
2012 Election Night Live Blog

RAPID REACTIONS FROM A “DAY OF DECISION”  Welcome to FITS’ 2012 election night live blog … instant news, insight and analysis from a day we’ve all been waiting for (or waiting to end). For those of you new to this website, we’re hilarious and provocative … so expect to be…


Welcome to FITS’ 2012 election night live blog … instant news, insight and analysis from a day we’ve all been waiting for (or waiting to end).

For those of you new to this website, we’re hilarious and provocative … so expect to be offended.  We’re also hard core fiscal conservatives and social libertarians.  That’s why we endorsed U.S. Rep. Ron Paul in this year’s GOP primary race, and why we endorsed former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson in this year’s general election.

As for our 2012 prediction, our crystal ball foresaw a narrow victory for “Republican” presidential nominee Mitt Romney … not that it really matters in our humble estimation, though, as both candidates are terrible on fiscal issues.

Were we right? (No). And what about the various races (such as they were) in our home State of South Carolina?

To the blog!





12:02 p.m. – Off to write articles … and drink some coffee.  Sheesh.  What a night …

11:55 p.m. – A pair of RINO incumbents did fall in South Carolina … Democrat Beth Bernstein defeated S.C. Rep Joan Brady, while petition candidate Katrina Shealy appears to have knocked off incumbent S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts.  Still, though … the status quo in the Palmetto State held this year in a big way.

11:49 p.m. – Big victories for incumbents in South Carolina Senate – Democrat Nikki Setzler held off a credible challenge, as did RINO Larry Martin. Democrat Glenn Reese also beat back a challenger, as did RINOs John Courson and Wes Hayes.  Those are terrible results for South Carolina taxpayers, unfortunately.

11:44 p.m. – U.S. popular vote now even at around 45 million votes apiece.

11:40 p.m. – Your battleground state update …

OHIO (Called for Barack Obama):  Obama 49.2 percent, Romney 49.1 percent (80 percent reporting).
VIRGINIA (Not called): Obama 49.6 percent, Romney 49 percent (94 percent reporting).
FLORIDA (Not called): Obama 49.9 percent, Romney 49.3 percent (96 percent reporting).

11:33 p.m. – Democrat Thomas McElveen has defeated Republican Tony Barwick in the race for S.C. Senate District 36 in Sumter County.

11:29 p.m. – S.C. Rep. Ted Vick (D-Chesterfield) has defeated GOP challenger Richie Yow in the race for S.C. House District 53 (46-42 percent).

11:27 p.m. – With 61 percent of precincts reporting, Democrat Joe McCulloch is leading Republican Kirkman Finlay by a 52-48 percent margin in the race for S.C. House District 75.

11:26 p.m. – With 80 percent of precincts reporting, Democrat Beth Bernstein is ahead of S.C. Rep. Joan Brady (RINO-Richland) by a 57-43 percent margin in the race for S.C. House District 78.

11:22 p.m. – Despite trailing in the popular vote by nearly 2 million ballots, U.S. President Barack Obama has won a second term, according to the TV networks.

11:20 p.m. – FOX News projecting U.S. President Barack Obama at 275 electoral votes – ball game.

11:18 p.m. – CNN has U.S. President Barack Obama at 274 electoral votes – ball game.

11:16 p.m. – Ohio was just called for U.S. President Barack Obama … the proverbial nail in the coffin for Mitt Romney.

11:12 p.m. – Iowa (another swing state) has been called for Barack Obama … further narrowing Mitt Romney’s window.  Obama has now won four key battleground states (Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin).  Electoral College count: Obama 250, Romney 203.

11:08 p.m. – Virginia has suddenly gotten close … Mitt Romney now leads by just one percent (49.8 to 48.8 percent) with 87 percent of precincts reporting.

11:06 p.m. – Mitt Romney wins North Carolina … turning a blue state red.  Looking increasingly like it won’t matter though.  Electoral count: Obama 244, Romney 203.

11:04 p.m. – Mitt Romney now MUST win Florida and Ohio … not looking likely.

11:02 p.m. – Badda bing, badda boom … polls close on the “Left Coast” and U.S. President Barack Obama gets California and Washington State called for him like THAT.  Surges ahead of Mitt Romney in the electoral vote count, 244-193.  Obama is now just 26 electoral votes away from winning a second term.

11:01 p.m. – S.C. Sen. Glenn Reese (D-Spartanburg) easily turned back a challenge from petition candidate Kerry Wood – 3 to 1 margin, people. Ouch.

11:00 p.m. – Again … not that it matters (because it doesn’t), but Mitt Romney is enjoying a 1.6 million advantage in the U.S. popular vote (50.5 percent to 48.1 percent).

10:59 p.m. – Florida … with 92 percent of precincts reporting, Barack Obama has 49.7 percent of the vote compared to 49.5 percent for Mitt Romney.

10:57 p.m. – Missouri goes for Mitt Romney … 189-176 Romney is the current Electoral College count.

10:54 p.m. – With 77 percent of precincts reporting, S.C. Sen. Wes Hayes (RINO-York) is crushing petition candidate Joe Thompson by a 74-26 percent margin.

Sic sez: Ouch … again.

10:52 p.m. – Ohio … with 65 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney 50.3 to 48 percent. The gap keeps closing … can Romney take the lead though?

10:48 p.m. – Arizona goes for Mitt Romney … 174-173 Romney narrowly leading Electoral College count.

10:46 p.m. – With 100 percent of them reporting, my fingers are fucking tired of typing.

10:43 p.m. – Florida … with 91 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama is up on Mitt Romney by a slim margin: 49.7 percent to 49.4 percent.

10:41 p.m. – Early totals show Democrat Joe McCulloch leading Republican Kirkman Finlay in S.C. House District 75 race.  Meanwhile S.C. Rep. Joan Brady (RINO-Richland) also has an early lead.  These numbers will be late coming in thanks to major delays at Richland County polling locations.

10:38 p.m. – S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell cruising to reelection over petition candidate John Steinberger in Charleston, S.C. race.  Up 74-16 percent with a little over half of the vote in … another third party candidate is drawing ten percent of the vote.

