
The Knee-Jerk “Gun Control” March Begins

ARMED WITH TRAGEDY, THE LEFT RAMPS UP ITS ASSAULT ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT Guided by the modus operandi that a major crisis should never go to waste, anti-Second Amendment advocates – including U.S. President Barack Obama – pounced on this week’s tragic school shooting in Newton, Connecticut to push for…


Guided by the modus operandi that a major crisis should never go to waste, anti-Second Amendment advocates – including U.S. President Barack Obama – pounced on this week’s tragic school shooting in Newton, Connecticut to push for new restrictions on gun ownership.

Oh, and for more spending on safety measures at government-funded schools.

It’s a knee-jerk response we’ve seen before, although this time the reflex was immensely more powerful given the scope of the carnage (26 victims) and the fact that twenty of the dead were young children.

“We hope that today’s monstrous act of gun violence finally forces this nation’s leaders to make reasonable changes in our gun laws and regulations – changes that will help prevent senseless tragedies such as the one that has rocked Newtown and the nation,” said Philadelphia mayor Michael A. Nutter. “As a country, we don’t need more debate, no more excuses.  The time for action is now.”

Really, dude?  It seems with every fresh act of weapons-related violence, the time it takes for the left to politicize the tragedy shrinks by a few more nanoseconds.

And of course the White House – which initiated a botched gun-running operation in Mexico a few years back – used the occasion to announce that his administration would push for an automatic weapons ban in 2013.

There’s a time and place for a debate on gun control … except wait a minute, no there isn’t.  Not really.  The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is pretty clear when it comes to Americans’ right to keep and bear arms.  It’s one of the bedrock liberties on which this nation was founded – which means we probably shouldn’t be surprised that it’s under relentless attack these days.

Here’s the thing these leftist gun control freaks don’t get: Lunatics kill people, not weapons.  And when lunatics want to kill lots of people, they usually use bombs – not guns.  But if you outlaw guns, lunatics will kill people with knives.  And if you outlaw knives, they’ll kill people with their bare hands.  And if you cut off their bare hands … well … that’s “cruel and unusual punishment,” not unlike the death penalty that these leftist love to loathe.

And speaking of the “deaths of innocents,” what about the 55 million abortions that have taken place in this country over the last forty years?  Or the 3,700 performed today?

Just sayin’ … who cried for those kids?  Anybody?  Hell, Obama even supports grisly partial birth abortions.

Obviously this perspective minimizes the tragedy that took place in Connecticut this week.  Families are grieving in a way that few of us will ever be able to comprehend – while parents across the country felt chills go up and down their spines upon hearing the news (and rightfully so).  And there has been an outpouring of genuine compassion – one reminding us that for every rampaging gunman there are tens of millions of people who recoil at the horror of such acts.

It’s often been said that morality can’t be legislated.  That’s true – and neither can murderous insanity.

That’s why we need our guns – and why any effort by the government to take them from us is every bit as contemptible as an effort by government to exploit the slaughter of children.


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Liberal Trash December 14, 2012 at 9:14 pm

Hey Fits

Did you know there is a War on Chistman too!

Damn them lefties!

Pretty soon you Republicans ain’t gonna have any guns AND no Christmas

Protect Who from What? December 15, 2012 at 9:14 am

In a land with major GUN CONTROL…
Per Reuters, 12/14/2012:
“Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China:

“There have been a series of attacks on schools and schoolchildren around China in recent years, some by people who have lost their jobs or felt left out of the country’s economic boom.

The rash of violence has prompted public calls for more measures to protect the young in a country where many couples only have one child.”

Crazy, disenfranchised people will find a way to act out or make a statement.

The shooter’s mother was an educator who was probably more tapped into the identification of personality problems than most, and she was powerless, and she paid with her life.

GreenvilleLwyr December 15, 2012 at 11:08 am

Injures, not killed.

I’m sure every one of the parents of those 20 children would gladly trade injured for killed.

Yes, a crazy person, or a person bent on harm, can kill with bombs, knives, axes, etc. The fact is that bombings are rare, and bombs cannot be purchased at Academy Sports. Someone with a knife may kill one or two people, but he isn’t going to kill 26 people in a matter of moments.

These guns were legally bought and owned by one of the victims. How did her owning guns keep her safe, exactly?

Franko December 15, 2012 at 5:08 pm

Isn’t that you gay wet dream? Whats next banning duct tape so we can’t duct tape our aholes so you homos can rape at will?

The Colonel December 15, 2012 at 5:54 pm

Largest mass killing in US history? A disgruntled school board member blew up a school killing 45 and wounding another 58. Google “Andrew Kehoe Bath School”.

One school resource officer or an armed vice principal could have avoided this whole thing.

CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Beautifully said… my thoughts exactly!

djk754 December 14, 2012 at 9:54 pm

Actually, it’s prozac, and other violent inducing, psychotic, brain chemistry altering drugs that are doing the damage, and turning peoples brains into murderers. Every one of the mass shooters in the past 20 odd yrs. have been on big pharma drugs. Wake up ya’ll.

Bonhoeffer December 14, 2012 at 9:27 pm

This piece reads like the winner of a NRA-sponsored middle school essay contest entitled “Why Ameicans Should Oppose Gun Control.”

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 9:32 pm

lol… +1

Uncouth December 14, 2012 at 10:36 pm

My daughter wrote better in 4th grade (elementary, Watson). More substance, more reflection, and more perspective. Not to mention with more congruity and adherence to the subject at hand: senseless violence conducted with the aide of automatic handguns in the hands of those not entitled by atatute law or citizenship to possess them.

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 9:30 pm

Nothing will ultimately happen, other than ammo hoarding and renewed conspiracy theory circulation.

Uncouth December 14, 2012 at 10:37 pm


Franko December 15, 2012 at 5:11 pm

Amen to that bra.

CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 9:59 pm

It’s so telling really… on one side are the Smirks and Bonhoffers of the world, you know those who believe that gun control will solve all of the nation’s violent ills (but really, this view is just a way to divert the attention from a larger, more complex, and potentially politically incorrect conversation) … on the other side are those who want to discuss the entirety of the causes of this violence, political correction be d@mned… I’m so glad that I’m on the latter, more honest and more intelligent side of this argument… as a parting shot fellows, how’s that war on illegal drugs going?, think the war on illegal guns is going to be any easier? Peace

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 10:42 pm


Did I not just finish writing multiple comments on the previous page AGAINST reactionary gun control? I’m fairly supportive of gun rights, dude.

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 10:01 pm

Few things wrong with this post.

1) This tragic incident has nothing to do with abortion.

2) It is incredibly insensitive to all victim’s families. I’ve lost someone to gun violence- caused from a random act of gang violence. If someone came up to me preaching about how it’s not the gun’s fault I would have punched them in the face.

3) Guns sole purpose is for killing. If the lunatic only had a knife you think he could have killed all those poor children? Or with his bare hands? Seriously… no one has strangled 26 people within an hour in a public place.

Put yourself in those parents shoes and see how much you like guns then. This is all I’m going to say.

Dylan December 14, 2012 at 10:49 pm

1) If you blame the firearm for the loss of your friend and would have punched me in the face had I told you it was the scumbag killers fault, not his tool, I’d have slugged you back.

