The ‘Other’ Swamp Scandal

More trouble for Joe Biden?

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While the mainstream media – and this news outlet – breathlessly reported on the details
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RC August 2, 2023 at 10:23 am

Will should do himself a favor and let Mark handle these articles.

Nanker Phelge August 2, 2023 at 11:43 am

Will Folks, beating a dead horse with another dead horse. Let it go, dude.

GOP NPC August 2, 2023 at 1:05 pm

Trump bad? No, Biden bad! Biden very bad! Evidence? Evidence is woke! Biden bad!

Best Days of his Life August 2, 2023 at 3:24 pm


You know Will Folks loves sitting at his computer looking at Hunter Biden’s dick pics….reminiscing about his days as TRav’s scrub.

Tom August 3, 2023 at 6:29 pm

Why do you people keep lying about this? Did you even read the transcript of Devon Archer’s testimony? It was a total disaster for Republicans. It was so bad they lied about it before finally releasing the Transcripts, even trying to imply the Trump indictment was to distract from the Archer testimony. Why would Biden want to distract from Archer’s testimony, when what he actually said was Hunter Biden was trying to sell the illusion of access to his father and that Joe Biden wasn’t involved with Burisma, didn’t talk business with his son’s associates, and didn’t take bribes.

Let’s look at some of the relevant points,

First, the allegation that Biden got rid of Shokin, a Ukrainian prosecutor, because he was going after Barisma. Archer testified that he was told the pressure from Biden “was bad for Burisma, not good. Shokin was assisting Barisma in gaining access to funds tied up in London.

Second, Archer was asked, did Hunter Biden ever ask his father to take official actions on behalf of his business partners. “He did not,” Archer said. “He did not ask him — to my knowledge, I never saw him say, do anything for any particular business.”

Archer was asked to confirm that he was not aware of any policy discussion between Hunter Biden and his father or of any occasion on which he asked the then-vice president to do anything improper. “That’s my understanding,” Archer said.

Archer was asked, would he disagree with the idea that an FBI interview form that Republicans keep bringing up constituted evidence of a bribe. Yeah, I would,” Archer said, noting this sort of boasting was common in such situations. He then said he was never aware of any bribe offered to Hunter Biden or anyone else.

Look we don’t care about Hunter Biden. If he was making money off of his name, it is nothing that the Trump kids did not do on a much larger scale. Why did the Saudis give Jared 2 billion dollars? Why did the Chinese give Ivanka patents? Why did Jared’s family tell Chinese businessmen they could get green cards for anyone who invested in their real estate ventures? Why did the Saudis and other countries spend millions more each year of the Trump Presidency staying in Trump hotels than they did before and after he was President? Why did the President of Argentina get involved in a Trump Hotel project that was stalled in Buenos Aires?

If it is illegal for the child of a politician to make money by implying access to their parents, then by all means arrest them all. Put Hunter, Jared, Ivanka, Don, Jr., Eric, etc., etc in jail, and let’s be done with it. I don’t give a flip what happens to any of them. But stop the lies on top of lies, that seem to flow freely from the mouths of all Trump supporters.

Flossip Top fan August 4, 2023 at 9:08 am

And yet, not a word about the $2 billion that the Saudis gave Jared while he was also supposedly an employee of the White House. And then there are all those patents that Ivanka had rubber-stamped by the Chinese government, also while working in the White House. Did I mention that Jared couldn’t get a top-secret clearance level somehow and yet, had easy access to all top-secret documents. Nope, not a single word about THAT scandal in the GOP cover-up machinery of the right-wingnut press.

J Monday Top fan October 16, 2023 at 6:26 am

Biden & son should be indicted and tried for treason against the United States.


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