The Wire: 2/19/2013

Welcome to the wire! This is the maiden voyage of our tip/ comment/ question/ snippet format since launching the new FITS design last week, so we hope you will bear with us. Who’s in the news today? Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford – whose “comeback” congressional campaign launched its first television…

Welcome to the wire! This is the maiden voyage of our tip/ comment/ question/ snippet format since launching the new FITS design last week, so we hope you will bear with us.

Who’s in the news today? Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford – whose “comeback” congressional campaign launched its first television ad this week. Sanford’s ad was a big national news story – in fact it was picked up by political blogger Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post in a piece exploring the willingness of voters to forgive elected officials for their mistakes.

“The test for Sanford – and the limits of forgiveness – may well not come in the crowded GOP primary but rather in the April 2 runoff,” Cillizza writes. “Sanford, thanks to his name identification and money, is expected to be the leading vote-getter on March 19. But, if no candidate gets above 50 percent (and no one is expected to) then the two frontrunners face one another in two weeks time.”

“A one-on-one race will function as something close to a straight referendum on Sanford, what he has done and what he says he will do,” Cillizza continues. “It will also be a test of how much voters are willing to forgive – and how long that process takes.  Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner – among others – will be paying close attention.”

That’s true …

Even Sanford’s consultants have acknowledged to FITS the “danger zone” he faces in a runoff election – not to mention the fact whoever wins the GOP nomination will be facing a credible Democrat in Elizabeth Colbert-Busch.

Anyway, to the wire!


wire feb 19 tablet



Agree with you Elizabeth Colbert-Busch has a wasteful position doing business development for Clemson’s “Hunley Institute.” Serious question though: Who is doing her job while she is busy campaigning for Congress?

FITS: That is a good question. We know she’s taking a leave of absence. Not sure if it’s paid or not. We’ll try to find out …



Making sure you saw this …

“Brevard Community College has completed its investigation into allegations of misconduct against Associate Professor Sharon Sweet, following a complaint in September 2012 that she was forcing students in her class to sign a pledge card to vote for President Obama and other Democratic candidates in the November 2012 election …

… BCC said that the findings showed that Professor Sweet’s actions violated several College policies.”

FITS: What are you talking about? All must bow!



Thank you for letting people know about how SCDEW fired Whitney Merckle right in front of her daughter. That just wasn’t right. Now, if you could; investigate the fraternizing friendship between SCDEW’s newest CIO, Neil Adcox and how the Chief Information Security Officer with only an associate degree, no IT certifications, no real security training and no previous management gets hired for a job that didn’t interview a single candidate. Especially after the SCDOR incident. All state agencies are increasing IT security to avoid another 40 million in taxpayers money being spent to fix it while SCDEW went from 6 down to 3 technicians and the way SCDEW did it is to get rid of the higher paid (more knowledgeable) technicians and keep the 3 junior technicians. 

FITS: Hmmm … “fraternizing?” Do tell …



Just in case you need to know:

Chief Justice Jean H. Toal will deliver her State of the Judiciary address on Feb. 20 at noon. Her speech will be broadcast live on the Internet and will be archived for later viewing. The live broadcast can be accessed from the S.C. Legislature website. A link to the archived version will be posted on the Judicial Department’s website following the address.”

FITS: Wundebar. Danke …



I have always known this website and its “funded editor” was secretly in league with Nikki Haley and recent coverage proves my point. Since the new year Fits has been laying off Haley and busting the chops of top legislators like (Bobby) Harrell and (Hugh) Leatherman. How long before Fits endorses Haley for governor AGAIN?

FITS: We will never endorse Haley again. For governor or dog catcher. And if you think we’ve been “laying off” of her, we think our coverage says otherwise. Having said all that, “funded editor” is pretty funny.



Nikki Haley’s family business has more tax problems. Is she still their accountant?

FITS: Ha! Good question …



who's hot state house

I think it’s time you revived the “Who’s Hot at the State House” tradition. Do you even remember doing that? It’s what got your website on the map if I recall. You should do a post and seek entries. Lots of fine young talent over there.

FITS: Course we remember. And that’s a good idea.



On your cradle to grave story on this page about Early Childhood Centers, I have heard that the facility in Manning, SC evens gives away vouchers for new sets of car tires for the families involved in the program. Also heard, that they are trading the tire vouchers for food stamps. You may want to review this as a possible tie-in to the failure of the program.

FITS: Actually that was a post by Neal McCluskey of The Cato Institute, but we wholeheartedly endorse his conclusions … as for your tip we will look into it. Sounds worth pursuing.



Some local rapper in York County has a song to S.C. Circuit Court Judge John Hayes. I guess he’s mad his buddy got a 25 year sentence …

FITS: “Pistol why you mad?” Ha! We can dig it.




