Why We Are Always Praising Mick Mulvaney

HE’S ACTUALLY CONSERVATIVE Our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) was having a conversation with a Palmetto State politico he greatly admires recently when she offered up some unsolicited criticism about (t)his website. “Your ‘friends list’ is getting quite predictable,” she told him. Then she rattled off a list…


Our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) was having a conversation with a Palmetto State politico he greatly admires recently when she offered up some unsolicited criticism about (t)his website.

“Your ‘friends list’ is getting quite predictable,” she told him.

Then she rattled off a list of politicians frequently (excessively?) praised by FITS.  At the top of her list?  U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney – the first-term fiscal conservative who we believed would have been S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s best choice to replace Jim DeMint in the U.S. Senate.

The implication? That we’ve become something of a broken record when it comes to certain public figures …

Our friend is correct: We do show inordinate amounts of love to Mulvaney (and a handful of other South Carolina politicians).  And yes … sometimes that gets quite “predictable” (i.e. boring).  Variety is the spice of life, whereas repetition is … well, not.

Believe us … we would love nothing more than to start showering praise on a broader number of recipients.  Not only would it break the monotony, but it would mean that more people were doing the right thing as it relates to the preservation of our liberties, the protection of our free market economy and the protection of our tax dollars.

Unfortunately, that’s not happening – and this website can’t play the game of praising people who don’t deserve it.

We do, however, spread the love even to fiscal liberals like Lindsey Graham when they do the right thing.

Yet while thousands of “conservative” politicians talk a big game, very few of them follow through on their rhetoric. They don’t do the right thing nearly as often as they should … which is one reason our nation finds itself in its current predicament.

Mulvaney? He’s the real deal … one of the only elected officials in Washington D.C. whose walk matches his talk.

The latest evidence of this symmetry is Mulvaney’s appearance at No. 6 on a list of the “10 Most Conservative Members of Congress,” published earlier this month by Business Insider.  The list tracks members’ votes on hundreds of issues and assigns them rankings based on how they voted in relation to their peers.

In other words of all 535 members of the legislative branch, only five were “more conservative” than Mulvaney. Not too shabby …

Once again, Mulvaney is voting in a manner consistent with (a) what he believes, (b) what he campaigned on, (c) what the “Republican” party is supposed to stand for, and (d) what will restore our nation’s fiscal footing.

He’s voting like a “conservative” should, basically.

As long as he keeps it up, this website will keep praising him. And as long as his colleagues keep saying one thing and doing another, this website will continue to expose their hypocrisy.

It really is that simple …


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Hotlazyhoochie December 19, 2012 at 1:07 am

(1)I had sex with a guy tonight. I had the chance to use a condom but I chose not to. (2) I can go get a morning after pill at 7am. If I chose not to and get pregnant (3) I can alway have an abortion. (4) I can give my baby up for adoption. (5) I can have the baby, hand it over to mom and dad and go back to the club and do it all over again like Casey Anthony.

(1) If I have a one time fling and get pregnant, the guy who got drunk and did it will pay me for 18 years if I want the baby.

Conservatism is in jeopardy due to the competing women’s rights agenda. Are you brave enough to talk about that?

BigCockwithVasectomy December 19, 2012 at 1:39 am

Dude, you need to get some equality. The number one high school graduation gift for girls is breasts implants. The best thing you can do for your sons is advise them to get vasectomies as high school graduation gifts. Tell that girl in college you love her when she is attracted to your looks and muscles and Land Rover. If you end up wanting her to be your wife, go get your vasectomy reversed. Get the tightest, hottest girl with law school aspirations rather than a hoochie who can’t cook an doesn’t really like sex anyway. Masculinism needs to be taught to young men.

Ohnonotagain December 19, 2012 at 2:30 am

Being a true conservative means never having to say you’re sorry. Also means never having to say a bill I introduced passed.
Hey, ask him to explain the conservative reasoning ehind the bills he has introduced to waive arid puffs on some very specific chemicals.

trikki mikki December 19, 2012 at 5:09 am

you promoting mick mulvaney is like newsweek or abcnews or meet the press calling nikki haley “a rising star.” in other words, youre the local shill version of the national press (you both get your marching orders from the same source). its a hilarious image, but youve mellowed with age. instead of shooting heroin, now you gobble viagras and run around like youre the god priapus on the loose at a swingers party. and instead of beating women physically, youve learned that you can get away with peddling your sex-gossip and pop-culture porn and it gives you a similar “satisfaction” as did your practice of battering helpless women. and like any overblown ego- you think youre a god but cant access real god-power, because you don’t understand the principles behind real god consciousness. all you really are is a worshipper of a minor devil, a lowly imp, who has clouded your vision with dreams and the delusions of grandeur of a real god, which command you to promote your fellow lowly devils. and you obey.

fitsnews Author December 19, 2012 at 8:19 am

we obey? HAH

? December 19, 2012 at 9:08 am

That’s a pretty entertaining synopsis Mikki.

