SC-1: Larry Grooms Goes Live

S.C. Sen. Larry Grooms (R-Berkely) is the latest Republican to join the (television) fray in the crowded race for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district. The fiscal conservative favorite in the race launched his first ad – entitled “Different” – via what his campaign referred to as “a saturation buy…

S.C. Sen. Larry Grooms (R-Berkely) is the latest Republican to join the (television) fray in the crowded race for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district. The fiscal conservative favorite in the race launched his first ad – entitled “Different” – via what his campaign referred to as “a saturation buy on cable and broadcast” in the district.

“Sure all the candidates for Congress are talking conservative, but only one has the record to back it up,” Grooms’ ad states. “Our senator, Larry Grooms – business man and proven taxpayer hero – a champion for jobs, defender of our values.”

Here’s the spot …

Grooms’ ad also references his strong support for the Second Amendment – a hot topic in the wake of U.S. President Barack Obama’s “War on Guns.”

The point of Grooms’ ad is unmistakable: In a race full of talkers, he’s a doer. And his reference to being a “defender of our values” is a clear shot at former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, who launched his own television ad earlier this week.

Grooms is one of sixteen Republicans seeking the GOP nomination for the first congressional district seat vacated earlier this year by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott.


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Anonymous February 19, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Worth mentioning he recently fired most of his campaign staff

Larry "Boom Boom" Grooms February 19, 2013 at 2:28 pm

I am tight with Jesus, it’s like that… oh I am without sin, no baggage, except those votes I traded for campaign contributions and that coastal kick-back thingy.

Anonymous February 19, 2013 at 11:57 am

Worth mentioning he recently fired most of his campaign staff

Larry "Boom Boom" Grooms February 19, 2013 at 1:28 pm

I am tight with Jesus, it’s like that… oh I am without sin, no baggage, except those votes I traded for campaign contributions and that coastal kick-back thingy.

BigT February 19, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Teddy Turner is the opposite of his dad, whereas Sanford is Ted Turner Sr. Lite.
Not to mention: FITS is trying to Sink teddy…so he must be the Conservative in the race.
FITS saying anything nice about Grooms does not help Grooms AT ALL w/ Tim Scott Conservatives…
Sanford and Kuhn are already DQs based on their past…

Wanabejedi February 19, 2013 at 1:36 pm

another famous T endorsement. Sorry Teddy looks like your finished

Sailor February 19, 2013 at 1:59 pm

A fucking men! The kiss of death!

BigT February 19, 2013 at 5:11 pm

I voted for Haley over Sheheen. she won. And Gingrich, who I voted for in the SC GOP Primary, won it.
And how many others now wish we’d have let loose Newt on Obama…Don’t know if Newt would have won, but he would have Beaten the livin’ $#!* out of Obama in the debates. He would have called out your savior for the Dirtbag he is…Can you imagine Newt’s ads…(I can only dream)…
And you lowlife Pieces of #*#* no doubt voted for Obama and he got his @$$ kicked in SC. So did Sheheen. Not to mention I was right (already) about Obama’s abject failure, again…
So you might need to STFU about trailing after loser after loser.

vicupstate February 19, 2013 at 8:42 pm

Big T you only endorsed and predicted Newt would win AFTER

you predicted victory for and supported Michelle Bachmann,

and Donald Trump

and Rick Perry

and Herman Cain

and after Newt crashed and burned,

you predicted victory for and supported Rick Santorum

when Romney final won the nomination, you predicted he would win in a landslide.

You don’t know shit about politics, so STFU.

BigT February 19, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Teddy Turner is the opposite of his dad, whereas Sanford is Ted Turner Sr. Lite.
Not to mention: FITS is trying to Sink teddy…so he must be the Conservative in the race.
FITS saying anything nice about Grooms does not help Grooms AT ALL w/ Tim Scott Conservatives…
Sanford and Kuhn are already DQs based on their past…

Wanabejedi February 19, 2013 at 12:36 pm

another famous T endorsement. Sorry Teddy looks like your finished

Sailor February 19, 2013 at 12:59 pm

A fucking men! The kiss of death!

BigT February 19, 2013 at 4:11 pm

I voted for Haley over Sheheen. she won. And Gingrich, who I voted for in the SC GOP Primary, won it.
And how many others now wish we’d have let loose Newt on Obama…Don’t know if Newt would have won, but he would have Beaten the livin’ $#!* out of Obama in the debates. He would have called out your savior for the Dirtbag he is…Can you imagine Newt’s ads…(I can only dream)…
And you lowlife Pieces of #*#* no doubt voted for Obama and he got his @$$ kicked in SC. So did Sheheen. Not to mention I was right (already) about Obama’s abject failure, again…
So you might need to STFU about trailing after loser after loser.

vicupstate February 19, 2013 at 7:42 pm

Big T you only endorsed and predicted Newt would win AFTER

you predicted victory for and supported Michelle Bachmann,

and Donald Trump

and Rick Perry

and Herman Cain

and after Newt crashed and burned,

you predicted victory for and supported Rick Santorum

when Romney final won the nomination, you predicted he would win in a landslide.

