
More Aid To Ukraine? ‘Republican’ Group Puts Pressure On Congress

A great “return on investment?”

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A group branding itself ‘Republicans for Ukraine‘ is ramping up pressure on GOP lawmakers in the U.S. Congress – embarking on a “persuasion and education campaign” in the hopes of convincing them to support $21 billion in additional taxpayer funding for this proxy war.

“Now is a pivotal time for Americans, especially Republicans, to support Ukraine,” the group’s national spokesman, Gunner Ramer noted. “For just five percent of our annual defense budget, America has helped Ukraine destroy half of Russia’s army and liberate its territory and people. That’s a great return on investment for American national security.”


Perhaps it is a “great return on investment” for strident neoconservative warmongers like U.S. senator Lindsey Graham and 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

Hell, just ask Graham …



“The Russians are dying,” Graham remarked back in May, calling the billions of dollars America is pumping into this proxy war as the “best money we’ve ever spent.”

While the American military-industrial complex and its self-serving puppets are certainly pleased, the benefits for beleaguered American taxpayers are far less evident – especially in light of U.S. president Joe Biden‘s request for even more money to fight this failed proxy conflict (on top of the nearly $80 billion they have already spent).

This is why American support for the conflict is evaporating. Last month, a CNN survey found 55 percent of Americans opposed additional funding for the conflict compared to 45 percent who supported it.

No wonder this new pro-Ukraine group is springing into action with an advertising blitzkrieg (here and here) along with a legislative scorecard for GOP members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Polls show support slipping among Republican base voters for Ukraine,” the group’s release acknowledged. “By educating GOP voters and Congressional leaders about the need to continue supporting America’s ally, Republicans for Ukraine is mobilizing public opinion behind what was traditionally a bedrock conservative principle: strong American leadership in the world.”

Again … really?

I agree GOP voters need to be educated on the situation in Ukraine – although I suspect the truth is not what the government censors want them to hear.




To recap: America orchestrated the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government nine years ago. U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland – who was recently promoted by Biden – and ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt literally conspired with a bunch of Nazis (literally) to overthrow Victor Yanukovych, a pro-Russian politician chosen by the Ukrainian people as their president in the February 2010 national election. Next, they installed a diplomat fresh out of Hillary Clinton’s state department as head of Ukraine’s provisional government. Finally, Nuland and Pyatt hand-picked the country’s new prime minister – Arseniy Yatsenyuk – and promptly frog-marched him to the Oval Office to receive his marching orders from then-president Barack Obama.

“(The 2014) coup was not only supported by the United States and European Union governments – much of it was actually planned by them,” former U.S. congressman Ron Paul wrote at the time.

Why? Well, we found out why during Joe Biden’s bid for the White House in 2020 … except no, we didn’t. That story was spiked by the mainstream media and overtly censored by left-leaning social media.

“Whether it is this flashpoint, the one in the Middle East or the one in Taiwan, America’s neoconservative political leaders continue to advance costly policies aimed at inviting broader conflicts with our top geopolitical rivals, China and Russia,” I noted back in the spring.

That certainly keeps politicians like Graham and Haley in business, but it is clearly not making America safer … and as the latest “aid” package once again proves, the cost remains prohibitive.



Will Folks (Dylan Nolan)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven (soon to be eight) children.



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Nope September 19, 2023 at 12:18 pm

More Russian propaganda from Putin’s bargain basement “useful idiot”, Welfare Will Folks.

A Name September 20, 2023 at 12:00 am

Those who support Russia:
North Korea
Scattered Dictators and Authoritarians
Neo-Nazis and other Racist groups across the World
MAGA Republicans

Great company you keep there, FitsNews.

No wonder this blog is a running joke across the State ;-)

Good Old Days September 20, 2023 at 10:14 am

Remember when FITS was only beholden to Howard Rich?

Bottom feeding for life September 21, 2023 at 10:57 pm

And Nancy Mace’s Daddy?

Today’s GQP September 19, 2023 at 12:46 pm

The GQP’s turn to bigoted, anti-American authoritarianism is complete. The Party is only in place to protect the criminals they keep putting into office. Republicans are hurting our military and safety by blocking routine promotions. They are going to shutdown the government, hurting countless Americans, so they can get “payback” for Trump’s impeachments. Now, they are openly giving support to our enemies. Enemies of freedom all over the World.

This is today’s GQP

Bye, losers September 19, 2023 at 2:58 pm

Can we send all these MAGA idiots to Russia?

It already is the hell scape they hope to turn America into.

J Monday Top fan September 20, 2023 at 6:34 am

Great article, Will. The truth isn’t always popular, but needs to be told.

Observer (the real one) September 20, 2023 at 12:45 pm

And yet the truth is rarely if ever found on this blog.

Maybe you can find some truth in another blog that isn’t dedicated to an entire political party of pathological liars and crooks?


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