I’m convinced that those dancing on the border of reality have the potential to truly write the best novels.

Kind of like a JRR Tolkein type deal with the potential of more creativity if tapped properly and they have the writing talent(which is dubious in this case, but maybe a good editor can fix that).

Guero December 19, 2012 at 2:45 pm

Little Bitty teapot has a nom de guerre in trikki mikki. It’s not as shrill as his usual nonsense but still ignorant.

Billy, you really should stop staring at Ican’tpassthebarexam Mandy’s boobs. Praising an outlier like Mulvaney is normal for you, just wait until the fever crests and move on. Remember, you’re the one who had the original bromance for BatShitBoy Mark Sanford. I rest my case.

Lance Riprock December 19, 2012 at 6:45 am

Short people got no reason to live. (randy newman)

? December 19, 2012 at 9:08 am



Rudolph December 19, 2012 at 6:55 am

Mulvaney is ok. At least you’re not out there promoting that ultra-idiot Joe Wilson. Mulvaney at leat makes an attempt to be constituent friendly, understand issues and act like he gives a shit other than shamelessly glad handing and shilling for cash from people he doesnt give a hoot about like Wilson. Wilsons staff is the worst and his chief of “staff” Eric Dell has now even left this collection of kooks.

Citadel32 December 20, 2012 at 4:04 am

Joe Wilson is the do nothing congressman who gave away road money for Lexington and has NO record of accomplishment except ability to palm off a keychain with a limp handshake while voiding all eye contact and hoping desperately you will not ask him a question he has to answer and show his stupidity. Enough of the whole Wilson klan. Vote these schmucks out in 2014.

Booyah December 19, 2012 at 7:00 am

Mulvaney even answers constituent emails. He’s trying, which is more than you can say for many pols.

Of course his job is easy. All he has to do is vote against everything, but that’s not necessarily a bad idea since gridlock is better than bad government and good government is no longer an option.

All you idiots with off-topic replies, suck a shotgun and quit wasting oxygen.

EJB December 19, 2012 at 7:06 am

I thought it was “short people got no body”.

The Colonel December 19, 2012 at 10:54 am

Short people got some body, just not very much…

9" December 19, 2012 at 7:22 am

I didn’t read this very closely,and not often talked about,but Irishman are the absolute best men in the fucking world…

What if you lived with one for 12 fucking years,found him on the floor one morning,called an ambulance,led to hospital at 95 mph by your friendly neighborhood cop,then told by doctors,’he’s not going to make it’,and then,’you can’t see him;you’re not family…

Fred December 19, 2012 at 8:08 am

I thought you promoted Mulvaney becasue he made the ‘payments’ to ViewPolitic llc when prompted.

Old Bike Dude December 19, 2012 at 2:17 pm

Hmmm maybe so.

CL December 19, 2012 at 8:17 am

Interesting to compare these rankings with the Heritage scores you bash Scott over. Heritage has Scott at 88%, which is higher than 3 people on that Business Insider list (Jeb Hensarling, Ron Paul, and John Campbell).

fitsnews Author December 19, 2012 at 8:22 am

We raised the Heritage scores because that is the organization DeMint is leaving the Senate to lead. Heritage is decent, but we’ve always believed Cato was a more pure free market think tank.

Maybe DeMint will change that.

This metric is interesting because it is based purely on how the lawmaker voted in proximity to his or her colleagues (i.e. how many times did a lawmaker join a very small band to support the more conservative or more liberal position).


? December 19, 2012 at 9:14 am

“Heritage is decent, but we’ve always believed Cato was a more pure free market think tank.”

lol….Cato a “pure free market think tank.”

Stato is now promoting an end to tax deductions for charitable giving:

Yea, what free market champions.

CL December 20, 2012 at 8:08 am


You are mixing and matching a bit. The posts have been about how conservative Mulvaney is versus Scott. Cato is a libertarian think tank, while Heritage is mainline conservatism all the way. And Mulvaney probably is more conservative than Scott by any measure, but that is like saying Jordan is better at basketball than Kobe Bryant. While true, Kobe Bryant is still pretty freaking good.