2)My friend hit a tree in his truck a few months ago and killed himself. Should I blame Ford?

3) A knife attack occurred at a Chinese elementary school today. 22 Children were injured. Thank God none have deceased (yet).

The sad reality is you are uninformed and blinded by emotion. Scared. You want the government to try and protect you from evil inanimate tools.

Prayers are with the children and their families.

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 10:56 pm

If he had a knife? Of course. He killed a bunch of fucking kids, dude. Maybe one of the adults could outrun him or fight him off, but that’s a maybe. He could have also used a bomb or various other methods of killing.

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 11:09 pm


I think you misunderstood the point of my second point. I was saying the article was insensitive to the victims families. They don’t need people saying that their anti-gun control rants. I was saying that at the time I found out my friend had been murdered, I would have been furious that someone was trying to say “it’s not the gun it’s the person!”

Simply, it’s wrong this article was posted THE SAME DAY as the massacre. At least I feel sad emotions towards this tragedy which the writer of this article clearly doesn’t have.

And I’m sorry about your friend. But your Ford comparison does not relate here. We are talking about a device made to kill. Cars are made to transport people. The fact that people die from cars is sad, but it is not premeditated.

Dylan December 14, 2012 at 11:27 pm

Leftist, there are premeditated killings involving vehicles all the time. Vehicles are, in fact, made to transport. But they are also multi-ton pieces of steel designed to travel at high speed, capable of mowing down any living thing in it’s path. Just as firearms are used to murder, their purpose is to protect and preserve your rights from oppression, as stated in the constitution.

When you are ready to outlaw vehicles, that cause MANY TIMES MORE casualties in this country every year than firearms, let me know.
It would be very inconvenient for you not to be able to drive to work, but think of how many lives it would save.

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 11:54 pm

Are you implying that I kill multiple people on my way to work? I’m not denying that cars can kill people but once again, the only issue I’m addressing is gun control.

Destiny Now December 15, 2012 at 1:18 am

LGCF, you aren’t addressing gun control at all, because you haven’t proposed a solution.

Because there is none.

Do you think our government is going to outlaw its citizens ownership of firearms, then go door-to-door and collect them?

No, it is NOT.

So, just quit your pontificating and bloviating; you got nothing.

Evil exists. Get used to it.

BradWarthenSucks December 15, 2012 at 10:27 am

LGCF – You do realize that there was an attack at a school yesterday in China where the guy used a knife, he slashed 26 students before he was stopped. Guns aren’t the problem, if you take away guns they’ll pick up a knife, you take away a knife they’ll pick up a club, etc… What could have helped would have been people inside the school with guns that could have been used in defensive tactics.

BradWarthenSucks December 15, 2012 at 10:29 am Reply
CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 10:20 pm

leftistguncontrolfreak, if you were to come up to me and tell me that you were too hot because the stupid thermostat was at 82 derees (you know, because someone had moved it up 10 degrees), I probably punch you so hard that I’d knock you f@cking out.

Uncouth December 14, 2012 at 10:24 pm

I own 3 weapons: pistol, shotgun, and rifle. I know how to use them all.

When the NRA calls come to my land line, I always drop the phone to my ass and cut a fart.

The fucking silliness that is espoused in defense of the indefensible and now in effect gun management statutes, is mind boggling.

Hells yeah, we should have armed those K-5’s, their teachers, and aides! The principal should have acknowledged her telepathic powers and gunned down that deranged son of a bitch whose mother was smart enough to buy him 2 automatic handguns before he left the sidewalk.

Why let a tragic gun violence tragedy go to waste? Get those fucking checkbooks out! Ten to one odds to anyone that I get a phone call from the NRA next week…..long before I get one from Michael Bloomberg’s sponsored advocacy groups.

Poster December 14, 2012 at 10:34 pm

Crazy the liberals would push this agenda. An agenda that would,make it hard for this to happen again that’s bad, right?
Why do liberals want to,make the killing of children and innocent people harder?

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 11:03 pm

What stops him from buying a stolen or smuggled gun?

Does every school shooter have a criminal past or mental health record prior to obtaining a weapon?

What gun law would have prevented this attack?

CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 11:55 pm

Sorry Smirks, I misunderstood your earlier comment, you’re above sums up alot of what I feel is the unrealistic expectations of gun control…

TheFunkyMonkey December 14, 2012 at 10:37 pm

Fuck you FITS. I’ve agreed with you on most topics but go fuck yourself on this one. Gun control is needed – period. I sure hope you or your family isn’t caught in someone’s crosshairs. You fucking douche bag. Fuck you and your family. I hope you have to grieve like this at some point – look over your shoulder motherfucker – you and your wife while you’re grocery shopping…

TheFunkyMonkey December 14, 2012 at 10:58 pm

Insensitive article on a day of grieving in his country – you have crossed the line…

Smirks December 14, 2012 at 11:05 pm

Give us a law you think would help prevent this kind of thing from happening. There’s plenty of people here that can vet your proposal.

TheFunkyMonkey December 14, 2012 at 11:22 pm

Smirks – I’m usually with you too on most topics but not this one…

TheFunkyMonkey December 14, 2012 at 11:24 pm

Statistics don’t lie – data is black and white. How many killings in countries that hand guns are outlawed???

fitsnews Author December 15, 2012 at 12:10 am

My wife is from Detroit. You fuck with her or her babies and she will bury you. So good luck with that.

Original Good Ole Boy December 15, 2012 at 12:11 am

Lookout, weve got another badass here

Looks like you got your panties in a wad because someone dared offer an opinion that you found offensive. It’s rare that I defend Will, but the one crossing is you, not him.

Grow up dude.

Destiny Now December 15, 2012 at 1:43 am

Funky Monkey, you said, “Fuck you and your family. I hope you have to grieve like this at some point…”

Looks like your mind is as unstable and dangerous as some of these madmen doing the shooting.

Get some help.



If you’re just shooting your mouth off because you’re pissed about these crimes, you need to rethink your approach, because what you’re doing here ain’t working.

You can start by helping out LGCF (below) in coming up with a workable solution to this mythical “gun control” all you dudes seem to be calling for.

Emphasis on “WORKABLE.”

? December 15, 2012 at 9:25 am

Aside from the implications of *crazy* surrounding a guy threatening someone^s family over blog commentary, how stupid does one actually have to be to do so to the guy who owns the blog and has your IP address after doing so?

The world is filled with so many stupid people it is amazing.

xx chromosome December 15, 2012 at 11:25 am

@FunkyMonkey – You just made a threat to the lives of Fits wife and small children. Man, you’re really dumb if you think Fits can’t trace who YOU are and where you live.

xx chromosome December 15, 2012 at 11:28 am

@TheFunkyMonkey – YOU better watch YOUR back. Do you realize who you are threatening?

steven December 15, 2012 at 3:00 pm

What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole?!? Hope I read about YOU getting blown away by some nut next.

Todd December 15, 2012 at 5:02 pm

How does threatening a man’s family help the situation? I hope you go to jail for that comment.

Franko December 15, 2012 at 5:23 pm

Wow, I sure hope you don’t own any guns. You need to be locked away in a mental ward. Thats what we need more of. Psychopath Control. We need to get all the psycho freaks like you off the streets. Then this nation would be an immensely better place.

