Steve Benjamin To Announce Reelection Bid

Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin is making a “major political announcement” next week, and while the scandal-plagued Democrat is keeping his cards close to his vest – multiple source familiar with the announcement tell FITS he is not announcing a gubernatorial campaign. That would mean Benjamin is most likely announcing…

Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin is making a “major political announcement” next week, and while the scandal-plagued Democrat is keeping his cards close to his vest – multiple source familiar with the announcement tell FITS he is not announcing a gubernatorial campaign.

That would mean Benjamin is most likely announcing his candidacy for reelection in November 2013’s mayoral race.

Benjamin campaigned on transparency in government three years ago (when transparency was the cause du jour), but he abandoned the issue well before taking his oath of office. Also Benjamin is a command economist who believes in purchasing jobs with tax dollars as opposed to creating them via a friendly business climate.

Of course those traits shared by most South Carolina politicians – “Republicans” and Democrats.

What distinguishes Benjamin in the pantheon of corrupt South Carolina politicos? His proximity to a shady pro-gambling cabal – as well as the supporters of a recent rigged tax hike election. Then there’s the way he celebrates his electoral victories … and the “side pursuits” he’s rumored to enjoy.

Running against Benjamin this November? City councilman Moe Ba … bu … (we can’t spell the guy’s name) and Larry Sypolt, a former FBI analyst.

Benjamin’s decision pretty much paves the way for a rematch of the 2010 gubernatorial race between incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley and Democratic State Senator Vincent Sheheen.

UPDATE: The other guy running against Benjamin is named Moe Baddourah.


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Same ol' Same ol' May 10, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Why does everyone look so pissed?

? May 10, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Good catch!

lol…I’d say the guy on the far left looks depressed.

Usually attitude by subordinates is reflected by the top, wouldn’t you say?

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Right before this press conference Moe had T-Bone over to his restaurant for a freebie and T-Bone had a couple of orders of marinated cheese wrapped in grape leaves with fresh tomatoes, olives and garlic

What you don’t see in the picture are the two individuals who fainted when T-Bone cut some T-Gas

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 2:37 pm

is that a nice thing to say? ……….

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Indeed, those are some grim faces. They look tired, not inspired.

CorruptionInColumbia May 10, 2013 at 3:57 pm

For the Firefighters, probably because they are forced to stand there and listen to Benjamin spew lots of bullshit, and they know it for what it is. It could be too, that Benjamin was letting some ripe boiled egg farts, the odor of which was none too pleasant.

rwwllms May 10, 2013 at 4:56 pm

I’d be pissed too if that POS was my mayor.

Same ol' Same ol' May 10, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Why does everyone look so pissed?

? May 10, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Good catch!

lol…I’d say the guy on the far left looks depressed.

Usually attitude by subordinates is reflected by the top, wouldn’t you say?

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Right before this press conference Moe had T-Bone over to his restaurant for a freebie and T-Bone had a couple of orders of marinated cheese wrapped in grape leaves with fresh tomatoes, olives and garlic

What you don’t see in the picture are the two individuals who fainted when T-Bone cut some T-Gas

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 2:37 pm

is that a nice thing to say? ……….

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Indeed, those are some grim faces. They look tired, not inspired.

CorruptionInColumbia May 10, 2013 at 3:57 pm

For the Firefighters, probably because they are forced to stand there and listen to Benjamin spew lots of bullshit, and they know it for what it is. It could be too, that Benjamin was letting some ripe boiled egg farts, the odor of which was none too pleasant.

rwwllms May 10, 2013 at 4:56 pm

I’d be pissed too if that POS was my mayor.

? May 10, 2013 at 1:16 pm

T-Bone Benjamin and his drunk driving ass is gonna get re-elected, sad to say.

? May 10, 2013 at 1:16 pm

T-Bone Benjamin and his drunk driving ass is gonna get re-elected, sad to say.

Taxpayer May 10, 2013 at 1:23 pm

The Mayor’s Village at River’s Edge property foreclosed on April 30. FITS, You should investigate anf report on this because this is newsworthy.

Taxpayer May 10, 2013 at 1:23 pm

The Mayor’s Village at River’s Edge property foreclosed on April 30. FITS, You should investigate anf report on this because this is newsworthy.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 1:26 pm

In a related story: Queen Elizabeth will stay on her throne until death…

Black incumbent politicians, in high-black population and leftwing voting districts are Kings. It’ not our office anymore, The office is a sacrifice to leftwing mythology.
Benjamin is a part of the Monarchy in America.

