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Anonymous June 15, 2023 at 3:12 pm

No need to slime DeSantis. Just quote him and his wife. BTW, Will … you slime up your website by including this wannabe William Buckley sophomoric embarrassment as a contributor.

Nanker Phelge June 15, 2023 at 3:49 pm

DullSantis is notorious for cooking the books on COVID, crime, and just about everything else to make Florida look better than it is.

He lost a fight with Mickey Mouse, ferchrissakes.

Leave Ronnie Alooooone! June 15, 2023 at 9:30 pm

Oh noes, they’re saying mean things about DeSantis! I mean, true things, but, but, they’re mean!

Quick, let’s retreat to a safe space blog where I can have a good cry about it!

Anonymous June 16, 2023 at 6:31 am

You tend to receive a lot of negative comments from sixth graders.

SwampWitch June 16, 2023 at 7:25 am

In all fairness, this column is rather like a 6th grader wrote it.

Dunce Cap June 16, 2023 at 1:09 pm

Lord I hope Drunkle isn’t considered 6th grade level, otherwise Will might have a point about failing public schools.

SwampWitch June 16, 2023 at 7:47 am

FYI– Twitter has lost two-thirds of its former value since Elon Musk took over. Also, he didn’t found Tesla, he just brought into it and then had himself listed as a co-founder. He’s not and never was. But I’m glad to see your vision for the future of the US is to turn it into an ecological disaster, like Ron DeSantis has done to Florida. But I’m oh so very amused at the guy who devours every word he sees and every lie he hears on Fox and then whines about the “liberal media”.

Ralph Hightower Top fan June 16, 2023 at 8:22 am

I closed my Twitter account solely based on a Tweet from Elon Musk extending an open arms welcoming to a pathological liar that was permanently banned by Twitter. I think you may know who I’m referring to.

But I found it entertaining as hell to learn of the massive technical glitches that interfered with the Trump/Musk Dog and Pony Show featuring Trump’s announcement.

Frankly, I never understood why a person with such a fragile ego and hates living under a microscope wanted to run for president. I can only guess that one of Trump’s sons wants to be president. Here’s the dialog:
Barron: Father, when I grow up, I want to be President.
Trump: Here. Hold my beer. Watch this!

I am a cisgender (had to look that up in the dictionary) male, but DeSantis has entered into a “pissing contest” with Disney.

PS: Huffington Post is not my news source. Faux News is not my source either.

“Hold my beer. Watch this” is often one’s last words before making an entry into the Darwin Awards website.

Tom June 16, 2023 at 12:09 pm

You are funny. You call everyone who does not fall for your fake bravado a leftist and stupid. I consider myself a middle-of-the-road average American, but I admit Trump did embarrass me. It embarrassed me that our country would elect a man who was an admitted criminal, narcissist, and pathological liar to the White House. He is the exact type of person our founders feared would obtain the Presidency. And boy, he did live up to my expectations of him. He used his office for personal profit; he directed government employees to stay in his hotels when traveling at taxpayer expense; he used his office to ask favors of foreign leaders for his business interests and his children’s businesses; and he cozied up to murderous dictators and dished our allies, leaving us the most vulnerable we had been in decades to advances by our enemies. But that is not enough. Then he went after the economy. He was the first President since Hoover, to leave office with fewer jobs in the country than when he came into office. He bungled the pandemic by lying about it, until it was too late. He then refused to take responsibility and organize a proper response, leaving each state on its own to address its problems. He pushed through tax cuts for his buddies the country could not afford and ran up the largest non-wartime annual deficits in history. Finally, he ended his Presidency by orchestrating an attempted coup, an attack on our Capitol, and stealing classified government documents, to be used for his political or economic gain. He is then forced the government to prosecute him by refusing to return them when asked to do so.

As for me being stupid, since Trump left office, we have restored all of the jobs he lost and produced more. Manufacturing is returning to the US and leaving China at a record pace. Trump’s annual deficits have been cut in half and are going down. Unemployment is at a FIFTY-YEAR low. Black unemployment is at a FIFTY-YEAR low. Our GDP is over twice what it was at any time during the Trump presidency; NATO is more potent than it has been in decades and Russia is weaker than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union. We have passed a badly needed infrastructure bill, and we have passed the Chips Act which is bringing badly needed Computer Chip Manufacturing back to the US. Not to mention there are more sanctions and tariffs against China in place than when Trump was President, and we are building new stronger alliances with the Japanese, the South Koreans, the Philippines, and the Australians to foster more defense spending by those countries to counter China’s aggressive military growth. No one wanted an alliance with us under Trump because we could not be trusted.

So will I ever support a man who bragged about being just like Trump? Hell no. I take him at his word, and I do not want my country to elect another dictator wannabe. Is he sleazy? Well we do have pictures of him partying with high school students, but I don’t need that. If he is just like Trump, that is by definition sleazy; and the fact that he thinks we should not do anything to a man who stole classified information and whose own Justice Department prosecuted people for far less tells me all I need to know about how he regards the rule of law.

Ralph Hightower Top fan June 25, 2023 at 10:43 am

DeSantis is doing a damned fine job of sliming himself by getting into a pissing contest wi Disney and banning Anheuser-Busch Busch beer from the state of Florida for their LGBTQ+ spokesperson.


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