USC Students To Rally For “Campus Carry”

A group of University of South Carolina students is participating in a clever protest aimed at drawing attention to the school’s ongoing denial of their Second Amendment rights. Members of the group “USC Students for Concealed Carry” will wear empty holsters around campus in an effort to show how licensed…

A group of University of South Carolina students is participating in a clever protest aimed at drawing attention to the school’s ongoing denial of their Second Amendment rights.

Members of the group “USC Students for Concealed Carry” will wear empty holsters around campus in an effort to show how licensed and trained gun owners are being left “disarmed and defenseless” by campus gun bans. It’s part of a national effort to demonstrate how these bans are not only imposing on liberty – but actually making students less safe.

“As seen in the many violent crimes committed on and around campus just this semester, the criminals are armed and unafraid,” a release from the group notes. “They know that students make easy targets and that the campus police cannot be everywhere at once. This makes the criminals bold.”

Indeed it does … especially when police are more focused on busting kids for underage drinking than they are on real crime.

“When concealed weapons permit holders are allowed to defend themselves on a college campus … crime decreases,” the group’s release adds. “A look at the crime statistics at colleges in any one of the multiple states that allow campus carry shows this clearly, Colorado being the most notable example in recent news.”

We support this protest … just as we oppose any law at any level which infringes on the right of any American to keep and bear arms.


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Kenny April 9, 2013 at 9:14 am

Thanks for the support! Check us out at:

Kenny April 9, 2013 at 9:14 am

Thanks for the support! Check us out at:

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 9:28 am

Good luck guys. Campus carry is a good cause to rally for.

We still need a drumbeat to snap law enforcement back into preventing/stopping crimes, especially at places that the students still will not be allowed to carry to, like various bars and night clubs, especially in the Five Points area. Campus carry is good for an individual to defend themselves and possibly those around them, but it isn’t a complete solution to crime in general.

Mepkin Abbey Daze April 10, 2013 at 9:35 am

and what about drunken frat boys who want to rape a girl and flash a gun if she does not give in, or students on drugs thinking they are God and go after a teacher or a student they are jealous of. Students are there to learn– not carry guns. How bad is the crime on campus? any stats on this? how many girls are forcibly assaulted and raped on an annual basis? This story will make national headlines when girls carry guns on dates to frat parties and, when drunk themselves, shoot a guy who is also drunk. It will happen, I guarantee. Many students are very immature, and lack the capacity to discern and make rational judgments about what is a real threat and what is not–especially when drunk. Can you see 2 rival fraternities going after each other with guns? I can. We know hazing kills students; imagine what guns will do. Lawyers will sue–on both sides. Parents will yank students out of USC and send them to peaceful schools. We should be beefing up security, not arming immature kids.

stevedave April 10, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Really? Really? Beefing up security is your answer? First of all, that would cost the University, the State, and the taxpayers entirely way too much. Second, even then, the security couldn’t be everywhere at once. Crimes would still happen. As for your claims about immature students, you have to be 21 to have a CWP…that eliminates probably three-quarters of the student population right there. You ask about stats, how about you look them up. I can tell you from just off the top of my head, there have been about 14 sexual assaults in the last 2 months around the USC campus area. There have also been several armed robberies. 3 within the span of a few days, all either on campus or in the immediate vicinity. Last, and certainly not least, there are numerous Universities around the country that allow campus carry and not one of them have had a single issue like the ones you mention. A CWP holder can carry virtually anywhere off campus and there is no issue, but the minute they cross that imaginary line onto campus property, they become an irresponsible, dangerous felon? Yeah, that makes total sense. Next time, get informed before you go running off at the mouth.

Joe April 11, 2013 at 1:21 am

“Daze” is fitting, as in “dazed and confused”. Educate yourself with facts:
Since the fall semester of 2006, state law has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of the nine degree-offering public colleges (20 campuses) and one public technical college (10 campuses) in Utah. Concealed carry has been allowed at Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) since 2003 and at Blue Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave, VA) since 1995.
After allowing concealed carry on campus for a combined total of one hundred semesters, NONE of these twelve schools has seen a single resulting incident of gun violence (including threats and suicides), a single gun accident, or a single gun theft. Likewise, none of the forty ‘right-to-carry’ states has seen a resulting increase in gun violence since legalizing concealed carry, despite the fact that licensed citizens in those states regularly carry concealed handguns in places like office buildings, movie theaters, grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, churches, banks, etc.