The taxpayers’ money is his to spend at his pleasure, and the laws do not, and will never, apply to him (see Obama)….

Ordinary Joe May 10, 2013 at 1:40 pm

This is not a race thing. Most politicians, black and white, are corrupt. Politicians are out to secure their legacy and not America’s legacy. The rich will continue to prosper while the middle class adds to America’s poverty rate.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 3:29 pm

That’s B*!!-$#!*.
You likely suffer because you’re either Stupid or Corrupt. And you’ve been led by someone who is one of both…
America, even as low as it is right now, provides a chance for advancement…
That said: the people you vote for, are likely dishonest…but they are probably relflections of how you live your life..
Sadly: we are all having to pay for the ill-qualified and incompetent president, you helped place in the White House.

Citizen May 10, 2013 at 3:36 pm

You sound like a very angry person. May God bless you.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 4:47 pm

Thank you for the blessing.
And if you are not Angry, when you look at the attack on all that is decent from Leftwing Holy-Warriors, you must not be alive…
That said: I am very blessed. I just don’t want my kids to grow up in the Filth and Cesspool being perpetuated by the immoral and corrupt power-mogers in the White House and US Senate…And Thank God, for the House…they are the only thing providing scant resistance.

Lexington Resident May 10, 2013 at 5:07 pm

GrandTango, you need to go back and read what Ordinary Joe said about corrupt politicians. You just stated the same exact thing about corrupt politicians in your last argument. Nonetheless, you used foul language to slam Ordinary Joe. By the way, all Americans want their kids to prosper.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 5:29 pm

There are A LOT of good people in office.
To Bash all people, because you are too dull to look properly, makes you as short-sighted and dishonest as those you complain about…

Scrappy May 10, 2013 at 8:43 pm

Hep me out…….Name me 5 in the SC house and 5 in the senate?

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 8:55 pm

If I thought your were honest, or intelligent enough for a conversation, I would…
But no matter what you see, you will deny. That is how liberals and idiots operate.
You are allowed to set the agenda for people sad enough to let you. It is why FITS is so dis-credited. He is either so stupid he lets you drive, or he is dishonest enough that he ignores reality to march to the liberal agenda.

Scrapp May 10, 2013 at 11:40 pm

Come on Big T……..Name just 5 of each. We don’t have to debate it.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 4:21 pm

You’re already suffering because you’re stupid.

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Word is that when old T-Bone first learned about Runt claiming he had PTSD, T-Bone was heard to mumble over and over,

Damn, Pussy Took Scott Down

Taxpayer May 10, 2013 at 1:29 pm

The Mayor’s Village at River’s Edge property foreclosed on April 30. FITS, you should investigate and report on this because this is newsworthy.

jimlewisowb May 10, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Word is that when old T-Bone first learned about Runt claiming he had PTSD, T-Bone was heard to mumble over and over,

Damn, Pussy Took Scott Down

Taxpayer May 10, 2013 at 1:29 pm

The Mayor’s Village at River’s Edge property foreclosed on April 30. FITS, you should investigate and report on this because this is newsworthy.

Tank May 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Benjamin and Moe need to stop campaigning inside the city council chambers and spend that time doing the work of the City of Columbia. I am sick and tired of reading about those two bickering at each other in order to gain an electoral advantage. Govern inside the council chambers, campaign outside.

CorruptionInColumbia May 10, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Be glad that Moe has the balls to stand up to this corrupt piece of shit.

Columbia Voter May 11, 2013 at 9:56 am

How do you say “balls” in the middle east Moe?

snickering May 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm

AAHHH The Dark Art Of Politics. I’ve moved on to Machivellian Moves

Tank May 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Benjamin and Moe need to stop campaigning inside the city council chambers and spend that time doing the work of the City of Columbia. I am sick and tired of reading about those two bickering at each other in order to gain an electoral advantage. Govern inside the council chambers, campaign outside.

CorruptionInColumbia May 10, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Be glad that Moe has the balls to stand up to this corrupt piece of shit.

Columbia Voter May 11, 2013 at 9:56 am

How do you say “balls” in the middle east Moe?

snickering May 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm

AAHHH The Dark Art Of Politics. I’ve moved on to Machivellian Moves

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 2:04 pm

King Bob Coble II wishes to continue his reign. Watch out if you’re driving on the night of the election!

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Word. Or if you’re a prostitute.

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 4:56 pm

There’s an old rhyme that begins with “The night before the morning after—–“

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 2:04 pm

King Bob Coble II wishes to continue his reign. Watch out if you’re driving on the night of the election!

