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Guest Column: Why Conservatives Must Reject This Year’s Spending Package
Why is a “Republican” budget funding so many priorities of the radical left?
Have the teachers whined about needing yet another annual double digit increase in pay? If you know what the job pays, don’t whine when you get hired and are forced to live off of $40,000 for a job that only requires you work 9 months out of the year.
Dang, life must be sad as hell if you are jealous of public school teachers.
Do better and you feel like such a nobody loser, my guy.
So in your benighted and perverted way of thinking, teachers are “suckers and losers” for choosing their
that pays such a low salary. I mean, “what’s in it for them?”
The RNC just became Trump’s own personal ATM to cover his legal fees. That will be the RNC’s only mission going forward. The sensible Republicans are jumping ship left and right. Heck, Ken Buck was like “Fuck you MAGA nuts, I’m outta here next week!” Eroding even further the unless Republican majority.
Very soon, it’s just going to be MAGA nuts as a hapless minority in Congress. They couldn’t run a lemonade stand without it turning into a childish brawl. Their policies and positions are HUGELY unpopular with a vast majority of voters.
The Freedumb KKKaucus has been a boon to our enemies in Russia and China for the last several years. Doing nothing but obstruction, while continuously trying to bring the government to a stand still and killing funding to help our allies put Putin down for good.
Expect the Freedumb KKKaucuses across the South and in Congress to ramp up their crazy, anti-American behavior in the coming days. The Republican Party is dead.
Ken Buck really screwed what’s left of the GQP.
Who needs Democrats, when Republicans are more than happy to piss away their wasted Congressional majority!
At least Ken really stuck it to that trailer-trash, ho-bag, Lauren Boebert. Couldn’t happen to a worse group of garbage humans ;-)
Ah yes, FitsNews’s allegiance to the Koch Brothers remains in tact, I see. It’s the “no taxes for the wealthy” mantra that got this country and this state in the mess we’re in now. Why should the struggling middle class get stuck with their tax bills? Trickle down, aka Reaganomics was the beginning of the end of middle-class upward mobility in the US. It doesn’t work. Duh. But yes, let’s just listen to a group created solely to keep the Koch’s from paying their fair share. No thank you. Been there, couldn’t afford the t-shirt, and am done with the propaganda from groups like the “Freedom” caucus. They mean freedom for them to screw the middle and lower class. Their grand plan is to convert public education into “pay-for-education” which will dumb down the US population and further aid our decline into a second world country.
No common sense in the state house. Spending money like no tomorrow and don’t dare question them, they know better than you. Aren’t citizens tired of being the bank for liberal SC legislators and their ignorant spending? I am. But people just keep pulling the R vote……