SC’s Assault On Academic Freedom Continues

Not content with denying choices to tens of thousands of low income students trapped in failing schools – or tens of thousands of middle income students stuck in mediocre schools – South Carolina’s education establishment is now seeking to impose its will upon home school families. Specifically, a trio of…

home school

Not content with denying choices to tens of thousands of low income students trapped in failing schools – or tens of thousands of middle income students stuck in mediocre schools – South Carolina’s education establishment is now seeking to impose its will upon home school families.

Specifically, a trio of status quo state lawmakers have filed bill which would require home school students to subject themselves to the same failed government accountability measures as their public school counterparts.

For those of you unfamiliar with state government’s definition of “accountability,” it consists of constantly weakening our academic standards to give the illusion of progress. And yet still falling short.

In fact this total lack of accountability is one reason so many parents have sought out (or tried to seek out) alternative solutions for their children’s education … and one reason state government works overtime to preserve its education monopoly.

However under H. 3748, home schooled children would be forced to take “state-approved standardized tests” – which of course would have to be administered by a government educrat (ka-CHING).

Sponsoring this nonsense are status quo S.C. Representatives Jenny Horne (RINO – Charleston), Doug Brannon (RINO – Spartanburg) and Mike Anthony (D – Union). Another Democrat, Joe Jefferson, took his name off of the legislation this week.

“This legislation is about power, pure and simple,” our friends at the Spartanburg Tea Party point out. “It galls the administrative bureaucracy to see students succeeding without their direction, and they are finally taking steps to bring them into their fold of failure. That’s the big government approach, isn’t it? Look to someone who is succeeding, and patronizingly regulate away everything that produced success in the first place.”

Exactly … well, that and making sure the power of the marketplace is never brought to bear on our state’s chronic academic woes. Because God forbid our children actually learn anything.

We oppose this legislation – and any further effort by government to expand its failed “accountability” programs. In fact it is well past time this state acknowledged the failure of its $9 billion-a-year government school experiment and let the market provide real accountability over academic achievement.

H. 3748


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? February 7, 2013 at 3:37 pm

“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

Old Bike Dude February 7, 2013 at 3:44 pm

32,000 South Carolina students being taught by uncertified teachers with no accountability. Hey Jack, if they wanna play varsity sports, get a diploma, and be considered eligible for college, then mommies little fair haired home schooled boy is gonna have to nut up and take an exam.

interested February 7, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Old Bike Dude – they do take exams. There is overall accountability for what the students fail to learn. I know about this program first hand. Students who are bright can move ahead: students who need additional help can get it. So I understand this is the internet and all, but your post seemed to indicate that home school is somehow inferior. “uncertified teachers, no accountability…little fair haired….”

rwwllms February 7, 2013 at 4:59 pm

OBD you really have no clue do you? Get your head out of your ass.

Fleet February 7, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Fits-When is your boat going to be paid off? Howie Rich’s payments to you aren’t going to last forever.

FunkyChicken February 7, 2013 at 4:00 pm

What are you afraid of Poon Tang Willie?

SC Pleb February 7, 2013 at 4:09 pm

SC government knows what’s best for your kids and ultimately is responsible for them, not you parents.

Sure, SC can’t maintain roads, run a school system commensurate to its level of funding in terms of other states achievement, or balance a budget in several of its core agencies- but SC can tell you to bring your little brats in to make sure they are at least failing at the same level as the rest of the state.

Ultimately they are the children of SC, not parents. Do as you are told.

ICOMMUTE1.5HOURSTWODAYSAWEEK February 7, 2013 at 4:33 pm

“For those of you unfamiliar with state government’s definition of “accountability,” it consists of constantly weakening our academic standards to give the illusion of progress. And yet still falling short.”

not sure how this would hurt homeschoolers. If the bar is set low and continually lowered then they should have no problem. It is my understanding that if a standard score to pass is say 70 you are not penalized for making a 90.

rwwllms February 7, 2013 at 5:01 pm

It’s just another way for some worthless educrat to get his slimy hands in your pocket. Educrats can’t stand it that they can’t steal money from home schooled children like they can from public schooled ones.

Anonymous February 8, 2013 at 6:29 am

Well if the real complaint is that the standardized tests will cost homeschoolers money – why isn’t that incredibly expensive fee mentioned in the article? The chief complaint seems to be about lowering standards and making homeschoolers participate. By all accounts from this article, homeschoolers should blow these tests out of the water! What’s the real problem?