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 10:40 pm


Haha dude, my thermostat is at 82 degrees. I don’t buy into global warming. And seriously, threatening me?

Fiscally I’m conservative, but I don’t like how easily the crazy people can get a gun.

I fully expect y’all to hate on my other assumed liberal beliefs because you cannot stick to the issue I’m refuting- gun control.

CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 11:03 pm

Well dude, you’re stupid then… because, you’ve absolutely backed the wrong issues. Trust me on this one, global warming is most certainly real and if you live on the ocean, you can kiss your beachfront home goodbye within the next 50-75 years. On the other hand, the war on guns is absolutely misplaced. Sure, guns in the wrong hands kill people. That said, making guns illegal will only keep guns from the law abiding people (great huh?). Seen many criminals that cared whether they broke the law? Heck, even the Ct. shooter illegally obtained the guns he carried. So again, how exactly would you propose to effectively implement this big nebulus thing called “gun control”? I’m listening…

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 11:14 pm

So does that mean you’d hit me for having my heat up this high?

Hypocrisy aside, the shooter obtained his weapons through his mother who was a licensed carrier. Technically he stole them, but they were legal registered guns. If his mother, a normal law abiding person, did not have access to these weapons then those children would have lived to see the New Year.

CoolAireHeights December 14, 2012 at 11:26 pm

So exactly what part of stealing is no longer a crime? Also, I’m waiting to here your “gun control” proposal that will prevent such tragedies from occurring – you know keeping guns from the bad guys – while not stripping guns from the nation’s law abiding citizens. So, I’ll keep waiting on your policy response…

leftistguncontrolfreak December 14, 2012 at 11:57 pm

That’s just it. I don’t think law abiding citizen should have guns either. It makes it too accessible for other people who do not have the mental responsibility to use them properly. I never said stealing was legal. He obtained the guns illegally but only because his law-abiding mother had bought them legally under her name.

leftistguncontrolfreak December 15, 2012 at 12:09 am

Here is my final opinion.

If criminals and mentally unstable people did not have access to guns, then law abiding citizens would not need guns to protect themselves. Yes some people will find black markets ways to obtain guns but it will prevent people like the killer today from committing these horrible crimes because of lack of resource. People will continue killing other people, but by taking the easy accessibility of guns away it will significantly lessen the death toll. Just look up the D.C ban on guns. It reduced gun related crimes by a lot before it was overturned.

That’s all from me folks. Have a good night and if you have kids, give them a hug. And pray for those affected by the shooting.

Destiny Now December 15, 2012 at 1:32 am

LGCF, you said, “If criminals and mentally unstable people did not have access to guns, then law abiding citizens would not need guns to protect themselves.”

That is one of the most myopic, logic-deprived statements I’ve ever seen on any message board.

Do you even realize how stupid it is?

Probably not.

The only way it makes any sense at all is if you (YOU and people like you) had a magic wand you could wave and make ALL guns in private citizens’ hands and in criminals’ and mentally unstable people’s hands disappear.

Without that magic wand, you got nothing.

Wow. Whatever you’re smoking, you need to throw it away. It’s not doing you any favors.

BTW, don’t focus on that statement if you choose to attempt a reply; it’s purely hyperbole.

What you need to think about is some sort of “proposal” for how you think you would like for this mythical “gun control” to take place.

Don’t forget, your solution needs to include all the firearms that are out there RIGHT NOW, not just future sales and acquisitions.

Hilarious… read it again for me: “If criminals and mentally unstable people did not have access to guns, then law abiding citizens would not need guns to protect themselves.”


Destiny Now December 15, 2012 at 1:33 am

If there was no such thing as water, no one would need a boat, either.


Dylan December 15, 2012 at 2:42 am

Oh, the silence. Destiny and I are still waiting for a proposal.

Smirks December 15, 2012 at 9:39 am

An outright ban is nonsense dude.

There are too many people you would have to confiscate guns from. You won’t get them all. You won’t get them voluntarily. You won’t get them away from criminals. Cartels will start smuggling them in.

At the same time you strip law abiding citizens of their rights. No more gun ranges. No more hunting. No more shooting competitions. Any sportsman’s business or butcher or taxidermist will pretty much be fucked.

Even if they don’t go through the trouble of getting a gun, what about bows and arrows? Knives? Homemade bombs? He could just create a mixture of bleach and ammonia and throw it in the classroom and hold the door shut. Any blunt metal object like a hammer. His car.

What about criminals and thugs and gang members? Robbers and burglars? No more worrying about breaking into a home to be met by an angry father with a shotgun. No more robbing the 7-11 only to have the clerk draw his own revolver faster than you. No more having to rape or kill someone who can return deadly force in an adequate manner. But any two bit criminal could find a gun dealer. Hell, drug dealers might just sell both cartel products.

Strict gun laws work in places like Japan and the UK because they don’t already have a massive number of gun owners and are fairly isolated. That doesn’t stop mass knifing in Japan or blowing up a double decker bus in Japan. Remember Oslo? Norway is more strict than we are, albeit they have no outright ban.

America’s gun violence problem runs a lot deeper than just the prevalence of guns, and there’s likely more effective means of stopping it than stripping good people of their rights.

Smirks December 15, 2012 at 9:42 am

Double decker bus in the UK rather. Goddamn phone.

TJ December 14, 2012 at 11:48 pm

This article has finally succeeded in drving me away from this site. Folks, I hope you would write a similar article if it were your child lying shot dead in a kindergarten classroom…

Original Good Ole Boy December 15, 2012 at 12:14 am

Maybe he would rightly blame the person who did it.

NRA all-the-way December 15, 2012 at 12:48 am

Citizens should not get sentimental about this mass murder with guns. The answer is to fight back, with training starting at an early age, like 8 years old. Every citizen of any age should be able to purchase and carry guns and ammunition to protect themselves. Don’t let this sad story change your intention of arming yourself to the teeth. More guns, not less, will solve these problems.

Destiny Now December 15, 2012 at 1:37 am

“NRA all-the-way,” thanks for providing another meaningless extreme, far-out-on-a-limb hyperbole in an ultra-lame attempt to make a valid point.


OhNoNotAgain December 15, 2012 at 1:37 am

The only thing more knee jerk than the liberal reaction is the right wing reaction to tec”assumed” left wing reaction.
Do guns cause these things? Nope. Do guns make sure that Hesse kinds of tragedies happen in the most efficient manners possible? Absolutely. When the citizens were armed with muskets and so was the army, the second amendment could achieve its intended aim. That day has long since passed. The NRA would push for no limits on strategic nukes if it saw a buck to be made.

Dylan December 15, 2012 at 2:40 am

So, now that the army is armed with fully automatic weapons, drones, armor, and other modern weaponry, citizens should just stick with their muskets? Or how about scrap the 2nd amendment altogether because it hasn’t “kept up with modern society?”