10:36 p.m. – (via Facebook) Former S.C. Treasurer Thomas Ravenel says: “It’s over. Romney’s toast. The Dems added more liberals to the Senate. Apparently, the Country wants more govt more taxes and fewer private sector jobs. Look out Greece, here we come!!”

10:34 p.m. – Minnesota’s ten electoral votes have just been called for Barack Obama … he’s now up 173-163.

10:33 p.m. – With 73 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney is still up by 3 percent over Barack Obama in Virginia.

10:32 p.m. – With 89 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney is still up by 3 percent over Barack Obama in North Carolina.

10:31 p.m. – With 74 percent of the vote in, S.C. Sen. Nikki Setzler (D-Lexington) leads his GOP opponent DeeDee Vaughters by a 60-40 percent margin.

10:28 p.m. – Barack Obama wins New Mexico … race tied at 163 electoral votes apiece.

10:25 p.m. – She’s slightly to the left of Chairman Mao, but S.C. Rep.-elect Mandy Powers Norrell will dramatically improve the aesthetic of the S.C. House of Representatives.  Who’d she beat?  This guy …

10:24 p.m. – Salient text message of the night: “Republicans: your tent just ain’t big enough, fools.”

10:22 p.m. – Only in South Carolina … a “Republican” sheriff (this guy) who had an affair with a subordinate and drove her in a taxpayer-provided vehicle to have an abortion has been reelected.  Long live family values, y’all.

10:21 p.m. – With 88 percent of precincts reporting, petition candidate Katrina Shealy is holding onto her 51-44 percent lead over incumbent S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts (RINO-SC).

10:19 p.m. – Ohio … with 49 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama still leads 50.7 percent to 47.6 percent.  Can Mitt Romney catch him?

10:16 p.m. – With 87 percent of the vote reporting, Florida is still going down to the wire with Barack Obama enjoying a slim lead over Mitt Romney – 49.8 to 49.3 percent.

10:14 p.m. – With 57 percent of the vote reporting, “Republican” Tom Rice is leading Democrat Gloria Bromell Tinubu by a 54-46 percent margin in the race for the newly created S.C. seventh congressional district.

10:12 p.m. – New Hampshire – another swing state – has gone decisively for U.S. President Barack Obama. Montana and Utah are being called for Romney, though.  Current count? 163-158 Romney.

10:10 p.m. – Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock – two Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate who made controversial comments about rape – both lost races that they should have won tonight in Missouri and Indiana, respectively.

10:07 p.m. – We haven’t written much about this tonight because it doesn’t matter, but Mitt Romney is currently up by nearly a million votes on Barack Obama in the nation’s popular vote – 22.4 million to 21.5 million.

10:05 p.m. – With 64 percent of the vote in, Democrat Nikki Setzler is leading Republican DeeDee Vaughters by a 61-39 percent margin in the race for S.C. Senate District 26.

10:03 p.m. – We’re up to 9,335 Pickens County voters who pulled the “straight ticket” for Republican candidates …

10:01 p.m. – With 23 percent of precincts reporting, Paul Thurmond – son of the late U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond – is up 56-44 percent over his Democratic opponent Paul Tinkler.

Sic sez: Just typing that Democrat’s last name makes me need to go potty.

9:57 p.m. – Some good news tonight … Colorado is voting heavily in favor of the full legalization of marijuana.

Sic sez: “Spreadin’ much love with tha bud …”

9:55 p.m. – With 70 percent of the vote in, petition candidate Katrina Shealy leads incumbent S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts (RINO-Lexington) by a 51-44 percent margin.

9:54 p.m. –  With 53 percent of the vote in, Democrat Nikki Setzler is still up over Republican DeeDee Vaughters in the race for S.C. Senate District 26 … 62-38 percent.

9:52 p.m. – Florida … with 85 percent reporting, Barack Obama 49.7 percent, Mitt Romney 49.5 percent.

9:51 p.m. – Ohio … getting closer. With 30 percent reporting, Barack Obama 51.9 percent, Mitt Romney 46.6 percent.

9:49 p.m. – Former Mark Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer and S.C. Democratic Party executive director Amanda Loveday follow returns …

9:45 p.m. – With 60 percent of the vote in, Democrat Thomas McElveen leads Republican Tony Barwick by 55-45 percent in the race for S.C. Senate District 35.

9:43 p.m. – With 42 percent of the vote in, Katrina Shealy leads incumbent S.C. Sen. Jakie Knotts by a 52-43 percent margin in S.C. Senate District 23.

9:42 p.m. – Ohio … with 21 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama is still up by eight percent.

9:38 p.m. – With 11 percent of the vote in, S.C. Senate President John Courson leads his Democratic opponent Robert Rikard by a 59-38 percent margin in the race for S.C. Senate District 20.

9:37 p.m. – At this point, it sure looks like four more years of Barack Obama …

9:36 p.m. – According to Adam Beam of The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, more than 2,600 Pickens County voters pulled the “straight ticket” for Republican candidates.

9:32 p.m. – BREAKING. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has just been elected the second president of the Confederate States of America.

9:30 p.m. – (via Twitter) @SYPblogger asks “does every female that is on FoxNews have blonde hair? Is that a requirement?”

Sic sez: We don’t watch Fox … or CNN, or MSNBC … or any talking head network. 

9:29 p.m. – Barack Obama has won the swing state of Wisconsin and its ten electoral votes.  Current count? 154 electoral votes apiece.

9:27 p.m. – With 73 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are separated by less than 20,000 votes in Florida.

9:22 p.m. – Ohio … with eleven percent of the vote in, Barack Obama is up by more than 9 percent.  Ruh-roh, Mitt Romney.

9:17 p.m. – FOX News has called Pennsylvania for Barack Obama. Major swing state victory. Romney gets Nebraska.  Current count? Romney 154-144.

9:15 p.m. – Some dumb bitch on FOX News just said that voting for a third party candidate “divides the country in a way that shouldn’t happen,” adding that such a vote moves America “towards a parliamentary system – which is not democracy.”