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 9:28 am

Good luck guys. Campus carry is a good cause to rally for.

We still need a drumbeat to snap law enforcement back into preventing/stopping crimes, especially at places that the students still will not be allowed to carry to, like various bars and night clubs, especially in the Five Points area. Campus carry is good for an individual to defend themselves and possibly those around them, but it isn’t a complete solution to crime in general.

Mepkin Abbey Daze April 10, 2013 at 9:35 am

and what about drunken frat boys who want to rape a girl and flash a gun if she does not give in, or students on drugs thinking they are God and go after a teacher or a student they are jealous of. Students are there to learn– not carry guns. How bad is the crime on campus? any stats on this? how many girls are forcibly assaulted and raped on an annual basis? This story will make national headlines when girls carry guns on dates to frat parties and, when drunk themselves, shoot a guy who is also drunk. It will happen, I guarantee. Many students are very immature, and lack the capacity to discern and make rational judgments about what is a real threat and what is not–especially when drunk. Can you see 2 rival fraternities going after each other with guns? I can. We know hazing kills students; imagine what guns will do. Lawyers will sue–on both sides. Parents will yank students out of USC and send them to peaceful schools. We should be beefing up security, not arming immature kids.

stevedave April 10, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Really? Really? Beefing up security is your answer? First of all, that would cost the University, the State, and the taxpayers entirely way too much. Second, even then, the security couldn’t be everywhere at once. Crimes would still happen. As for your claims about immature students, you have to be 21 to have a CWP…that eliminates probably three-quarters of the student population right there. You ask about stats, how about you look them up. I can tell you from just off the top of my head, there have been about 14 sexual assaults in the last 2 months around the USC campus area. There have also been several armed robberies. 3 within the span of a few days, all either on campus or in the immediate vicinity. Last, and certainly not least, there are numerous Universities around the country that allow campus carry and not one of them have had a single issue like the ones you mention. A CWP holder can carry virtually anywhere off campus and there is no issue, but the minute they cross that imaginary line onto campus property, they become an irresponsible, dangerous felon? Yeah, that makes total sense. Next time, get informed before you go running off at the mouth.

Joe April 11, 2013 at 1:21 am

“Daze” is fitting, as in “dazed and confused”. Educate yourself with facts:
Since the fall semester of 2006, state law has allowed licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on the campuses of the nine degree-offering public colleges (20 campuses) and one public technical college (10 campuses) in Utah. Concealed carry has been allowed at Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO) since 2003 and at Blue Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave, VA) since 1995.
After allowing concealed carry on campus for a combined total of one hundred semesters, NONE of these twelve schools has seen a single resulting incident of gun violence (including threats and suicides), a single gun accident, or a single gun theft. Likewise, none of the forty ‘right-to-carry’ states has seen a resulting increase in gun violence since legalizing concealed carry, despite the fact that licensed citizens in those states regularly carry concealed handguns in places like office buildings, movie theaters, grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, churches, banks, etc.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:37 am

Students, staff and citizens walking around Carolina packing heat

Kinda like dropping willie off at a whorehouse with a thousand bucks in his pant’s pocket

Somebody’s going to get fucked

Joe April 9, 2013 at 9:55 am

Kind of like with freedom of speech, you will always get those people who mouth off without having a clue about what is really going on.

Matt April 9, 2013 at 10:04 am

That’s probably one of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard. Get informed so you don’t sound like an ignorant jackass.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Awhile back I owned a minature jackass
Named him Dooley
Should have named the little son of a bitch Matt

Jimbo April 9, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Well aren’t you just clever little internet tough guy? Unlike you, that jackass of yours probably had a little bit of intelligence.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:52 pm

Dooley,aka Matt, was truly a smart ass
He didn’t sleep where he shit and he didn’t eat where he pissed
If you are interested in learning these abilities, provide me with a mailing address and I will forward you some tapes

Joe April 10, 2013 at 9:41 am

It’s like trying to argue with a child. There is no common sense, and next jim lewis is going to start pulling out the “your mom” punchlines. Considering his lack of intelligence, he probably also voted for Obama and believed every lie from the campaign.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 10:39 am

Nope, didn’t vote for Buck Farack

As for lies and campaigns they are synonymous and I know of few who believe anything the cockroaches say

It is true I am pushing 70 and have always heard it said once a man twice a child, so you have me there

As for “trying to argue” posting on blogs is about opinions. Kinda like assholes, either you have one or you make believe, much like your posts

I don’t normally do “momma” jokes but just for you I will partake

There was this bright fellow named Joe who attended an exposition of new computer technology. He came upon a display where a sales rep was telling everyone that his new computer was so advanced it could answer any question

Joe, being as bright as he was, challenged the sales rep. His question was, Where is my daddy right now?

