm

All I’m saying is religion is the cause of conflict. The shit goes on and on…

Please June 25, 2013 at 7:36 pm

No, you said it was a non-issue. Actually, you said “Who cares?” Conflicts need to be resolved. The pres. was making a speech to that effect. A bunch of conservatives took his speech out of context and got riled up. That’s not resolving conflict, that’s fueling the flames of it. You’re right, religion causes conflict. Let’s try to work on that conflict instead of bashing religion. It obviously does some good in the world, too.

Snake Handler June 25, 2013 at 7:59 pm

I stand corrected, I should have said “Why shoud we care about religion?” Two religious sects who are Christian have killed one another for centuries. Same with other religions…Middle east ect…Anyway, I see your point, I just can’t agree with religion in general and never will. Maybe people will show up enlightened with science and we can put the boogyman away while embracing something humane than fighting others.

Curious June 25, 2013 at 8:24 pm

We’re cool. And I wish that fighting others was based solely on religion – at least that would narrow down the causes. Unfortunately, we’ll always have things like oil to fight over.

rally ho June 25, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Why would he feel the need or feel qualified to lecture the Irish at all? We face greater divisions at home. I don’t see him in Iraq and Iran admonishing the Sunnis and the Shiites…maybe I missed it. However he does on occasion like to step in between the Israelis and the Palestinians. That always goes well. How ’bout those Russians stirring anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world? Wouldn’t be the first time they used them as proxy.

rally ho June 25, 2013 at 7:17 pm

Why would he feel the need or feel qualified to lecture the Irish at all? We face greater divisions at home. I don’t see him in Iraq and Iran admonishing the Sunnis and the Shiites…maybe I missed it. However he does on occasion like to step in between the Israelis and the Palestinians. That always goes well. How ’bout those Russians stirring anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world? Wouldn’t be the first time they used them as proxy.

GrandTango June 25, 2013 at 7:22 pm

Hey, Lizenby: The SCOTUS Cold-Cocked you Lilly-White, White-male Hating Liberal, Guilt-ridden, Suburban-ite Bigots, today…

Why the Silence????….LMAO….God Job Justice Roberts…that ruling is MONUMENTAL…and had Obama soiling himself…LMAO….

How ya’ like me now???…Hahahaha…

Tango Dancing Around the Truth June 25, 2013 at 7:41 pm

Hey T, you always criticize FITS writers, who put up on like 10 articles a day, about not covering what you want them to cover. Why don’t you put your computer to use and write something worth reading yourself once in a while instead of the crap you leave in the comments on other people’s articles. Didn’t you tell us you went to journalism school? Hop to it, boy!

GrandTango June 25, 2013 at 8:13 pm

This is so much more fun…

Curious June 25, 2013 at 8:27 pm

You don’t need a backer. Send in a letter to FITS with all of your “attacks from the White House on down.” Write circles around him. Lazenby does, so he’ll obviously publish you. You’ll have to leave out the cartoon expletives, though.

GrandTango June 25, 2013 at 8:31 pm

I’ve been in the business a long time. I’ve learned how to survive, even as liberals have about killed traditional journalism.

One rule is to not take advice from people w/ less intelligence than I have, and that includes idiots (like you)…

PS: This site does not make it on merit. It’s FITS’ political connections that prop it up…It’s not for a place for a professional writer or journalist.

trango towers June 25, 2013 at 9:51 pm

Wish you and your consertative, movement charge well, Grand T……Now make a point worth making. Or are you a subpar journalist?

GrandTango June 26, 2013 at 6:46 am

towers: I’ll always be second-class, mediocre, half-@$$#d and Sub-par to people like you, regardless if I deliver twice as much substance and prove more creative, insightful and accurate, time after time…

I find it laughable and disgusting at the same time that Leftwing crusaders, and well-heeled white Republicans, drone on and on about discrimination.

To come from where I came from, to learn what I know, and then be marginalized in my business, because of liberal intolerance and bigoted political ideology, is demoralizing….

That said: it’s not so bad I’d ever sell-out. I have what I need and I thank God for that. I do need to pray that I can learn to suffer fools and liars better…

But I have children, and I’ll be D@*n#d if I’ll let them be subject to upbringing I endured. No one fought for me…and I know what that does. That’s why I don’t sit here like an ignorant little drone, while dolts pontificate and wax stupidly.

GrandTango's Momma June 25, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Time to take your meds son. I know, you have a blog to write…you can do it after sleepy time and in the morning my good boy.


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