The Tim Scott Seniority Question

WHEN SHOULD SOUTH CAROLINA’S NEW SENATOR BE SWORN IN? U.S. Rep. Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) is about to become U.S. Sen. Tim Scott … but when? That could be a key question for the Palmetto State, as the timing of Scott’s ascension to the United States Senate is raising a…


U.S. Rep. Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) is about to become U.S. Sen. Tim Scott … but when?

That could be a key question for the Palmetto State, as the timing of Scott’s ascension to the United States Senate is raising a host of important questions.  According to multiple mainstream media reports, Scott will not take office until January 3, 2013.  Why not?  Because Jim DeMint – the man Scott is replacing – isn’t stepping down until that date.

Should he move aside earlier, though?  Some say “yes,” arguing that DeMint could empower Scott with additional seniority if he resigns his post prior to the beginning of the 113th session of the U.S. Congress.

In addition to Scott there are twelve incoming United States Senators scheduled to take office on January 3, 2013.  According to some, Scott would be lumped in with this incoming class of Senators in terms of seniority if DeMint stays in his seat until then.

“Now that the Governor has made her selection, Senator DeMint should formally resign from the Senate, effective upon the formal appointment and seating of his successor,” coastal South Carolina politico James G. Wiles contends, arguing that such a move “will give Senator Scott the seniority of a second-term U.S. Senator, rather than a freshman.”

Is that the case, though?  Sources close to DeMint say they explored all of the options available in terms of timing his resignation from the Senate.

“There is no way to game Senate rules to give him higher seniority,” one source said, adding that Scott “will be in the middle of the pack for this freshmen Senate class based on his House service.”

Frankly, we view “seniority” in Washington, D.C. as synonymous with pork barrel spending – and if there’s one thing the recent federal “stimulus” has proven, it’s that free money from our nation’s capital not only isn’t free, but it doesn’t do jack squat to turn a state’s economy around.


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Thinker December 17, 2012 at 4:00 pm

He should DEFINITELY resign. That is one less Republican vote in the house.

Jeralyn December 17, 2012 at 6:59 pm

The constiuients should be the ones to select the replacement, not Haley. Tis is just another vote against Haley and Scott.

hoshie December 17, 2012 at 4:51 pm

If DeMint were to resign early to make way for Scott, it would not be unusual. In December 2002, Texas Senator Phil Gramm resigned early to give current Senator John Cornyn, the winner of the general election for the full term, a leg up on seniority. This didn’t happen due to Senate rules over office space.

BTW, I live in NC and have been a lurker for a while on this blog. I enjoy reading it.

Thinker December 17, 2012 at 4:59 pm

NC politics seem tame in comparison does it not?

jimlewis,owb December 17, 2012 at 6:25 pm

If I follow this correctly all this seniority shit is over who gets the bigger office, more windows, better view, closer to the Senate Chamber and a toilet that works.

I know there are priorities in the Senate just didn’t realize office location was at the top of the list.

Regardless, some poor son of a bitch in maintenance is going to have fun trying to find a mirror big enough to put in Senator Timmie TwoShoes’ private shower/hot tub/sauna/power flush toilet/bidet chamber to accommodate his head.

hoshie December 17, 2012 at 8:04 pm

@Thinker NC politics is, to me, more tamer compared to SC! It is all interesting all the same.
@jimlewis,owb This is what really happened in Texas! The Senate’s seniority list describes it this way:

“Phil Gramm resigned early, effective Nov. 30, 2002, so that Cornyn could move into his office suite and begin organizing his staff. Cornyn did not, however, gain seniority, owing to a 1980 Rules Committee policy established under Senator Pell that no longer gave seniority to senators who entered Congress early for the purpose of gaining advantageous office space.”

@BozMartin December 17, 2012 at 5:12 pm

Though I consider Jim Wiles to be an astute observer and commentator on political issues, on this one he is absolutely full of it.

Get sworn in ASAP? NO! Scott should do no such thing. He should wait to have it done in January. To do it sooner would smack of … well, exactly what it is: gaming the system for “pork” advantages, and putting a neophyte Senator in a positron of having more power than he deserves.

Besides that, I have strong issues with Scott on several fronts, such as his supporting the indefinite detainment of US citizens on suspicion of terrorist activities. THAT is absolutely unconstitutional, and paves the way for a total police state, be it one run by the Dems or the Repubs. My Libertarian side recoils at the very idea of such an authoritarian new power grab by the government.

Another issue I have with him is that he’s another one of those dishonest “wind-sock” pols, like Nikki Haley. Obviously, he is not true to them what brought him to the dance. He got elected in SC by appealing to the “tea party” types, but proved to be far more of a moderate Repub leaning to the neocon ideology of Lindsey Graham. Not that I’m deeply enamored of the tea peeps these days, but those two Senators will be the “ebony and ivory” keys playing in harmony on empowerment of crony capitalist like (who didn’t see me going there?) the MB Mafia in Myrtle Beach and greedy, soulless war profiteers, everywhere. Throw in the MB Mafia’s mush-mouth goober puppet Tom Rice over in the House, and along with Haley it’s a perfect formula for SC leading the entire nation in the WORST of status quo stagnation and questionable ethics. In other words, bidness as usual.