You fail as well.

ohnonotagain December 15, 2012 at 4:40 pm

I am sorry, but the fact that you disagree with the point doesn’t make it a “fail.”
When the Second Amendment was written, with its intended aim of protecting citizens against their own government, it was a pretty even exchange. Army had cannon and the citizens didn’t. But with no advantage in “muskets,” the citizens had a fair chance of getting cannon from the army, by force, if it needed to.
But there’s no way normal citizens can keep pace, so yeah.
How is it so incomprehensible that we do away with a constitutional amendment that isn’t working anymore. We have done away with parts of the original constitution that don’t work. The 3/5ths compromise, for instance.
We have gone to direct election of senators.
The First Amendment protected the press. That has been expanded to include broadcast media of all kinds and the Internet.
The primary system for electing a president has been added informally by gradual acceptance.
We created a national bank under Hamilton and have a federal reserve system, none of which was in the original constitution nor in it now.
We have done away with the runner up in presidential elections being named Vice President, and I think that was a BIG mistake because it really forced parties to consider bipartisanship.
We have added presidential term limits.
The Constitution is intended to by design a document that can change formally but has also, many times, been changed informally, from the beginning.
How is this individual right to bear arms, which is NOT in the constitution, the one thing that cannot be changed, ever, for no reason?

Charlie Cat December 15, 2012 at 4:12 am

Gun control is not the answer. If a person cannot legally by a gun, the black market is wide open to sell you one. However, as we all know a school is open to the public and this makes the school vulnerable. Even though some proactive measures have been put into place to help secure schools, we still have not done enough to close this gap of vulnerability. We need to put school resource officers into every school. Bring in high tec survelilance equipment , that could be tied into law enforcement agencies. Sure these factors and any other proactive things that we come up with are going to cost. However, what better investment could we have than the protection of our children in our school systems. A safe environment provides for a great learning environment. To sit back and not become more proactive in our school systems is not a good idea. This can only happen when we all give a unified push in that direction.

ohnonotagain December 15, 2012 at 4:29 pm

When the evidence is presented, of how there were numerous mass shooting rampages in AUstralia before they enacted gun control, and they have had none since, well, those are simply facts. You don’t like the fats and don’t want to agree with them, but those are facts.

Todd December 15, 2012 at 6:27 am

Fuck you and your 2nd amendment. Those were little kids. The constitution is outdated anyway.

BigT December 15, 2012 at 6:51 am

Thanks Hitler…

BigT's Nephew December 15, 2012 at 11:10 am

Todd, go back to banging your sister. According to her its the only thing you are any good at.

steven December 15, 2012 at 3:16 pm

Todd, you are a complete fucking idiot! An absolute embarrassment to your parents.

Todd December 15, 2012 at 5:03 pm

Please elaborate with supporting details for your argument. The Bill of Rights is ancient.

Franko December 15, 2012 at 5:29 pm

Id like to see you say that to my face homo.

Genocide December 15, 2012 at 7:13 am

We must outlaw immediately the willful slaughter of the innocent.
The slaughter of the defenseless, with no voice for themselves.
Abortion kills! It kills indiscriminately thousand daily..daily.
Outlaw abortion today!

Jake December 15, 2012 at 8:30 am

Fits you have a knee jerk reaction to every event you comment on, you are so full of shit. Why is the right to bear arms supposed to be unlimited? Even the right to free speech and religion have found their limits that are still being debated. To argue that gun rights should not is assinine.

SCBlues December 15, 2012 at 9:09 am

SC Republicans like FITS are a special breed of stupid.

And Jake is 100% correct – FITS is the King of Knee Jerk Reactions.

And then of course there is CoolAireHeights and Destiny Niow chiming in with their usual slop – you both are jokes.

FITS – stick to making up those zillions of stories about the imminent indictment of Governor Haley – do you really think that you have any credibility?

Destiny Now December 16, 2012 at 3:07 am

SCBlues, have you added anything to the conversation here?

As usual, the answer is a resounding “NO.”

You’re just another lame, useful idiot cheerleader for myopic, outdated liberal thinking.

But by all means, keep trying… you’re hilarious!

SCBlues December 16, 2012 at 9:50 am

Dipshit Now –

And you added what to the discussion, dear? Just your usual slop – EVERYTHING is always the fault of the “liberals”.

Why don’t you head up to Connecticut and look at the bloodied bodies of all of those 5 & 6 year olds riddled with multiple bullets from an assault rifle with an extended magazine? Huh?

I take that back – it would not even matter as you probably do not even care – too busy prattling on with all of your self-righteous crap you regularly slop out on here . . .

Destiny Now December 16, 2012 at 6:47 pm

SCBlues, you would have to actually read and comprehend what I’ve written here (with a logical mindset) in order for you to grasp what I’ve contributed to this thread.

But that’s too much to expect from you, so that’s why you’re SO baffled.

And so you’ve just decided to go with your usual, lame, liberal, kneejerk, namecalling and flaming.


You’re just too easy.

But by all means, keep trying… you’re hilarious.

Roscoe December 15, 2012 at 9:35 am

The left perpetuates lies and stirs up hatred and wants to blame it on guns!

Teddy December 15, 2012 at 10:04 am

I think we would outlaw alcohol since a lot of people are killed each year by drunk drivers. Oh yeah, I forgot that we tried that in the early 1900’s and it didn’t work too well.

mph December 15, 2012 at 10:30 am

The White House says this is not the day to talk about gun control, hence fits concludes: “U.S. President Barack Obama – pounced on this week’s tragic school shooting in Newton, Connecticut to push for new restrictions on gun ownership.” Huh, seems like I’ve heard this bullshit before and yet nobody has come for my guns and there have been ZERO attempts to limit gun ownership during his presidency.

You are so full shit. Professional victims and babies. But good to see you could use this tragedy to talk about abortion and grind your political ax.

Stay classy, fits.

Liberal Trash December 15, 2012 at 11:23 am

How bout the “War” on Christmas Fits?

I’m locked in my house right now!Scared to go out!

War is Hell!

Roscoe December 15, 2012 at 11:37 am


On Friday, ESPN suspended commentator Rob Parker “until further notice” for calling Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, who is African-American, a “cornball brother” because Griffin has a white fiancee and may be a Republican.


Earlier this week, right here in the United States of America, an innocent black man named Clint Tarver was attacked by a predominantly white mob. His business (a hot dog stand) was destroyed, and both he and a number of witnesses have confirmed that while his livelihood was being ripped apart, he was called a “nigger” and an “Uncle Tom.

The media, of course, refuse to cover the story. The Narrative takes precedent over truth, racism, violence, and legitimate stories; and The Narrative demands that labor unions must always and forever be the good guys. So when it’s pro-union protestors accused of and caught on video committing violence and hurling racial slurs, that story cannot and will not be told. Still…

Actor and singer Jamie Foxx, the guy who called President Obama our Lord and Savior two weeks ago, is pretty darn happy about being able to “kill all the white people” in his new movie Django Unchained.

Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people!

A mob of African-American male youths terrorized White residents of Peoria, Illinois as they shouted “kill all the White people” while rioting in the downtown area late Saturday night

Actor and singer Jamie Foxx, the guy who called President Obama our Lord and Savior two weeks ago, is pretty darn happy about being able to “kill all the white people” in his new movie Django Unchained.

Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people!

A mob of African-American male youths terrorized White residents of Peoria, Illinois as they shouted “kill all the White people” while rioting in the downtown area late Saturday night

Alec Baldwin:During his appearance on the comedy late night show Late Night with Conan O’Brien on December 12, 1998, eight days before President Bill Clinton was to be impeached, Baldwin said, “If we were in another country … we would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families, for what they’re doing to this country.