The people of SC, from the upstate to Columbia, down to Charleston need to hear the truth about the gross mismanagement by the leaders of the Medical University of SC hospital.

I’m specifically speaking about how the Registered Nurses are being forced to leave early or be “flexed” off all or part of a shift with the result of massive reductions in pay. Patient safety is being compromised daily due to this, patient satisfaction in there health care is also spiraling downwards.

We are told of monetary shortfalls and how we must save money, so MUSC’s answer to this is to axe the bedside nurses hours, severly and continuously, but the upper management from the new CEO to the countless nurse managers…countless…have taken NO reduction in pay, none, not even spoke of.

This is a gross injustice that all must know and the favoritism STOP!

How can this message be spread FITS??

FITS: You’re spreading it now …



Here’s another blog devoted to ripping the Charleston School of Law …

FITS: Awww … memories.



Will, if you wind up going to war with the Fourth Circuit you will find your quiver full of arrows. The office is even more corrupt since you ran Jay Hodge off. I can suggest several well-placed FOIAs.

FITS: Sounds like a plan … let us know.



Is this a real thing?

harlem shake

FITS: Fuck if we know. Ask Charlie Rangel …



“You want it all but you can’t have it …”


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Smirks February 19, 2013 at 11:29 am

More info on SCDEW please. I’m interested.

So they reduced their IT crowd from 6 to 3? Got rid of the more experienced people? Were they actually more talented or was it possible they were incompetent and just had the “experience” of being there for a long time? Are they replacing any of these positions, either with FT employees or contract employees? And what’s this about an IS guy with an associates degree and no certs? What is his background? Who is he related to? Who else is he buddy-buddy with? Anything odd about his work history?

FITS, you need to hammer these agencies unmercifully with this shit. Make these CIOs wet the bed at the mere thought of a security breach. If they are left comfortable, they’ll just do the same old shit of letting go talented IT people and hiring a bunch of do-nothings into management positions and any two-bit script kiddie will have their way with our personal information. Keep putting thumb tacks on their seats and they’ll be forced to make the effort to at least look before they sit down.

And that goes to the readers too. If you know something, spill the beans! Help hold these fuckers accountable!

Smirks February 19, 2013 at 10:29 am

More info on SCDEW please. I’m interested.

So they reduced their IT crowd from 6 to 3? Got rid of the more experienced people? Were they actually more talented or was it possible they were incompetent and just had the “experience” of being there for a long time? Are they replacing any of these positions, either with FT employees or contract employees? And what’s this about an IS guy with an associates degree and no certs? What is his background? Who is he related to? Who else is he buddy-buddy with? Anything odd about his work history?

FITS, you need to hammer these agencies unmercifully with this shit. Make these CIOs wet the bed at the mere thought of a security breach. If they are left comfortable, they’ll just do the same old shit of letting go talented IT people and hiring a bunch of do-nothings into management positions and any two-bit script kiddie will have their way with our personal information. Keep putting thumb tacks on their seats and they’ll be forced to make the effort to at least look before they sit down.

And that goes to the readers too. If you know something, spill the beans! Help hold these fuckers accountable!

Zzzzzzzz... February 19, 2013 at 11:43 am

“The former South Carolina governor, appearing Tuesday on NBC’s Today
show, acknowledged mistakes in his personal life but insisted he did
nothing wrong in 2009 — despite having paid $74,000 to settle charges
stemming from his affair that his personal travel and campaign spending
violated state ethics laws.

“There was no admission of guilt,” Sanford said. “This happened but by no means did we agree this happened.” ” USA Today/Catalina Camia

Sounds like Bill Clinton and the definition of “is” is….

Zzzzzzzz... February 19, 2013 at 10:43 am

“The former South Carolina governor, appearing Tuesday on NBC’s Today
show, acknowledged mistakes in his personal life but insisted he did
nothing wrong in 2009 — despite having paid $74,000 to settle charges
stemming from his affair that his personal travel and campaign spending
violated state ethics laws.

“There was no admission of guilt,” Sanford said. “This happened but by no means did we agree this happened.” ” USA Today/Catalina Camia

Sounds like Bill Clinton and the definition of “is” is….

Squishy123 February 19, 2013 at 2:05 pm

So, I guess the Lexington Mafia sting is officially swept under the rug.

Squishy123 February 19, 2013 at 1:05 pm

So, I guess the Lexington Mafia sting is officially swept under the rug.

9" February 19, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Fuck this shit.I wanna see Thad Vier’s dick!

9" February 19, 2013 at 3:06 pm

Fuck this shit.I wanna see Thad Vier’s dick!

