
About That “Rising, Thriving” Middle Class

This website categorically rejects any effort by government to benefit one class of Americans at the expense of another … or any effort to rhetorically sow division amongst citizens on the basis of their socio-economic status (a.k.a. “class warfare”). Sadly, such wealth redistribution and division-sowing are bread and butter for…

This website categorically rejects any effort by government to benefit one class of Americans at the expense of another … or any effort to rhetorically sow division amongst citizens on the basis of their socio-economic status (a.k.a. “class warfare”).

Sadly, such wealth redistribution and division-sowing are bread and butter for Democratic politicians … and increasingly many of their “Republican” colleagues.

Of course the undisputed “King of Class Warfare” remains U.S. President Barack Obama, who continues to portray himself as a middle class champion even though his latest budget includes yet another round of revenue enhancements targeting these already overburdened income earners.

“Our top priority as a nation and my top priority as president must be doing everything we can to reignite the engine of America’s growth – a rising, thriving middle class,” Obama said in a recent radio address. “That’s our North Star. That must drive every decision we make.”

Wait … aside from the hypocrisy of that statement … are we seriously still “reigniting?” Five years after the so-called “stimulus?”

Hmmmm …

Anyway, more than $5 trillion in deficit spending later things aren’t getting better for the middle class. In fact they’re losing wealth at a time when upper income earners are getting fatter and happier.

According to the Pew report, the mean net worth of the wealthiest 7 percent of American households grew by 28 percent from 2009 to 2011 – from $2.47 million to $3.17 million. Meanwhile the mean net worth of lower 93 percent of American households declined from $139,896 to $133,817. In real dollars, $5.6 trillion worth of new wealth was created for the upper 7 percent (8 million households) – while the lower 93 percent (111 million households) saw $0.6 trillion of their wealth disappear.

This data should come as no surprise to anyone. Last September the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual report on income, poverty and health insurance calculated a $777 drop in median household income from the previous year. Driving this decline was a 1.5 percent drop in income among households earning between $20,000 and $101,000 annually.

Again, we don’t raise these numbers because we believe wealth creation among upper income earners is a bad thing (far from it) … we raise these numbers to remind people that the tab for unprecedented welfare spending and the tab for unprecedented crony capitalism are both being picked up by the middle class.

And that center (clearly) isn’t going to hold forever …


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GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 10:32 am

The Boston Bombers got $100,000 in Welfare checks, food stamps and government housing…and all FITS and Obama want to do is pontificate about how we must find rights for Islamic Murderers over the life of a child, a first responder and the freedoms of all other Americans…
And now this brain-dead idiot (FITS) wants to come on here and act like he opposes Obama….
Folks (not Will) Dumb@$$#$ llike FITS are why we have a bona-fide America-Hater in the White House, and the economy (and the country) is falling apart.
When FITS has a following of people even more F*#king Stupid than he is, and Sanford wins a GOP Primary, it’s no wonder the country is in grave trouble…

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 11:01 am

Hard to tell which is crazier, Big(o)T or Louie Gohmert.

Right April 30, 2013 at 11:35 am

I’m goin’ with T, hands down.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 12:04 pm

How ’bout EXPLIAN your Ignorant insults. You people call names, because if you actually put forth any substance (or what you could muster) you’d look like the American-Hating leftwing extremists you are..
Are you FOR Terrorists (who FIT the perfect profile for an Obama voter) getting the manufactured rights FITS wants for him???…Terrorists Rights or no…just answer!!!!
To break your neck, laboring for a lawyer-created out for a Child Killing Muslim Jihadist, makes you (and FITS) look like FILTH that does not deserve the priviledges WE GIVE to America-Hating TRASH like you…

Liberal=Science=Equality April 30, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Yep, Right…BigT is crazier.

southmauldin April 30, 2013 at 12:25 pm

And that Gohmert nut sets a pretty high bar.

Smirks April 30, 2013 at 1:26 pm

Big(o)T, there’s this newfangled thing called “The Google” that can teach you all kinds of shit.

Louie Gohmert is the batshit insane and/or borderline retarded Republican congressman who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood has “influence” in the White House, and he makes other insanely hilarious accusations or claims. Hilarious, that is, until you realize he has a position of power. Just yet another living embodiment of why Texas politicians shouldn’t be in politics, along with “President” Perry and Dubya.

I would imagine he’s almost exactly like you, at least when you’re on your meds. He at least speaks more coherently than you type.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 1:41 pm

You may not have the intellect to comprehend what I offer: But at least I offer something, You Ignorant F*#%in liberals are totally lost when you’re asked to move off the DNC Talking Points.
You have no ideas or knowledge. Just hatred for those who are not as Stupid and blind as you are…

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Totally true, they don’t even know what is in the headlines much less are capable of discussing policies with any insight. Again, they got nothing. Pitiful.