Roseanne Barr
In the recent Occupy Wall Street protests by the left, comedienne Roseanne Barr had this to say about wealthy Americans:
“I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay… back anything over 100 million in personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of 100 million dollars and if they’re unable to live on that amount then they should go to the reeducation camps, and if that doesn’t help, then be beheaded.”
Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is reported to commonly denigrate persons he disagrees with as “retarded;” he was pointedly criticized for this by Sarah Palin.[4]
In 2007, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow announced his cancer had returned. Commentators on the left-wing Daily Kos website remarked, “the world would be better off without him”.[17]
New Hampshire Democratic State Representative Timothy Horrigan posted on Facebook his wish Sarah Palin and Levy Johnson would have been onboard the airplane crash that killed former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens. Horrigan wrote “a dead Palin would be even more dangerous than a live one…she is all about her myth” and if she was dead, she wouldn’t the target of the liberals attempting to embarrass her. [7]
During the 2008 Presidential election campaign season, Barack Obama compared Sarah Palin to a pig. [28]
MSNBC host Ed Schultz used sexist and demeaning language to refer to conservative radio host and commentator Laura Ingraham. [29]
Democratic television host Chris Wallace unprofessionally asked Presidential Candidate Congresswoman Michele Bachmann if she was a flake. [30]
Liberal “comedian” and “entertainer” Sandra Bernhard made extraordinary offensive, vicious, despicable and threatening remarks to Gov. Sarah Palin during a so-called “comedy performance” before a paying audience.[31]
Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann called conservative columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin a “mashed up bag of meat with lipstick on it”. [32]
Dana Milbank hosted a comedy sketch matching various politicians to types of beer; Sarah Palin was matched to “Arctic Devil” and Hillary Clinton to “Mad B****.”[33] This caused the feminist group, the Center for New Words, to demand that the sketch’s sponsor, the Washington Post, fire everyone involved with it.[34]
In August 2007, former Democratic Presidential, Vice-Presidential candidate and amateur pornographer[35] Senator John Edwards viciously attacked social commentator Ann Coulter, calling the petite embodiment of women’s aspirations for equality in the marketplace of ideas a “she-devil” [36]
‘Alternative’ comedian Ben Elton’s repeated references to Margaret Thatcher as ‘a mad old cow’, a sexist jibe that belied his supposed pro-feminist stance. [37]

Sailor December 15, 2012 at 11:50 am

1. The second ammendment is an archic document. When written it took an expert to get off three shots in a minute! The founding fathers never imagined the technology we have today.

2. According to reports, the mother was an avid gun collector and the weapons used belonged to her. If there was a law regarding the storage of weapons, i.e. in a locked steel cabinet along with trigger locks, the kid might not have been able to access them. They would also be harder to steal if the house was broken into.

3. No one needs rapid fire assault weapons for hunting or self protection. They should be banned, period.

4. If the people running the NRA were smarter (I know, I know), they would promote laws requiring better gun storage, agree to restrict assault weapons and launch a major educational campaign on storage and care of guns.

5. States also need to take a hard look at conceal and carry laws. I love Florida, but I don’t feel too comfortable knowing that over 1 million people have C & C permits! How many of them are fucking nuts?

Just a few thoughts on a very sad day.

djk754 December 15, 2012 at 12:50 pm

All power to the Soviet.

FORWARD, comrades!

ProudKimberOwner December 15, 2012 at 4:01 pm


Apparently you didn’t take a civics class in school. The 2nd Amendment exists to protect the citizens from the government. This can’t happen unless the people have reasonable access to the same weapons the government has.

The mother isn’t here to answer for her part in this. You can pass all of the laws you want. That doesn’t mean people will follow them. We have outlawed cocaine, heroin, xstasy and many other drugs. I am glad we don’t have to worry about those any longer.

The NRA conducts many classes that promote responsible gun ownership. If you would take a minute to investigate, you would know this.

How many of these murderers have been concealed carry permit holders in their states? When the state of GA allowed CWP holders to begin carrying weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol and on mass transit vehicles, the libs cried that “there would be blood in the streets”. Hasn’t happened. CWP holders are some of the most responible gun owners there are.

Educate yourself before you start throwing stones at gun owners.

Franko December 15, 2012 at 5:33 pm

Well thats the point. Too many lunatics running around with guns. I like a level playing field myself. I would not feel comfortable left defenseless and its not the Polices job to protect us. Their funding is getting cut here anyway and criminals with guns will only go up in this economy. Good luck to ya.

BigT December 15, 2012 at 12:25 pm

Why is the Ft. Hood dhooter still alive and we have no idea waht Obama did in Fast and Furious…????

Obama has Blood all over him. He is a Horrible monster…

djk754 December 15, 2012 at 12:52 pm

Comrade Obama, please disarm the people!

KGB veteran December 15, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Be afraid Freedom Fighter!

We are coming for you!

mph December 15, 2012 at 1:14 pm

Big T sock puppet, the Fort Hood shooter is still alive because we have something called Due Process. Check it out. It’s in the Constitution.

Gun walking started in the Bush Administration, by the way. But don’t let facts get in the way of trolling for comments.

And Roscoe, also likely a sock puppet, thanks for listing off all the things that make you a (white?) martyr. Sandra Bernhard – give me a break. You guys are professional victims, even using this tragedy to climb up on the cross.

You’re pathetic.

BigT December 15, 2012 at 2:54 pm

Yeah the Ft. Hood is laighing his #$$ off your your Ignorant @$$…Due process like Obama intervening in the Trayvon Marin case to persecute an innocent man defending himself vs a THUG…

Also: Ft. Hood Shooter didn’t give a $#!& about due process we he blew those people away ……

Yet you Suck his $%^k because he is EVIL like you, and he killed Americans…and you HATE America…

Funny: Obama and the LEFT HATE the Constitution because it limits Government to take freedoms…but when you can PERVERT it to protect America-Haters You cling to it like Feces to toilet paper…

PS: He’s had more than enough time for Due Process….If he’d have killed a 3rd term abortion doctor, or a Terrorist…Obama would intevene and Pull the Switch on the electric chair himself..

But a Muslim killing America Soldiers, or kids killed in Ct…You Filthy Libs blame everybody else but the Murderer…

9" December 15, 2012 at 2:04 pm

Cheap shot.

General Lee December 15, 2012 at 2:59 pm

I think everybody has missed the big picture, this shouldn’t be about what guns people can and can’t own, this should be about the US Health Department and the failure to get mental health patients the proper help they need. What safety nets do we have in place? NICS does not have access to someone’s health records when they are buying a firearm…all a person would have to do is check “no” on a forum when purchasing a firearm. This country does not take mental health serious and until they do insane people will continue to fall through the cracks and cause mass destruction.

mph December 15, 2012 at 3:21 pm

That’s right, sock puppet, I hate America. I love abortions and terrorists and drown puppies in sacks. And I suck the ass of a murder that killed American service members…or something. By the way, he’s being tried by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Believe it or not, the President doesn’t have the authority to execute American citizens without due process.

An armed man stalking a kid armed with skittles. Yes, they have stand your own ground laws in Florida. The kid was standing his ground. If that creep, who had a felony in his jacket already for assaulting a police office, was stalking me, I’d have punched him, too.