The sales rep typed the question in and the machine printed out, Your daddy is shooting pool at Blackie’s Bar and Grill, Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana

Joe with a shit eating grin from ear to ear said, Gotcha, my daddy is buried at Trinity Episcopal Cemetery, Sumter Street, Columbia, SC

Suddenly the machine kicked out another printout. The sales rep looked at it and read aloud, Dear Joe, your momma’s first husband is buried at Trinity but your daddy is shooting pool at Blackies, you little smart ass bastard

Bless your heart

llammapants April 10, 2013 at 12:36 pm

I find it hard to believe that you’re pushing 70s and you’re on the inter web running off at the mouth. Shouldn’t you be in the old folks home or something. You sound a little senile to me. I’d tell a your momma joke, but if you’re pushing 70, that means your mom is probably a rotting corpse somewhere and you’ll probably be joining her soon.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Naw, she was cremated and I know right where she is, too bad you can’t say the same for your mum

As for your use of the term “inter web” do believe you may want to drop the space in the future

On second thought perhaps you are the personification of an ” interweb” user:: inexperienced, unskilled or incoherent

Haven’t achieved much since your pre-school days when all the other kids on the playground would moan in unison when you showed up:

Oh no here comes that little shit wearing those damn llama pants again

georgetakei April 10, 2013 at 4:19 pm

your mommy touched you when you were a little boy didn’t she?

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 4:23 pm

I’m sure your daddy, your uncles, your cousins and all their friends enjoy the time they spend with you

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:29 am

Hitler, Satlin and Mao would be proud of your ignorance. All murderous dictators need stupid people to manipulate.

Bliss Detector April 9, 2013 at 11:47 am

Hitler, Stalin and Mao would be amazed by yours.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:52 pm

So you agree that Obama should be able to confiscate guns???

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:37 am

Students, staff and citizens walking around Carolina packing heat

Kinda like dropping willie off at a whorehouse with a thousand bucks in his pant’s pocket

Somebody’s going to get fucked

Joe April 9, 2013 at 9:55 am

Kind of like with freedom of speech, you will always get those people who mouth off without having a clue about what is really going on.

Matt April 9, 2013 at 10:04 am

That’s probably one of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard. Get informed so you don’t sound like an ignorant jackass.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 8:58 pm

Awhile back I owned a minature jackass
Named him Dooley
Should have named the little son of a bitch Matt

Jimbo April 9, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Well aren’t you just clever little internet tough guy? Unlike you, that jackass of yours probably had a little bit of intelligence.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:52 pm

Dooley,aka Matt, was truly a smart ass
He didn’t sleep where he shit and he didn’t eat where he pissed
If you are interested in learning these abilities, provide me with a mailing address and I will forward you some tapes

Joe April 10, 2013 at 9:41 am

It’s like trying to argue with a child. There is no common sense, and next jim lewis is going to start pulling out the “your mom” punchlines. Considering his lack of intelligence, he probably also voted for Obama and believed every lie from the campaign.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 10:39 am

Nope, didn’t vote for Buck Farack

As for lies and campaigns they are synonymous and I know of few who believe anything the cockroaches say

It is true I am pushing 70 and have always heard it said once a man twice a child, so you have me there

As for “trying to argue” posting on blogs is about opinions. Kinda like assholes, either you have one or you make believe, much like your posts

I don’t normally do “momma” jokes but just for you I will partake

There was this bright fellow named Joe who attended an exposition of new computer technology. He came upon a display where a sales rep was telling everyone that his new computer was so advanced it could answer any question

Joe, being as bright as he was, challenged the sales rep. His question was, Where is my daddy right now?

