Nikky Haley Vs. Vincent Sheheen: Still On?

Conventional wisdom in South Carolina politics holds that State Sen. Vincent Sheheen (D-Camden) will run against incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley in 2014. And why not? Sheheen nearly defeated Haley in 2010 – a banner year for the GOP – and recent polls show him leading Haley in a head-to-head general…

Conventional wisdom in South Carolina politics holds that State Sen. Vincent Sheheen (D-Camden) will run against incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley in 2014.

And why not? Sheheen nearly defeated Haley in 2010 – a banner year for the GOP – and recent polls show him leading Haley in a head-to-head general election matchup next year.

Haley is vulnerable – and Democrats know it. And Sheheen is their best bet to capture this seat given his statewide name ID from the previous campaign.

Why, then, is FITS being bombarded with reports of Sheheen contemplating a bid against U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney in the state’s fifth congressional district?

And why is Sheheen cozying up to Haley on the issue of government restructuring (backing the same pointless, watered down legislation he opposed last year)?

Also, why is Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin making noise about challenging Haley?

Are Palmetto State Democrats pondering a major strategic shift?

While signs would point to “yes” – including one prominent Sheheen backer who told us the Camden Democrat “is going to trounce” Mulvaney in a congressional race – we think the reports are bogus.

For starters the fifth district – which Mulvaney won in a landslide over powerful U.S. budget chairman John Spratt in 2010 – was redrawn prior to the 2012 elections and is now much friendlier to Republican candidates.

Mulvaney withstood a withering barrage of incoming attacks from Spratt two years ago – and still beat him by ten percentage points. He’s now an incumbent in a much more favorable district demographically.

“Democrats still see this as their district,” one Washington, D.C. operative familiar with the politics of redistricting told FITS. “But that’s not the case anymore.”

However the operative acknowledged Mulvaney would still be on the receiving end of a credible challenge in 2014 – be it from Sheheen or another Democratic candidate.

“Obama needs twenty House seats to impose his will during his final two years in office,” the operative told us. “To reach that threshold Democrats will have to field viable challengers in at least fifty districts. That’s just the math – and one of those will be the South Carolina fifth.”

Sources close to Sheheen tell FITS the Senator hasn’t yet made up his mind about 2014 – but they categorically ruled out a fifth district challenge against Mulvaney.

“He’s not running for Congress,” the source said.

Hmmmmm …

So what’s behind these strange smoke signals? According to one GOP operative, Sheheen is trying to “head fake” Haley into thinking he’s not running against her.

“They are trying to get her to let her guard down,” the operative said, adding that “even a day of indecision (on Haley’s part) works in Sheheen’s favor.”


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jimlewisowb March 6, 2013 at 10:32 am

Sheheen is trying to “head fake” Haley

The last man who tried to fake head with Haley had his balls cut off, right willie

jimlewisowb March 6, 2013 at 10:32 am

Sheheen is trying to “head fake” Haley

The last man who tried to fake head with Haley had his balls cut off, right willie

Sarge March 6, 2013 at 10:38 am

Steve Benjamin wants to be the Lt. Gov. under Sheheen. He is ready to get out of the Mayor’s office. There’s not enough money in it. He has exhausted all the connections there anyway. His peeps know he can’t pull off the big job himself yet. Wait and watch.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 4:36 pm

The LG is a part time Position with no power.Why would one wishing to “make money” want that job?

Sarge March 6, 2013 at 10:38 am

Steve Benjamin wants to be the Lt. Gov. under Sheheen. He is ready to get out of the Mayor’s office. There’s not enough money in it. He has exhausted all the connections there anyway. His peeps know he can’t pull off the big job himself yet. Wait and watch.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 4:36 pm

The LG is a part time Position with no power.Why would one wishing to “make money” want that job?

You know me March 6, 2013 at 10:41 am

Is the ass on the right Haley? As that would be the more rotund ass.

You know me March 6, 2013 at 10:41 am

Is the ass on the right Haley? As that would be the more rotund ass.

Maggie Mae March 6, 2013 at 11:33 am

Will – do something about that poll – it shows Nikki Haley leading. The State poll showed Nikki Haley 33% and Sheheen 55%

You know me March 6, 2013 at 11:59 am

Maybe she ordered everyone in her cabinet, ect. to vote for her. That is the only explanation.