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Word. Or if you’re a prostitute.

shifty henry May 10, 2013 at 4:56 pm

There’s an old rhyme that begins with “The night before the morning after—–“

Sarge May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

“What distinguishes Benjamin in the pantheon of corrupt South Carolina politicos? His proximity to a shady pro-gambling cabal – as well as the supporters of a recent rigged tax hike election.” Meanwhile, Benjamin’s wife, Circuit Judge D’Andrea Benjamin was permitted by Jean Toal to hear the Brett Parker murder trial this week in Richland County. When the inevitable appeal comes up, Toal will hear it. There will never be any testimony or record of Benjamin being connected to any in the Lexington County gambling cabal. And Toal will own the Benjamins for life.

Devine Street Dan May 10, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Toal is so into this Parker trial, as are most of her cronies in Lexington County. Some legal know it alls at some of the Devine Street watering holes late this afternoon were claiming Judge Benjamin is openly siding and ruling favorably with the defense. Most claim Toal wants an acquittal. Those of us in the minority opinion think Toal and the Lexington boys want Parker slammed but good so he can be sold out. Hmmmm.

Sarge May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

“What distinguishes Benjamin in the pantheon of corrupt South Carolina politicos? His proximity to a shady pro-gambling cabal – as well as the supporters of a recent rigged tax hike election.” Meanwhile, Benjamin’s wife, Circuit Judge D’Andrea Benjamin was permitted by Jean Toal to hear the Brett Parker murder trial this week in Richland County. When the inevitable appeal comes up, Toal will hear it. There will never be any testimony or record of Benjamin being connected to any in the Lexington County gambling cabal. And Toal will own the Benjamins for life.

Devine Street Dan May 10, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Toal is so into this Parker trial, as are most of her cronies in Lexington County. Some legal know it alls at some of the Devine Street watering holes late this afternoon were claiming Judge Benjamin is openly siding and ruling favorably with the defense. Most claim Toal wants an acquittal. Those of us in the minority opinion think Toal and the Lexington boys want Parker slammed but good so he can be sold out. Hmmmm.

Blow&Bitches May 10, 2013 at 3:45 pm

Look at it this way… Announcing his re-election this early on gives him, Randy Scott and Dan Johnson plenty of time to round-up a bunch of blow and young white girls for the post-election party. As Smirks suggests, stay off the roads and certainly don’t fuck with Dan Johnson that night or he may pull a gun on you… I hope they don’t leave Leon out of the fun…

Blow&Bitches May 10, 2013 at 3:45 pm

Look at it this way… Announcing his re-election this early on gives him, Randy Scott and Dan Johnson plenty of time to round-up a bunch of blow and young white girls for the post-election party. As Smirks suggests, stay off the roads and certainly don’t fuck with Dan Johnson that night or he may pull a gun on you… I hope they don’t leave Leon out of the fun…

Marie Harrison May 10, 2013 at 4:43 pm

He and Randy Scott need to back to wherever the hell they came from.

Marie Harrison May 10, 2013 at 4:43 pm

He and Randy Scott need to back to wherever the hell they came from.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 5:27 pm

I would go to his announcement party, but I’m scared I’ll get shot if I go into Columbia…
It’s safer in Bagdad than it is in the Capital City, under Benjamin…

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 11:09 pm

Well, at least you spelled “Capital City” right.

Elfego May 10, 2013 at 6:19 pm

He is making Columbia his Kingdom and ranking in all the big bucks!

Elfego May 10, 2013 at 6:19 pm

He is making Columbia his Kingdom and ranking in all the big bucks!

An old Columbian May 10, 2013 at 10:55 pm

Steve Benjamin is doing all he can to sustain the myth that new rich black politicians cannot be trusted and will do all they can to pad their own pockets before any public service type actions are ever taken.

An old Columbian May 10, 2013 at 10:55 pm

Steve Benjamin is doing all he can to sustain the myth that new rich black politicians cannot be trusted and will do all they can to pad their own pockets before any public service type actions are ever taken.

thereallizardman May 13, 2013 at 10:47 am

He should lose for the Teresa Wilson debacle alone. I need nothing else to convince me that this guy is either a. an idiot; b. crooked; or c. both. I’m going with “c” because that’s usually the answer on standardized tests.

thereallizardman May 13, 2013 at 10:47 am

He should lose for the Teresa Wilson debacle alone. I need nothing else to convince me that this guy is either a. an idiot; b. crooked; or c. both. I’m going with “c” because that’s usually the answer on standardized tests.


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