And can you point to me or anyone else blaming anyone other than the perpetrators for these crimes? Of course not. You’re making it up as you go along. But we all know you’re just trolling for comments, William. Nobody is this stupid.

? December 15, 2012 at 8:27 pm

I really do not like breaking into other people^s arguments and such, but this line struck me:

*the President doesn’t have the authority to execute American citizens without due process.*

Yea….well…um, he actually does now and has done it already. There^s been a non denial and his kill list is classified…but it started with a terrorists teenage son(the disclosure that is…).

Anyway, thought you should know…carry on with your verbal fisticuffs with William or whoever.

mph December 16, 2012 at 7:48 am


Thanks for wading into our food fight. You’re saying the President is executing American citizens on American soil? If so, I’ll simply roll my eyes and move on.

? December 16, 2012 at 10:22 am

First, please do not add words to what I wrote, I didnt say he has done it stateside.

Second, you can roll your eyes if that makes you feel better, but it does not make facts go away:


No trial, no nothing… purposeful strike on an American teenage citizen.

Also, the kill list does exist. I rest my case.

mph December 16, 2012 at 12:07 pm

Unreal, do you read the stories you link to?

The last time you provided links to substantiate your argument, it did nothing of the sort. Here again…

Conflating a drone strike against people, and their families, that renounce their citizenship and work with al Qaeda overseas is a little different than the President marching out American citizens for summary execution, as Big T Sock Puppet was advocating.

And yes, there’s a “kill list.” Against the al Qaeda leadership, not American citizens. Did you any read the story linked to on Was Po? It has no mention of killing American citizens.

? December 16, 2012 at 1:59 pm

Seriously, are you going to try to obfuscate like that?

I could ask the same question of you. You are the one conflating.

There was a targeted drone strike on an American citizen that was successful. A teenage boy cant renounce #1, where do you even get that?

Im starting to think you are disengenuous, especially with your adding words that do not exist to my comments.

Seriously, I may stop bothering with you-which might be better for both of us.

? December 16, 2012 at 2:05 pm

Btw, one other thing:

*And yes, there’s a “kill list.” Against the al Qaeda leadership, not American citizens*

So you have access to the *non denial* secret kill list of the President now and you know who is/isnt on it?

lol…more bullshit. Let me know who is on that list when you get a moment so I can break a story for the AP.

My point is simply they have already killed one American citizen(that we know of), and have a list of more PEOPLE(citizen or not) to be killed without due process….UNLIKE YOUR ORIGINAL COMMENT states.

mph December 16, 2012 at 5:43 pm

First, let me explain a couple of things that obviously went right over your head. One, when I put a question mark behind my sentence asking if you thought that the President was killing American citizens on American soil, as was the discussion with Big T Sock Puppet, I meant it AS A QUESTION. Got it? Not putting words in your mouth, I’m asking A QUESTION. Okay, let that sink in.

Yes, the CIA hit a teenager who’s father was a chief propagandist and recruiter for a terrorist organization. The wisdom or even legality of that might be highly dubious. I’m not an expert on such matters, the details of these circumstances or what part this person played in the organization. Nevertheless, to suggest this one instance means the President has a “kill list” of American citizens he is targeting without due process is plain bullshit. Targeted assassinations of foreign terrorists has absolutely nothing to do with my comment about the Fort Hood shooter. Got it?

mph December 16, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Okay, never mind, I’ve tried to not engage with you, but you waded in without invitation. Yes, the CIA killed an American citizen overseas that was associated with a terrorist organization. I’m not privy to the intelligence, but they obviously thought he was a part of the organization. Perhaps he wasn’t. But it in these circumstances I tend to fall back on the old belief that you don’t ascribe to conspiracy or malice what can be attributed to incompetence. But yes, I concede this is obviously of dubious legality, though his father could expect what he got.

You, on the other hand, extrapolated from this instance that a “non denial” of a foreign enemies kill list – did you really think they’d confirm or deny this? – means the President has suspended due process and is obviously targeting American citizens, perhaps even ones on American soil.

Sorry, a bridge too far for me. I guess you’re privy to intelligence I’m not. Or perhaps you see conspiracy where I see incompetence.

? December 16, 2012 at 6:28 pm

Here’s what I’ve got:

You’ve made a couple of incorrect statements that you would rather pretend you didn’t make:

“the President doesn’t have the authority to execute American citizens without due process”

which is clearly incorrect, and

“Unreal, do you read the stories you link to?
The last time you provided links to substantiate your argument, it did nothing of the sort.”

which again, is incorrect(I’ll leave that one to the readers)


“a drone strike against people, and their families, that renounce their citizenship and work with al Qaeda overseas”

again, incorrect(see the link you don’t seem to have read), and finally:

“Against the al Qaeda leadership, not American citizens”

” to suggest this one instance means the President has a “kill list” of American citizens he is targeting without due process is plain bullshit”

Which is simply a guess on your part, and given your track record so far I’ll have to defer. But, I “Got it.”

mph December 16, 2012 at 9:08 pm

“which is clearly incorrect, and”

So the President has carte blanch authority to kill American citizens without due process. Gotcha. The Supreme Court will be interested in this development. And we were talking about the Fort Hood shooter and why he hadn’t been executed yet. Keep up.

“Unreal, do you read the stories you link to?
The last time you provided links to substantiate your argument, it did nothing of the sort.”

That was a reference to two articles that you provided to prove, I can dig them out if want me to, that implicated the justice department in handing triggers for the Oklahoma bombing to the perpetrators. They said nothing of the sort. Not even close. Go back and read the articles and stop embarrassing yourself. Then again you’re a conspiracy nut, so you’re probably not capable of embarrassment.

“a drone strike against people, and their families, that renounce their citizenship and work with al Qaeda overseas”

His father renounced his citizenship. I have no idea about his son. I’m not privy to the intelligence. Perhaps you are. I also conceded this one instance was of dubious legality, which you conveniently forget. Apparently the intelligence community thought otherwise.

”to suggest this one instance means the President has a “kill list” of American citizens he is targeting without due process is plain bullshit…Which is simply a guess on your part”

You’re asserting far more with little more than an article from the Huff Post. Congrats, better than Newsmax. Nevertheless, let me follow the logic. The CIA killed an American citizen associated with a terrorist group, whose father was a figurehead, and there are “kill lists” – so there must be American citizens on said “non denied” kill lists. Gotcha. You’re a kook, which is further substantiated by your claim that the US might have aided the OKC bomber. That absurd claim is part of your “track record.”

Also, I sincerely doubt “the readers” are interested in this pissing contest.

mph December 16, 2012 at 11:30 pm

Ah, working late and hoped you responded. This is hilarious.

American complicity in the OKC bombing and black on black kill squads murdering American citizens. Good stuff.

Now that Robert Ludlum has passed away, you could take over writing the Bourne novels.


Agent Mulder.