Anonymous February 8, 2013 at 6:32 am

You do realize that there are homeschooling parents who fall short of expectations don’t you? Just like there are teachers in public schools that are not excellent. What’s wrong with making sure homeschoolers at LEAST measure up to the lowest standards of the state?

? February 8, 2013 at 10:09 am

Is anyone checking up on you to make sure you meet the minimum standards of their idea of value to humanity?

Let alone mandating that you come in and test for it?

La Gloria Cubana February 7, 2013 at 4:50 pm

Screw thIs bill. Almost every home schooled kid I’ve ever met can run circles around the Leftbots coming from the State sponsored terrorists, um, I mean schools. In a different time, I’d be seeking to impale these folks for trying to propogandize in totality, our most precious resources, our kids. Now, I’ll just work to have them voted out.

Joan of Arc February 7, 2013 at 4:56 pm

My kids are going to get a first hand lesson in nullification if this bill passes.

this February 7, 2013 at 5:01 pm

By ICOMMUTE1.5HOURSTWODAYSAWEEK February 7, 2013 at 4:33 pm
“For those of you unfamiliar with state government’s definition of “accountability,” it consists of constantly weakening our academic standards to give the illusion of progress. And yet still falling short.”
not sure how this would hurt homeschoolers. If the bar is set low and continually lowered then they should have no problem. It is my understanding that if a standard score to pass is say 70 you are not penalized for making a 90.

davis February 7, 2013 at 6:17 pm

The problem with school legislation is that the people making the decisions have never taught a day, but think they have some God given knowledge of what is best. As a 34 year veteran of the classroom, I can tell you that public education is about socialization not education. These same people who champion the virtues of public education would never go to a public health clinic for their health care.They are about reelection, not what is best for S.C. students. As it stands now we are creating an elete class of people in those that can afford a private education. I have yet to visit a private school that has to have a policeman on campus for security.

9" February 7, 2013 at 6:46 pm

34 years? It’s a shame you haven’t gotten a diploma,yet.

hhuuhh?? February 8, 2013 at 10:39 am

…or, learned how to spell “elite” yet.

I graduated from a private school decades ago. I sub in a private school. There are literally a handful of “elite” private schools in this state. The vast majority are segregation academies. I have seen 6th graders who cannot tell time on a non-digital clock and cannot produce cursive writing. The decline that has happened in the public schools is in the private. I have a sneaking suspicion it can to followed back to our colleges of education.

I Also Believe in the Easter Bunny! February 7, 2013 at 6:21 pm

Howie Rich REALLY cares about all those low income kids trapped in crummy schools!

BIN News Editorial Staff February 7, 2013 at 6:24 pm

sic(k) willie, “you ignorant slut :)

sic(k) willie really gets steamed when our Funding Editor uses that classic line from Saturday Night Live to describe him.

It fits FITS (nice pun) perfectly when you realize that Howie the Carpetbugget is also a voucher pimp.

Everyone has choices in education. Plenty.

Claiming otherwise is just a lie.

Right now, sic(k) willie’s pants are on fire.

Requiring home schools students to take the same standardized tests required of public school students makes sense.

sic(k)? How about your opinion on raising the bar in South Carolina? Currently, the law only requires a “minimally adequate” education. Next time you cash one of Howie’s checks, tell him to fix that.

BIN News Editorial Staff

Anonymous February 7, 2013 at 9:10 pm

Bin News, are you just here trolling for “editorial” content? It is obvious you lack the skills and originality to scrounge up your own. A wanna be copycat? You attempt to manipulate the media on this site – how provocative of you. Anger is a powerful motivator isn’t it? What are your goals? To draw attention to yourself, driving up you own page views and money in your pocket? Thought so. Your alias is even fake – what reputable news source would hire you? They wouldn’t. That is why you are here, being used as a media pimp, I just haven’t figured out by who yet.

FITSNEWS is much nicer than I am, I would block you from the site. Your intentions are none other than to manipulate the media for your own personal gain. From basic Google searches, your beliefs are all over the board, you are on the hunt for your cut. I am sure there are a bunch of other bloggers out there that might not recognize your tactics. This site is appealing to you for one reason – SC’s best blog spot.

Anonymous February 7, 2013 at 6:45 pm

Wait, all you education posers that just can’t let Lil Joey get from under mommy’s apron, we nor the state have no idea of the effectiveness of the teaching of 32,000 school age students in which all truancy rules have been waived. But wait, you want more, many home schoolers want to play SCHSL sports. That’s cool, but first you gotta prove your eligibility. Here in the Lowcountry we have a pretty large cult church and therefore we know a lot of homeschoolers. We know the borderline illegal acts by their church but worse yet we know many of the parent teachers. We need this testing.
If these facts piss you off well then fuck you. I gave tact the day off.

