SC First Steps: Transparency Inaction

Only in “Republican-controlled” South Carolina would a group of GOP lawmakers approve the signature education initiative of U.S. President Barack Obama – a massive expansion of government-run early childhood education – while at the same time fighting to deny market-based choices to low income (mostly minority) students who are trapped…

Only in “Republican-controlled” South Carolina would a group of GOP lawmakers approve the signature education initiative of U.S. President Barack Obama – a massive expansion of government-run early childhood education – while at the same time fighting to deny market-based choices to low income (mostly minority) students who are trapped in failing government-run schools.

That’s how the GOP runs the “reddest state in the nation?”

Apparently so …

Of course the ideological hypocrisy on this issue is just part of the problem. Government-run early childhood education doesn’t work (and there are government studies which prove it doesn’t). On the flip side market-based reforms have been proven effective at raising academic achievement everywhere they have been implemented.

But there’s another problem … in South Carolina, early childhood education is administered by (prepare to be shocked) a totally incompetent and ineffective state-level bureaucracy – S.C. First Steps to School Readiness.

We’ve written repeatedly about the problems facing First Steps. In fact a few short weeks ago we published this letter to the editor highlighting some of those problems. Bottom line? The agency wastes millions of dollars each year on pre-K initiatives that haven’t made a dent in student achievement. In fact things have actually gotten worse in the Palmetto State since First Steps was created in 1999 under the administration of former S.C. Gov. Jim Hodges (D-Lancaster).

Astoundingly, though, “Republicans” continue to support this program …

First Steps received a bureaucratic bailout from Gov. Nikki Haley last year, and “Republican” Senators are set to dramatically expand the program per Obama’s suggestion.

Where’s the public outrage over all this? It’s nonexistent. The mainstream media refuses to cover any of these problems, and state lawmakers set to receive an audit of the agency are doing their best to make sure the incompetence remains under wraps.

For example …

first steps meeting

Catch that? It’s a late Friday afternoon notification for an early Monday afternoon meeting … which is how government notifies the public for a meeting it does not want anything written about.

Guess the forthcoming audit is worse than expected, huh?

Here’s the bottom line: This agency is a disaster and should be abolished, not expanded. Moreover every penny spent by government (federal, state or local) on “education” at any level (preschool, K-12 or college) should be discontinued and provided directly to parents in the form of tax credits to be used within the private education marketplace.

Only then will there ever be a real incentive to raise achievement …


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Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 11:26 am

Who wrote this fine piece of journalistic work..?? Willie or Aaammeee..?


So ……just exactly what would you have US do about it..? What..? Does anyone at FITSNEWS have a clue where to lead a FITz army..?? Ya know, would the janitor at the offices of FITSNEWS just stop working for a while and see how long it takes Amy to notice..??

“…Only then will there ever be a real incentive to raise journalistic “duty”…!!?”

It is beyond me why any advertiser would want to fund this site…..heck, are the readers even asked to support a private education institution..?? …..or like them on FACEBOOK..??

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 11:32 am

janitorial duties are handled by the unpaid interns….

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Yes …but some un-paid interns actually are just “Erin Brockovich” in disguise…!!

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 1:30 pm

….. uh oh – can that be a good thing?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Shifty… to read this article…

How would this be an example to combat “transparency inaction”..?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Of course it can Shifty…..

We know that if you were a boss that you would appreciate interns who knew how to think.

Shifty-Henry how fast can you change gears if you were a NASCAR Dirver…….they get paid to wear those advertisements on their pitcrew uniform…

Think Shifty….like Jack Sparrow

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 8:32 pm

I did employ interns, and paid them even though I was not required to because I felt it was the fair thing to do. They made money for me.

I don’t know about NASCAR cars, but I can drive a $19.99 U-Haul truck with a straight shift and no brakes!

I’m not allowed to go to big screen movies without adult supervision, so I haven’t caught his adventures.

GreenvilleLwyr June 17, 2013 at 11:38 am

So does the lovely lady in the picture know how crazy your posts are?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 11:58 am

LoL……..well …”Lwyr”…I believe she is smart enough to know that any lawyer would call anyone “crazy” to make themselves look …what.??