ProudKimberOwner December 15, 2012 at 3:27 pm

We don’t need gun control. We need evil control. If a person wants to commit murder, he or she will find a way to do it. Lets look at some mass murderers:

1) Gary Ridgeway- the Green River Killer- strangled 71 young women to death
2) John Wayne Gacy- killed 33 teenage boys by strangulation
3) Ted Bundy- killed 35 women
4) Dean Corll- killed at least 27 young men via torture
5) Ronald Dominique- known as the “Bayou Strnagler”- he killed at least 23

This is just a sampling from this country. If we look outside the US, we find:

1)Luis Garavito- convicted of killing 138 children in Colombia- is suspected of killing over 400
2)Pedro Alonso Lopez- known as the “Monster of the Andes”- convicted of killing 110 girls ages 8-12 but confessed to killing 300. He was released from prison in 1998
3) Daniel Barbosa- convicted of strangling 72 young girls in Colombia- is believed to have killed over 150
4) Pedro Rodrigues Filho- killed over 71 young men
5) Yang Xinhai- killed 67 victims in China using axes, meat cleavers, hammers and shovels
6) Andre Chikatilo- known as the “Butcher of Rostov” he murdered 53 women and children in Russia
7) Ahmad Suradji- convicted of strangling 42 women and children in Indonesia

It doesn’t matter the instrument they use. What matters is that they are evil. Until we can “know what evil lurks in men’s hearts”, we will always have mass murderers and serial killers amongst us.

ConfederateLiberal December 15, 2012 at 6:02 pm

If your happiness is a warm gun, at least have the decency to read the names of the children, over, and over, and over.

•Charlotte Bacon, 6
•Daniel Barden, 7
•Olivia Engel, 6
•Josephine Gay, 7
•Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6
•Dylan Hockley, 6
•Madeleine F. Hsu, 6
•Catherine V. Hubbard, 6
•Chase Kowalski, 7
•Jesse Lewis, 6
•James Mattioli, 6
•Grace McDonnell, 7
•Emilie Parker, 6
•Jack Pinto, 6
•Noah Pozner, 6
•Caroline Previdi, 6
•Jessica Rekos, 6
•Aveille Richman, 6
•Benjamin Wheeler, 6
•Allison N. Wyatt, 6

ProudKimberOwner December 15, 2012 at 8:55 pm

My happiness is not a warm gun. I am thankful that I have never had to fire any of my weapons at another human being. I am thankful that I have the ability to defend my family from any and all people that might do them harm,

? December 15, 2012 at 9:14 pm

Good job demagoguing CL. Plan on running for office anytime soon?

Original Good Ole Boy December 16, 2012 at 12:39 am

This is one of the most shameless posts on this site.

Who gets happiness from a warm gun? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Are you saying gun owners should read the list and feel some sense of guilt for contributing to the massacre?

ConfederateLiberal December 15, 2012 at 7:57 pm

At least the NRA will consider evaluating their positions. It’s about time.


SCBlues December 16, 2012 at 9:52 am

****************************Gun Nuts SUCK*************************

Destiny Now December 16, 2012 at 6:52 pm

Another deeply thought-provoking post from our resident kneejerk liberal cheerleader, SCBlues!

Congratulations girl, you did it again! LOL!

John December 16, 2012 at 10:30 am

Liberals don’t want gun control. They want an outright ban and confiscation. That’s the goal. Right now is the incremental part where no one should notice the slow process of our rights taken away. The shooter broke several laws that are already in place. #1 being the laws prohibiting murder. Arm a willing administrator,it works in Israel.

ConfederateLiberal December 16, 2012 at 10:59 am

As an unabashed and proud white liberal, please do not assume you know what liberals may want. First we are diverse and not a monolithic block. Many of us are hunters and own firearms and will not support banning and confiscation of most firearms. This liberal however would like to see an outright ban on the private possession of automatic weapons such as assault rifles. They have no place in a modern civilized society. While that will not prevent all mass killings it would prevent some and that would be good. As for those who believe their so called right too possess such weapons is their constitutional right to resist the federal government, get real. This really is the 21st century and King George is no longer a threat. One final thing before I yield to the foaming masses of gun nuts, the issue really revolves around whether or not government’s responsibility to protect its citizens should be trumped by an amendment written when firearms were flintlocks. In fact maybe the solution should be to literally interpret the 2nd amendment to say that it guarantees you the right to bear flintlocks. Afterall, we know the founding fathers had no concept of an AR 15 or a bushmaster. BTW, John, would you mind enumerating for me those rights that you believe are incrementally being taken away. Thank you.

mph December 16, 2012 at 12:40 pm

“Liberals don’t want gun control. They want an outright ban and confiscation. That’s the goal.”

Horse shit.

Gallup 2011:
Democrats favoring an outright ban on handguns: 37%.

We can reasonably assume the percentage of “liberals” that want to ban all weapons is even lower.

Damn, do you people not have google on your computers or do you just prefer to talk out of your asses?

Destiny Now December 16, 2012 at 6:55 pm

mph, when John said, “Liberals don’t want gun control. They want an outright ban and confiscation,” I’m certain he was speaking of far leftwing nutjobs.

We all know that “Democrats” are not ALL in that category.

Google and try again, dude.

Destiny Now December 16, 2012 at 7:01 pm

ConfedLib, you said, “In fact maybe the solution should be to literally interpret the 2nd amendment to say that it guarantees you the right to bear flintlocks. Afterall, we know the founding fathers had no concept of an AR 15 or a bushmaster.”

Thank you for repeating that current liberal talking point for us.

I know it’s a liberal talking point because I have seen and heard it in many, many places in the last couple of days.

One may substitute the word “musket” for “flintlock,” however. I’ve seen and heard it both ways.

It’s an equally ridiculous statement either way.

It shows how logic-deprived most liberals’ brains are.

Either they think gun owners could be made to line up at the local post office to turn in their current firearms for muskets… or maybe the “idea” is just hyperbole.

Either way, it’s hilarious stuff.

HuntDefendLiveAnotherDay December 17, 2012 at 4:46 am

I am an owner of several rifles that I use to hunt on a regular basis. I also own a handgun that I have not as of yet had to use to defend my home and family. I like everyone I know attends yearly gun safety training prior to hunting season. I fully understand the use and operation of my weapons. My weapons are secure in a safe, my handgun in a quick retrieve biometric safe.

This country of ours contains roughly 300,000,000 people and growing. We all share the same rights and concerns. Please tell me when the actions of one person acting out an evil fantasy meant that the remaining 299,000,000 of us will now lose our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms and protect ourselves from that same evil? This right as all our rights are not negotiatable. If someone says something offensive we dont ban free speech. If someone commits voter fraud we dont throw our hands up and declare the nation a dictatorship. Why then do we declare this very important right to be no longer valid or steadfast as the result of one persons actions?

My right to bear arms in a free and safe manner provides food for my family, protects my family from harm and reminds our great and powerful government just who is really in charge, even if those running it have seem to have forgotten. Removing weapons from everyone doesnt eliminate crime or murder. If one very skilled man or more than one person decided to enter my home to rape my wife and daughter or to simply kill us and plunder my belongings the only thing that levels the one against two or ten is a gun. It is the great equalizer. Those that believe the local police will protect them or save them should ponder this question seriously. Do you believe the police in your community prevent crimes? Violent, murderous, pety or otherwise? No they do not. The police in your town respond to crimes.

