
Murdaugh Retrial Hearing: Interview With Lauren Taylor

A fresh take on the upcoming retrial hearing …

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VERITAS Top fan January 5, 2024 at 5:33 pm

“Just be honest. Let’s just lay all the chips on the table.” Best advice to everyone involved in the Murdaugh Circus. Rebecca Hill needs to take the high road if justice is to be had in this entire sordid situation. Regardless, if a new trial is granted, he would again be convicted. He was there when Maggie and Paul were executed, annihilated. And it had been “planned for a long time” by the man who has “nothing in him,” Richard Alexander Murdaugh. The evidence is irrefutable.

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VERITAS Top fan January 5, 2024 at 5:45 pm

You will want to review Judge Newman’s parting comments to the “Egg Juror.” The juror asks Newman if her dismissal was due to her ex-husband. Newman responded, “It’s not related . . . “

Lizzie0714 Top fan January 5, 2024 at 9:30 pm

The egg juror also asked, is this because I spoke with Becky Hill? I’m sure that was left out of your comment intentionally. Judge Newman’s response should have been YES to the Becky Hill question! There actually should have been a mistrial when judge Newman stated in camera, that he was NOT Happy about his Clerk INTERROGATING a juror without his knowledge or permission. Fun side note, turns out, the “interrogation” of the egg juror by Becky Hill was directly related to some fake facebook post that she (and most likely, her brilliant IT son) completely made up and deleted. They probably used one of the 4 missing or wiped clean cell phones they had to do it too! I find it interesting that Becky always found herself an excuse to make it into the judges chambers when private meetings were held between the attorneys and judge. She probably had his office and emails wiretapped too! How else would she have known about the tenant co-worker’s email sent directly to the judge? She mentioned this in her plagiarized book. Btw. Big thank you to Fits News for releasing the JM interview on YouTube so that the public has free access to the whole interview. Mandy & Liz actually expect people to have to pay to have access to something that can be FOIAed. Glad y’all are above that level of greed.


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