Sic sez: Scroll down to the beginning of this live feed where MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says basically the same thing. Does anybody REALLY believe “bipartisanshit” is working for them?

9:11 p.m. – With 28 percent of the vote in, Democrat Nikki Setzler is still up over Republican DeeDee Vaughters in the race for S.C. Senate District 26 … 66-34 percent.

9:08 p.m. – With 35 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama by one percent in North Carolina …50.1 percent to 49.1 percent.

9:06 p.m. – With 57 percent of the vote in, Democrat Thomas McElveen leads Republican Tony Barwick by 56-44 percent in the race for S.C. Senate District 35.

9:03 p.m. – With 50 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are tied at 49.6 percent.

9:02 p.m. – States falling like dominoes now … New York and Michigan (a swing state) go to Barack Obama, while Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming are all called for Mitt Romney.  141-124 Romney.

9:00 p.m. – With 26 percent of precincts reporting, Democrat Nikki Setzler is up big on Republican DeeDee Vaughters … 70-30 percent.

8:59 p.m. – #StayInLine is trending … both candidates blasting it out as long lines are forcing poll workers to stay open late.

8:58 p.m. – With 40 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney in Florida 50.4 percent to 48.8 percent.

8:55 p.m. – With 21 percent of the vote in, Democrat Thomas McElveen leads Republican Tony Barwick in the race for S.C. Senate District 35 by a 58-42 percent margin.

8:53 p.m. – With 15 percent of the vote in, petition candidate Katrina Shealy leads incumbent Sen. Jakie Knotts (RINO-Lexington) by 52-43 percent.

8:52 p.m. – (via Twitter) @CoreyHutchins says “If Pickens County is any indication, all that sound and fury about petition candidates might be meh. Challenger was aggressively funded.”

8:51 p.m. – With 94 percent of the vote in, S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-S.C.) has defeated petition candidate Rex Rice by a whopping 65-35 percent.

Sic Sez: Ouch.

8:50 p.m. – Alabama’s nine electoral votes have been called for Mitt Romney. 82-79 Romney.

8:48 p.m. – There have been 11 million “Tweets” about the 2012 election today … a new daily record for a political event.

8:45 p.m. – Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post says that exit polling from Ohio looks good for Barack Obama (via WaPo).

8:41 p.m. – Still waiting on updates from South Carolina races … although at this point it certainly looks as though S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-Pickens) has won reelection.  That’s terrible news for Palmetto State taxpayers (but a win for S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, who endorsed the 30-year incumbent and former Democrat).

8:38 p.m. – Arkansas has been called for Mitt Romney. New Jersey and Maine called for Barack Obama. 79-73 Obama.

8:37 p.m. – Now Florida is drifting away from Mitt Romney … with 34 percent of the vote in, Barack Obama is up by three percent 51-48 …

8:34 p.m. – With 64 percent of the vote in, S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-Pickens) is still crushing petition candidate Rex Rice by a 66-34 percent margin.

8:30 p.m. – Exit polls show 74 percent of Asian-Americans voting for Barack Obama … huh?

8:27 p.m. – Tennessee and its 11 electoral votes have been called for Mitt Romney. 67-65 Romney.

8:25 p.m. – With 31 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are separated by two-tenths of a percentage point in Florida … here we go again!

8:23 p.m. – With 26 percent of the vote in, S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-Pickens) is still up big over petition candidate Rex Rice – 65-35 percent.

8:21 p.m. – With 10 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney is ahead in North Carolina by less than one percentage point … 50 percent to 49.2 percent.

8:20 p.m. – It’s early, but Romney is now winning Florida, North Carolina and Virginia … three states he has to have.

8:19 p.m. – With 3 percent of the vote in, petition candidate Katrina Shealy is ahead of incumbent Jakie Knotts (RINO-Lexington) by an 18 vote margin in S.C. Senate District 23.

8:18 p.m. – With 23 percent of the vote in, Mitt Romney is now ahead of Barack Obama in Florida … 51-48 percent.

8:13 p.m. – FINALLY some South Carolina results … with 6 percent of the vote in, S.C. Sen. Larry Martin (RINO-Pickens) is up big on petition candidate Rex Rice (68-32 percent).

8:12 p.m. – All eyes are on Ohio … no, Florida … no, Virginia … no North Carolina.

8:11 p.m. – (via Twitter) @LydiaRHendrix says: “I’m excited to see how many write-ins there were for the Joe Wilson race. I suppose we know at least one?”

Sic sez: Yup … I did it.  I wrote in this guy … “the original angry bird.”

8:09 p.m. – Oklahoma and its seven electoral votes have been called for Mitt Romney. 61-56 Obama.

Sic sez:  This is like a PAC-12 football score.

8:08 p.m. – In Florida Obama has a narrow lead but we’re told “that’s the Interstate 4 corridor and Miami.”

Sic sez: Hmmm … Obama could be in trouble in the Sunshine State.

8:05 p.m. – BOOM goes the dynamite.  Barack Obama declared the winner in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Washington D.C.  61-49 Obama.

8:00 p.m. – (via FB) Anna Wyss says “Loving the live news feed as I wait in line to vote. 2 hours in with I’m guessing at least an hour to go. God Bless America.”

Sic sez: “And Boiler Up!”

7:59 p.m. – 800,000 early ballots have been counted in Ohio … Barack Obama is winning 61 percent of them, Mitt Romney is getting 38 percent.  That’s about what was expected.

7:55 p.m. – Georgia and its 16 electoral votes have just been called for Mitt Romney.  49-3 Romney.

7:54 p.m. – S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley still standing by fiscal liberal/ crony capitalist Tom Rice in the South Carolina seventh congressional district …

“Voters on the Grand Strand and in the Pee Dee can make history on Tuesday by sending Tom Rice to Congress from the 7th District. An accountant and tax attorney, Tom Rice will focus on economic development and job creation for this growing and important new district and our state.”

Sic sez … sheesh.