When your family is being tortured during a home invasion and you lay there helpless to stop it what do you think will be going thru your mind? Will you be thinking that although this terrible crime is happening at least the thugs raping your wife isnt carrying a gun while he is doing it? No, the one thought in your mind will be I WISH I HAD A GUN! Guns in the hands of responsible owners saves lives. The police will not protect you from crime and crime does not just happen to other people.

The people yelling the loudest for gun control are folks like NY Mayor M. Bloomberg. Do you honestly think that the billionaire mayor would walk the streets of NewYork without an armed Police escort? Do you think the “cant we all just get along” mayor would ever go anywhere without armed bodyguards? Of course he doesnt but he doesnt see anything wrong with you doing it.

One last thing to all those here and at large that claim to have such a firm grasp on what our Constitution means to America in “this day in age”. It would help if you read it. Top to bottom left to right. It would help if you understood the spirit of the document as the founders intended during the debates of the First Congress and the Delegation that formed the document. During these debates the founders among the various representatives of the states hammered out the wording. Many felt that a list of rights was no needed as the Contitution was clearly a document that simply spelled out the rights and function of our government as granted by the people. Others argued that a mention of personal rights was important. After agreeing that the RIGHTS RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE was so vast that to number and list them all individually would be an impossiblity the founders agreed to cast out a wide net with Bill of Rights and had the supreme foresight to near the end include the following phrase. It is number nine on our list I recall. It goes like this, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Although greatly ignored by the narrow minds of the few that wish to rule the rest of us this is I believe the greatest right included in our bill of rights. This means among other things I retain the right to wear a hat on Sunday, Sing a song at midnight and own a weapon for my own use. As long as the exercise of my rights does not infringe others liberty then I am free to live as I wish. The true spirit behind the founders words are clear, even in this “day and age”.

shifty henry December 17, 2012 at 6:06 pm

———— well said!

HuntDefendLiveAnotherDay December 18, 2012 at 4:37 am

I decided to edit and touch on some areas I felt were missed with my original post.

I am an owner of several rifles that I use to hunt on a regular basis. I also own a handgun that I have not as of yet had to use to defend my home and family. I, like everyone I know, attend yearly gun safety training prior to hunting season. Although not required, I fully understand the use and operation of my weapons as do everyone I know who chooses to own a firearm. My rifles are secure in a locked safe with the keys secured, my handgun in a quick retrieve biometric safe that only my wife and I can access in the sudden event of a break-in.

This country of ours contains roughly 300,000,000 people and growing. We all share the same rights and concerns. We all want to live free as we have for the last 200+ years. Please tell me when the actions of one person acting out an evil fantasy made it acceptable that the remaining 299,999,999 of us should now be stripped of our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms and protect ourselves from that same evil? This right to defend ourselves, as all our rights, are not negotiatable. If someone says something offensive we don’t ban free speech. If someone commits voter fraud we dont throw our hands up and declare the nation a dictatorship because voters cant be trusted. Why then do we declare this very important right to be no longer valid or steadfast as the result of ONE CRIMINALS ACTION?!

Gun control activists do not want to have a conversation or debate. They believe that no one should own a firearm for any reason. They want a force their beliefs on everyone and use the acts of one criminal as the just cause. Here is a solution for all those knee jerkers, petition your state goverment to post an armed police officer in every school. This murderer would have been stopped in his tracks with such a determent. After writing to your representatives everyone should then go visit your local cementary. Come to terms with the fact that we all are mortal. You can not pass a law against dying or being hurt. Murder or assault by any means is already illegal. The reason we call them criminals is that they dont obey the law. So why further punish those of us that do?

My right to bear arms in a free and safe manner provides food for my family, protects my family from harm and reminds our great and powerful government just who is really in charge. If those running it have seem to have forgotten or find it uncomfortable that we the people retain that power my response to them is tough. Removing firearms doesnt eliminate crime or murder. If one very skilled man or more than one person decided to enter my home to rape my wife and daughter or to simply kill us and plunder my belongings the only thing that levels the one against two or more is a gun. It is the great equalizer. Those that believe the local police will protect them or save them should ponder this everyday senario seriously.

Do you believe the police in your community prevent crimes? Violent, murderous, pety or otherwise? No they do not. The police in your town respond to crimes. Deserving mention is the fact that Law Enforcement is not made up of some super human race of above normal moral character. They are regular people, with all the flaws of any man. I dont know about you but I wouldn’t feel safer by giving my neighbor, the city officer, ulitmate control over me. Thats what happens when they are the only ones allowed to possess a firearm. You must trust they wont abuse the complete power you have given them. I cant see how that could go wrong can you?

When your family is being tortured during a home invasion and you lay there helpless to stop it what do you think will be going thru your mind? Will you be thinking that although this terrible crime is happening at least the thugs raping your wife aren’t using a gun while he is doing it? No, the one thought in your mind will be I WISH I HAD A GUN! Guns in the hands of a responsible owner saves lives. Just as it did last year when a gunman entered his local church to kill his exwife and was met by a gun toting citizen. The criminal was able to get off only one shot before this law abiding citizen eliminated the threat with his own weapon. The police will not protect you from crime and crime does not just happen to other people.

The people yelling the loudest for gun control are folks like NY Mayor M. Bloomberg. Do you honestly think that the billionaire mayor would walk the streets of NewYork without an armed Police escort? Do you think the “cant we all just get along” mayor would ever go anywhere without armed bodyguards? Of course he doesnt but he doesnt see anything wrong with you taking your chances. Maybe crime wont happen to you. You know cause criminals dont target the defenseless, right?

One last thing to all those here and at large that claim to have such a firm grasp on what our Constitution means to America in “this day in age”. It would help if you read it. Top to bottom left to right. It would help if you understood the spirit of the document as the founders intended during the debates of the First Congress and the Delegation that formed the document. During these debates the founders and the various representatives of the states carefully hammered out the wording. Many felt that a list of rights was not needed as the Contitution was clearly a document that only spelled out the rights and function of our government as granted by the people. Others argued that a mention of personal rights was important. After agreeing that the RIGHTS RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE was to vast that to number and list them all individually would be an impossiblity the founders agreed to cast out a wide net with Bill of Rights and had the supreme foresight to include the ninth admendment, it was no accident.

It goes like this, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Although greatly ignored by the narrow minds of the few that wish to rule the rest of us this is I believe the greatest and most important written words included in our Constitution. This means among other things I retain the right to wear a hat on Sunday, Sing a song at midnight and own a weapon for my own use. As long as the exercise of my rights does not infringe on others liberty then I am free to live as I wish. The true spirit behind the founders words are clear, even in this “day and age”. To those that would like to forfit thier retained and enumerated rights I say go right ahead. I on the other hand will just hang on to mine.

P.S. Semi-automatic does not mean you can hold down a trigger and fire thousands of bullets. It means the firearm reloads itself after each shot. This still requires the operator to pull the trigger after each shot. AR-15’s are not assualt rifles. The resemblence to M16’s is purely in apperance only. They are not automatic, they do not fire some magic more deadly round, they are used for hunting because they are very precise and millions of people own them. Gun ownership is not on the decline and we dont give two shakes of crap what they do in Europe, Asia or Ireland. If America was so dangerous then explain why all the folks from these countries want to live here. Other world powers know that the most well armed force in the world isn’t the US MIlitary it’s the average US Citizen. God Bless!


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