SO….Mr “Greenville” …… much time did you spend reading this article..? After reading the article, do you have a clue of what actions or choices you have to take..?

As for your question, the lady in the post would probably crack a smile after she was “informed” of exactly why I wrote it..!

Mr GreenvilleLwyr…..have you ever watched the movie “BEING John Malcovich”..?? Now imagine that you are “Being Philip Branton”..!!

Ya know….we wonder what jury members would find more educational and entertaining….”Being Greenville Law-ya” or “Being General Patton”..??

Lwyr…..we luv …ya.!

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm

You signed up with disqus as “Information Warrior.” Are you at war with the voices in your head? You might believe your comments are cleverly astute in what seems to be an attempt to play ‘information spy’. But as several posters, including myself, have informed you, your posts are not clever, they are gibberish. So I surmise you are carrying on the war with the voices in lieu of real posters. Too bad, because I see nuances of ideas worth developing of amongst the gobbledygook.
PS. To any friends of Mr. Branton, if you care, you’ll make sure he’s taking his meds.

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:10 pm


When you read FITSNEWS…….is the voice of Wil Folks as you read a “Voice In Your Head”?

Kat, your reference to meds is very astute… for a challenge?

Here goes……..can you tell me which scene out of the movie “Patton” referenced sleeping “meds”…?

Your country is relying on your answer……

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I’m so glad my country needs my posts. Otherwise I would be certain my last one was a complete waste of effort.

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Yes Kat….your needed.

Go directly to the Brian Hicks article and comment now…..

say anything about the article you like (or about me)….just comment..

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Hi! Kat — An amazing thing happened this morning. As I was drinking my 3rd cup of coffee while waiting for Will to provide some new articles, my quizzical mind asked of me: “Where has Kat been? Post something to shake her out of her tree house.” WOW — and now here you are!

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 6:31 pm

Hiya Shifty! WAY busy. Still read, restricted myself from posting till a certain task on my plate is executed. But couldn’t help myself (ya know, the whole million word quota thing!!!!) Thanks for thinking of me Shifty! When you were absent for that time around when pictures no longer allowed, I often thought of our exchange about your place in the ‘virtual corner bar’. Anyhooo…. still here, luv the tidbits, my usual onslaught returning about a week…(so git the icepack and aspirin ready….heeehaahaa!!!!)

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 11:26 am

Who wrote this fine piece of journalistic work..?? Willie or Aaammeee..?


So ……just exactly what would you have US do about it..? What..? Does anyone at FITSNEWS have a clue where to lead a FITz army..?? Ya know, would the janitor at the offices of FITSNEWS just stop working for a while and see how long it takes Amy to notice..??

“…Only then will there ever be a real incentive to raise journalistic “duty”…!!?”

It is beyond me why any advertiser would want to fund this site…..heck, are the readers even asked to support a private education institution..?? …..or like them on FACEBOOK..??

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 11:32 am

janitorial duties are handled by the unpaid interns….

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Yes …but some un-paid interns actually are just “Erin Brockovich” in disguise…!!

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 1:30 pm

….. uh oh – can that be a good thing?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Shifty… to read this article…

How would this be an example to combat “transparency inaction”..?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Of course it can Shifty…..

We know that if you were a boss that you would appreciate interns who knew how to think.

Shifty-Henry how fast can you change gears if you were a NASCAR Dirver…….they get paid to wear those advertisements on their pitcrew uniform…

Think Shifty….like Jack Sparrow

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 8:32 pm

I did employ interns, and paid them even though I was not required to because I felt it was the fair thing to do. They made money for me.

I don’t know about NASCAR cars, but I can drive a $19.99 U-Haul truck with a straight shift and no brakes!

I’m not allowed to go to big screen movies without adult supervision, so I haven’t caught his adventures.

GreenvilleLwyr June 17, 2013 at 11:38 am

So does the lovely lady in the picture know how crazy your posts are?

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 11:58 am

LoL……..well …”Lwyr”…I believe she is smart enough to know that any lawyer would call anyone “crazy” to make themselves look …what.??