7:52 p.m. – A recap of our endorsements in South Carolina races …

DeeDee Vaughters For S.C. Senate
Katrina Shealy For S.C. Senate
Joe Thompson For S.C. Senate
Sink The Speaker
HELL No To The Penny Tax
Kirkman Finlay For S.C. House
Beth Bernstein For S.C. House
Richie Yow for S.C. House

7:50 p.m. – No early returns yet for South Carolina … several contested State Senate and S.C. House races at stake.  Lots of people predicting upsets …

7:45 p.m. – Early results from North Carolina and Virginia show a tight race … those are “must win” states for Mitt Romney.

7:44 p.m.  (via Facebook) Pete Strom says “I have been made privy to national exit polling from a Republican. If they are accurate, Obama is going to win the electoral college decisively…but exit polling has been wrong before.”

Sic sez … President Kerry, anyone?


7:42 p.m. – Ha! Huffington Post called South Carolina for Barack Obama … ummmmm …

7:40 p.m. – Indiana and its 11 electoral votes have been called for Mitt Romney. 33-3 Romney.

7:35 p.m. – South Carolina has been called for Mitt Romney. 22-3 Romney. “Should be a surprise to absolutely nobody,” ABC analyst notes.

7:32 p.m. – West Virginia has been called for Mitt Romney. 13-3 Romney.

7:30 p.m. – Did we really need anybody to “call” Kentucky and Vermont?  Seriously …

7:28 p.m. – Kentucky and its eight electoral votes go to Mitt Romney. 8-3 Romney.

7:27 p.m. – Vermont and its three electoral votes go to Barack Obama. 3-0.

7:23 p.m. – Text from @MrsSic: “I (would) much rather be doing what we did last night than this!”

Sic sez: “Oooooooh …”

7:20 p.m. (via Facebook) Les Gardner says: “Now that the votes are cast let us hope that those elected, today, or 2, 4 or 6 years ago will decide to govern instead of playing games of political gotcha calculated only to garner money and votes for the next re-election campaign. Tomorrow would not be too soon to start governing.”

Sic sez: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

7:17 p.m. – Good for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul … he stayed out of the 2012 general election and didn’t endorse Mitt Romney because he saw “little difference” between Romney and Barack Obama (via CNN).

Sic sez: He’s right!

7:14 p.m. (via Twitter) @billyoungsc says “Do yourself a favor & check out Martha MacCallum on foxnews sometime tonight. #smokin

Sic sez: I’ve had historically bad luck w/ the Farrah Fawcett look …

7:12 p.m. – From the “making lemonade” file …

“I waited in line for FIVE AND A HALF HOURS at Dutch Fork Middle School, where there were four voting stations. Only three of these four were functional. As I stood in line outside, where the wind was blowing a cool 48 degrees of windchill down my bronchitis-laden throat, and I knew my vote mattered little in a state that is historically Red, I contemplated getting out of line. But, my neighbors were so high-spirited and cheerful, ordering pizza and sharing with everyone, passing around water bottles and coffee, that I realized that at least in this sense, I get a good glimpse of what it should mean to be American.”

Sic sez: So it was a “great day in South Carolina?”

7:10 p.m. – S.C. Election Commission (SCEC) confirming that it expects “record turnout” in South Carolina today – which is in line with record-breaking early voting totals.

7:07 p.m. – Voter in Charleston, S.C. wants to know “where’s Nimrata tonight?!?!?!”

Sic sez: Prolly the same place she was after the “First in the South” results came in …  

7:05 p.m. – MSNBC host Chris Matthews says people who voted for third party candidates “don’t know how the system works.”

Sic sez: Nah man … we know EXACTLY how the system works. 

7:03 p.m. – South Carolina is poised to see record turnout today … with more than 2 million people casting their ballots.

7:01 p.m. – CNN exit polling in Virginia shows Democrats 39 percent, Republicans 33 percent … really?

7:00 p.m. – Polls are closed on the East Coast.  Let the mayhem begin!

6:55 p.m. – (via Twitter) @Rena1054 says “See Bill Clinton last night at rally? ‘Would you want to vote for someone who didn’t tell the truth time after time?’ YOU Bill?”

Sic sez: Yeah but lying about blow jobs is different than lying about … well, everything.

6:53 p.m. – As polls close on the East Coast, the national debt stands at $16.2 trillion … or $141,621 per taxpayer.

6:50 p.m. – In case you missed it, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) is already making excuses for a Mitt Romney loss, saying the “Republican” ran too far to the right …

6:47 p.m. – Awesomest text message ever: “Is it wrong that this election coverage is making me horny? Everyone is talking about how ‘tight’ it is.”

Sic sez: If that’s wrong … I don’t wanna be right.

6:46 p.m. – In case you missed it, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley got popped today for the widespread voting machine issues …

6:45 p.m. – About those South Carolina voting machines that kept failing today … (via Raw Story).

6:44 p.m. – If exit polls were accurate, John Kerry would have beaten George W. Bush in 2004.

6:42 p.m. – On the day of the election, the Real Clear Politics electoral map showed Obama with 201 electoral college votes, Mitt Romney with 191 votes and 146 votes up for grabs …

6:41 p.m. – Nancy Mace … where you at?  “Tweet that …”

6:40 p.m. – (via FB) Doug Ross says “entering the cone of silence for the next five hours… not going to look at anything related to the election until midnight.”

Sic sez: Lucky bastard.

6:39 p.m. – Mitt Romney said  he is so sure he is going to win that he’s only written one speech – a victory address.

