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SC Politics

Charleston Mayor: Why Is The Post And Courier Covering For John Tecklenburg?

What’s motivating the Palmetto State’s “paper of record” to be a one-sided mouthpiece for the status quo incumbent?

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Happy Jack Top fan November 18, 2023 at 10:13 am

Will, the following is the most descriptive sentence published in years in reference to the N&C reporter;
“ Oh, and I’m also saying Hicks is a pearl-clutching candy ass whose work reads like a tear-smudged letter to the editor of Teen Vogue.” The second best is the one about Cogswell being “ I find Cogswell to be a preening, sanctimonious, self-important know-it-all who presumes himself to be the most knowledgable person in any room he enters. ”. I am laughing at both and as we know all laughter is based upon truth. Keep up the great work!

A Name November 18, 2023 at 11:31 am

“ Post has been nothing short of a propaganda organ…”

If anyone would know about being a blatant “propaganda organ”, it’s Will Folks and this blog.

One thing all MAGA goofs have in common is living in a vacuum where no self-awareness has any chance of entering ;-)

Happy Jack Top fan November 18, 2023 at 2:56 pm

I would chose a blog, which Fitsnews is not, over the Newless Courier any day.

A Name November 18, 2023 at 6:46 pm

FitsNews is a regional political gossip blog that openly shills for MAGA politicians.

No journalism, but a lot of falsehoods and propaganda originating from Russia. With a smidge of true crime to get some clicks.

It’ll be interesting when Nikki gets the nomination and Will has to fess up to lying about their affair. What a journalist ;-)

Tabloid Blog November 20, 2023 at 8:56 am

Regional is generous. Willing to bet the only things that got FITS consistent traffic from outside SC was Alex Murdaugh and… *sigh* Southern Charm.

Marry November 18, 2023 at 7:34 pm


Marry November 18, 2023 at 7:34 pm

My last check was $8750 simply working 12 hours for each week. My neighbor have tracked down the assessment of $15k for quite a while and she works close to 20 hours for seven days. I could not believe how at any point direct it was once I attempted it data..

Marry November 18, 2023 at 7:37 pm

My last check was $8750 simply working 12 hours for each week. My neighbour have tracked down the assessment of $15k for quite a while and she works close to 20 hours for seven days. I could not believe how at any point direct it was once I attempted it data..
Here ………> >

Marry November 18, 2023 at 7:38 pm

George Johnson Top fan November 19, 2023 at 6:43 am

Remove all the trivia dust and hearsay and only one thing matters — Cogswell is MAGA.

CongareeCatfish Top fan November 20, 2023 at 9:46 am

yeaaaah, I dunno about that. If it were true: 1) Teck would have stapled it to Cogswell’s forehead for all the world to see, which he didn’t; 2) the known MAGA groups in the area have disclaimed him; 3) I don’t think any far-left black activist candidate would endorse him if he were really MAGA, even if she were pissed at Teck – they would just say don’t vote for Teck; 3) Cogswell is not in any of the MAGA groups in the legislature; 4) Cogswell didn’t vote like a MAGA in the legislature, and 5) the people who vote in local elections tend to be the most politically active and informed in their area, and accordingly a MAGA candidate could not command the vote percentage that Cogswell took in the election in a venue like the City of Charleston. He just doesn’t walk and talk like a MAGA kind of duck….he’s basically just a bit right of center – like by the width of an eyelash.

D November 22, 2023 at 9:16 pm

Tecklenburg reminds me a bit of Jimmy Carter – comes across as a nice guy but is incompetent at governing.

As for the summer 2020 downtown rioting, that was Tecklenburg’s signature moment. The one evening of his life he needed to bring his A game and he went AWOL. Then he emerged from his bunker the next day like Baghdad Bob in front of a pillaged King St. proclaiming victory in that no one had been killed. Yippeeeeee.

I talked to several Charleston city police officers in the weeks that followed as to why the wanton destruction was allowed. None of them wanted to go into details but each of them said “the mayor.”

Tecklenburg sealed his status when he more recently jumped into the Charleston County school district kerfuffle and tossed around “Moms for Liberty” as a pejorative. He’s sat idly by for years as the Charleston County school board was run by liberals. Now, when a conservative majority was elected, he decided to open his yapper and insert his foot.

Bye, Bye, mayor.


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