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Our media outlet recently received video footage purportedly depicting someone throwing a deceased – and likely frozen – canine into a dumpster at the city of Columbia, South Carolina’s animal services facility on “Humane Way” just off of Shop Road southeast of the city.
The footage has previously been posted to social media by advocates for reform of this city division, which is “charged with the humane care and euthanasia of unwanted pets in the city and (in) Richland County.”
Here is the clip …
(Click to View)
Reporter Cynthia Beasley of WIS TV-10 (NBC – Columbia, S.C.) previously published records detailing the shelter’s habit of euthanizing dogs within days of them entering the shelter – often failing to document why animals were killed. Beasley’s reporting noted that many of these killings appeared to have been in contravention of the state’s “stray hold” law, which requires shelters to keep animals alive for at least five days to give their owners time to locate them.
Former shelter volunteer Felicia Lee told Beasley “stray holds aren’t being done.”
Beasley’s story prompted Columbia S.C. councilwoman Aditi Bussells to request quarterly euthanasia reports from the shelter, yet sources familiar with the operation of the facility – who’ve asked to speak on the condition of anonymity – insist best practices still aren’t being followed.
Sources tell FITSNews a large number of animals are still being euthanized in violation of the “stray hold” law, and that dead animals are being stored in a walk-in freezer when there are too many to dispose of through the facility’s crematorium.
Columbia animal services superintendent Victoria Riles told FITSNews “Our Animal Services facility operates in accordance with best practices, which includes the use of incineration as the primary method of animal disposal. However, if the shelter incinerator is temporarily out of commission, alternative means of disposal are exercised. In 2021 the shelter incinerator of approximately 15 years ceased to operate effectively, this development necessitated the acquisition of a new incinerator. During that time, temporary methods of animal disposal were used. The new incinerator was installed in June of 2022 and is currently the sole source for animal disposal. This machine will seek periodical maintenance and downtime.”
FITSNews is investigating other alleged improprieties in the shelter’s operations and will update readers as the situation develops. Anyone with relevant information is encouraged to reach out to
(Via: Travis Bell)
Dylan Nolan is the director of special projects at FITSNews. He graduated from the Darla Moore school of business in 2021 with an accounting degree. Got a tip or story idea for Dylan? Email him here. You can also engage him socially @DNolan2000.
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Dead puppies
Dead puppies
Dead puppies aren’t much fun
They don’t come when you call
They don’t chase squirrels at all
Dead puppies aren’t much fun
My puppy died late last fall
He’s still rotting in the hall
Dead puppies aren’t much fun, no no no
Mom says puppy’s days are through
She’s going to throw him in the stew
Dead puppies aren’t much fun
Dead puppies
(Dead dead dead) dead puppies
Dead puppies aren’t much fun
dead puppies
(Dead dead dead) dead puppies
(Dead dead dead) dead puppies aren’t much fun
Dead puppies
Dead puppies
Source: LyricFind
this is news how?
spay and neuter you animals folks
This is disgusting.
This is disgusting. How could anyone treat an animal like that?
Uhhhh…he is dead already.
He was hard as a rock. Notice how he bounced off of that dumpster.
The way the person at the shelter tossed this poor deceased dog in the dumpster was a disgrace. No respect, no empathy and no compassion. This poor dog was murdered and this is how the remains are treated? This person should be fired, but he won’t be because they are all guilty of it.