You don’t know shit about politics, so STFU.

Philip Branton February 19, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Dear Larry Grooms…….

According to the “Art of Politics” your next move after going “LIVE” is to grab a BROOM..!!

Larry, just exactly why do you want to go to DC in the first place.!? What exactly are YOU going to do differently than any other GOPer..!? How are you going to be more articulate that TREY GOWDY..!?

It sure is heartening that YOU seem to really know how to USE this website.!?> We wonder if YOU have left any comments on any article that Wil Folks has written to understand HOW you think..!??

Larry….just how valuable is our areas TRAIN TRACK easements…!? DO you know LArry…!?! How much does the BEACH Company have invested in “parks”….!?

Larry…….you really need to have a meeting with our entire campaign staff and social media buffs….!! More Billboards LArry…??? More radio spots on WTMA…!?! More …WHAT Larry..?? What are you going to do differently..?? Go down and ask Brian Hicks some questions…!?!

Larry… you WANT to WIN or are you just a blocker for Colbert Busch…???

Philip Branton February 19, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Dear Larry Grooms…….

According to the “Art of Politics” your next move after going “LIVE” is to grab a BROOM..!!

Larry, just exactly why do you want to go to DC in the first place.!? What exactly are YOU going to do differently than any other GOPer..!? How are you going to be more articulate that TREY GOWDY..!?

It sure is heartening that YOU seem to really know how to USE this website.!?> We wonder if YOU have left any comments on any article that Wil Folks has written to understand HOW you think..!??

Larry….just how valuable is our areas TRAIN TRACK easements…!? DO you know LArry…!?! How much does the BEACH Company have invested in “parks”….!?

Larry…….you really need to have a meeting with our entire campaign staff and social media buffs….!! More Billboards LArry…??? More radio spots on WTMA…!?! More …WHAT Larry..?? What are you going to do differently..?? Go down and ask Brian Hicks some questions…!?!

Larry… you WANT to WIN or are you just a blocker for Colbert Busch…???

Beaufort R February 19, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Good ad. Way better than Sanfraud’s. Looks like their campaign put some $$$ into it.

Beaufort R February 19, 2013 at 1:29 pm

Good ad. Way better than Sanfraud’s. Looks like their campaign put some $$$ into it.

Philip Branton February 19, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Dear Larry Grooms….who did this ad..??

“Sure….all the candidates for congress are talking conservative….but only 1 has the record to back it up..!! Our Senator Larry Grooms…business man and taxpayer hero…”

What….??? (Fist Pounds..) The same Senator Grooms who said SQUAT for giving BOEING 900 MILLION with out letting taxpayers know until after the FACT..?? That sounds like Nancy Pelosi talking about Obama CARE…!!

“..Champion of JOBS and defender of our values..??”

WHAT..?? (Fist POUNDs….) Geez, just ask the BOEING workers now since the Union Bosses got miffed and “fracked” the Li-Ion batteries that have grounded whose PENSIONS…!?!?!

Bravo…Larry……BRAVO…!!! (clap, clap, clap)

“Larry Grooms will fight to cut wasteful Washington spending…and defend our 2nd amendment rights….We know we can trust Larry to do the right thing because his record proves he has done the right thing….”

LOL….LOL…….Geez, the only thing that Larry (or Mark or Colbert-Busch) has proven is that with these types of campaign ads …nothing will change the fact that taxpayers and readers of FITSNEWS are being fed the same ol’ BULL…!!!!

Where was Larry at on the SC State University funding fiasco..???

Where was Larry when Mayor Summey put wind turbines on top of North Charleston City Hall…???? How tall are REAL wind Turbines..?? 60 feet…Larry…??

Where has Larry been on our slavery to foreign OIL..!?!

Where has Larry been on the JAMES/Johns Island Connector completion…??

Where has Larry been on 2 Million dollar BEACH front lots….as PARKS..!?!?

Where is Larry’s trash trucked to using foreign oil to be be DUMPED…!?!

Where is Larry when GRAVES get moved for Mayor Riley and new development..??

Where has Larry been on Sequestration and our national BUDGET….???

Where was Larry when SCETV sold off all their network BANDWIDTH that could have been used for OUR schools and education without having to PAY a middleman…??

I think citizens need to enjoy a Charm’s Blowpop and take time to count their WALLET…!!

Philip Branton February 19, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Dear Larry Grooms….who did this ad..??

“Sure….all the candidates for congress are talking conservative….but only 1 has the record to back it up..!! Our Senator Larry Grooms…business man and taxpayer hero…”

What….??? (Fist Pounds..) The same Senator Grooms who said SQUAT for giving BOEING 900 MILLION with out letting taxpayers know until after the FACT..?? That sounds like Nancy Pelosi talking about Obama CARE…!!

