The SCGOP’s Empty Suit

South Carolina “Republican” Party (SCGOP) chairman Chad Connelly released a scathing statement earlier this week slamming Democrats in the S.C. House of Representatives for their support of a massive Medicaid expansion tied to Obamacare. As well he should have … The Medicaid expansion – one of the few optional components of…

South Carolina “Republican” Party (SCGOP) chairman Chad Connelly released a scathing statement earlier this week slamming Democrats in the S.C. House of Representatives for their support of a massive Medicaid expansion tied to Obamacare.

As well he should have …

The Medicaid expansion – one of the few optional components of U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine law – would balloon our state’s Medicaid population by nearly 55 percent over the next seven years, costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

“This is a permanent expansion of Medicaid that will bust our state’s budget,” Connelly said.

He’s right … of course Connelly, like most knee-jerk partisans of questionable political acumen, hasn’t learned how to stop when he’s ahead. His release went on to praise various “Republicans” for their commitment to finding “long-term solutions that will make sure that our citizens have better health coverage in perpetuity without breaking the bank.”

Among those praised in the SCGOP release? S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley – who recently received $50,000 from the party for her reelection bid.

FITS readers know this is pure hypocrisy. Under “Haleycare,” more than $60 million has been spent on expanding the state’s Medicaid population – and the Palmetto State’s “Republican” governor wants to spend additional money to expand that population even further in coming years. In fact this year alone, Medicaid rolls in South Carolina will expand by more than 130,000 people in the current fiscal year – while the state’s Medicaid budget will climb from $5.9 billion to $6.5 billion.

Wait … isn’t our economy supposedly “recovering?” Isn’t our state supposedly adding jobs?

And if so … then why are we adding more people to the Medicaid rolls?

And why are Republicans – including a Tea Party governor – pushing this expansion?

We get that Republicans are opposing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion – but why aren’t they also opposing the Haleycare expansion? Why is one unsustainable expansion “good” and the other “bad?” In fact isn’t the “Haleycare” expansion costlier given the higher percentage of state tax dollars it entails?

Not surprisingly, Connelly doesn’t have an answer for that. He continues parroting the same old tired partisan talking points (“Obama/ Democrat bad … Haley/ GOP good”) – refusing to acknowledge his party is guilty of the same sins as those he is excoriating.

What a hypocrite … which is why we have no use whatsoever for this empty suit anymore. Or the party he represents.


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Matt March 13, 2013 at 9:16 am

Just used this article as an example of economic fallacy. Haleycare isn’t ‘more expensive’ because of where of the dollars originate.

Matt March 13, 2013 at 9:16 am

Just used this article as an example of economic fallacy. Haleycare isn’t ‘more expensive’ because of where of the dollars originate.

Smirks March 13, 2013 at 9:17 am

If you don’t have use for the empty suit or the party he represents, why do you constantly put quotes around the word Republican when describing this state’s politicians, as if you’re trying to spare the party brand from being tarnished by the incompetent, corrupt fucks running under its banner?

Please March 13, 2013 at 12:16 pm

Excellent point. He can’t tarnish the party b/c conservatives will only get elected under the Republican mantle. Sure, a few TPers may get an office here and there, but by and large, conservatives still have to run as a Republicans to get elected – Even Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Tom Davis are Republicans. There is no viable third party movement.

Moman50 March 13, 2013 at 1:46 pm

The answer is simple.Fits IS a Republican,his protestations to the contrary and his faux “libertarianism notwithstanding.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:10 pm

I’m a “Republican?” Ok … did you just decide that FOR me? Cause if so that was very “Republican” of you. Now how about raise my taxes in the name of “cutting government.”

Smirks March 13, 2013 at 9:17 am

If you don’t have use for the empty suit or the party he represents, why do you constantly put quotes around the word Republican when describing this state’s politicians, as if you’re trying to spare the party brand from being tarnished by the incompetent, corrupt fucks running under its banner?

Please March 13, 2013 at 12:16 pm

Excellent point. He can’t tarnish the party b/c conservatives will only get elected under the Republican mantle. Sure, a few TPers may get an office here and there, but by and large, conservatives still have to run as a Republicans to get elected – Even Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Tom Davis are Republicans. There is no viable third party movement.