Elguero February 7, 2013 at 8:41 pm

Since the state system is so watered down and produces nothing of value, and since the home school approach is so superior, why is there any hesitancy to take these tests? Seems like the home school kids could pass these tests in their sleep if I’m to believe all their wonderful achievements.

baker February 7, 2013 at 9:16 pm

Since education is compulsory in the state, it only makes sense that the state would require some registration of home schooled kids.

I don’t have strong feelings about them taking tests, but if people are so convinced that home schoolers do better than others, then what’s the big deal?

9" February 7, 2013 at 10:18 pm

made the mistake of giving an 11 year-old,home-schooled nephew(parents are Christians,etc) a book for xmas

he don’t read,yet.praise jesus,and freedom from academic tyranny

Anonymous February 8, 2013 at 7:03 am

The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right. The bill is nothing more than an attempt to make it more difficult to home school. I am sure there are many of you who prefer to make it so difficult that they have no choice but to put them in a public education system. Expanding the role of government by any means possible, but have considered the impact it could have on public education? The costs associated?

For all you whiners, who don’t want to take responsibility for your own child’s upbringing, that is fine, but don’t try to deny those who do the right. And please stop pretending that you give one rats ass about the “academic” standards, if you did, you’d be supporting school choice, S.279 to improve education for all. How can you defend a system that has one of the lowest graduation rates in the nation? One that taxpayers pour a ton money into, with marginal improvement. A small portion of $ allocated to public education ever make their way to the classrooms due to a top heavy administration.

I don’t home school, but I believe every parent should have that very basic right.

AAG February 10, 2013 at 2:07 am

What’s being denied to home schoolers? The test just ensures they are up to par. All students that attend school take it. This test isn’t going to stop anyone from homeschooling, just measures where they are.

La Gloria Cubana February 8, 2013 at 7:24 am

Well said, Anonymous, this is merely a “camel under the tent” bill that is seeking to eventually strip homeschoolers of their traditional American rights. Let’s face it, at it’s core, public school advocates only care about two things: (1) ever more cash, and (2) the indoctrination of kids into the Democrat party. That’s it… end of story. Thus, homeschoolers really piss these advocates off, and, represent the greatest threat to their totalitarian ambitions.

Les Mismanagement February 8, 2013 at 7:59 am

Don’t colleges have entrance exams any more? The military still have the ASVAB? Employement agencies and employers test for job skills, English and Math? The State would seem like just another middle-man justifying their position.

Smirks February 8, 2013 at 8:32 am

Considering the rise in the number of students sleeping with their teachers nowadays, homeschooling could be a good thing or it could be a very, very bad thing.

Seriously, though, homeschooling has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the parent to make sure they provide their kid with adequate education if they choose to teach them at home.

I have to admit, I don’t know much about homeschooling. Do the kids have to just get their GED? Do they pass some kind of exit exam thingy and get a diploma of some kind? I think there should be some sort of test to prove you have obtained enough of an education to do either one, and it is in the kid’s best interest to take the SAT or ACT at least once, but that’s about it.

Some of the standardized tests they made me take in public school were just flat out annoying. I’d rather have written sentences instead. It’s fine if the public school wants to run its own testing to gauge the quality of the education they are giving, but failing those tests badly doesn’t matter as long as you pass the exit exam and enough of your classes, right? No point in forcing the gauging of homeschooling, and if the exams don’t amount to a hill of beans towards a public school student graduating, it damn sure doesn’t matter to anyone outside of the public schooling system.

? February 8, 2013 at 9:19 am


I have four kids being homeschooled by my wife who graduated summa cum laude from a fairly prestigious university.(my “better half” is an understatement)

The bottom line is this, it’s not anyones business if my kids turn out to be illiterate or functionally retarded.

Some of the asswipes here might argue that “society”(meaning gov’t) might have to carry costs associated with them being so, but “society/gov’t” has made that decision, not me. Further, it’s quite obvious that the gov’t has trouble producing educated students already-so mandating mine take their stupid tests is laughable.

In the mean time, my kids are just that…MINE.

Not SC’s, nor any of the business of the fuckers out there that want to extend the grubby hands of our dysfunctional gov’t on them, etc.

They can all kiss my ass.

I’ll move out of state and take my business with me(which pays quite a bit in taxes already to support the dysfunctional school systems that I don’t use) if this shit passes.