“..Champion of JOBS and defender of our values..??”

WHAT..?? (Fist POUNDs….) Geez, just ask the BOEING workers now since the Union Bosses got miffed and “fracked” the Li-Ion batteries that have grounded whose PENSIONS…!?!?!

Bravo…Larry……BRAVO…!!! (clap, clap, clap)

“Larry Grooms will fight to cut wasteful Washington spending…and defend our 2nd amendment rights….We know we can trust Larry to do the right thing because his record proves he has done the right thing….”

LOL….LOL…….Geez, the only thing that Larry (or Mark or Colbert-Busch) has proven is that with these types of campaign ads …nothing will change the fact that taxpayers and readers of FITSNEWS are being fed the same ol’ BULL…!!!!

Where was Larry at on the SC State University funding fiasco..???

Where was Larry when Mayor Summey put wind turbines on top of North Charleston City Hall…???? How tall are REAL wind Turbines..?? 60 feet…Larry…??

Where has Larry been on our slavery to foreign OIL..!?!

Where has Larry been on the JAMES/Johns Island Connector completion…??

Where has Larry been on 2 Million dollar BEACH front lots….as PARKS..!?!?

Where is Larry’s trash trucked to using foreign oil to be be DUMPED…!?!

Where is Larry when GRAVES get moved for Mayor Riley and new development..??

Where has Larry been on Sequestration and our national BUDGET….???

Where was Larry when SCETV sold off all their network BANDWIDTH that could have been used for OUR schools and education without having to PAY a middleman…??

I think citizens need to enjoy a Charm’s Blowpop and take time to count their WALLET…!!

CD1 February 19, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Best ad yet.

CD1 February 19, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Best ad yet.

Tootsie February 19, 2013 at 8:34 pm

See that orange railroad engine model on his desk? Given to him by CSX. Grooms is chairman of the senate transportation committee that approves all board appointments to the ports authority. Grooms has done nothing to prevent Haley from pulling off the “Savannah sellout”.

SC09 February 20, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Whats the point of saying that engine was given to him by CSX? That is a
model of a Pickens Railway engine [] a
privately owned shortline railroad operating in the upstate. If you think he is playing favorites in the Class 1 Railroad game, think again.

SwampFox12 February 21, 2013 at 5:43 pm

What’s your point about the engine being given to him by CSX? First off that’s not even a CSX engine, that is a model of a Pickens Railway locomotive ( one of several privately owned short-line railroads across SC. Second, so what if it was given to him by CSX (which I seriously doubt it was)…Grooms clearly isn’t playing favorites in the Class 1 Railroad game (see Port of Charleston Dual Rail Access debacle)

Tootsie February 19, 2013 at 7:34 pm

See that orange railroad engine model on his desk? Given to him by CSX. Grooms is chairman of the senate transportation committee that approves all board appointments to the ports authority. Grooms has done nothing to prevent Haley from pulling off the “Savannah sellout”.

SC09 February 20, 2013 at 11:11 am

Whats the point of saying that engine was given to him by CSX? That is a
model of a Pickens Railway engine [] a
privately owned shortline railroad operating in the upstate. If you think he is playing favorites in the Class 1 Railroad game, think again.

SwampFox12 February 21, 2013 at 4:43 pm

What’s your point about the engine being given to him by CSX? First off that’s not even a CSX engine, that is a model of a Pickens Railway locomotive ( one of several privately owned short-line railroads across SC. Second, so what if it was given to him by CSX (which I seriously doubt it was)…Grooms clearly isn’t playing favorites in the Class 1 Railroad game (see Port of Charleston Dual Rail Access debacle)

James February 19, 2013 at 11:08 pm

I haven’t researched a lot about Larry Grooms yet, but I have to say this is a great ad!

James February 19, 2013 at 10:08 pm

I haven’t researched a lot about Larry Grooms yet, but I have to say this is a great ad!

Fire Obama February 19, 2013 at 11:11 pm

Did Mick Mulvaney really endorse Larry Grooms? If he did then Larry has my vote, we need someone like Mulvaney in the first district.

Fire Obama February 19, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Did Mick Mulvaney really endorse Larry Grooms? If he did then Larry has my vote, we need someone like Mulvaney in the first district.

Boomer February 20, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Mulvaney has endorsed and the rumor is Jeff Duncan will soon follow suit.

Susan Parker February 20, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Mulvaney AND Duncan? Guess I should pay a little more attention!

Boomer February 20, 2013 at 6:50 pm

Mulvaney has endorsed and the rumor is Jeff Duncan will soon follow suit.

Susan Parker February 20, 2013 at 8:12 pm

Mulvaney AND Duncan? Guess I should pay a little more attention!

Steven February 20, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Good job

Steven February 20, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Good job


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