Moman50 March 13, 2013 at 1:46 pm

The answer is simple.Fits IS a Republican,his protestations to the contrary and his faux “libertarianism notwithstanding.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:10 pm

I’m a “Republican?” Ok … did you just decide that FOR me? Cause if so that was very “Republican” of you. Now how about raise my taxes in the name of “cutting government.”

BigT March 13, 2013 at 9:25 am

Another day…and Bash of Republicans by FITS…

1) Obama’s economy is a TOTAL nightmare. Despite her faults, Haley has brought in jobs and SC is not as Desperate as Obama has made liberal states…She’s done well to isolate us to some degree from Obama-liberal disaster and failure…

2) Mark Sanford is a Disgace. Just because you’re P!$$#d that he is getting his @$$ kicked in polls, quit attack ng everybody else. He’s deposed for GOOD reason. He deserves no voice…

3) We’ll remember this gratuitous GOP BASH crap the next time you tell us you answered a survey and told the questioner you are a Conservative. You are a LIAR, or either stupid. Niether gives you the allowance or moral authority to try to influence thought or lead with ideas.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:11 pm

man, you are just insane.

BigT March 13, 2013 at 9:25 am

Another day…and Bash of Republicans by FITS…

1) Obama’s economy is a TOTAL nightmare. Despite her faults, Haley has brought in jobs and SC is not as Desperate as Obama has made liberal states…She’s done well to isolate us to some degree from Obama-liberal disaster and failure…

2) Mark Sanford is a Disgace. Just because you’re P!$$#d that he is getting his @$$ kicked in polls, quit attack ng everybody else. He’s deposed for GOOD reason. He deserves no voice…

3) We’ll remember this gratuitous GOP BASH crap the next time you tell us you answered a survey and told the questioner you are a Conservative. You are a LIAR, or either stupid. Niether gives you the allowance or moral authority to try to influence thought or lead with ideas.

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:11 pm

man, you are just insane.

Darth March 13, 2013 at 9:54 am

So like the Paulistas, in coming weeks, we will see your endorsement of nomination by convention, the voice of the common man being given a choice in the Novmeber election?

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:13 pm

I’ve never said I support nomination by convention. I have, however, said I want the GOP to die (agonizingly, if possible) —>

Darth March 13, 2013 at 9:54 am

So like the Paulistas, in coming weeks, we will see your endorsement of nomination by convention, the voice of the common man being given a choice in the Novmeber election?

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:13 pm

I’ve never said I support nomination by convention. I have, however, said I want the GOP to die (agonizingly, if possible) —>

Roseanne March 13, 2013 at 9:59 am

Shouldn’t it be “One of the SC GOP’s empty suits”?

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:11 pm

good point …

Roseanne March 13, 2013 at 9:59 am

Shouldn’t it be “One of the SC GOP’s empty suits”?

Will Folks aka Sic March 13, 2013 at 4:11 pm

good point …

shifty henry March 13, 2013 at 10:21 am

On a personal visit to Walmart I counted the aisles containing what we may consider “junk food” which included candy – crackers – chips – sodas & other nonjuice drinks – other sweets, etc.

Pacing off each aisle I determined that there were 7 aisles (counting each side as 1 aisle) that were 100% junk food . Other partial aisles and special displays I estimated to be the equivalent of 4 additional aisles, giving a total a 11 aisles at 55 feet in length, 7 feet high and 2 feet deep.

The total of displayed items (facing a customer) is 4,235 square feet. The total of junk food on the shelves is approximately 8,470 square feet.

This entire inventory of junk food, if placed on the Gamecock football field, would cover it to the 17 1/2 yard line.

This is only ONE STORE and every item can be purchased with food stamps!


shifty henry March 13, 2013 at 10:21 am

On a personal visit to Walmart I counted the aisles containing what we may consider “junk food” which included candy – crackers – chips – sodas & other nonjuice drinks – other sweets, etc.

Pacing off each aisle I determined that there were 7 aisles (counting each side as 1 aisle) that were 100% junk food . Other partial aisles and special displays I estimated to be the equivalent of 4 additional aisles, giving a total a 11 aisles at 55 feet in length, 7 feet high and 2 feet deep.

The total of displayed items (facing a customer) is 4,235 square feet. The total of junk food on the shelves is approximately 8,470 square feet.

This entire inventory of junk food, if placed on the Gamecock football field, would cover it to the 17 1/2 yard line.