The sales rep typed the question in and the machine printed out, Your daddy is shooting pool at Blackie’s Bar and Grill, Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana

Joe with a shit eating grin from ear to ear said, Gotcha, my daddy is buried at Trinity Episcopal Cemetery, Sumter Street, Columbia, SC

Suddenly the machine kicked out another printout. The sales rep looked at it and read aloud, Dear Joe, your momma’s first husband is buried at Trinity but your daddy is shooting pool at Blackies, you little smart ass bastard

Bless your heart

llammapants April 10, 2013 at 12:36 pm

I find it hard to believe that you’re pushing 70s and you’re on the inter web running off at the mouth. Shouldn’t you be in the old folks home or something. You sound a little senile to me. I’d tell a your momma joke, but if you’re pushing 70, that means your mom is probably a rotting corpse somewhere and you’ll probably be joining her soon.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Naw, she was cremated and I know right where she is, too bad you can’t say the same for your mum

As for your use of the term “inter web” do believe you may want to drop the space in the future

On second thought perhaps you are the personification of an ” interweb” user:: inexperienced, unskilled or incoherent

Haven’t achieved much since your pre-school days when all the other kids on the playground would moan in unison when you showed up:

Oh no here comes that little shit wearing those damn llama pants again

georgetakei April 10, 2013 at 4:19 pm

your mommy touched you when you were a little boy didn’t she?

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 4:23 pm

I’m sure your daddy, your uncles, your cousins and all their friends enjoy the time they spend with you

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:29 am

Hitler, Satlin and Mao would be proud of your ignorance. All murderous dictators need stupid people to manipulate.

Bliss Detector April 9, 2013 at 11:47 am

Hitler, Stalin and Mao would be amazed by yours.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:52 pm

So you agree that Obama should be able to confiscate guns???

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:26 am

When the fight for FREEDOM and Aganist Obama begins sprouting up on the college campus…That’s SIGNIFICANT.
You cannot smother truth but for so long. When the students are figuring out that the left IS the enemy to justice and liberty…maybe we can get a meaningful revolution in this country….and rid ourselves of the horrible type of government Obama has wrought…

BigT April 9, 2013 at 11:26 am

When the fight for FREEDOM and Aganist Obama begins sprouting up on the college campus…That’s SIGNIFICANT.
You cannot smother truth but for so long. When the students are figuring out that the left IS the enemy to justice and liberty…maybe we can get a meaningful revolution in this country….and rid ourselves of the horrible type of government Obama has wrought…

Face in the Crowd April 9, 2013 at 11:32 am

The Clemson shotgun club just won the national championship. Check the website.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Clemson also placed first in Corn-Hole. Think there is any relation to the titles?

9" April 10, 2013 at 3:44 am

Just because we’ve been practicing,every chance we get,doesn’t mean we’re gonna win.You need to lose weight so you can get on top,and ride,big boy!

Face in the Crowd April 9, 2013 at 11:32 am

The Clemson shotgun club just won the national championship. Check the website.

BigT April 9, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Clemson also placed first in Corn-Hole. Think there is any relation to the titles?

9" April 10, 2013 at 3:44 am

Just because we’ve been practicing,every chance we get,doesn’t mean we’re gonna win.You need to lose weight so you can get on top,and ride,big boy!

Face in the Crowd April 9, 2013 at 11:52 am

Dang. If she had been properly armed, maybe she could have taken down the four-year-old before the four-year-old took her down.

Or maybe that guy who got shot by his dog could have stayed out of harm’s way. Or maybe that hunter who blew away his partner after hearing the bushes rustle could have been more careful.

Arming one idiot on campus means that everyone has to be armed.

Charlemagne, King of France April 9, 2013 at 1:16 pm

is there something wrong with that? and before you answer actually think about it. and dont use words like “should” in your reasoning because that imply we live in a perfect world

9" April 10, 2013 at 1:23 am


Smirks April 10, 2013 at 9:10 am

>4-year-old shoots woman

CWP is irrelevant. Gun was not properly secured with a cable lock or kept in a locked compartment, and/or ammunition was not kept separate from the gun. Negligent gun owner.

>dog accidentally shoots owner

Again, CWP is irrelevant. Your dog shouldn’t be able to grab your gun and accidentally shoot you. Securing the gun from being able to be fired, properly storing it, and/or keeping ammunition out of the gun would have solved this. Negligent gun owner.

>guy shoots his hunting partner by accident

Again, CWP is irrelevant. You should be wearing something that makes you look distinctively non-natural so that other hunters can easily and immediately tell you apart from something else. You shouldn’t shoot at something you can’t see properly either. Negligent and irresponsible gun owner/hunter.