H. Everman February 19, 2013 at 8:53 pm

This MUSC story should concern those who are seeking care there. The cuts are the result of the continued plan to cut 10-15% of the workforce. These cuts are primarily in patient care arenas where there are cuts to supplies, equipment, and yes, personnel with a focus on nursing. MUSC has a lot to lose in the affordable care act. There are planned state reductions to urban centers with respect to disproportionate share monies in favor of more rural hospitals. Hospitals that are already full and cannot see more patients will languish. MUSC has tried to offset this a bit by constructing patient rooms on the top two floors of the Ashley River Tower (floors previously used for offices and administration). There has been a lot going on there this year with a new funds flow model that moves clinical revenues to the Dean and a botched non-compete where the faculty senate hired attorneys to seek injunctive relief and won in court to prevent an overly restrictive and unfair, not to mention illegal action against state faculty. Where there is smoke, there is fire so they say! Keep up the reporting on this.

H. Everman February 19, 2013 at 7:53 pm

This MUSC story should concern those who are seeking care there. The cuts are the result of the continued plan to cut 10-15% of the workforce. These cuts are primarily in patient care arenas where there are cuts to supplies, equipment, and yes, personnel with a focus on nursing. MUSC has a lot to lose in the affordable care act. There are planned state reductions to urban centers with respect to disproportionate share monies in favor of more rural hospitals. Hospitals that are already full and cannot see more patients will languish. MUSC has tried to offset this a bit by constructing patient rooms on the top two floors of the Ashley River Tower (floors previously used for offices and administration). There has been a lot going on there this year with a new funds flow model that moves clinical revenues to the Dean and a botched non-compete where the faculty senate hired attorneys to seek injunctive relief and won in court to prevent an overly restrictive and unfair, not to mention illegal action against state faculty. Where there is smoke, there is fire so they say! Keep up the reporting on this.

Laurie February 20, 2013 at 2:13 am

Here is a new MUSC board of visitors appointee who worked for the Huron Group which is the company handling MUSC budget recommendations:
The Medical University of South Carolina has named Paul Kohlheim to the Board of Visitors.

“Members are nominated by the trustees of the university and serve as ambassadors in their respective regions,” according to a press release issued by the university.

Recently, Kohlheim worked at Huron Consulting Group as vice president of healthcare.

He lives on Sullivan’s Island with his wife Louise and their children, Julia and Marion.

Reach Lauren Sausser at 937-5598.

Laurie February 20, 2013 at 1:13 am

Here is a new MUSC board of visitors appointee who worked for the Huron Group which is the company handling MUSC budget recommendations:
The Medical University of South Carolina has named Paul Kohlheim to the Board of Visitors.

“Members are nominated by the trustees of the university and serve as ambassadors in their respective regions,” according to a press release issued by the university.

Recently, Kohlheim worked at Huron Consulting Group as vice president of healthcare.

He lives on Sullivan’s Island with his wife Louise and their children, Julia and Marion.

Reach Lauren Sausser at 937-5598.

Invisible hired help February 20, 2013 at 9:25 am

Anyone think Jean Toal will discuss how she brought in one of her ringer upstate circuit court judges in December, 2012 as a favor to Jahue Moore to hear a case and rule totally in Moore’s favor? Oh, that’s right. Roslyn Frierson at court administration did that. Toal knew nothing about it. Right.

Invisible hired help February 20, 2013 at 8:25 am

Anyone think Jean Toal will discuss how she brought in one of her ringer upstate circuit court judges in December, 2012 as a favor to Jahue Moore to hear a case and rule totally in Moore’s favor? Oh, that’s right. Roslyn Frierson at court administration did that. Toal knew nothing about it. Right.

anonymous February 20, 2013 at 11:17 am

Why would USC study the brains of 12 Democrats and 12 Republicans for 10 years so they can tell us they are different? We already knew that.

anonymous February 20, 2013 at 10:17 am

Why would USC study the brains of 12 Democrats and 12 Republicans for 10 years so they can tell us they are different? We already knew that.

eddie james February 20, 2013 at 5:27 pm

I was employed with DEW for five months last year. What angers me is that while they were spending money on these lavish trips and providing raises to select higher ups, I had to go to at least three workshops in Columbia and Charleston using my personal vehicle. DEW refused to reimburse gas or mileage (forget about meals) and each trip cost about $35 in gas alone. I was considered a temporary part time employee and considering how little I was making it would have been better if I called in sick, even though I didn’t get benefits.

eddie james February 20, 2013 at 4:27 pm

I was employed with DEW for five months last year. What angers me is that while they were spending money on these lavish trips and providing raises to select higher ups, I had to go to at least three workshops in Columbia and Charleston using my personal vehicle. DEW refused to reimburse gas or mileage (forget about meals) and each trip cost about $35 in gas alone. I was considered a temporary part time employee and considering how little I was making it would have been better if I called in sick, even though I didn’t get benefits.


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