I can understand why a couple of Dems sponsored this bill,(the underlying philosophy has no practical limitation on gov’t), but the Republicans? Disgusting. Yet another reason I hate Republicans just a little more than Dems(because they are more inherently dishonest).

AAG February 10, 2013 at 2:31 am

Uh, you guys, please… Home schooled kids are a mixed bag just like all other kids. It depends on the quality of education they get at home and socializing isn’t that difficult to get around to. I have met some kids that were home schooled that were amazing and I have met some that just were not prepared. Home schooling is a really difficult job and most people just can’t do it either because the parents work or because they just can’t sustain the work load for a variety of reasons. If possible, there aren’t many situations where one on one teaching would not be superior. I would home school if I could but I work, so I find a decent public school (yes, those exist) and involve myself where I can. And I am not a bible-thumping super christian. There are lots of reasons people choose to home school. Boxing them into a stereo-type does no one any good. That being said, having them take the same test that kids in school take is an important part in measuring our kids progress and education level. If home schooling is such a far superior form for everyone, then prove it by test. It’s useful for research.

Education is a right February 10, 2013 at 5:47 am

Education is a right, even if it is a crappy education.

It is a right we are going to force you to comply with because we know what is best for your kids.

You will take the test to make sure you are teaching your kids what WE want them to know. End of story.

Yes, we are involved with our own lives, such as the poster above, “I would home school if I could but I work, so I find a decent public school (yes, those exist) and involve myself where I can.”

But as you can see, even if we don’t have time/energy to invest in our own kids education to your degree, we still want them tested because we care about your kids more than our own.

Anonymous February 8, 2013 at 10:09 am

@By – ROTFL. What you said, isn’t nearly as funny as how you said it. I think many who pay the brunt of state taxes in SC feel the same way, we can move to another state and take our tax $ with us. Enough is enough – parents rights continue to erode and I too am fed up with it.

They can bring all the jobs they want to SC, but no one wants to live in a nanny state. I absolutely detest the government’s attempts at hindering my rights as parent, or even attempting to undermine them in “some” of the public schools.

Pluff Mud February 8, 2013 at 10:14 am

A friend home schools her kids. The oldest just graduated college and the 2nd oldest is in the Clemson Honors College studying engineering. Not too shabby for an “uncertified” teacher.

School Choice Now February 8, 2013 at 5:18 pm

“As it stands now we are creating an elete class of people in those that can afford a private education. I have yet to visit a private school that has to have a policeman on campus for security.”

Good. Dragging everyone down to the lowest level helps no one.

The best Americans shouldn’t be forced down to the level of trash.

Common Sense February 8, 2013 at 7:04 pm

I wish i could say this wasnt true but almost every single home schooled person I have ever met was a social disaster and suffered for missing the social interaction that goes with going to a public school.
Tell me if im wrong but seems like a majority of home schooled kids are little weirdos who believe the world is 6 thousand years old and cave men rode on the back of dinosaurs..come to think of it I bet sid was home schooled …

? February 8, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Nah, you’re wrong. It’s probably related to the social circles you travel in.

La Gloria Cubana February 8, 2013 at 10:14 pm

Common Sense, not only will I tell you that you’re wrong, I’ll tell you that you are probably lying through your teeth. Seriously, the only home schooler that you’ve likely even known was yourself… and that is you staying HOME, SCHOOLING your dong.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 9:45 am

judging by the response i hit it right on the head. Let me guess …you both home schooled right?? evident by Glorias outstanding command of the English language..what a witty response. Well you guys can always have those strange parties for your kids that no other kids attend except some cousin who screams the whole way to the party..”i dont want to hang with those weirdo home schooled kids” and other members of your tea party group.

Thanks for proving my point.

? February 9, 2013 at 11:56 am

“Let me guess …you both home schooled right?”

You don’t read so well do you?

“Glorias outstanding command of the English language”

”i dont want to hang with those weirdo home schooled kids”

Don’t throw too many rocks from inside your glass house fuck face.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Looks like i really hit a nerve huh ? Obviously you dont understand the cliche you are regurgitating as to be relevant i would have to be a home schooled weirdo like you are and thats not the case..better luck next time fuck face..keep trying… its good people with limited abilities keep trying so keep it up fuck face.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 1:41 pm

oh and why wont you answer my question? again too close to home huh? guess we already know the answer..thanks for reinforcing my point.

? February 9, 2013 at 2:26 pm

So obviously, not only can you not write, you can’t read. I answered your question.