I fail to see how any of these relate to concealed carry, but I’ll humor it. Let’s say all three of these had a CWP and were carrying while walking down the street and a thug jumped out to rob them. In the first two cases, I don’t think that the woman would have to worry about a toddler grabbing her gun out of her jacket and shooting her by accident, nor would the guy have to worry about his dog reaching for his gun and accidentally shooting him. In the third case, if the guy shot the wrong person, he is fully legally liable for it, will be arrested and charged for the crime, and will forever lose his right to carry a concealed weapon, or for that matter, even own a firearm.

And by no means should everyone else be denied the right to carry a concealed weapon just because of the bozos out there who shouldn’t be holding a gun in the first place. There are a myriad of stories where a CWP holder was able to successfully defend themselves and others, even here in Columbia.

Face in the Crowd April 9, 2013 at 11:52 am

Dang. If she had been properly armed, maybe she could have taken down the four-year-old before the four-year-old took her down.

Or maybe that guy who got shot by his dog could have stayed out of harm’s way. Or maybe that hunter who blew away his partner after hearing the bushes rustle could have been more careful.

Arming one idiot on campus means that everyone has to be armed.

Charlemagne, King of France April 9, 2013 at 1:16 pm

is there something wrong with that? and before you answer actually think about it. and dont use words like “should” in your reasoning because that imply we live in a perfect world

9" April 10, 2013 at 1:23 am


Smirks April 10, 2013 at 9:10 am

>4-year-old shoots woman

CWP is irrelevant. Gun was not properly secured with a cable lock or kept in a locked compartment, and/or ammunition was not kept separate from the gun. Negligent gun owner.

>dog accidentally shoots owner

Again, CWP is irrelevant. Your dog shouldn’t be able to grab your gun and accidentally shoot you. Securing the gun from being able to be fired, properly storing it, and/or keeping ammunition out of the gun would have solved this. Negligent gun owner.

>guy shoots his hunting partner by accident

Again, CWP is irrelevant. You should be wearing something that makes you look distinctively non-natural so that other hunters can easily and immediately tell you apart from something else. You shouldn’t shoot at something you can’t see properly either. Negligent and irresponsible gun owner/hunter.

I fail to see how any of these relate to concealed carry, but I’ll humor it. Let’s say all three of these had a CWP and were carrying while walking down the street and a thug jumped out to rob them. In the first two cases, I don’t think that the woman would have to worry about a toddler grabbing her gun out of her jacket and shooting her by accident, nor would the guy have to worry about his dog reaching for his gun and accidentally shooting him. In the third case, if the guy shot the wrong person, he is fully legally liable for it, will be arrested and charged for the crime, and will forever lose his right to carry a concealed weapon, or for that matter, even own a firearm.

And by no means should everyone else be denied the right to carry a concealed weapon just because of the bozos out there who shouldn’t be holding a gun in the first place. There are a myriad of stories where a CWP holder was able to successfully defend themselves and others, even here in Columbia.

hack April 9, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Perhaps the dark skinned gangbangers who like to prey on the intoxicated student loan funded whiteys in the 5 points and everywhere else on campus will find some deterrence if this measure goes through and the subsequent news broadcast on the local news.

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Five Points is an issue because most of the people who are there, especially at night, are there to drink or go into a restaurant that serves alcohol, making concealed carry non-legal. Basically the only people who could be legally armed at that point are vigilante-types who would just walk around the area and not enter any of these businesses.

That doesn’t kill the argument for campus carry, not at all, it just addresses further need of other tactics to stop crime in Columbia.

hack April 9, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Perhaps the dark skinned gangbangers who like to prey on the intoxicated student loan funded whiteys in the 5 points and everywhere else on campus will find some deterrence if this measure goes through and the subsequent news broadcast on the local news.

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Five Points is an issue because most of the people who are there, especially at night, are there to drink or go into a restaurant that serves alcohol, making concealed carry non-legal. Basically the only people who could be legally armed at that point are vigilante-types who would just walk around the area and not enter any of these businesses.

That doesn’t kill the argument for campus carry, not at all, it just addresses further need of other tactics to stop crime in Columbia.

9" April 9, 2013 at 1:22 pm

guns and drinking.real fucking clever

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 3:58 pm

SC laws prohibit carrying a weapon into a business that serves alcohol. It also prohibits use of a gun while intoxicated. There is no point in denying a law abiding citizen the right to carry a concealed weapon on campus grounds because some drunk asshole is going to break the law when that drunk asshole would be breaking the law anyways without it.

