US & World

Prioleau Alexander: America The Great

The land of the free … and deep-fried snickers, mustard-based BBQ sauce, nail guns, thermal scopes, and county fair rollercoasters assembled by a gaggle of meth heads.

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It’s Independence Day, and time to hoist a glass to the greatest nation on the planet! America
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Nanker Phelge July 4, 2023 at 10:55 pm

It’s fitting on Independence Day to remember the speech President Trump gave on this day in 2019, reading from a Teleprompter, that Continental troops took control of the airports from the British during the Revolutionary War. Yes, airports in the 1770’s.

Oddly, none of the people squawking nonstop about Biden’s “dementia” had any problem with Don’s many excursions into crazy town.

American Fever Dream July 5, 2023 at 12:04 am

Land of the Fee, Home of the Debt Slave.

Pay thousands of dollars to insurance – if you can even afford it – so you only have to pay thousands of dollars to see a doctor the insurance allows you to? Freedom!

Borrow tens of thousands of dollars to get a degree but can’t find a job that doesn’t expect you to do an unpaid internship first? Freedom!

Can’t buy a house because housing is an investment vehicle and the market is given artificial scarcity so others can profit? Freedom!

Don’t worry, you’re just voting for the wrong neoliberal! Vote for the other neoliberal and the rich will get richer, and, uh… Oh look! Is that a drag queen? Reading a book? Wow, that seems really important! I can’t even remember what we were talking about now! Keep looking that way while I lift the wallet out of your back pocket though.


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