The last thing we need is yet another bible-thumping, pandering theocrat beholden to crony capitalists and war pig neo-cons to be representing us in the Senate, and this one coming into it with an unfair “leg up” on his colleagues.

Color me NOT a fan or Senator-elect Scott.

washed out December 18, 2012 at 9:47 am

Wow man, that was well said!

bob December 17, 2012 at 9:27 pm

boz, any updates on the coastal kickback?

@BozMartin December 17, 2012 at 10:06 pm

bob: For a change, I am going to keep silent at this time about what I’m hearing about the case. Other than to say that multiple informed sources tell me it’s far from dead, and it is moving forward.

Cue Jeffy or some other snarky tool to say I’m full of shit and spout some idiotic blather about the FBI and Capone to “prove” it …

Patko December 18, 2012 at 12:18 am

Boz, you’re full of shit. Now let me spout some idiotic blather about the FBI, Capone AND South of the Border just to prove it all. Feel better now?

@BozMartin December 18, 2012 at 7:08 am


You obviously have deep-seated unresolved issues, likely of a sexual nature and related to poor potty training. I would suggest therapy, but it may be too late for you on that. You should sell your home and move to Colorado instead. It’ll set your chickens free.

Don’t bother thanking me for this healing advice, just send me an envelope containing at least 40 sequentially-marked cashier’s checks for $1000 each, all drawn on the same day from the same bank. If you need someone to help you with setting that up, call Shep Guyton and/or Congressman-elect Tom Rice. Tell ’em Boz sent ya.

@BozMartin December 18, 2012 at 10:57 am

JK, btw, Patko. I appreciated the comment, especially the bit you threw in about South of the Border – and I’m sure some others reading these words might also get why it is relevant.

For those who don’t, Pedro say: “BACK UP, AMIGO! YOU MEESED IT!”


Patko December 19, 2012 at 4:20 pm

Boz, you speak of unresolved sexual issues. You keep talking like that and I’ll tell you what I do with my chickens. I don’t mess around. Don’t mess with me.

@BozMartin December 19, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Them cloacae be some nasty-ass/vajayjay holes, Patko. If I were you I’d be worried about what you might be spreading around. Don’t want to infect the sheep, ya know.

insider guy December 18, 2012 at 10:53 am

Gut tells me Jim does not like him. All for show. Also hearing Jim does not care for gay men.

Angry Voter December 18, 2012 at 2:56 pm

E-mail from Scott asking for money-

This crap from Scott is such so typical.

I suppose there will be no end to it, and he will be impossible to get rid of.

Fellow Patriot,

Wow, the past 24 hours have been a whirlwind. I am grateful to Governor Nikki Haley and the people of South Carolina for bestowing upon me the great honor of succeeding Senator Jim DeMint.

We can’t let up now, though. Our efforts are just beginning. You can help keep the excitement going this week by reach our remaining goal of 8,912 contributors. If you donate $10 or more, my campaign will send you a limited edition “Tim Scott – 2014” bumper sticker, and if you donate $50 or more, we’ll send you one signed.

Our economy needs help and I promise to work tirelessly to ensure we continue doing everything we can to create more jobs in this country without joining the tax-and-spend crowd in Washington.

To do so, I need your help to raise seed money to ensure we get off to a great start. Will you help?


Tim Scott

P.S. Don’t forget, if you donate $10 or more, we’ll send you a limited edition bumper sticker that is only available to supporters who help us out this week.

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This just in. . . December 18, 2012 at 7:15 pm

End of World Means Most Amazing Home Page Ever, Says Google

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Cal. (The Borowitz Report) — While billions around the world await the Mayan Apocalypse this Friday with increasing dread, there is palpable excitement about it at the headquarters of Google, Inc., which is preparing what its C.E.O. is calling “our most awesome Google Doodle ever.”

“People are freaking out about the world coming to an end — I totally get that,” said the Google C.E.O. Larry Page in a conference call with reporters. “But at Google we view the Apocalypse as a unique opportunity. This company was founded with the goal to ‘organize the world’s information’ and we see the next three days as our chance to get that done.”

As for the marching orders that Page gave to Google’s team of designers: “The world is going to be destroyed and mankind will cease to exist. Make Google the last page they see, and give us one last chance to serve them tracking cookies.”

With the ancient Mayan prophets predicting that on Friday the earth will crash into a comet, collide with the planet Nibiru, or burn to a crisp in a mammoth solar storm, “our designers have had a lot of cool stuff to work with,” Mr. Page said.

Mr. Page said that a buzz-worthy home page is crucial to what he sees as Google’s final mission on Earth: “We want to communicate to billions of people that this is the last day of human history, so maybe they should finally sign up for Google Plus.”

When reminded that the end of the world would mean the end of Google, too, Mr. Page was philosophical: “As long as it also means the end of Apple and Microsoft, I’m fine with that.”

HELLO December 19, 2012 at 11:50 pm



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