As to the supposed Cato sellout, I would suggest you investigate what a think tank is before you conclude an opinion by one fellow is somehow a mission statement for the entire organization. Especially when that person makes clear he favors a flat tax (which is certainly a free market reform of our Byzantine tax code). The entire opinion piece is really just an argument that eliminating the charitable deduction would not be as bad as raising rates. You can disagree, but a lesser of two evils analysis is hardly a sellout.

? December 20, 2012 at 2:32 pm

“The entire opinion piece is really just an argument that eliminating the charitable deduction would not be as bad as raising rates. You can disagree, but a lesser of two evils analysis is hardly a sellout.”

lol…so first I’m not to pay attention to his writing because he’s a “fellow” of Cato instead of a contributor to the mission statement, but then you go on to say his opinion is hardly a “sellout”?

Your whole statment is filled with doublespeak. The idea that anyone here wouldn’t know what a thinktank is or what is does is laughable to start, let alone what the defintion of a “free market” is.

A free market isn’t based SOME freedom…it is simply that…FREE. If it is taxed in some way….it is not FREE.

Free market=no controls outside of voluntary interaction.

? December 20, 2012 at 3:04 pm

edit: “based on SOME freedom”

statment to statement

and “what IT does”

CL December 20, 2012 at 3:10 pm

“The idea that anyone here wouldn’t know what a thinktank is or what is does is laughable…”

Yet you persist in thinking a fellow at such an institute is akin to a spokesperson for the institute. These groups have a number of fellows, who are paid to think about issues, not engage in groupthink. So they do occasionally disagree with each other.

And you do vastly overstate his Oped. It is not a sellout for someone to say I want a flat tax, but if we are doing something bad, I think bad thing A would not be as harmful as bad thing B. The real world is one of degrees. A flat tax is more libertarian than our current code. If you are advocating eliminating all taxes (and by implication all government), that is anarchy.

“Free market=no controls outside of voluntary interaction.”

Again, that is anarchy rather than a free market. In the real world, free markets break down without laws and institutions that can be relied upon. For instance, without antitrust laws, you get monopolies and cartels.

? December 20, 2012 at 3:25 pm

“Again, that is anarchy rather than a free market. In the real world, free markets break down without laws and institutions that can be relied upon. For instance, without antitrust laws, you get monopolies and cartels.”

Anarchy is a free market my friend, you’re confused.

In the “real world” we don’t have free markets for the most part. Further, “monopolies” are more often created by gov’t intervention/participation then would otherwise occur. They pay off pols in many cases to pass legislation favorable to scale of size once they have a certain level of market dominance that prohibits competition in the way of “up and comers”.

Even further, in a true free market, any company having a “monopoly” under such environment would have done so by virtue of long term superior product/price instead of coercive/involuntary laws limiting competition. In that regard, there are monopoly’s that could be considered advantageous to a customer in a truly free market.

If you lean toward central planning and controlled/unfree markets, this argument would be lost on you.

“Yet you persist in thinking a fellow at such an institute is akin to a spokesperson for the institute.”

lol, but he is. He might disagree with others in it(and do you REALLY know how the rest of them feel about getting rid of charitable deductions? I can’t find that anywhere in their “mission statement”), but he is speaking as a member of said organization and references it at the end of his opinion.

CL December 21, 2012 at 7:44 am

“Anarchy is a free market my friend, you’re confused.”

Yes, because nothing causes free markets to flourish like living in a world that does not have laws respecting property rights.

““monopolies” are more often created by gov’t intervention/participation then would otherwise occur. They pay off pols in many cases to pass legislation favorable to scale of size once they have a certain level of market dominance that prohibits competition in the way of “up and comers”.

And that is bad. What does that have to do with naturally occuring monopolies or cartels? Oh right. Nothing. Antitrust laws do not create monopolies. Exceptions for quasi-governmental enterprises or favored industries do.

“If you lean toward central planning and controlled/unfree markets, this argument would be lost on you.”

LOL. You nailed me. I stay up at night crafting 5 year plans and staring at my Trotsky poster.

“he is speaking as a member of said organization…”

That is like saying a professor is a spokesperson for a college. They are paid to think outside the box and come up with ideas. And you still have not explained (because it is a stupid argument) how saying one bad thing is not as bad as another bad thing constitutes a sellout, given that he said he wants neither bad thing to happen.

jimlewis,owb December 19, 2012 at 8:36 am

Yep, I get all caught up in the Mick Love Fest until I Google, Indian Land and Mulvaney.

Waiting on fitsnews to provide a Fireside Chat with Mick regarding his side of the story on this boondoggle.

Until then, he is still a bucket of warm spit.

johnb December 19, 2012 at 9:15 am

old news that has been settled. get up to date.

south mauldin December 19, 2012 at 9:59 am

Settled? How?

jimlewis,owb December 19, 2012 at 1:02 pm

I’ll get up to date when you provide documentation.