South of Broad Daze April 30, 2013 at 2:17 pm

why don’t you go to a spa where you can have a nice warm shower and a massage with a happy ending…..we know it’s you, Big T

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:50 pm

What is with the constant sexual innuendo. When you disagree with someone the first thing that comes to mind is pornography, pathetic. Who would even know of hand jobs at a massage place, do YOU frequent them? Do you know they engage in human trafficking, how nice for a liberal to suggest someone go and sexually exploit a woman. Unreal. I know schizophrenics and sometimes people with Tourette’s blurt out obscenities, what is your excuse?

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:09 pm

THEY DO, why do you think the United States government gave them 3 billion dollars and a bunch of F-16s, do you think he just threw a dart at a map?

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm

Here is what he said, you can’t contradict single thing:

No, I will say based on the findings of the Dallas Federal Court and the Fifth Circuit of Appeals, the two largest front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood are ISNA, the Islamic Society of North America, and CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations. And people from ISNA, like the President Imam [Mohamed] Magid, has access to him. He had access in the State Department and Justice Department. And it appears that he is pretty much welcome most places. Helped the FBI supposedly with their redirection. So you have people like that who are actual members of organizations that federal courts have said are the largest Muslim Brotherhood front organizations in America. So it’s not me saying it, it’s the federal courts.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/26/rep-louie-gohmert-obama-middle-east-policy-shaped-by-pro-muslim-brotherhood-advisers/#ixzz2RyJNnk74

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:39 pm

The Obama administration is set to begin formal contacts with the MuslimBrotherhood, a group dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.”


Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Because they can’t. Just hurl insults with no policy discussion, they got nothing. The fact that income and home ownership for blacks and latinos has tanked under Obama, with the recession hitting them harder than others, they just have nothing to say about it. Except call those that tell the truth names, so stupid and childish.

GrandTango April 30, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Truth is: they don’t care if children (black or white) are suffering, even killed, under Obama. Their campaign to make sexual preference a Civil Right and Bash Americans is what matters. D@*n the country..Liberals don’t care….

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush. Can any of you actually discuss, or are you simply going to call T names like dumbasses. Your guy is a tool of international bankers and muslim fanatics, and you believe every word out of his mouth unquestioningly, he serves the global ‘NWO’ MORE than under W. Whatcha got? ANY counter-arguments? He is Wall Streets man, they own him.


Brigid April 30, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush. Can any of you actually discuss, or are you simply going to call T names like dumbasses. Your guy is a tool of international bankers and muslim fanatics, and you believe every word out of his mouth unquestioningly, he serves the global ‘NWO’ MORE than under W. Whatcha got? ANY counter-arguments? He is Wall Streets man, they own him.


Brigid April 30, 2013 at 3:06 pm

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that a record number 23 million households are now on food stamps. THAT’S 1 IN 5 HOUSEHOLDS ON FOOD STAMPS.

The most recent Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) statistics of
the number of households receiving food stamps shows that 23,087,886
households participated in January 2013 – an increase of 889,154
families from January 2012 when the number of households totaled

The recent growth in SNAP participation is STUNNING; as of last
summer, it DOUBLED in SIZE in JUST FOUR YEARS, and its growth has
continued EVEN AS THE ECONOMY HAS SLOWLY RECOVERED – which normally one
would associate with a reduction, not an increase, in food-stamp use. A
record number 47,692,896 Americans are now enrolled in the program and
the cost of food stamp fraud has more than doubled in just three years.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 3:06 pm

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that a record number 23 million households are now on food stamps. THAT’S 1 IN 5 HOUSEHOLDS ON FOOD STAMPS.

The most recent Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) statistics of
the number of households receiving food stamps shows that 23,087,886
households participated in January 2013 – an increase of 889,154
families from January 2012 when the number of households totaled

The recent growth in SNAP participation is STUNNING; as of last
summer, it DOUBLED in SIZE in JUST FOUR YEARS, and its growth has
continued EVEN AS THE ECONOMY HAS SLOWLY RECOVERED – which normally one
would associate with a reduction, not an increase, in food-stamp use. A
record number 47,692,896 Americans are now enrolled in the program and
the cost of food stamp fraud has more than doubled in just three years.

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 3:08 pm

90 million people out of the workforce: Things just keep getting worse for the American worker, and by
implication US economy, where as we have shown many times before, it
pays just as well to sit back and collect disability and various welfare and entitlement checks, than to work .The best manifestation of this: the number of people not in the labor force which in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work.
This was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the
labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of
the labor numbers. And even worse, the labor force participation rate
plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% – the lowest since 1979! But at least it helped with the now painfully grotesque propaganda that the US unemployment rate is “improving.”

Brigid April 30, 2013 at 3:08 pm

90 million people out of the workforce: Things just keep getting worse for the American worker, and by
implication US economy, where as we have shown many times before, it
pays just as well to sit back and collect disability and various welfare and entitlement checks, than to work .The best manifestation of this: the number of people not in the labor force which in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work.
This was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the
labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of
the labor numbers. And even worse, the labor force participation rate
plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% – the lowest since 1979! But at least it helped with the now painfully grotesque propaganda that the US unemployment rate is “improving.”

