Taxpayer Advocates Blast “La Socialista”

Taxpayer advocates are blasting The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper – a.k.a “La Socialista” – for its ongoing efforts in support of a $1.2 billion heist. We’re referring of course to the “Richland County Robbery,” a $1.2 billion tax hike which was “approved” by Richland County, S.C. voters in an illegal…

Taxpayer advocates are blasting The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper – a.k.a “La Socialista” – for its ongoing efforts in support of a $1.2 billion heist.

We’re referring of course to the “Richland County Robbery,” a $1.2 billion tax hike which was “approved” by Richland County, S.C. voters in an illegal election last November. Perhaps the most flagrant example of electoral fraud we’ve ever witnessed,  the “robbery” was a rigged election in which turnout in predominantly white, anti-tax hike districts was deliberately suppressed by corrupt officials with close ties to the pro-tax hike movement.

In an effort to right this wrong a group of local citizens has been pressing the county to conduct a new election – a recommendation we wholeheartedly endorse.

“Until the results of that election are scrapped and a new election is held, there is no justice for Richland County taxpayers,” we wrote recently.

The State? Not surprisingly it is trying to sweep the whole scandal under the rug …

In fact South Carolina’s second largest newspaper has been accused of practicing “hatchet journalism” against those who are suing for the right to have their votes counted.

The State newspaper usually expresses support for tax increases, so it wasn’t surprising to see the newspaper strongly advocate raising the Richland County sales tax,” taxpayer advocate Michael Letts wrote on his website. “What was surprising was the degree to which they’ve been willing to do a hatchet job on well-meaning citizens who opposed the tax increase.”

According to Letts, The State is not only refusing to print anything submitted by opponents of the tax hike – it is actively attacking them in its coverage.

The State’s only interest is in criticizing people who don’t share their views on political issues,” Letts added. “It’s hatchet journalism. Most newspapers would at least allow both sides of the issue to be published.”

That’s true … in fact this website frequently publishes columns from people we disagree with (even though our slogan is “Unfair, Imbalanced”).

“A billion dollars is a lot of money to tax and to spend,” Letts wrote. “Richland County shouldn’t be willing to pull that much money from the taxpayers’ pockets based on the results of a flawed election. The public trust is at stake.”

He is absolutely correct … sadly, The State is more interested in covering up the scandal and doing the robbers’ dirty work than actually getting to the bottom of what happened.

For shame …

We agree with Letts. The State is practicing “hatchet journalism.” Again.


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Smirks February 13, 2013 at 9:59 am

Who cares? The State is giving its last dying gasps. If they want to turn off the oxygen, far be it from me to stop them.

Observant February 13, 2013 at 4:40 pm


Smirks February 13, 2013 at 8:59 am

Who cares? The State is giving its last dying gasps. If they want to turn off the oxygen, far be it from me to stop them.

Observant February 13, 2013 at 3:40 pm


Walther February 13, 2013 at 10:33 am

Smirks is right about The Statist’s irrelevance but that doesn’t mean that they’re not thoroughly corrupt and incompetent. They’ve had so many staff reductions that the only thing that remains of their editorial staff is the affirmative action hires.

Government is the solution for everything according to The Statist folks. They have never seen a tax they didn’t like and never perceived a problem that they didn’t think could be solved by passing just one more law.

Walther February 13, 2013 at 9:33 am

Smirks is right about The Statist’s irrelevance but that doesn’t mean that they’re not thoroughly corrupt and incompetent. They’ve had so many staff reductions that the only thing that remains of their editorial staff is the affirmative action hires.

Government is the solution for everything according to The Statist folks. They have never seen a tax they didn’t like and never perceived a problem that they didn’t think could be solved by passing just one more law.

Lewis February 13, 2013 at 11:33 am

John Monk did a great job of covering the Richland County Election Fiasco. No doubt about it. But the guy is doing the work of 4. He has been a little soft on Jean Toal, but then there is much to do and no help.

Lewis February 13, 2013 at 10:33 am

John Monk did a great job of covering the Richland County Election Fiasco. No doubt about it. But the guy is doing the work of 4. He has been a little soft on Jean Toal, but then there is much to do and no help.

