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Prioleau Alexander: The ‘Do-Nothing’ Party

“The overwhelming number of Republicans are not just sleeping with the enemy … they are the enemy.”  

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Wayne Hegamyer Top fan June 29, 2023 at 10:07 am

Sad but true

Observer (the real one) June 29, 2023 at 11:49 am

I was totally with you until the part where you tried to make Trump sound like a “did-something” President.

When DJT pushed through his bumpstock ban, causing more tangible harm to our 2A rights in his first three years than Obama did in eight, what did the Republicans do? Nothing.

When DJT, rather than drain The Swamp as promised, made almost all major hires, appointments, and nominations directly from The Swamp, what did the Republicans do? Nothing.

When DJT was adding to the Federal deficit, what did the Republicans do? Nothing.

When DJT was pushing the Faucian clot shots, acquiescing in shutdowns of commerce and daily life, what did the Republicans do? Nothing.

Lowest Common Denominators June 30, 2023 at 1:19 am

DJT had a good portion of his presidency on cruise control and delegated most of the actual work to Republican party stooges. Republicans didn’t “do nothing,” they did all the stuff you complained about.

You guys are still stuck thinking Trump masterminded all this stuff when the guy was playing golf and dicking around on Twitter while “the help” ran the WH Day Care all around him.

Combine this with DeSantis tilting at mouse eared windmills and RFK Jr. shilling for crypto and honestly, I don’t understand how you folks dress yourselves every morning with the amount of intellect it takes to idolize these morons like you do.

SwampWitch July 1, 2023 at 10:08 am

It’s repetition of these faux outrage issues drummed in their heads 24/7. No one delivers on that better than the GOP and the radical right media. We all know they don’t really believe any of the crap they spew but their stooges do, as often seen in this very column space.

Frank June 29, 2023 at 3:46 pm

LOL you believe every piece of crap conspiracy theory you have ever read (as long as it is what you want to hear). The reason Republicans did nothing about 90% of your observations, is they are fake news. There was nothing to do. It is all crap ginned up by right-wing media and those who control them to play their dumb ass readers and watchers, and by politicians like Donald Trump to get those same dumb asses to send them money. Just like you are doing right now. Intentionally, or giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you are a fool you are spreading the same fake news and disinformation that has been debunked over and over. But you can’t fix stupid, so most of us have quit trying.

Kevorkianomics June 30, 2023 at 1:12 am

The GOP wants dumb, uneducated laborers to exploit and grift off of, but actually going down a rabbit hole like anti vax is endangering the livestock. You have to keep it at the conspiracy level so only the dumbest of the dumb win themselves some Darwin Awards. The rest need to remain vaccinated so they can go back to the soulless cubicle farms and/or service industry jobs without killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands.

The deaths of over a million Americans is only a big deal insomuch as it affects the pocketbooks of the insanely rich. If they found a way to make money off of that many deaths they would be cranking that machine 24/7.

Losers and Suckers June 30, 2023 at 1:03 am

Republicans don’t act on the lies their propaganda arm sells you on? Oh geeze man, what a shocker.

Next you’ll tell me they aren’t investigating the pharmaceutical companies that bribe them because it was never about actual concern over what was in the vaccines, just making sure you dull witted gullible clods showed up to vote in an election they still bungled badly.

I think Drunkle is close to realizing he’s been a fool all along, but in the most hilariously wrong way possible. GOP fiction writers aren’t doing a good enough job for him anymore.

MaryContrary Top fan June 30, 2023 at 1:11 am

And sadly, here we are????

Nanker Phelge June 30, 2023 at 9:55 am

A summation:


Astonished Top fan June 30, 2023 at 12:35 pm

Nothing but a GOP piece in disguise! Ha ha ha ha

Mark Houde Top fan June 30, 2023 at 7:38 pm

While it does appear the GOP is a pack of wussies and the Dems are the party of insanity, it’s the unelected bureaucrats running the country so politicians can concentrate on insider trading and doing as little as possible for American citizens.


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