You can publish who, what, when, where here, you can cite newspaper references, Lancaster County Council minutes, or any paper trail that will provide concrete rather than shit to stand on.

Until then Mick is still a bucket of warm spit

Old Bike Dude December 19, 2012 at 4:43 pm

I now understand why he and Tom Davis are best buds.

9" December 19, 2012 at 8:59 am

You’re both wrong.It’s not interesting.Both ,’Heritage’ and ‘Cato’ are SO over;NOBODY gonna give a shit,never ever again,about those fucking shit mill ‘organizations’.The big fucking R U S H is O V E R,Suckers!!! Don’t Fight It! :-)

rick campbell December 19, 2012 at 10:02 am

is mulvaney the one who made millions on a failed real estate gambit while bilking potential homeowners and tax payers out these millions?…..yeah just what we need… another piece of shit holier than though right wing republican living off the government he claims to despise….republicans are so easily led…when this incompetent asshole is considered a rising star you can bet republicans are praising him….what a joke….oh and by the way?….who pays for mulvaney and his family to have health insurance?

MountainPenelope December 19, 2012 at 10:36 am

Yes. That’s our Mick. Mr. Slime.

Templeton's Muff December 19, 2012 at 10:21 am

And here I was thinking you say nice things about him only after your monthly $$$ retainer shows up. I feel so stupid.

BigT December 19, 2012 at 10:51 am

FITS: Your desperate need to be accepted by the left, will always discredit you…

You cannot be weak to criticism of the left, and expect to ever have any credibility…

True Conservatives are the most Courageous people in Ameirca today…

You are FAR from being resolute in any conviction…

You have no authority, or respect, because you lack guts…

Guero December 19, 2012 at 2:49 pm

teapot! where ya been, ole stubby one? Probate Judge let you out this time for a home visit? Stay on those meds, teabagger, and pretty soon you’ll be able to move back into the group home.

ohnonotagain December 19, 2012 at 1:17 pm

Say, Will?
Since you are such good buds with Mick Mulvaney —
H.R. 5202: To suspend temporarily the duty on certain PCBTF.
112th Congress, 2011–2012. Text as of Apr 27, 2012 (Introduced).

HR 5202 IH, 112th CONGRESS, 2d Session, H. R. 5202
To suspend temporarily the duty on certain PCBTF.
April 27, 2012
Mr. MULVANEY introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means
To suspend temporarily the duty on certain PCBTF.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) In General- Subchapter II of chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended by inserting in numerical sequence the following new heading:
‘ 9902.01.00 1-Chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl) benzene (CAS No. 98-56-6) containing no additives (provided for in subheading 2903.99.08) Free No change No change On or before 12/31/2015 ’.

So what’s the free market “cred” that this bill establishes?


H.R. 5198: To extend the temporary suspension of duty on sodium hypophosphite monohydrate.
Sponsor: Rep. Mick Mulvaney [R-SC5]
Introduced: Apr 27, 2012
Referred to Committee: Apr 27, 2012

OR …
H.R. 5205: To suspend temporarily the duty on certain PCBTF with antioxidant.
Sponsor: Rep. Mick Mulvaney [R-SC5]
Introduced: Apr 27, 2012
Referred to Committee: Apr 27, 2012

There’s more.
On APril 27, he introduced a bunch of bills to eliminate duties on items. Window shade material.
He seems a bit duty-obsessed. A duty head.
Find out what’s up with that, Will.

Old Bike Dude December 19, 2012 at 4:54 pm

Seems the boy has a hard on for Chinese chemicals and I mean some nasty ass chemicals. Check out the MSDS sheets on this shit. Holy fuck sic you really know how to pick em.

CNSYD December 19, 2012 at 9:43 pm


His checks must not bounce. That is all Sic Willie cares about.

BIN News Editorial Staff December 20, 2012 at 1:00 am

sic(k) willie would write stuff supporting our Funding Editor for Empress of the World if she slipped sic(k) willie enough cash.

sic(k) willie is nothing but a political pimp, and responsible elected leaders wouldn’t touch him with a 10 foot Pole.

Not even with a 12 foot Bulgarian.

Okay. Some of sic(k) ones buddies would touch him with a 6 foot Rastafarian. If sic(k) willie has a light. :)

Booyah December 20, 2012 at 1:02 am

Better to produce poisonous chems in China where the casualties and pollution don’t matter. Fewer US Superfund cleanup sites that way.

Old Bike Dude December 20, 2012 at 5:45 pm

But Mulvaney makes sure they get imported cheap.


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