SO….Mr “Greenville” …… much time did you spend reading this article..? After reading the article, do you have a clue of what actions or choices you have to take..?

As for your question, the lady in the post would probably crack a smile after she was “informed” of exactly why I wrote it..!

Mr GreenvilleLwyr…..have you ever watched the movie “BEING John Malcovich”..?? Now imagine that you are “Being Philip Branton”..!!

Ya know….we wonder what jury members would find more educational and entertaining….”Being Greenville Law-ya” or “Being General Patton”..??

Lwyr…..we luv …ya.!

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm

You signed up with disqus as “Information Warrior.” Are you at war with the voices in your head? You might believe your comments are cleverly astute in what seems to be an attempt to play ‘information spy’. But as several posters, including myself, have informed you, your posts are not clever, they are gibberish. So I surmise you are carrying on the war with the voices in lieu of real posters. Too bad, because I see nuances of ideas worth developing of amongst the gobbledygook.
PS. To any friends of Mr. Branton, if you care, you’ll make sure he’s taking his meds.

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:10 pm


When you read FITSNEWS…….is the voice of Wil Folks as you read a “Voice In Your Head”?

Kat, your reference to meds is very astute… for a challenge?

Here goes……..can you tell me which scene out of the movie “Patton” referenced sleeping “meds”…?

Your country is relying on your answer……

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 2:20 pm

I’m so glad you’re in the know that my country needs my posts. Otherwise I would be certain my last one was a complete waste of effort.

Philip Branton June 17, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Yes Kat….your needed.

Go directly to the Brian Hicks article and comment now…..

say anything about the article you like (or about me)….just comment..

shifty henry June 17, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Hi! Kat — An amazing thing happened this morning. As I was drinking my 3rd cup of coffee while waiting for Will to provide some new articles, my quizzical mind asked of me: “Where has Kat been? Post something to shake her out of her tree house.” WOW — and now here you are!

katlaurenscounty June 17, 2013 at 6:31 pm

Hiya Shifty! WAY busy. Still read, restricted myself from posting till a certain task on my plate is executed. But couldn’t help myself (ya know, the whole million word quota thing!!!!) Thanks for thinking of me Shifty! When you were absent for that time around when pictures no longer allowed, I often thought of our exchange about your place in the ‘virtual corner bar’. Anyhooo…. still here, luv the tidbits, my usual onslaught returning about a week…(so git the icepack and aspirin ready….heeehaahaa!!!!)

nitrat June 17, 2013 at 11:41 am

Gee, your plan sounds like giving school welfare payments to parents.

This program should never have been created. The money should have gone directly to public schools for their 4K programs rather than funneled to privately owned day cares to supplement the owner profits.
That’s where the problems and waste are.

nitrat June 17, 2013 at 11:41 am

Gee, your plan sounds like giving school welfare payments to parents.

This program should never have been created. The money should have gone directly to public schools for their 4K programs rather than funneled to privately owned day cares to supplement the owner profits.
That’s where the problems and waste are.

lowcorider June 17, 2013 at 1:09 pm

WWSED. What Would Shannon Ericson Do?

Aaron June 17, 2013 at 6:23 pm

S E = significant eater.

Lowcorider June 17, 2013 at 1:09 pm

WWSED. What Would Shannon Ericson Do?

Aaron June 17, 2013 at 6:23 pm

S E = significant eater.

Competence Counts June 17, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Vouchers are good… However, the result will be stratification. Some parents will focus on their child’s achievements while others will seek kickbacks.

Competence Counts June 17, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Vouchers are good… However, the result will be stratification. Some parents will focus on their child’s achievements while others will seek kickbacks.

Goalie June 17, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Federal disability money, millions, goes to First Steps who blatantly disregards Federal transparency law and holds public comment sessions by webinar.
So you have to register w FS before you can make comments about Babynet rule changes. Is this legal ? Ask Wisconsin’s administrative law court.

Goalie June 17, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Federal disability money, millions, goes to First Steps who blatantly disregards Federal transparency law and holds public comment sessions by webinar.
So you have to register w FS before you can make comments about Babynet rule changes. Is this legal ? Ask Wisconsin’s administrative law court.


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