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Dave Chappelle: The Truth A Triggered Media Can’t Handle
“Viewpoint discrimination?”
“Viewpoint discrimination?”
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Statistically speaking if Mrs Folks keeps birthin’ dem babies one or more might be gay/trans.
Thank you Nanker Phelge for epitomizing the lack of intellectual points in the trans movement.
The point stands, even if you are incapable of responding to it.
Don’t you think it’s weird how you obsess over strangers genitalia?
If you are bothered by trans people, then that’s what you are really thinking about.
You sicko perv.
I think the last times I even heard about this guy was when he was on stage with Elon getting booed, and when he got butthurt over the kids at his old school not fawning over him. Dude’s just not all that funny anymore, he’s really upset people just don’t laugh at his crappy jokes outside of the conservatives who are triggered over trans people existing.
Hope he enjoys only being relevant to right wing chuds. At least he isn’t full on praising hitler like Kanye, but damn, I mean, you’d have to dig a trench to get under that bar.
Oh come on!?!
Don’t you remember getting drunk and coked up at 5 Points and yelling “I’m Rick James, Bitch!!!!” incessantly with your, bros???
Those were the good times….
“ Government should err on the side of protecting liberty, not suppressing it.”
OK, so what about your stance on government restricting women’s right to make their own medical decisions?
What about your stance on government going after trans people?
How can you be a diehard MAGA Republican, who is fully behind Trump, who says right out loud that he will be a “dictator” if elected again?
How can you support a party that is openly anti-freedom and liberty?
Please, go find a shred of self-awareness. Get help, ask one of your kids (the gay one).
Liberty and freedom is what Will thinks it is, so if he decides your freedom isn’t a real freedom, then it isn’t. Bam! Checkmate libs!
Will-I am so conflicted. You do such an amazing job writing a piece like this that is so relevant and so believable. Legit journalism. But did you & Jenn really go after Mandy and Liz in the dark underworld of Reddit with crazy people? Or anything like it? Say it ain’t so…and convince me that you’re telling the truth. The evidence otherwise seems insurmountable. Me thinks they would not risk life and career by libel, slander or defamation.
Where do we look this up? *grabs another handful of popcorn* Sounds good!
Ooooooh, found it!
This blog is so entertaining with its un-ironic takes and typical intra-MAGA drama. Finding the Reddit stuff is just more free bonus content!
Will Folks used to comment here under his own blog posts using different names until he got called out on it.
So, it would not be surprising if he was harassing people on Reddit.
What’s a “furry”?
So Dave said he would say he was a woman so he could sexually assault women if he was sent to prison?
The “truth” you are eluding to, is that conservative men want to abuse women by any means necessary. You are projecting your own hatred of women on to trans people and it’s beyond sad.
It’s no surprise a convicted woman beater, like Will Folks, is struggling with his own sexuality. I bet TRav has some stories to tell about his former scrub;-)