6:35 p.m. – Predictions from a prominent South Carolina Republican politico …

President (popular vote) – Romney 49% Obama 48%
Electoral College – Romney 277, Obama 261 (Romney wins Ohio, Iowa, NH, FL, NC, VA + 1 in Maine)
7th Congressional District – Rice 55%, Tinubu 45%
U.S. Senate – Dems keep control at 51-47, Mourdock and Brown lose
U.S. House – Dems pick up three seats, GOP keeps control at 239-196

Jakie vs. Katrina – Katrina wins with 55% of the vote
McAbee vs. Nicholson – Nicholson wins
Thurmond vs. Tinkler – Thurmond wins
Barwick vs. McElveen – Barwick wins
Courson vs. Rikard – Courson win
Deedee vs. Setzler – Setzler wins

Brady vs. Bernstein – Bernstein wins
Finlay vs. McCulloch – Finlay wins
Gagnon vs. Garrett – Gagnon wins
Yow vs. Vick – Yow wins in an upset

6:33 p.m. – Expectations game …

6:30 p.m. – The talented and lovely Megan Jones (former intern in S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford’s office) showing some love for New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson down in her home state of Florida …

Sic sez: Mmmmm … live free, indeed!

6:25 p.m. – By the way, a special shout out “fuck you” to Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post.  This website has done nothing but link to this guy for months now and he decides to yank us from his list of top political tweeters?

Dick move, man … dick move.

6:22 p.m. – Columbia, S.C. mayor Steve Benjamin was handing out water bottles to voters waiting in the long lines in Columbia, S.C. today – urging them to support the Richland County sales tax hike.  That’s highly illegal.

Here’s a bottle from a voter who received Benjamin’s pro-sales tax pitch …

Sic sez: How many times are we going to let this thug of a mayor break the law before he is held accountable? 

6:20 p.m. – Our prediction for president?  Romney in a squeaker … 

6:17 p.m. – Our pick for president?  Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson … read why here.

6:15 p.m. – We’re also getting multiple reports that supporters of a sales tax hike for Richland County, S.C. broke all sorts of election laws today …

6:14 p.m. – If you’re just joining us, voting in South Carolina was a MESS today … especially in Richland County.  For a recap of some of the problems, click here.

6:10 p.m. – That didn’t take long … our live blog is less than five minutes old and we’ ve already got exit polling!

“Just got this from a lobbyist close to O camp…

VA          tie
NC          R plus 1
OH          O plus 4
FL            R plus 1
NH          O plus 3
PA          O plus 4
CO          tie
WI          O plus 4
IA            O plus 3
NV          O plus 5″

Sic sez: If Obama is spinning these … could it be good tidings for Mitt Romney?

6:08 p.m. – Looking for a place to follow tonight’s returns/ results?  Here’s a comprehensive list courtesy of our friends at Gigaom …


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Smirks November 6, 2012 at 6:37 pm

Exit polls are crap anyways.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 6:45 pm

Just listened to the talking head on CBS explain why we vote on Tuesday like his research staff were the only people in the world who knew how it came about. I think I learned the facts about US voting in 6th grade.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 7:50 pm

The idiots on NBC are reporting 76% for NoBama in SC but correctly reporting Romney as the winner…

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 7:59 pm

What’s the word on Rice / Tinubu Folks? They’re both bad but Tinubu would be a disaster.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 8:49 pm

Looks like a disaster in the making.

Squiggle Moose November 6, 2012 at 8:00 pm

Gary Johnson 2012! He may not win but I voted my conscience.

Silvio Dante November 6, 2012 at 8:48 pm

Hi Dong.

same ol' same ol' November 6, 2012 at 8:58 pm

I think I’ll just wait until in the morning just to see we have a half-white in the white house again.

sweepin November 6, 2012 at 9:04 pm

Richard Nixon’s “Silent Majority” has struck again. Larry Martin remains Senator from Pickens, resoundingly.

Where did the “Trifolds” go wrong?

sweepin November 6, 2012 at 9:07 pm

More Trifold bad news. Setzler up by 40%. Say what?

Dee Dee who?

Tired and Retired November 6, 2012 at 9:12 pm

Larry Martin winning is a Great Thing! You were wrong on that one.

mph November 6, 2012 at 9:37 pm

Hey Colonel, ready to concede or still under that banky?

It’s over, chump.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm

I seem to remember Gore winning Florida once upon a time…

mph November 6, 2012 at 9:51 pm

Hang on just a little longer, Colonel.

New Hampshire to Obama.

Only thing that confuses Republicans more than calenders is polls.

Mourdock done. Divine rape ain’t selling.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:12 pm

House still belongs to the Repubs so NoBama ain’t spending any more of our money on his socialist bullshit. It looks like the Senate will be roughly status quo to the Dems so we’ll go another 4 years without a budget as we spend ourselves into oblivion.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:47 pm

Unfortunately, if he wins, NoBama can spend all of his political capital (and some of our real capital) the next four years whipping up the teat suckers to support Democrat candidates and take the house back at the mid terms – what an unmitigated disaster that would be.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 11:22 pm

Concession granted.

mph November 6, 2012 at 9:42 pm

And there goes Scott Brown. Hilarious.

Doris November 6, 2012 at 9:51 pm

He was so handsome.

Shandon resident November 6, 2012 at 9:43 pm

Barkari Sellers in trouble…

mph November 6, 2012 at 10:09 pm

Aiken down, too. Legitimate rape ain’t selling either.


mph November 6, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Now Murphy. Hilarious.

It’s ass whippings all around.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 11:01 pm

I hope the voters of Massachusets eventually deeply regret voting for Pochontas, er uh Elizabeth Warren – they deserve her.

Silvio Dante November 6, 2012 at 10:11 pm

“Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has just been elected the second president of the Confederate States of America.”

Great line…people shouldn’t call us racist…an Indian American as governor and a liberal (depending on that day’s weather), Mormon, northerner as president of the Confederate States of America.

It’s a great day in South Carolina!

President Perry November 6, 2012 at 10:12 pm

Anyone know where the Big T Head Explosion Meter is at right now?

Sailor November 6, 2012 at 10:22 pm

It’s at 99.9%! Big T(urd) had better go and hide. It’s all over!

Original Good Ole Boy November 6, 2012 at 10:13 pm

Keep it up Colorado with prop 64. We need a state to finally break the ceiling and legalize marijuana.

Jeffy01 November 6, 2012 at 10:17 pm

Tea party etc are going to kill the Repubs. Ridiculous nut jobs

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:19 pm

Looks like Ol’Jakie is getting beat soundly.