How am I supposed to argue with an illiterate pussy like yourself?

Am I supposed to dumb myself down to illogical grandstanding in an attempt to communicate with you in a way that you might understand? How about a series of incomprehensible grunts and motions? Or maybe I should speak in queef, I’ll have to get a translator…but I bet you’ll understand that.

Jesus, you are the perfect example of why I’d never expose my kids to filth like yourself in public schools. Mind your own fucking business douchebag.

If you put half the energy you invest in worrying about homeschoolers towards the miserable public schools(on the whole) you might have something to be proud of instead of worrying about what other people are doing with their kids.

Anonymous February 9, 2013 at 3:18 pm

i could care less how you raise your kids. By all means keep up with the government is out to get you and the permanent victim-hood of the tea party all means the world needs more idiots to feed the GOP machine..The question was ..and ill go slow as obviously you didnt go to a public school and your comprehension skills are challenged to say the least but back to the home schooling..was it because the short bus didnt go out to the trailer park that year or some other reason..that nasty evolution theory or something along that line?..You obviously learned to communicate effectively with such classy catchy phrases as ..”fuck face..” nice ….”queef?” you must be a great example for your kids. I dont worry about home schooled kids..i feel sorry for them ..How they miss out on sports, dating, and hearing other know all those things you hate.
it was merely a question if most had the same experience i had which was that many home schooled kids cant communicate or operate effectively due to lack of social interaction..then your comments came along and reinforced my very questions and initial beliefs..thanks simple one..shouldnt you be out hang drying your cammo clothes as the monthly trip to wal mart is just around the corner?

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 3:19 pm

hey fuck face want to make sure you know its posted before i could enter info..just to be clear..i know its hard for you to think so i want to help out the less fortunate

? February 9, 2013 at 3:28 pm

Holy cow, all that and not one salient point? Nice rant. It’s clear who the white trash is.

The moment you showed yourself derelict in character I decided to get right down into the gutter with you.

I’m quite comfortable with it, AS I WENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL in several “tough” areas.

It’s why I don’t send my kids to one, among other reasons.

I used to beat up on kids like you, especially in high school. I was a “weirdo” in that I played sports but also belonged to the chess club. Get the picture?

I used to stand up for the “weirdo”‘s to dickheads like you. Your type is always the same, all blustery until the shit gets thick.

Half of me enjoyed the ass kicking I used to dole out to bullys, the other half hoped that the ass kicking would make people like you better in character-since your parents failed to do the job.

Regardless, my kids never see that side of me-so you don’t have to “worry”. I save it for special people like you.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 3:42 pm

oh so now its the tough guy i put the “i use to kick guys ass in high school” talk..well after i stop laughing i put it in the same category as guys who talked about how much pussy they got..same story all the time in both cases..pussies who didnt do either. You are the one who personalized it, started calling names etc..tell ya what tough guy..since you started withe name calling and telling me how yoru going to kick my ass..come on down to mount pleasant this weekend, i have a buddy who has a ring in the back yard and lets see if you can cash that check your mouth is writing…no excuses, name calling etc..oh and you can bring yoru kids..they need to experience the outside world once a answeer the question tough guy.. just a simple yes or no.

? February 9, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Yes. Give me your email.

? February 9, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Btw, it will just be me. I’m not involving my kids or anyone else.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 3:51 pm

put down your email and ill send you directions and time. I will even videotape to share with others on the site. Bring your kids as well..they might as well find out now what they already suspect about dear old dad..

? February 9, 2013 at 3:52 pm

I’m not publishing my e-mail for obvious reasons, don’t be a pussy-you issued the challenge. Post your e-mail.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 4:00 pm

well then put your phone number down..dont be a coward. come on for once in your life get some started calling names, you said what a tough guy threw out how tough you are so dont fear a email address..grow a pair. man up, get on the video and lets see what your made of..ill more excuses..a phone number or email, facebook come on you are a tough need to fear an email waiting..

? February 9, 2013 at 4:04 pm

So let me get this right pussy, you challenge me to a back yard fight at your buddies house in tough ole Mt. Pleasant and then won’t supply me with an e-mail so I can contact you out of the public eye so we can settle up like men?

And you’re claiming I’m the coward? lol…ok

You wanna fight right? Give me your e-mail, I’ll send you a note off line, get your phone # so I know you’re not bullshitting and we’ll square up. The burden is on you.

Otherwise, you’re just another typical bully.