9" April 10, 2013 at 1:47 am

And ‘SC laws’ is gonna stop what? If these idiots need to carry guns on campus,they shouldn’t be in college.

Don’t be so quick to assume any of these jerks are,’law-abiding’;they’re just gonna be dead

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 8:50 am

The extensive background check one undergoes, including fingerprinting, is SC’s way of making sure that these people are law-abiding citizens.

If you’re going to assume that any of “these jerks” could possibly not be law abiding citizens, why hand out CWPs in the first place? If you can’t trust them to carry on campus, why let anyone carry into grocery stores?

Joe April 11, 2013 at 1:29 am

So students should not be in college because the police are unable to adequately protect the campus? You really think that 7 police officers are enough to protect several square miles and over 30,000 students? Think again. Police response time is slow, campus pd & columbia pd argue over jurisdiction(further slowing response time), and crime is rampant.
The laws don’t stop the criminals. The criminals already have guns; which is why you hear about shootings, rapes, armed robberies and the like on and around campus. Only the law-abiding citizens bother to follow the law.

9" April 9, 2013 at 1:22 pm

guns and drinking.real fucking clever

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 3:58 pm

SC laws prohibit carrying a weapon into a business that serves alcohol. It also prohibits use of a gun while intoxicated. There is no point in denying a law abiding citizen the right to carry a concealed weapon on campus grounds because some drunk asshole is going to break the law when that drunk asshole would be breaking the law anyways without it.

9" April 10, 2013 at 1:47 am

And ‘SC laws’ is gonna stop what? If these idiots need to carry guns on campus,they shouldn’t be in college.

Don’t be so quick to assume any of these jerks are,’law-abiding’;they’re just gonna be dead

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 8:50 am

The extensive background check one undergoes, including fingerprinting, is SC’s way of making sure that these people are law-abiding citizens.

If you’re going to assume that any of “these jerks” could possibly not be law abiding citizens, why hand out CWPs in the first place? If you can’t trust them to carry on campus, why let anyone carry into grocery stores?

Joe April 11, 2013 at 1:29 am

So students should not be in college because the police are unable to adequately protect the campus? You really think that 7 police officers are enough to protect several square miles and over 30,000 students? Think again. Police response time is slow, campus pd & columbia pd argue over jurisdiction(further slowing response time), and crime is rampant.
The laws don’t stop the criminals. The criminals already have guns; which is why you hear about shootings, rapes, armed robberies and the like on and around campus. Only the law-abiding citizens bother to follow the law.

lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Conceal carry permits require exactly no weapons tactics training. None. Zilch. You can have a permit with no idea how to use that weapon in a defensive posture. Just what we need.

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Conceal carry permits require exactly no weapons tactics training.

Conceal carry permits require an 8 hour course with a written exam and firing range exam. You are walked through information on various parts of the gun, how to aim/fire, various safety instructions, and study the laws in SC regarding concealed carry. The range test gives a nominal assurance that someone can at least hit a target fairly accurately at a short to medium distance. Any instructor worth their salt will come by to make sure you are holding the gun properly before even letting you begin firing.

CWP classes offer a reasonable assurance that the armed citizen that passed it should be able to responsibly wield their weapon.

Joe April 9, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Learn about what you’re bashing before you make yourself look ignorant.

Lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Conceal carry permits require exactly no weapons tactics training. None. Zilch. You can have a permit with no idea how to use that weapon in a defensive posture. Just what we need.

Smirks April 9, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Conceal carry permits require exactly no weapons tactics training.

Conceal carry permits require an 8 hour course with a written exam and firing range exam. You are walked through information on various parts of the gun, how to aim/fire, various safety instructions, and study the laws in SC regarding concealed carry. The range test gives a nominal assurance that someone can at least hit a target fairly accurately at a short to medium distance. Any instructor worth their salt will come by to make sure you are holding the gun properly before even letting you begin firing.

CWP classes offer a reasonable assurance that the armed citizen that passed it should be able to responsibly wield their weapon.

Joe April 9, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Learn about what you’re bashing before you make yourself look ignorant.

armedandsafe April 9, 2013 at 6:31 pm

I had a 12 GA pump shotgun in my dorm room for 4 years at USC-Cola. Never had a problem or caused a problem. Good luck protesters!

armedandsafe April 9, 2013 at 6:31 pm

I had a 12 GA pump shotgun in my dorm room for 4 years at USC-Cola. Never had a problem or caused a problem. Good luck protesters!


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