Any word on the 14% tax hike, locally known in Richland County as the “penny tax”?

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:22 pm

The Poverty Pimp won 6 and it looks like Rice will beat The Socialist Poverty Pimp Wannabe Tinubu in 7.

Silvio Dante November 6, 2012 at 10:22 pm

“Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock – two Republican candidates for the U.S. S”enate who made controversial comments about rape – both lost races that they should have won tonight in Missouri and Indiana, respectively.”

Two more f’ing knuckle draggers that cost the Republicans the Senate.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:49 pm

20 votes separate NoBama and Romney in Virginia – a state of 8,000,000 people.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:52 pm

Pat the eternal candidate McCrory finally won the governorship in North Carolina – maybe they can finally clean up that cess pit they call a capital…

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:54 pm

Still no word on the effing penny sales tax – if Richland County can report the presidential numbers, why can’t they report the rest of the ballot?

Robert November 6, 2012 at 10:59 pm

If what appears to be happening actually happens, will Big T show up????????

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 11:02 pm

Not if his head explodes…

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 10:59 pm

Looks like the next governor’s race will have two names on the ballot, the constitutional ammendment has a 13 point lead with over half the counties reporting.

Silvio Dante November 6, 2012 at 11:10 pm

Good evening, Colonel. If it passes, that measure will not go into effect until 2018. So luckily for our next GOP LT. GOV candidate: He or she will not have to share space on a campaign sign with Nikki.

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Looks like the Penny won’t be spent if nothing changes – 53% in and a slight lead for NO!

The Colonel November 6, 2012 at 11:15 pm

That’s the ball game, let the gloating begin.

Ken E. November 6, 2012 at 11:17 pm

Suck it, BigT. That is all.

Nölff November 6, 2012 at 11:47 pm

Yeah. Suck big floppy dongs, T

SCBlues November 6, 2012 at 11:19 pm





dwb619 November 6, 2012 at 11:21 pm

big idio”T”, CNN just called it. Ya head head busting yet.
The TEA Party went SOUR and took the GOP with it!
I’ll be at McKittricks Bridge over the Reedy in south Greenville County if you wanna talk about it.

Robert November 6, 2012 at 11:21 pm

Oh Big T!!!! where are you?????? come take your medicine!!!!!!

Sailor November 6, 2012 at 11:26 pm

He’s busy packing to move to Mexico!

dwb619 November 6, 2012 at 11:27 pm

Poor Mexico!

Sailor November 6, 2012 at 11:29 pm

I wonder how all those millionaires and billionaires feel about all that money pissed away?

The guy in Detroit that owns the Ambassador Bridge spent 31 million to try to block the building of a second bridge. He lost!!

dwb619 November 6, 2012 at 11:35 pm

But Mitt said” corporations are people,my friend”.

dwb619 November 6, 2012 at 11:36 pm

Hillary just had multiple orgasms!

BigT November 6, 2012 at 11:37 pm

God Help us. This is one of the ugliest Days in the history of America…

The perverts, the hateful and the lazy are Glowing…But you should cry for your children and the loss of freedom…

This not America anymore…it is only w/ God’s help will we be able to get through this. It will be twice as miserable as the first round, except it will become violent when there is no more money for him to take from the few left w/ anything…

You should be very sad for your country..but I doubt you have the wisdom for that…

All we can do now is pray….

Ken E. November 6, 2012 at 11:39 pm

Hey man, no one is keeping you here.

Sailor November 6, 2012 at 11:40 pm

It’s called democracy you idiot!

dwb619 November 6, 2012 at 11:47 pm

God hates people who are profane to others and have taken his name in vain.

Nölff November 6, 2012 at 11:48 pm


President Perry November 6, 2012 at 11:49 pm

Go away and never come back. All your b.s. will be brought up every time you speak.

You know NOTHING about politics and you were wrong again.

Your girl Nikki is next.

Nölff November 6, 2012 at 11:49 pm


Isotope Soap November 6, 2012 at 11:49 pm

Well, will you now admit you hate America, and you can’t predict jack shit? Sorry, but you deserve it…

CID November 7, 2012 at 12:01 am

You are what you are

A two bit bigot

It’s what you are

It’s what you will always be

President Bachmann November 7, 2012 at 12:03 am

Nah, I’ll be just fine.

David Jones November 7, 2012 at 12:26 am

You’re right, BigT. The country that you once knew has gone away. Perhaps you should leave the country – or rally South Carolina to secede again….

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 2:58 am

Big(o)T, why do you hate America?

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 6, 2012 at 11:40 pm

As much as BigT hates Clemson, I’ll bet he would pull hard for Dabo and my beloved Tigers if they ever played The Electoral College !

BigT November 6, 2012 at 11:49 pm

Tonto: You are right. Sports is a passing fancy…

THIS IS MY COUNTRY…And I simply cannot believe people are so self-loathing…

While the attackers on here HATE me because I point to the failure of their secular god…I HATE what he is doing to my countrymen…

The Filthy rappers, the flamboyant homosexuals, the men-haters and the unjust and the lawless are in their glory tonight. It is sad for all decent people…

I simply do not understand how this country would wish those who hate America upon itself… I cannot understand that…

President Perry November 6, 2012 at 11:49 pm

Wow…Tonto…FTW! Well crafted.

President Perry November 6, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Yeah, not YOUR COUNTRY, dickhead.

Nölff November 7, 2012 at 12:33 am

Go tigahs

Robert November 6, 2012 at 11:47 pm

And FITS, I don’t know what source you were getting some of your blog from, but several posts were way off…..especially the one saying Obama lost by 2 million.

Silvio Dante November 6, 2012 at 11:52 pm

So…Barwick actually doesn’t mean Business.

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 12:04 am

11:22 p.m. – Despite trailing in the popular vote by nearly 2 million ballots, U.S. President Barack Obama has won a second term, according to the TV networks.

Yeah, the genius Donald Trump made this mistake, too. Uh, wait ’til they count the West Coast before you say Romney winning the popular vote.