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 4:32 pm

pay attention as it seems you cant grasp simple first to call names..when my question had nothing to do with you but obviously it did because you immediately made it personal, called names then told everyone how tough you you beat up kids in high school which was obviously as far as you got in life…then i called you on it and you wont respond with how to contact you..i didnt say how tough i was..i didnt call names put down yoru info and ill send you the directions. or we can meet at reds noon next Saturday if you are too much of a pussy to put down your info. ill be there ill wear my fav old shirt from the navy so ill be easy to spot..but if you have balls we can get right to the event..then im gonna post the tape so all can see..i have no burden on me its you who talked smack so back it pussy or shut the fuck up..simple. what is it dickless…you back up your words or are you afraid of the nasty old scary internet?

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 4:35 pm

ive got plans for the rest of day so i cant continue this lovely little exchange but leave your info and ill send info tonight. simple, easy and no fuss.

? February 9, 2013 at 5:22 pm

Really, you are an unbelievable pussy. I’m waiting for you to man up.

You issued the challenge, give me your e-mail. Even a newly created one, I’ll respond- I promise.

You want to fight me, so do it.

Anonymous February 9, 2013 at 5:34 pm

again read my statement earlier..fuck it you dont have the balls so noon next sat at reds..dont be late and no excuses

? February 9, 2013 at 5:41 pm

“you first to call names”

“Well you guys can always have those strange parties for your kids that no other kids attend except some cousin who screams the whole way to the party..”i dont want to hang with those weirdo home schooled kids” and other members of your tea party group.”

“then i called you on it and you wont respond with how to contact you”

Yea, that’s right-you want to fight me-so post your fucking information so we can get to it.

“or we can meet at reds noon next Saturday if you are too much of a pussy to put down your info. ill be there ill wear my fav old shirt from the navy so ill be easy to spot”

Happy to do it. Just have the decency to give me a way to contact you so I don’t show up for nothing- you issued the challenge, so post something. Otherwise all your shit is just that, shit.

? February 9, 2013 at 5:43 pm

I thought you had plans for the rest of the day. lol

How much shit are you full of exactly?

Common Sense February 9, 2013 at 9:54 am

on second thought I will adjust my views if Gloria Castro and ? answer a question your kids and/or you after your home schooling believe the world is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs lived with early man? simple question and the truth would be appreciated..

? February 9, 2013 at 11:40 am

A question clearly born of ignorance, but to answer it-“no”.

More importantly though, what does it matter if parents are teaching their kids the sky is purple? It’s none of your damned busy body business.

9" February 9, 2013 at 2:47 pm

I’m sure Susan Smith would agree w/you

? February 9, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Yea, Yea. The whole damned world can’t be saved through the “virtue” of a dysfunctional government using other people’s money.

If we were going to apply the same logic you use we should say public school should be eliminated because the teachers sometimes fuck the students or simply mentally torture them. Sometimes, crazy fuckers go to them and kill everyone in them.

My point is this:

You want to send your kids to public school and ahere to whatever standards they want? Fine.

I have the right to do it my way too.

9" February 9, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Should children be allowed to die,because their parents belong to a certain religion/cult and won’t allow physicians to do their jobs? There are instances when government should take over,in order to save lives.

Children also have a right to an education,and most parents can’t do the job.When taken to the extremes Fits,and others propose,you’re asking for a return to the Dark Ages…

This current’conservative’zeitgeist that’s brainwashed so many,reminds me of their ‘hippy’ counterparts in the late 60’s/early 70’s,who talked of ‘revolution’,and ‘sharing the land when we all live together’.Your naivete will change nothing..

? February 9, 2013 at 3:46 pm

“Should children be allowed to die,because their parents belong to a certain religion/cult and won’t allow physicians to do their jobs? There are instances when government should take over,in order to save lives.”

Fundamental, good question-reasonably open for debate. (even if I feel that govt should not intervene I can acknowledge a reasonable debate)

However, should that translate to the decision people make about their kids education? Does it really live up to that level of debate?

No. No way.

Let’s also put into perspective that we are talking about 32,000 k

? February 9, 2013 at 3:46 pm

Bottom line got garbled on my way to the “enter” key, but you get the gist.

MFCC February 9, 2013 at 7:22 pm

“Children also have a right to an education,and most parents can’t do the job.”

Actually, the available statistics are in complete defiance to this statement.

BIN News Editorial Staff February 9, 2013 at 6:20 pm

sic(k) willie sure knows how to churn up the voucher clowns.

But, all they do is spew the same tired old rhetoric. Nothing they can say will change the fact that vouchers are a scam.


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