This is only ONE STORE and every item can be purchased with food stamps!


southmauldin March 13, 2013 at 10:26 am

Did you expect anything else from Amway McGee? I see a future in Herbalife once the Republicans get rid of this loser.

southmauldin March 13, 2013 at 10:26 am

Did you expect anything else from Amway McGee? I see a future in Herbalife once the Republicans get rid of this loser.

JustInvestigateNow! March 13, 2013 at 1:05 pm

It will be interesting to see how Laurens County votes in the race for governor. Those of us who want nothing more than a criminal investigation of the sheriffs office and county council will turn our collective backs on Haley, just like she turned her back on us. She has been thoroughly apprised as to how corrupt things have gotten in Laurens, both on the city and county level, but she says it’s not “politically expedient” for her to have SLED dig into this.
The blatant public corruption in Laurens County will be THE issue in the 2014 governor’s race in Laurens County. I’m voting for the individual that will bring at some measure of honesty to this county.
So far, this ain’t Haley!!!

You know me March 13, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Love how one prominent elected official refers to her as a big fat zero.

katlaurenscounty March 13, 2013 at 4:48 pm

SLED did a preliminary investigation on the County Administrator, Solicitor Stumbo’s has it now. I’d be shocked if SLED says they found anything, when they first talked to me they didn’t understand FOIA violations and the other corruption I reported (misappropriation, etc.). How the heck do they know what to ask if they don’t even understand the crime they are supposed to be looking for? Plus, Stumbo gets funding from the County. I asked for the written procedure directing SLED to give the investigator to the Solicitor who gets funding from the County. I was told they don’t have any, that’s jus how billybob and jimmiejo do it around here. Ain’t no prob for the guy who gets money from the County, to be responsible for deciding if the County committed any crimes…

But they will never figure out how to do it better if we don’t push them.

JustInvestigateNow! March 13, 2013 at 1:05 pm

It will be interesting to see how Laurens County votes in the race for governor. Those of us who want nothing more than a criminal investigation of the sheriffs office and county council will turn our collective backs on Haley, just like she turned her back on us. She has been thoroughly apprised as to how corrupt things have gotten in Laurens, both on the city and county level, but she says it’s not “politically expedient” for her to have SLED dig into this.
The blatant public corruption in Laurens County will be THE issue in the 2014 governor’s race in Laurens County. I’m voting for the individual that will bring at some measure of honesty to this county.
So far, this ain’t Haley!!!

You know me March 13, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Love how one prominent elected official refers to her as a big fat zero.

katlaurenscounty March 13, 2013 at 4:48 pm

SLED did a preliminary investigation on the County Administrator, Solicitor Stumbo’s has it now. I’d be shocked if SLED says they found anything, when they first talked to me they didn’t understand FOIA violations and the other corruption I reported (misappropriation, etc.). How the heck do they know what to ask if they don’t even understand the crime they are supposed to be looking for? Plus, Stumbo gets funding from the County. I asked for the written procedure directing SLED to give the investigator to the Solicitor who gets funding from the County. I was told they don’t have any, that’s jus how billybob and jimmiejo do it around here. Ain’t no prob for the guy who gets money from the County, to be responsible for deciding if the County committed any crimes…

But they will never figure out how to do it better if we don’t push them.

katlaurenscounty March 13, 2013 at 4:30 pm


I asked Haley on Monday how the new laws from the Commission on Ethics Reform will have any impact on corrupt operations culture and conduct like PRT lawyer Willoughby. Haley agreed the Commission’s new laws affect elected officials and aren’t likely to affect agency operation. She also agree to take action on my reports languishing in her office and the OIG. In my reports I demand specific proof that Willoughby’s tactics in ignoring law and making up facts isn’t routine for all agancies.

We’ll see. Her promise is recorded. If she renegs, I imagine political opponents will have a field day.

Press release here.

katlaurenscounty March 13, 2013 at 4:30 pm


I asked Haley on Monday how the new laws from the Commission on Ethics Reform will have any impact on corrupt operations culture and conduct like PRT lawyer Willoughby. Haley agreed the Commission’s new laws affect elected officials and aren’t likely to affect agency operation. She also agree to take action on my reports languishing in her office and the OIG. In my reports I demand specific proof that Willoughby’s tactics in ignoring law and making up facts isn’t routine for all agancies.

We’ll see. Her promise is recorded. If she renegs, I imagine political opponents will have a field day.

Press release here.

Jeffy01 March 13, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Policy council ought to investigate this guy.

Jeffy01 March 13, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Policy council ought to investigate this guy.


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