BigT November 7, 2012 at 12:06 am

I don’t weep for myself, though I feel like it…I weep for the lost souls who know no better….

I have people on my street who have been w/o a job for 3 or 4 years…w/ no prospects, as they just get older…their helpless kids look up at them w/ pity…

They were so excited about the election, becuase it gave them hope for change…now all hope is gone…only shallow idol worship, and all of us are damned under the rule of a selfish charlatan…

PS: Bush was modest in his re-election, I fear Obama will rape us all now that the media has proven he is invincible no matter how he fails…..

His wrath is coming…and no one else matters…

President Cain November 7, 2012 at 12:14 am

Hope Michelle Bachmann and her gay husband lose as well to really ruin your night, you a-hole.

Go the hell away.

P.S. Dubya had not one shred of modesty in his body.

BigT November 7, 2012 at 12:19 am

‘W’ went real easy after his second win. He was president of ALL of America. 100% of it. romney want the best for ALL too.

Never have we had a president campaign on the idea that he HATES half the country and win, until Obama…

There are lot of White people who have been taught to hate themselves….and Obama and Co. were glad to join that bandwagon and hate them, too, for being white…

When people hand all their self-respect over to a person like Obama…he laughs like the Devil, because so many apparently chose him and Hell.

President Cain November 7, 2012 at 12:21 am

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…Go away, loser. You got bitch slapped…AGAIN.

Isotope Soap November 7, 2012 at 12:25 am

“I have people on my street who have been w/o a job for 3 or 4 years…w/ no prospects, as they just get older…their helpless kids look up at them w/ pity…”

…and I recall you called them munchers days ago?

I see you’re gonna bitch…repeat as ness…

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 1:34 am

You lefty libtards are quickly becoming exactly what you say you hate about BigT.

You are also becoming cheap gloaters and “spike the ball in the endzone” azzholes.

Telling him to leave the country? GAH. That’s schoolyard stuff. Get over yourselves.

None of you have the vision to see just how badly things could begin to go in this country in the next four years.

You think more hope and change is coming.

It isn’t.

It’s not going to be pretty with an extreme leftist at the helm in a teetering economy. Watch the stock market tomorrow and in the coming weeks.

And be ready for your taxes to go up. Be ready for that utopian dream of the “affordable care act” to begin to creep into your wallet.

Celebrate tonight.

Tomorrow and the next four years; not so much.

BigT, I know you won’t let these libtards get to you. You are solid and confident in your beliefs as am I. We who carry the conservative banner have been proven right many, many times, and the fact that about half of the country disagrees does NOT make conservatism wrong.

We will be proven to be correct, as always.

Rest well, great warrior. You have fought well.

Let the hissing vipers and demons hiss and snarl. They will all know one day that the truth is stronger than their hate.

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 2:04 am

I swear you guys live in an alternate universe. “Extreme leftist?” Bitch, please.

We will be proven to be correct, as always.

BigT has been wrong about basically everything during this election cycle. Who was going to be the nominee, saying any republican was going to destroy Obama, etc.

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 2:28 am

Forgot another thing BigT was wrong about. He was beyond certain that the Democrats would lose the Senate. Didn’t happen.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 3:03 am

If Obama hates half the country, Big(o)T is worse; he hates the whole country right now.

Smirks November 7, 2012 at 3:06 am

Jackson McPhee, ever heard of the Golden Rule? Big(o)T is being treated exactly how he treats FITSNews commenters.

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 3:10 am

Ken E, you missed the point, which is quite common for a drunk libtard.

Conservatives and conservatism will be proven to be correct, as always.

NOT individuals’ specific political win/loss predictions.

I never said that. Reduced reading comprehension capability will get you every time when you’re drinking, won’t it?

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 3:13 am

Smirks, apparently you are also drunk.

You are confusing “The Golden Rule” with “An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth.”

But, however wrong, you were at least sincere in your failed attempt at witticism, weren’t you?

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 3:14 am

Haven’t had a drink. If I did, I would probably be asleep now. (Sleepy drunk) So, which conservative policies have always proven to be correct?

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 3:18 am

Oh, and sorry… Smirks is correct when referring to the Golden Rule, you smug little bastard.

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 4:06 am

Ken E, you asked, “So, which conservative policies have always proven to be correct?”

Don’t spend more than you take in would be a good one to start with.

Now I’m sure you’ll say that Dems and Reps alike are guilty of violating that one.

And I’d agree.

But then I’d point out that Republican does not equal conservative.

Your assertion that Smirks is correct is incorrect, but perhaps you could look up both “concepts.” Maybe Google could be your friend just this once, huh?

Ken E. November 7, 2012 at 8:18 am

And conservatives voted for every single budget-busting Bush policy lock step, so what does the distinction between Conservative and Republican mean?

And you’re still wrong about the Golden Rule. Smirks and others are treating BigT just as he treats others.

Jackson McPhee November 8, 2012 at 2:52 am

Ken E, the TRUE conservatives didn’t vote for those things.

And I can tell that you still haven’t Googled the two concepts, or you wouldn’t still be making a fool of yourself.

Go ahead, do it. I can’t wait to see that light bulb come on in your head.

Ken E. November 8, 2012 at 9:36 am

You mean TRUE conservatives like Paul Ryan? haha. Very funny. Sorry, you’re still wrong about the Golden Rule. Why don’t you give me your interpretation.

Jackson McPhee November 10, 2012 at 1:56 am

You’re just another weaselly liberal coward. You “haha” at the thought of fiscal conservatism because you afraid and you know the myopic liberal ideals of throwing money at every problem isn’t the answer and is going to sink our nation.

And also because you challenge me on what I said about the two concepts, but are unwilling to stand up for your very own challenge.

Either you looked them up and found out you’re wrong, or you’re JUST TOO DAMN CHICKENSH!T to look into it because you’re AFRAID YOU’LL FIND OUT YOU’RE WRONG… which you will, if you do look them up.

Congratulations, you dumbass chickensh!t liberal coward.

Run like hell SOME MORE. Please. Don’t defend your challenge.