Comrade1917 April 30, 2013 at 8:01 pm

BankGuyinBrussels…Latest fire and brimstone from the great Jim Willie, speaking about how gold’s great comeback will be driven by the nations of the East, making gold a
trade settlement currency replacing the US dollar, with the side effect of the
USA becoming a third-world country, much of its citizens wealth vapourised.
Highlights of his new article:

« The national socialists are back in force after a 70-year hiatus, with far
more toys and devices. … The United States and its fascist allies are not in
control. They will not find a path to retain or regain control. They have no
solutions. … The ultimate consequence will be the United States losing its
privileged global reserve currency USDollar, suffering imported price inflation,
contending with supply shortages, and entering chaos … complete with a vast
police state and utter brutality. …

As the Bail-In features wipe out private accounts … much of the US private
wealth will vanish in the debt writedown and financial firm failures, one decade
after phony home equity wealth vanished in a similar manner …

The foundation of the entire Western banking system is a deep fraud. Worse,
the world is able to observe how no prosecution, no justice, and no remedy will
be pursued for banker crimes. The LIBOR and derivative frauds are the next to
final exposure to happen. … It is the final bank fraud to reveal how over
40,000 metric tons of gold have been stolen, in need of replacement in the open
market. … The missing gold from supposedly guarded sacred accounts exceeds the
central bank holdings in reserve on a global basis …

The COMEX will soon be totally ignored, its price considered a meaningless
sideshow that only lacks criminal prosecution … [Paper] gold and USTBonds aint
a market. Their so-called official trading arenas are empty rooms with USGovt
and USFed devices filling the empty space, creating a phony price. The false
Gold price has no real supply. The false Bond price has no real demand. The
claimed price is not where Supply meets Demand to clear the table on the market.
Therefore the claimed price is not the real price …

The reaction in consequence by Eastern nations is to build gold reserves.
They realize the United States, the Canadians, and the British are liars on
almost all matters of gold accounting in reserves. The USDollar, the Canadian
Dollar, and the British Pound have no collateral. Neither does the Euro
currency. … The distrust of the vile New York and London bankers has reached
high pitch on the global stage …

Numerous reports hit my desk of foreign corporations and even government
ministries not returning phone calls in a grand global shun of US offices. They
object to the arrogance and practiced hegemony on financial matters in a queer
global kingdom manifestation. The USGovt acts like a global emperor, and foreign
nations resent it. … »

Comrade1917 April 30, 2013 at 8:01 pm

BankGuyinBrussels…Latest fire and brimstone from the great Jim Willie, speaking about how gold’s great comeback will be driven by the nations of the East, making gold a
trade settlement currency replacing the US dollar, with the side effect of the
USA becoming a third-world country, much of its citizens wealth vapourised.
Highlights of his new article:

« The national socialists are back in force after a 70-year hiatus, with far
more toys and devices. … The United States and its fascist allies are not in
control. They will not find a path to retain or regain control. They have no
solutions. … The ultimate consequence will be the United States losing its
privileged global reserve currency USDollar, suffering imported price inflation,
contending with supply shortages, and entering chaos … complete with a vast
police state and utter brutality. …

As the Bail-In features wipe out private accounts … much of the US private
wealth will vanish in the debt writedown and financial firm failures, one decade
after phony home equity wealth vanished in a similar manner …

The foundation of the entire Western banking system is a deep fraud. Worse,
the world is able to observe how no prosecution, no justice, and no remedy will
be pursued for banker crimes. The LIBOR and derivative frauds are the next to
final exposure to happen. … It is the final bank fraud to reveal how over
40,000 metric tons of gold have been stolen, in need of replacement in the open
market. … The missing gold from supposedly guarded sacred accounts exceeds the
central bank holdings in reserve on a global basis …

The COMEX will soon be totally ignored, its price considered a meaningless
sideshow that only lacks criminal prosecution … [Paper] gold and USTBonds aint
a market. Their so-called official trading arenas are empty rooms with USGovt
and USFed devices filling the empty space, creating a phony price. The false
Gold price has no real supply. The false Bond price has no real demand. The
claimed price is not where Supply meets Demand to clear the table on the market.
Therefore the claimed price is not the real price …

The reaction in consequence by Eastern nations is to build gold reserves.
They realize the United States, the Canadians, and the British are liars on
almost all matters of gold accounting in reserves. The USDollar, the Canadian
Dollar, and the British Pound have no collateral. Neither does the Euro
currency. … The distrust of the vile New York and London bankers has reached
high pitch on the global stage …

Numerous reports hit my desk of foreign corporations and even government
ministries not returning phone calls in a grand global shun of US offices. They
object to the arrogance and practiced hegemony on financial matters in a queer
global kingdom manifestation. The USGovt acts like a global emperor, and foreign
nations resent it. … »


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