BrigidBernadette February 13, 2013 at 12:44 pm

They pay no tax, isn’t that correct? To the City of Columbia? They need to rezone that patch and make them pay property taxes to the City, then maybe they can claim some legitimacy. The Columbia Star provides actual local news and opinion. The State is merely a booster for their political agenda, and I really can’t stand the tweets bar across the top of local stories from Andy Shame and the other two, Beam and someone I cannot remember. Their ‘Governor Watch’ was ridiculous. Never do they include photos of dangerous criminals we are supposed to be on the look out for, and the new pay wall is absurd. They insult and disregard the majority of the citizens of the community they represent, great business model!

afmajret February 13, 2013 at 6:31 pm

They lost their claim to legitimacy when they were bought by Knight Ridder back in ’86.

WorkingTommyC February 15, 2013 at 2:26 pm

They and other newspapers get a tax exemption worth several million dollars from the crooks in the statehouse. They’re bought and paid for or, in other words, they’re just more of the establishment press. They’ll always be for tax increases just on the grounds of making sure that the elected crooks in the statehouse have enough money so they won’t come bothering newspapers to pay their fair share.

BrigidBernadette February 13, 2013 at 11:44 am

They pay no tax, isn’t that correct? To the City of Columbia? They need to rezone that patch and make them pay property taxes to the City, then maybe they can claim some legitimacy. The Columbia Star provides actual local news and opinion. The State is merely a booster for their political agenda, and I really can’t stand the tweets bar across the top of local stories from Andy Shame and the other two, Beam and someone I cannot remember. Their ‘Governor Watch’ was ridiculous. Never do they include photos of dangerous criminals we are supposed to be on the look out for, and the new pay wall is absurd. They insult and disregard the majority of the citizens of the community they represent, great business model!

afmajret February 13, 2013 at 5:31 pm

They lost their claim to legitimacy when they were bought by Knight Ridder back in ’86.

WorkingTommyC February 15, 2013 at 1:26 pm

They and other newspapers get a tax exemption worth several million dollars from the crooks in the statehouse. They’re bought and paid for or, in other words, they’re just more of the establishment press. They’ll always be for tax increases just on the grounds of making sure that the elected crooks in the statehouse have enough money so they won’t come bothering newspapers to pay their fair share.

9" February 13, 2013 at 7:55 pm

Calling The State,”La Socialista” makes me feel embarrassed for you;same sorta thing gets SC ranked last in the nation,and on SNL.The State hasn’t endorsed a Democrat for president since 1976,but your tongue is so far up Rich’s asshole,you’re used to the taste of spouting bullshit.The State is a lousy newspaper,but it’s a helluva lot better source of information than this Blow Job Blog…

BeaufortTiger February 14, 2013 at 9:09 am

And yet, here you are, posting away. Are you like BigT? Do you get off on people you are offended by that you just have to come back for more?

9" February 15, 2013 at 5:12 pm

i respect fits,but say what i think.he’s young and impressionable,likes good music,and gives great head-‘do get off on that…

9" February 13, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Calling The State,”La Socialista” makes me feel embarrassed for you;same sorta thing gets SC ranked last in the nation,and on SNL.The State hasn’t endorsed a Democrat for president since 1976,but your tongue is so far up Rich’s asshole,you’re used to the taste of spouting bullshit.The State is a lousy newspaper,but it’s a helluva lot better source of information than this Blow Job Blog…

BeaufortTiger February 14, 2013 at 8:09 am

And yet, here you are, posting away. Are you like BigT? Do you get off on people you are offended by that you just have to come back for more?

9" February 15, 2013 at 4:12 pm

i respect fits,but say what i think.he’s young and impressionable,likes good music,and gives great head-‘do get off on that…

TK February 14, 2013 at 12:25 pm

I remember when Letts got busted for trying to carry a gun into the SC Senate chamber back in the 80s because he was a constable or something.

TK February 14, 2013 at 11:25 am

I remember when Letts got busted for trying to carry a gun into the SC Senate chamber back in the 80s because he was a constable or something.


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