Ken E. November 10, 2012 at 7:21 am

Still waiting for your interpretation of the golden rule. Who’s the chickenshit?

Jackson McPhee November 11, 2012 at 12:07 am

You are. And you’re still running.

I told Smirks he was confusing the two.

You challenged my assertion. It is up to you to back up your challenge, then I will respond.

Here’s a clue for you since you’re too stupid and lazy to do even a simple Google search to defend your challenge. You probably won’t even have to Google it because most people wouldn’t. Answer this.

What is meant by “An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth?”

Ken E. November 11, 2012 at 12:28 am

Eye for an eye involves causing the same harm to a person that they have done to another, whether in the original sense of actually taking the eye or tooth, or in the sense you probably mean by hurting another emotionally with words. However, I doubt neither Smirks nor BigT were injured in any way in this case, physically or emotionally. The use of eye for an eye DOES NOT APPLY.

Now, going back to Smirks original statement:
Jackson McPhee, ever heard of the Golden Rule? Big(o)T is being treated exactly how he treats FITSNews commenters.

So the most common definition of the Golden Rule is: Treat others as you wish to be treated. And you see how Smirks uses the words “treated” and “treats” in his statement? THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HE MEANT!!! The Golden Rule, not Eye for an Eye…, you moron.

Jackson McPhee November 11, 2012 at 1:55 am

Wow. You gave it such a valiant attempt, but still missed the mark by a mile.

“Eye for an eye” means giving back “in kind” and nothing more… which is exactly what the BigT haters here are doing.

“The Golden Rule,” does mean treat others as you wish to be treated… more specifically “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Christ said that and it was meant to specifically to supercede “eye for an eye.” “Turn the other cheek” follows.

You probably shouldn’t attempt to speak for Smirks and all the BigT haters, but do you assume all of them wish to be treated with hate?

See? You failed, but the upside is that you learned something.

Ken E. November 11, 2012 at 7:09 am

You’re still wrong. Eye for an eye implies injury or harm in kind. No harm done here. What the hell does Christ have to do with your argument? The concept predates Christianity.

Jackson McPhee November 11, 2012 at 10:30 pm

No, you’re wrong. “Eye for an eye” means giving back “in kind” and NOTHING more… which is exactly what the BigT haters here were doing, demonstrated perfectly by Smirks saying, “Big(o)T is being treated exactly how he treats FITSNews commenters.”

The Golden Rule is NOT treating people the way they treated you.

Don’t be so afraid to admit when you’re wrong, especially when the evidence is clear, demonstrable, and undeniable.

Tired and Retired November 7, 2012 at 12:09 am

Sometimes when you are leading a parade, it is a good idea to look back and see if anyone is following you. I can understand why you were opposed to some incumbents in the Senate, but Wes Hayes and Larry Martin are two of the best Senators we have. I was a registered lobbyist for many years for a business league and our association and the business coalitions with which we affiliated considered these men to be conservative, responsible and totally reasonable. I enjoy your blog and often agree with points you raise, but targeting Martin and Hayes made no sense to me at all.

Libb November 7, 2012 at 9:19 am

He did it because he got paid to do so…

Silvio Dante November 7, 2012 at 12:10 am

Night, Night Joan Brady. Nikki’s next.

tomstickler November 7, 2012 at 12:57 am

If anybody cares, the proposed penny sales tax for capital projects in Georgetown County lost 45-55.

General Time November 7, 2012 at 3:59 am

Can you believe how stupid Chesterfield County is Ted Vick gets sent back to the state house for another term????? What? If you are crooked as hell and don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself you should move to Chesterfield County you can make a good living there and have a great life. This is hard to believe. This is worse than Obama going back to the white house. Dark dark days in this old world.

? November 7, 2012 at 9:02 am

The Vick things shows the depths of depravity in the proverbial human soul.

Aside from the fact that Vick can’t even run his own life properly let alone make decisions for a significant part of the population it shows how truly stupid the general population is.

Any one tired of democracy yet?

Jackson McPhee November 7, 2012 at 4:10 am

That’s just crazy talk, GT.

NOTHING “is worse than Obama going back to the white house.”

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 8:19 am

Settle down people. You have got Obama in the White Hose for 4 more years. You also have a GOP controlled House. Gridlock! The only time the GOP is worth a shit is when the other party holds the presidency. (Examples: 1994 GOP congress with Bill Clinton as President.) Anyone here who thinks we are better off now, or in 2008, than we were in 1998 is a damned fool.

Now the only thing that Obama did different from just continuing Dubya’s policies was Obamacare. Lest you believe that National Healthcare/ Socialised Medicine/whatever you want to call it, is something dreamed up by Obama and his commie mentors…the idea has been being pushed on America by Democrats and “progressives” since Roosevelt. That’s TEDDY Roosevelt, beetchez!

Bbbbbut, Romney and the GOP were going to repeal Obamacare if they got in power, right?

Yeah, believe that, playa!

Not withstanding the ugly fact that Obamacare is based on …ROMNEYcare; the GOP also promised to repeal the New Deal and the Great Society. I haven’t really kept up of late, so maybe BigT or some of you other GOP stalwarts can let me know how thats going.

TontoBubbaGoldstein November 7, 2012 at 8:36 am

White Hose = White House. (Sorry if I got you all worked up, 9″.)

Mea culpa on the never ending italics.

It’s early, dammit!

And…. I literally cannot seem to proofread long posts on my ‘Droid. The cursor moves where it wants to … the screen moves around at will, foul smelling green smoke emanates from the phones orifices and sometimes I hear a gutteral voice talking about “Zool” and “Gozer” and urging me to ” Choose the form of my Destructor “.

C’est la vie.

Really SC? November 7, 2012 at 8:50 am

Hey Fits, how about you stop saying “a former democrat” every time you write Larry Martin’s name? Or maybe we should say Will Folks, “a former girlfriend beater,” or how about Will Folks, “a former drug addict” every single time we say your name. He changed parties in 1992 which was… last time I checked… 20 years ago. You are a broken, angry record man.


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