Maggie Mae March 6, 2013 at 11:33 am

Will – do something about that poll – it shows Nikki Haley leading. The State poll showed Nikki Haley 33% and Sheheen 55%

You know me March 6, 2013 at 11:59 am

Maybe she ordered everyone in her cabinet, ect. to vote for her. That is the only explanation.

mph March 6, 2013 at 12:10 pm

It’s a better job than governor. He takes that seat, he’ll have it for decades. He beats Haley, he’ll be back playing grab-ass in Columbia as a lobbyist in 4-8 years.

mph March 6, 2013 at 12:10 pm

It’s a better job than governor. He takes that seat, he’ll have it for decades. He beats Haley, he’ll be back playing grab-ass in Columbia as a lobbyist in 4-8 years.

afmajret March 6, 2013 at 1:53 pm

I voted ‘Somebody else’ but really meant ‘Anybody else’!

afmajret March 6, 2013 at 1:53 pm

I voted ‘Somebody else’ but really meant ‘Anybody else’!

bozmartin March 6, 2013 at 2:24 pm

I wouldn’t hit a hog in the ass with either one of ’em.

bozmartin March 6, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Woops! Meant to post this to the story about Haley and Romney. But it applies here just as well.

south mauldin March 6, 2013 at 3:15 pm

I’d rather Sheheen run against the leprechaun and let James Smith wipe the floor with Haley. Smith could run for anything right now and he would immediately become the favorite.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Outside of Columbia,no one even knows who James Smith is.

south mauldin March 6, 2013 at 6:15 pm

Nobody knew who Haley was outside of Lexington until dumbass Sarah Palin gave her a hug at the Statehouse and every mouthbreather on the other side of Big T immediately was smitten with her.
And Smith has actually accomplished some things in his life, unlike Nookie and the First Loser.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 6:47 pm

So?i was responding to your statement that “Smith… would immediately become the FAVORITE.”No,he wouldnt,because no one knows who he is.Personally,I like Smith and would support him,but Im not going to label him a “favorite” for anything.

south mauldin March 6, 2013 at 3:15 pm

I’d rather Sheheen run against the leprechaun and let James Smith wipe the floor with Haley. Smith could run for anything right now and he would immediately become the favorite.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Outside of Columbia,no one even knows who James Smith is.

south mauldin March 6, 2013 at 6:15 pm

Nobody knew who Haley was outside of Lexington until dumbass Sarah Palin gave her a hug at the Statehouse and every mouthbreather on the other side of Big T immediately was smitten with her.
And Smith has actually accomplished some things in his life, unlike Nookie and the First Loser.

Moman50 March 6, 2013 at 6:47 pm

So?i was responding to your statement that “Smith… would immediately become the FAVORITE.”No,he wouldnt,because no one knows who he is.Personally,I like Smith and would support him,but Im not going to label him a “favorite” for anything.

You know me March 6, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Is it true than Haley is a big fan of Fits?

You know me March 6, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Is it true than Haley is a big fan of Fits?

Barry March 6, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Sheheen — moderate democrat — can defeat Haley because she’ll get drawn into the trap of appealing to the radical right, like the folks who voted for Romney.

Barry March 6, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Sheheen — moderate democrat — can defeat Haley because she’ll get drawn into the trap of appealing to the radical right, like the folks who voted for Romney.

kuyperdog March 7, 2013 at 1:03 am

Larry Marchant for Governor!
(after he testifies under oath IN A COURT CASE that Nikki was the other woman)

kuyperdog March 7, 2013 at 1:03 am

Larry Marchant for Governor!
(after he testifies under oath IN A COURT CASE that Nikki was the other woman)

CorruptionInColumbia March 7, 2013 at 9:57 am

I won’t vote for Haley again, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for a Sheheen. I’ll probably vote for the “Green Party” (or whatever) candidate and let nature take its course. Haley will be a one term wonder. Screwing over state employees and retirees has consequences.

CorruptionInColumbia March 7, 2013 at 9:57 am

I won’t vote for Haley again, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for a Sheheen. I’ll probably vote for the “Green Party” (or whatever) candidate and let nature take its course. Haley will be a one term wonder. Screwing over state employees and retirees has consequences.


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